As time passed, there was still no movement, even Butterfly Chana Hui couldn't stay still anymore, she couldn't help looking at the husband, thinking that "[-]" would ask the husband when the evil spirit would come back.

"Sir, when will the ghost come out?"

Finally, Butterfly couldn't hold back and asked in a low voice.

Su Mu raised his head and glanced at Die Die Ren: "Do you not even have the patience to hunt evil spirits? If so, go back and be an ordinary person."

Hearing what my husband said, Butterfly Ninja immediately lowered her head, and began to wait patiently like her sister.

At first, Butterfly Shinobi had a hard time persevering, but gradually, he began to adapt and began to observe his surroundings carefully.

Suddenly, as if feeling something, Su Mu opened his eyes, which had been closed all the time.


he whispered.

Butterfly Kanae and Butterfly Ninja couldn't help being shocked, and hurriedly followed.

Under the night, Su Mu moved very fast.

The butterfly sisters who followed behind couldn't keep up at all.

However, the place where the evil spirit appeared was not too far from here. About ten minutes later, the two finally found Mr. by following the trail left by him.

This is a fairly decent house in the village.

The house is large and spacious, with its own yard.

But at this moment, no matter Butterfly Kanae or Butterfly Shinobu, their pretty faces became extremely ugly.

There were corpses all over the house. Several corpses lay silently on the ground. Scarlet blood flowed quietly along the corpses, staining the ground red.

A strong smell of blood filled the room.

Butterfly Shinobu and Butterfly Kanae held the Sun Wheel Knife tightly, and quickly rushed into the room. The tall figure of Mr. was standing at the door, and in the room, an evil spirit was huddled in a corner, with scarlet eyes full of fear.


Butterfly Chanahui and Butterfly Ren hurried to Su Mu's side.


Butterfly Kanae couldn't help asking.

"I'm late."

Su Mu smiled wryly and shook his head: "When I find out the movement and rush over, the whole family will be killed by this evil spirit."

As he spoke, he pointed at the evil spirit curled up in the corner.

When he rushed over, the evil spirit wanted to attack him, but he slapped him on the head with a slap, and smashed his skull with a slap.

If he hadn't kept this evil spirit for Sister Butterfly to practice, he would have killed the evil spirit long ago.

"I'm late."

Butterfly Chanae murmured, and the unbearable memories in her mind echoed at this moment.

At the beginning, an evil spirit broke into their home. In order to protect their sisters, their parents chose to resist the evil spirit, but they were no match for the evil spirit. They were soon killed and eaten by the evil spirit.

At that time, how she longed for someone to save them, save her father and mother.

Although they were rescued in the end, their parents died tragically at the hands of the evil spirits. If "Sorrowful Island Xingming" could have appeared earlier, perhaps the parents would have been rescued and would not have died.

But 'Sorrowful Islet Xingming' came too late after all.

Just like now.

Of course, she and her sister don't resent 'Sorrowful Island Xingming', and they can't. They are just deeply grateful to Mr. 'Sorrowful Island Xingming' for saving their sisters.

but also

I also thought more than once in my heart, how good it would be if the 'Sorrowful Island Xingming' could have come earlier.

However, this time, they are no longer sisters who need to be rescued, but those who have been hurt by ghosts.

Just as 'Sorrowful Islet Xingming' came late, so did they.

This family, under the brutal attack of the evil spirit, did not leave a single person alive, and all of them died tragically in the hands of the evil spirit, becoming corpses lying quietly on the ground.

Such a scene made Butterfly Kanae and Butterfly Shinobu feel extremely guilty.

Also at this moment, Sister Butterfly probably understood why 'Bei Ming Yu Xing Ming' didn't want to see them, and even didn't want to pay attention to them.

Probably, there is also guilt in my heart. After all, if I come earlier, I can save people who have been hurt by ghosts.


Qian, Xun,; first "Fa?: Small?, Said, Capital:; Source..Middle:? Turn'" skirt butterfly Chana Hui and Butterfly Ninja bent down facing the corpses all over the floor.

"I will kill this evil spirit to avenge you."

Butterfly clenched the hilt of the Sun Wheel Knife tightly in her hand, her eyes glowing with flames of hatred like swords.

