Butterfly sisters followed.

Compared with sister Butterfly Kanae who has gradually calmed down, younger sister Butterfly Ren is somewhat depressed at the moment.

From the excitement of cooperating with my sister to kill the evil spirits at the beginning, to the joy in my heart after killing the evil spirits, to the silence after seeing the tragic scene after being destroyed by ghosts, and finally, the loss in my heart.

The reason for the loss was because of her own strength. If she had the same strength as her sister, in fact, she would have killed the evil spirits from the very beginning.


Because of her lack of strength, although she cut the evil spirit's neck with the sun wheel knife, she couldn't cut off the evil spirit's head.

Naturally, the evil spirits cannot be killed.

Today, with my sister and husband by my side, it doesn't matter if I can't cut off the head of the evil spirit.

But if there is no sister and husband by my side...

Thinking of this, Butterfly bit her lip subconsciously with her white and tender teeth.

of course she understands

What is the fate of waiting for a swordsman who can't cut off the neck of an evil spirit.


Looking at the tall figure in front of her suddenly white and pretty face, she couldn't help but speak.

Su Mu stopped.

"Sir, is there any way to increase a person's strength~々."

Butterfly raised her head reluctantly, and looked at Su Mu expectantly.

Looking back at the expectant girl, Su Mu shook his head: "There is no way to increase strength except exercise."

"However, I also worked hard, but my strength is still too small."

Before, Butterfly Ninja might not have paid much attention to this issue, but today when he faced the evil spirit, he clearly realized the seriousness of this issue.

The result of waiting for the swordsman who can't cut off the head of the evil spirit is...

Not only will he die.

The person you want to protect will die too.

"I don't have any way to increase my strength. To be honest, judging from your physique, even if you work hard, it is still your weakness in terms of strength."

Butterfly lowered her head slightly, a little disappointed.

"However, instead of increasing your strength, you can try other methods. After all, you have a more dexterous body than your sister, and a faster speed than your sister... These are your advantages."

"However, as long as I lack strength, none of these can play a decisive role in the face of evil spirits."

Whether it's speed or a dexterous body, she can gain a far greater advantage than her sister in the process of dealing with evil spirits, but these advantages cannot play a decisive role.

Because ghosts, unlike humans, can get hurt and get weak.

Ghosts have inexhaustible physical strength and strong self-healing power, and the achievements they have achieved by relying on agility are not worth mentioning in front of the advantages of ghosts.

Because, like evil spirits, human beings cannot have inexhaustible physical strength, cannot kill evil spirits in a short time, and cannot cut off the heads of evil spirits. Then, after losing their physical strength, they will only become food for evil spirits.

"Then you, you can also try to kill the evil spirit in other ways, not necessarily like your sister, to cut off the neck of the evil spirit with the sun wheel knife."

Su Mu said gently.

"Other methods……"

Butterfly Shinobi was a little confused. Ghosts are almost immortal. The only way to kill them is to cut off their necks with a sun wheel knife and let them bathe in sunlight.

If there are other methods of beheading evil spirits, I am afraid that they have been researched long ago.

"For example... the medical skill of 'Forbearance'."

Su Mu said: "I remember that Ninja's medical skills should be very powerful, right? Then, Ninja, can you develop a toxin that can kill evil spirits?"

"The poison that kills evil spirits..."

Butterfly murmured, full of anticipation, but not too confident.

"Can I really develop it?"

Butterfly raised her head reluctantly and looked at Mr. with anticipation in her eyes.

Su Mu stepped forward and gently touched the girl's head: "I think 'forbearance' is still very powerful. Others can't study it, so it may be that 'forbearance' can't be studied."


Butterfly asked happily.

"of course."

Su Mu shrugged.

"Sister, your medical talent is very high. When your father was still alive, he always praised you for your high medical talent. Maybe you can't develop a toxin that can kill evil spirits."

Butterfly Kanae also said aside.

Hearing what her husband and sister said, Butterfly Ninja couldn't help but clenched her fist slightly: "Then, I, Butterfly Ninja, must develop a toxin that can deal with evil spirits."


chatting along the way

Before I knew it, I came to a house.

Butterfly Kanae and Butterfly Shinobu also stopped

"Sir, we are home!"

It turned out that before I knew it, I had arrived at the place where Sister Butterfly lived.


Su Mu nodded, but did not leave, but said, "Hurry up and go in and rest."

"Yes, sir."

The taller sister led the shorter sister to unlock the key to the room and pushed the door open.


Sister Butterfly did not close the door, but stopped at the door

"Sir, how about resting at our house tonight, we have spare rooms in our house."

Butterfly Kanae bit her lip slightly.

The younger sister next to him didn't speak, but just looked up at Mr.

Such words are actually not good, after all, late at night, if you invite men to stay overnight, and it is still in a house with only girls, it is inevitable that there will be a lot of gossip.

even if nothing happens

In this era, the reputation of girls will also be very bad.

Su Mu didn't expect Sister Butterfly to invite him to spend the night at their home.

".In the middle of the night, two girls are at home. If you invite me, a man, to your house, you are not afraid that I will eat you!"

The corner of Su Mu's mouth could not help but smirk a bit.

Butterfly Kanae and Butterfly Shinobu's complexions immediately turned rosy. Although they knew that the husband was joking, they were unavoidably nervous.

"Sir, if you want to eat it, eat your sister. My sister is almost at the age of marriage. It's time to find a man."

But the more courageous Butterfly reluctantly opened her mouth.

As soon as the words were spoken, Butterfly Kanae's face turned red like a boiled prawn, and she hurried to beat her sister.

After Die Ren finished speaking, she cunningly ran into the room as early as a little fox, how could she let her sister hit her.

Missing her sister, Butterfly Kanae stomped the ground with her little feet angrily, which added a bit of cuteness.

However, soon, Butterfly Chanae realized that her husband was still outside, and her face became even hotter.

"Sir... My sister is too naughty, she is talking nonsense, sir, don't take it seriously."

The girl explained anxiously.

 (of Zhao) "It's okay, I know."

Su Mu smiled and said.

Butterfly Chanahui was also slightly relieved when she heard it, but for some reason, she felt a sense of loss in her heart.

And just when such complicated emotions were surging in the girl's heart, Su Mu appeared in front of Butterfly Chana Hui unknowingly.

Qian;Xun!!First!;Fa'Xiao;Say,Zi""Source;Middle;Turn,,The tall figure in the skirt stood in front of him, making Butterfly Chana Hui's heart beat faster for a while.

Su Mu leaned over slightly, and stuck to the girl's earlobe

First I took a breath of hot air

Seeing the girl's round earlobes quickly turn red, she said softly, "Kanae is really gentle, Mr.... likes it very much."


The girl's breathing suddenly became a little short, and she couldn't help but step back, feeling as if she had been greatly frightened.

He looked up in a panic, wanting to say something, but found that the gentleman who was standing in front of him just now had already disappeared.

Empty place

No sign of Mr.

However, although the figure of the husband disappeared, the words that the husband said just now still echoed in Butterfly Kanae's ears.

Let the girl's face become more rosy and shy.

a breeze blows

The cherry blossoms in the courtyard fell with the wind, and fell on the butterfly hair accessories of the girl's hair, carrying a touch of intoxicating incense.

Chapter 130 IX: Madam 'Master', Miyashiki Amane, Birth of the Strongest Pillar

a rather luxurious room

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