As soon as Butterfly Chanae was knocked into the air, the evil spirit leaned over fiercely, and grabbed Butterfly Ninja who was holding a knife and looking at his thigh.

It's just that Butterfly Ninja is very dexterous, and before the evil ghost's ghost claws can catch it, the whole person has already retreated like a butterfly.

The evil spirit wanted to pursue him. At this time, Butterfly Chanae also came again, entangled with him head-on with a knife.


The evil ghost roared, and the ghost claws stretched out, drawing shadows of claws in the air.

Facing this scene, Butterfly Chanae gritted her teeth slightly, and resisted with a knife.

The blade of the sun wheel knife collided with the ghost claw

Bursts of sparks shot out.

Butterfly couldn't help but feel that the hand holding the knife became more and more numb with every resistance, and even, as time went by, there was a feeling that he was about to lose his grip.

Obviously, this evil spirit is much stronger than her.

If it weren't for being in a state of 'breathing' at this moment, the physical fitness could be comparable to that of an evil spirit in a short time, so how could it be possible to resist the evil spirit head-on.

But when the evil spirit was pressing and beating Butterfly Chanae in front of him, Die Die Nin's petite figure had circled behind the evil spirit at some point.

The sharp blade cuts suddenly

A blue sword light flashed across the night sky.

The evil ghost felt a chill in his heart, and wanted to avoid it, but it was obviously too late. Butterfly Ninja slashed in the air, and slashed on the back of the evil ghost's neck.

There are generally two ways to kill evil spirits, one is to be cut off by the sun wheel knife, and the other is to bathe in the sun.

At this moment, the evil ghost felt the blade of the Sun Wheel Knife standing on the back of his head and neck, and he felt like a dead soul, thinking that he was going to die.

The expected pain came from the neck, but as expected, the blade did not directly cut off the neck. When the sharp blade stood on the bone of the neck, it seemed to be stuck, unable to penetrate an inch.


The blade was stuck on the evil spirit's neck, Die Die Ren gritted her teeth secretly, feeling very angry in her heart, if she had enough strength, this knife could end the evil spirit.


Not having its neck cut off, the evil ghost was rejoicing and at the same time extremely angry. It rushed out, turned around like a wild beast, and attacked Butterfly Ninja crazily.

Butterfly withdrew the knife and backed away. Facing the attack of the evil spirit, she hurriedly dodged. The speed of the girl was obviously much faster than that of her sister. The evil spirit attacked several times, but not only failed to hit the evil spirit, but she became dizzy for a while.

"damn it……"

"damn it……"

The evil spirit roared, seeing that Butterfly Shinobu couldn't catch the flea-like one, he once again aimed his gaze at Butterfly Kanae.

Compared with her younger sister, Butterfly Kanae is stronger and more skilled in moves.

But compared to her younger sister's speed, it is obvious that Butterfly Kanae is much worse.


The evil spirit roared loudly, his feet slammed on the ground, the ground trembled, and the whole person moved forward suddenly, before the flying dust was raised, the evil spirit's figure was approaching Butterfly Kanae like a stream of light.

The terrifying aura of the evil spirits attacked directly like wild beasts, causing Butterfly Chanae to instinctively clenched the handle of the knife, ready to block it with the knife.

Just at this moment, a calm voice rang in his ears.

"Step to the right, lean up, draw out the saber, the blade goes up three inches, and chop."

The voice sounded, almost instinctively, Hu Dexiang Nai stepped slightly to the right, and at the same time leaned back, and slashed the sun wheel knife in his hand.

The whistling ghost claw passed by her side, across her cheek, and just a short distance away, one could vaguely feel the sharp coldness of the ghost claw.

The advancing figure of the evil ghost almost brushed past her, and she immediately drew out the knife according to the sudden sound, and stood on the arm of the evil ghost with one knife.


The sharp blade pierced through and directly removed one of the evil spirit's arms.

'back! '

The evil spirit roared, looking at the severed arm, its scarlet eyes shrank slightly.

"Type five."

The calm voice sounded in Butterfly Chanae's ears again.

