Hearing what Yawaha said, Zhu Samaru's body also shook instinctively. As Onimai Tsuji's direct subordinates, they naturally knew how cruel the character of the adult is. Over the years, I don't know how many evil spirits have slightly disobeyed He was beaten to death by an adult against his will.

Among them, there are even powerful existences of Twelve Ghost Moons.

Of course, the Twelve Ghost Moons who were beaten to death by the adults were only the 'lower string' evil ghosts. For so many years, there has never been a 'shang string' evil ghost killed by the adults.

Even if these 'winding' evil spirits are not good at doing things, adults are more likely to punish them.

Because of this, almost all evil spirits hope to become a real 'winding' ghost.


Zhu Shamaru and Yawaha just had a brief chat. Seeing that the family has not turned off the lights for a long time, it is obviously not advisable to sneak attack while the other party is resting.

Moreover, it should not be too late, after all, if it is delayed until dawn, it will be extremely unfavorable to them.


Yawaha made a soft sound, and immediately turned into a red arrow that hit the house in the distance.

Zhu Shawan also tossed the handball in his hand, with excitement in his eyes, and he kept murmuring: "Handball, let's play."

In the next second, the handball in his hand was thrown and hit the distant house like a cannonball.


In the room, Tanjiro, who was about to rest, moved his nose slightly, smelling something vaguely, and his whole body jumped up suddenly.

"Brother, what's wrong?"

Kamado Takeo was also a little puzzled when he saw Tanjiro get up directly, and immediately picked up the Japanese sword hanging on the wall.

This day round knife was given to my brother by my uncle a few days ago, and I have been fond of it, and I have to wipe it every night before going to bed.

Under normal circumstances, my brother would put the knife away at night and stop moving it, and they were not allowed to touch it.

It was obvious that something had happened to make my brother pick up the knife so nervously at night.

"Stay in the room, protect the sixth wife, and don't run around."

Tanjiro turned his head, glanced at Rokuta who was in a deep sleep, and then told Takeo.

"Yes, brother."

Takeo nodded.


The moment he finished speaking, Tanjirou immediately went out with the Hirin sword.

As soon as he walked out of the door, a red arrow rushed towards him immediately, making Tanjiro's heart feel cold, and he almost fell forward instinctively.

The red arrow shot across Tanjuro's cheek, and the howling wind went away with burning pain.

After Tanjiro fell to the ground, he got up immediately, and ran out of the house like a civet cat. During the action, his hand touched his cheek slightly, and moist scarlet blood appeared on his palm.

Obviously, just a little bit of friction just now, his face was cut.

As soon as the figure appeared in the courtyard, several handballs fell from the sky, and then the girl sounded excitedly: "Handball, you're late."

The whistling handball fell from the sky, although it looked like a child's toy handball, but he vaguely felt the power in it, Tanjiro didn't dare to dodge at all, and his body immediately dodged to the side.


The handball hit the ground like a shell falling, smashing a huge hole in the ground.


Looking at the damage caused by the falling handball, Tanjiro also took a slight breath.

And at this time, the ghost of the arrow pattern, Yawaha, and the ghost of handball, Shusamaru, also appeared, looking at the Japanese sword in Tanjirou's hand: "Sure enough, it's not so good to be able to be ordered by an adult. The finished one, however, is just a brat."

ask for flowers

"It's fun again."

Shu Samaru tossed the handball in her hands, like a child excited about seeing a new toy.


Tanjiro stared at Yawaha and Shusamaru, and slowly pulled out the Japanese sword in his hand.

Under the dim moonlight, the Sun Wheel Saber exudes a fiery red aura.

"I finally understand why my uncle has been asking me to practice hard. If I don't have the strength, all my happiness may be destroyed by you cruel evil spirits accompanied by the smell of blood."


Yawaha was too lazy to talk nonsense with Tanjiro, his body flashed, and immediately turned into a red arrow and shot at him.

At the same moment, Zhu Shawan also clasped both hands, and suddenly, two handballs appeared in his hands again, and then he threw it violently: "Handball, come and play."

In the next second, the handball hit Tanjiro like a cannonball.

The training these days, coupled with the fact that Tanjiro has been working very hard, has greatly improved his strength, but after all he is still too young, and in addition to the short training time, he is obviously not an opponent of the two evil spirits. Pushed to a desperate situation by Yawaha and Shusamaru.

Simply put, Tanjiro seems to be naturally sensitive to combat, and he can always find ways to avoid it, but he can still persevere.

"This brat is quite tenacious."

