"Step aside……"

A deep voice came from under the brim of the hat with his head lowered.

"Hey...Give me some money for the uncle, and the uncle will get out of the way, otherwise, I will let you kid..."

The drunkard muttered, reeking of alcohol, about to jump on the man.

At this time, the man also raised his head. Under the brim of his hat, there were a pair of scarlet and cruel eyes.

The moment he saw this pair of eyes, the drunkard suddenly felt as if he was in a world of ice and snow all of a sudden.

An inexplicable fear lingered all over his body, before he could open his mouth to say something, his whole head seemed to suddenly grow bigger like a balloon


There was a bang of 'bang...'.

The red ones and the white ones splashed in all directions, but when these things fell in front of the man, they seemed to encounter some invisible barrier, and they were blocked all at once. In the end, not a speck of dust could contaminate the man's body.

The man just glanced at the fallen corpse without his head, then jumped over the corpse and left here.


In an open space, the man stopped, then raised his head, quietly looking at the full moon in the sky.

"Shh, shh..."

A blood-red arrow shot out suddenly in the night, and then, carrying a woman with a ball in her hand, she quickly came in front of the man.

The blood-red arrow fell, revealing a man with short black hair, wearing a monk's attire, and eyes on the palm of his hand.

Both of these two are subordinates who only belong to Onimai Tsuji Mumi, and they are Yabawa, the ghost of the arrow pattern.And the ghost of handball.Zhu Samaru

"grown ups."

As soon as the two came in front of the man, they immediately knelt down on one knee, lowered their heads, and spoke respectfully.

The man didn't speak, just looked at the moon in the sky.

There was no response from the man, but a man and a woman did not dare to move at all, and kept kneeling on one knee all the time. Moreover, with the passage of time, a layer of fine lines appeared on the foreheads of a man and a woman. sweat.

"Did you get the news?"

Just when the arrow ghost and the ball ghost couldn't hold on anymore, the man spoke lightly.

"Have you checked everything?"

"The fifth of the strings. Master Yuhu died under the cooperation of 'Rock Pillar' mourning Yu Xingming, 'Water Column' Lin Taki, and several 'Class A' swordsmen to kill Master Yuhu... "

'Yaba Yu' opened his mouth hastily, telling all the information he found.


The man suddenly turned around, and opened his scarlet eyes to look at the two of them. As the man's eyes fell, Yabayu and Zhu Samaru felt a rush of evil spirits that almost tore them apart. The pressure made the two of them feel as if they were about to suffocate.

"You... let me down!"

The man murmured and kicked out, and Yawaha's head was kicked and exploded by the man.

Seeing this scene, Zhu Shawan who was next to him was even more frightened and shivered, and pressed his head firmly to the ground.

It can know the scene before the ghost's death through the ghost's memory before death.

It was precisely because of seeing the scene of Yuhu's death that it deeply knew that it was not 'Yanzhu' Beimingyu Xingming, or 'Shuizhu' Linlong Zuojinci who beheaded Wu Yuhu on the line.

But a new young swordsman.


The opponent's strength progressed rapidly.

let him

He even wondered if the other party would become the next 'Jiguo Yuanyi', a person who is like a god or Buddha walking in the world.

if so

Even if it is it, it must be avoided.

Just like thousands of years ago, when Ji Guo Yuan Yi still existed in the world, it could only hide in a dark corner.

At that time, like a mouse, it had been hiding for a hundred years, and only dared to show up when there was no trace of Ji Guo Yuan Yi in the world.

"I heard that recently, a group of disciples from the Ghost Killing Squad have started to practice 'Breath of the Sun'?"

The man raised his head and murmured: "If these swordsmen can practice the 'breath of the sun', it will not be very good news for ghosts."

Zhu Shawan's head was still attached to the ground, and it didn't dare to move in the slightest in the face of the adult's words.

Even Yawaha, the arrow-pattern ghost whose head was kicked off, didn't dare to use the ghost's characteristics to heal himself at this moment, and still kept his head kicked to pieces.

"You guys, go to this place today... and kill this whole family."

The man dropped a piece of paper on the ground.

Zhu Shawan immediately took the paper, without looking at it carefully, she immediately said respectfully: "I promise to fulfill your orders."

The ghost of the arrow pattern next to him, Yabaha also hurriedly healed his kicked head, and was about to leave like Zhu Samaru.

"Wait a minute..."