Almost without hesitation, Butterfly Chanae clenched the handle of the knife in her hand, and at the same time tapped her toes lightly, her gentle voice accompanied by a touch of scolding

"Flower's Breath·Five Shapes. Fruitless Peony."

Accompanied by the girl's scolding, the blade in the receiving girl's hand turned into all directions in an instant. In an instant, it seemed that nine gorgeous blade shadows slashed out. Then, the nine shadows merged into one and stabbed the evil spirit's neck together.

Its moves are as gorgeous as the petals of peony, but there is a cold murderous intent in it.

The evil ghost narrowed his eyes slightly, and the nine sword shadows that appeared made him a little confused which was real and which was fake. neck.

The evil spirit hurriedly avoided.

"Left, three inches, cut horizontally."

The calm voice sounded again, Butterfly Kanae didn't hesitate, the arc of the blade suddenly changed

Three inches to the left, a horizontal cut.


The sharp blade slashed across and slashed at the neck of the evil spirit. The hard bones of the evil spirit blocked it a little, but in the end it couldn't resist, and the blade continued to castrate.


Accompanied by a crisp sound, a head was thrown out, and the figure of the evil ghost also shook for a while, and finally fell to the ground with a 'bang'.

Butterfly Kanae touched the ground with her toes, and her figure landed a few steps away like a fluttering butterfly.


Looking at the fallen demon, Butterfly Kanae couldn't help but smile.

"I made it, sir, I made it."

Butterfly Kanae raised her head, looking expectantly at the eaves

I don't know when the full moon hangs high in the sky, with it as the back, the tall figure is standing above the eaves, standing quietly, the slight wind is blowing, the hair is fluttering, the knife is held on the chest, and the whole body is glowing. A very unique temperament.

"Well, well done."

Su Mu leaned over, looked at the girl asking for credit with calm eyes, and spoke lightly.

Mr.'s compliment made Butterfly Chanahui feel unspeakably happy in her heart, but thinking that during the battle just now, if it weren't for Mr.'s explanation, I'm afraid it would be difficult for her to kill this evil ghost.

A few casual explanations from the husband turned her from bad to good, and her strength shocked her.

Now look at Mr.

Mr. under the reflection of a full moon

It seemed that there was an inexplicable strength, so strong that she unconsciously gave birth to a kind of worship and admiration in her heart.

"It's all taught by the master."

Butterfly Kanae bowed her head hurriedly, feeling her heart beating slightly faster at this moment.

inexplicable feeling

It made her feel overwhelmed and didn't know how to face it. After all, she had never experienced such a feeling.

Before, no one could make her worship and admire her.



PS: Thanks to the readers who voted "I want to eat hot hooks" to remind you to vote with [-] words, thank you for your support, [-] words can definitely be written, so, sorry, I can only accept it, You can't take it back.

Chapter 130 Eight: Kanae's gentleness makes my husband like it very much

Su Mu jumped down from the eaves, looked at the messy scene, and shook his head slightly: "Let's clean it up."

"Yes, sir."

Butterfly Kanae and Butterfly Shinobu also immediately started to clean up the family's bones.


The messy blood and blood all over the ground made Sister Butterfly, who had taken care of everything, long lost the joy of killing evil spirits.

Appears silent.

Back then, their happiness was destroyed in such a scene.

It's just that, in the past, facing their own happiness, they didn't have any ability to resist and could only watch helplessly.

Now, they already have certain abilities, but the happiness that belonged to them at the beginning has long been destroyed.

This made the sisters feel an indescribable complexity in their hearts.


The corpse will soon converge

The whole family is neat and tidy, no one can survive, whether it is an adult or a child, they all died.

"This is the evil spirit, the cruel evil spirit."

Butterfly gritted her teeth, clenched her hands slightly, and her eyes were full of flames of hatred, sharp and firm like a drawn sword.

"It's really sad. Even though I was once a human being, I ate human beings. I can bathe in the morning sun, but I'm afraid of the beautiful morning sun."

Butterfly Kanae muttered to herself.

"Sister, you are always so gentle, even if you face these cruel evil spirits, you will be so gentle."

Die Die reluctantly raised her head, and couldn't agree with her sister's thoughts at all.


After burying the whole family, it's time to go back.

Su Mu walks ahead

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