Yawayu's eyes turned cold, it was originally a red arrow, but in an instant, it turned into two.

At the same moment, the handballs in Zhu Shamaru's hands changed from two to four.


"Have you ever asked Nezuko's permission to bully my brother?"

Just when Yawaha and Shusamaru were about to kill Tanjiro in one fell swoop, a girl came out with a rather small Japanese sword.

The dim moonlight fell on the girl.

black hair draped over shoulders

The body looks a little thin, the face is soft and fair under the moonlight, with a little baby fat, and the slender eyebrows tremble with the girl's breathing.

Full of cute looks.

Exquisite as a doll.

As if just waking up from sleep, the girl rubbed her slightly sleepy eyes with her small hands at this moment.



PS: Thank you readers for the monthly pass presented by "Red Qing", "Zhong Moumou", "My Taste", and thank you for your support.

Chapter 140 Six: The Cautious Ghost Dance Tsuji Wumi

As soon as Nezuko appeared, her feet only lightly touched the ground, and her petite figure flew towards Zhu Samaru like a nimble bird.

"Come and play!"

Seeing Nezuko flying over, Zhu Samaru's eyes became more excited, and immediately threw the handball in his hand towards Nezuko.

"Boo! Hah! Hah!"

Seeing the handballs coming, Nezuko was forced to stop and began to dodge the incoming handballs.

The handball slammed into each other like cannonballs, no matter if it was a hard wall or a thick wooden pile, as long as it was slightly touched, it would be smashed to pieces.

The girl's dexterous figure kept dodging, and when she couldn't dodge, the girl would slash the handball with the sun wheel knife, and split the handball with one blow.

It's just that every time the girl splits the handball, the girl's white and tender face will turn slightly rosy. Obviously, splitting the handball is not so pleasant for the girl.

"It's fun, it's fun, let's continue playing handball together."

Zhu Shawan looked at the girl, giggling, and at some point, there were seven or eight handballs bouncing in his hand.

Nezuko is holding the sun wheel knife, her delicate face is serious, and she is looking at another place from the corner of her eyes. Her brother Tanjiro is in contact with another evil spirit at this moment. At this moment, the evil spirit "[-]" turned into a He made several red arrows, forcing his brother into a panic, and he could only barely resist.

His eyes lowered slightly, and he felt his mother, younger sister, and younger brother sticking their heads out from the house behind because of the movement outside. Nezuko couldn't help frowning: "Hurry up, go hide in the house, don't come out."

Nezuko said, without looking back, but with a flash of her figure, she killed the handball ghost Zhu Samaru.

As long as she still exists, no one is allowed to destroy her happiness.

"Come on, bastard."

The corners of the girl's mouth were opened, revealing small threatening teeth.

The only way to hurt what she cares about, the family she cherishes, is...

Just step over her dead body.

"Fun, fun, really fun."

Zhu Samaru easily dodged Nezuko's attack, waving the handball in his hand, like a handball master, always able to throw the handball from different trajectories and different angles, and then the handball will be thrown in various ways Returning from a different angle, it fell into Zhu Shawan's hands again.

A handball even hit Nezuko in the back with a very strange trajectory in a direction that Nezuko could not have expected, and directly knocked Nezuko forward and fell to the ground.

A carp rolled over and stood up quickly. The pain in his back made Nezuko grin even more, revealing two sharp little canine teeth at the corners of his mouth.

"Fun, fun."

Zhu Shawan tossed the handball in her hand, her eyes were full of excitement at seeing a beautiful toy.

"Damn it, in your eyes, hurting other people's lives is just for fun?"

Nezuko gritted her teeth, and slashed out with the sun blade in her hand.

"Breath of the Sun. Three Types. Red Mirror of the Sun"

With a yell, the girl's Sun Saber slashed out brazenly, and the blade of the Sun Saber drew the same trajectory as '∞' in an instant, cutting sharply like two circular arcs.

At the same moment, more handballs were thrown by Zhu Samaru, hitting Nezuko.

The sharp blade struck the handball, and in an instant, the handball was split in half.

However, the sharp blade only lasted for a while, and it was useless after Nezuko split four handballs in a row.

But obviously, this cannot break through Zhu Shawan's attack.

For "Handball Ghost. Zhu Samaru", it can manipulate eight handballs at the same time, unless Nezuko can split all the eight handballs of Zhu Samaru in an instant, in order to approach the opponent in the first time, Beheading, otherwise, you can't even get close to the opponent, let alone cut off the opponent's neck with the sun wheel knife.

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