The indifferent voice sounded again, causing the ghost of the arrow pattern, Yabayu, and the ghost of the handball, Zhu Shamaru, to stiffen, but the two of them immediately turned their heads and half-kneeled on the ground respectfully: "I don't know if my lord still has more What order."

The man raised his hand, hesitated for a moment, and bit his hand with his teeth.


Bright red blood overflowed from the bite wound.

As the blood overflowed, Yabayu and Zhu Samaru, who had their heads lowered, couldn't help but suddenly raised their heads, staring fixedly at the two drops of dark red blood on the man's white fingers, and felt an extremely strong feeling in their hearts. Devouring thirst.

For every evil spirit, there is a deep desire to devour the blood of Oni Wu Tsuji, because the more blood that is absorbed by Oni Wu Tsuji, the stronger one's own strength will be, and the closer it will be. Twelve ghost months.

It's just that, despite the desire in their hearts, Yabaha and Zhu Samaru still stared at their heads, suppressing their inner desires.

After all, Oni Wu Tsuji Wumi has absolute control over these evil spirits, even if they call the name 'Gi Wu Tsuji Wu Mi' directly, it will immediately trigger the curse from the blood, and eventually turn into a puddle of water.

The two of them obviously don't have such courage.

"These two drops of blood are rewarded to you."

Oniwu Tsuji Wuyou flicked his hand casually, and two drops of blood fell in front of Zhu Samaru and Yawaha respectively.

Almost without hesitation, Yawaha and Shu Samaru immediately swallowed the drop of blood.

With the blood swallowed, the strength of the two ghosts has also been greatly improved. Even though they are not as good as Twelve Ghost Moons, they are still very close to Twelve Ghost Moons.

"Kill this family... I will give you more blood."

Ghost Dance Tsuji whispered miserably.

When Zhu Samaru and Yawaha heard this, their eyes were filled with extremely crazy fanaticism.


The low voice came again, and the hearts of the two ghosts who were in a frenzy were also shuddered.

"If you can't kill it, you don't have to live."

The man's deep voice sounded, making the hearts of both of them tense.

"Promise to kill all the family members requested by the adults, leaving no one behind."

The two pledged immediately.


Seeing the backs of Yabayu and Zhushamaru disappearing quickly, the man hesitated slightly, and walked to a dark alley beside him. After a while, an extremely graceful-looking woman came out.

The woman tightened her clothes, like an ordinary woman walking at night, and walked in the direction where Shu Samaru and Yawaha left.


No one would have thought that the woman following the two evil spirits would be a more powerful evil spirit.

Chapter 140 Five: Arrow Pattern Ghost Yawaha, Handball Ghost Zhu Samaru

In the pitch-black night, Yawaha, the ghost of the arrow pattern, and Zhu Samaru, the ghost of handball, follow the locations provided by the adults.

Soon came to a house near.

"As long as you can kill this family, you can get more blood from the adults."

Zhu Sawan kept throwing the ball in his hand up and down, looking at the houses in the distance that were still lit in the dark night, his scarlet eyes were filled with infinite greed.

You know, every evil spirit is extremely eager to get more blood bestowed by the 'adult', so that he can become stronger.


If you have enough blood, you can even advance directly to become the new 'Twelve Ghost Moons'.

"I smell a nasty smell here."

The ghost of the arrow pattern. Yabayu stretched out his palm, glanced at the eyes in the center of the palm, and frowned tightly: "I'm afraid, this family is not easy to kill...~"

"As long as you don't hide like a mouse like Zhushi and Yushiro, and you can't find any traces."

Zhu Samaru threw the handball in her hand and landed on her fingertips, the handball spun like a top.

"Playing a ball every day, what's the fun?"

Yawaha, the ghost of the arrow pattern, looked at the handball in Zhu Samaru's hand with some irritability.

Zhu Shamaru looked up at Yawayu, and said excitedly; "Why don't you come and play, handball, it's fun."

Yawaha covered her nose: "I'm afraid I'll get my clothes dirty."

For Yawaha, who has a strong obsession with cleanliness, he hates this kind of sport that may be contaminated with dust.

"Ha ha……"

Zhu Shamaru tossed the handball, and stared at Yawaha, obviously, a little angry.

"Okay, okay, my lord's task is important. Now, I don't want to have a dispute with you. If my lord's business is delayed, we all know what the consequences will be."

Yawaha said coldly.

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