"I will save this evil spirit from the sad reincarnation, so that she can't hurt others

Butterfly Chanae also raised her head.

At this moment, the two sisters looked at the evil spirit curled up in the corner again, and almost simultaneously pulled out the sun wheel saber in their hands.

Under the cold moonlight, it fell on the edge of the blade, exuding a severe chill.

Su Mu looked at Sister Butterfly with firm eyes, smiled slightly, and then set his eyes on the evil ghost.

And as he looked over, the fear in the evil ghost's eyes grew deeper.

"Give you two choices, one is to be killed by me."

The evil ghost's body couldn't help shaking, and then shook his head vigorously.

"As for another option..."

As he spoke, he turned sideways and pointed to the Butterfly sisters beside him: "You just need to be able to defeat them."

"Of course, you can't hurt their lives, otherwise..."

Su Mu's voice paused for a moment before he said coldly, "Otherwise, I will still kill you."

The evil ghost's body couldn't help trembling.

For the man in front of him, it is deeply afraid.

Just now, it was enjoying delicious food in this family, but this man suddenly appeared and interrupted it, making it very annoyed, and hit it on the spot.

But his head was smashed by his slap.

If it weren't for the immortality of evil spirits and the powerful self-healing ability, I'm afraid he would have died long ago.

Even though the shattered head gradually recovered by virtue of the ghost's immortality, it still deeply fears the man in front of it.

Now, upon hearing the other party's request, its eyes also fell on Sister Butterfly.

From this pair of sisters, it smelled a very sweet 4.3 breath, which made it a little restless.

However, feeling the quiet gaze of the man on the side also suppressed the greed in his heart.

It knew that the man was using himself as a training tool for the two human women in front of him.



Also have no choice.

However, the heart is full of unspeakable anger. It is a shame that these foods have become a tool for practicing hands!

"Go to hell, damn human."

almost the next second

The evil spirit rushed towards Sister Butterfly.

Seeing the terrifying figure rushing forward, Sister Butterfly couldn't help but tremble slightly.

this is them

The first time I really faced the evil spirits.



PS: Thank you for the monthly pass given by the reader "I can't do jio", thank you for your support.

Chapter 130 Seven: Kanae's Worship and Admiration

Butterfly Kanae and Butterfly Shinobu both held the handle of the knife tightly with both hands, their delicate bodies tensed, staring at the evil spirit in front of them.

This evil spirit has a human-like appearance, but its teeth are like beasts. They are extremely sharp fangs. Its five fingers are very long, and they are as black as ink. Under the cool moonlight, there are a few gloomy cold It means that the pupils of the eyes are scarlet, which hides cruelty and violence.

"Sister, be careful."

Butterfly Kanae instinctively stood in front of her younger sister, holding the Sun Wheel Knife tightly with both hands, in the posture of drawing the knife and slashing out.

Butterfly endured by her sister's side, her Sun Wheel Knife leaned towards Xiao Qiao, and at this moment, she also pulled it out.


Accompanied by the low roar of the evil ghost, the evil ghost's figure rushed forward, and its scarlet claws went straight to the two of them. Perhaps out of fear of Su Mu's words just now, the evil ghost's attack did not hit the vital position of Sister Butterfly. In the shoulders, arms, whatever.

Originally, in the evil spirit's mind, it should be easy to deal with these two humans.

However, when the ghost claw fell, the expected feeling of tearing the opponent's arm didn't happen. Instead, it seemed as if it had caught steel.

At this moment, it realized that the ghost claw it had grabbed was blocked by its sun wheel knife.

Butterfly Kanae blocked the evil ghost's ghost claws from the front, and Butterfly Ninja's figure beside him flashed out suddenly, the blade of the sun wheel flickered for a while, and a sharp knife light directly slashed on the evil ghost's thigh.


The blade cut across the thigh and cut in, but when it reached the bone of the thigh, it was blocked at once.

 16 Obviously, Butterfly Ninja's strength was too weak, so she couldn't cut through the leg bone of her thigh with this knife.

Although the leg bones were not broken, the pain caused by the sun blade piercing into the flesh also made the evil spirit howl in pain. With both claws violently exerting force, Kanae, the butterfly holding the knife to resist, could only feel a huge wave coming from the blade. Strength, the whole person couldn't help being knocked out by this force.

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