After finishing speaking, he was already walking towards the handball ghost.

Seeing Su Mu approaching, Zhu Samaru, the ghost of handball, tilted his head slightly, and then smiled like a child. He seemed to have encountered an extremely fun game, and pointed to his handball: "Handball, come and play!" ah!"

Su Mu looked at this evil spirit who was still a child, like a playful child, his eyes lowered slightly.

In the next second, his figure suddenly disappeared.


He has come behind Zhu Shawan, and the handle of the knife hanging on his waist is slowly put into the sheath.


Zhu Samaru, who insisted on inviting people to play handball, suddenly stopped, and with a slight sound, a head was thrown out.

When the head fell to the ground, Zhu Shawan's mouth was still open and closed:

"Handball, let's play!"

A handball that lost its owner spun and landed at Su Mu's feet.

Su Mu bent down and picked up the handball.

Slowly walked towards Shu Samaru, whose neck had been cut off by the Sun Wheel Saber, and fell to the ground, and put the handball beside him.

Looking at the handball close at hand, Zhu Samaru seemed to recall something.

long, long ago

She seems to be a seriously ill child, eager to play outside like other normal children.

But her physical condition did not allow it.

Until one day, a very beautiful woman passed by and she threw a handball at her.

The pretty woman picked up the handball and put it in her arms.

At that time, she asked the beautiful woman: "Why, I can't play normally like other children."


The beautiful woman looked at her quietly: "Do you really want to play games like other children?"


That's what I answered at the time.

Then, the beautiful woman gave her a drop of blood and told it that as long as she ate this drop of blood, her body would become extremely healthy and she could play normally like other children.

However, the only price is to become a ghost.

In order to become able to play like other normal people, it ate the blood donated by the woman, and then, full of excitement, went to play with those children.

However, no one wanted to play with him, so he was so angry that he ate those children...all of them.

The memory came to an abrupt end, and everything in the past dissipated like a cloud of smoke.

"Handball... let's play!"

The faint voice echoed in the air, but it carried an infinitely sad breath.

"Ding, congratulations to the host, kill an evil spirit and get 0.5 attribute points."


A gust of wind blew, and Zhu Shamaru's body began to dissipate, and at the same time, an unpleasant stench began to waft in the air.

"Ghosts, what a sad product. Even though they were once human beings, after becoming ghosts, they hate human beings and feed on them. They are afraid of seeing the beautiful morning sun. They have forgotten the most precious memories of the past and become like walking dead dogs. general existence."

Panting, Butterfly Kanae sensed the sadness in the air and couldn't help murmuring.

Su Mu glanced at Butterfly Kanae. It was obviously not easy for Yawayu to resist the arrow-patterned ghost just now. At this moment, she almost collapsed to the ground just like her younger sister Butterfly Ninja.

 187 "Sir..."

Seeing Su Mu's gaze, the girl couldn't help but want to stroke the messy hair on her forehead with her hands, hoping to make her image better in front of her husband.

Su Mu nodded to him, but turned his gaze to Yabayu, the ghost of the arrow pattern.

but apparently

The ghost of the arrow pattern, Yabayu, had already been frightened by Su Mu, and immediately turned into a red arrow and fled to the distance.

"Heh..., come if you want, and leave if you want?"

Su Mu sneered, his footsteps stepped on the ground in an instant, and the whole ground seemed to vibrate. The next second, Su Mu approached the ghost of the arrow pattern Yabayu at an extremely terrifying speed.

The sun wheel saber at his waist was unsheathed in an instant.

Accompanied by a fiery red knife light, the head of Yawayu, the ghost of the arrow pattern, was chopped off to the ground, and the body fell to the ground with a 'bang' sound.

"Ding, congratulations to the host, kill an evil spirit and get 0.5 attribute points."

The familiar mechanical voice in his mind sounded again, Su Mu didn't care, but looked into the distance.

In the corner of the alley, a woman was hugging her chest, shivering, as if frightened by the scene here.

Even in the dim and dark night, it still couldn't make the other party's delicate and beautiful faces look inferior in the slightest.

This is a woman who is beautiful to the extreme.

Before, because he was concerned about what happened at home, in order to get there as soon as possible, he didn't pay close attention to this woman.


Just discovered

The other party is so beautiful.

His pupils couldn't help shrinking slightly, his heart couldn't help beating slightly, and he even wanted to make the other party...




PS: Thank you for the monthly pass given by the reader, 'Yunxi', and for your support.

Chapter 140 Eight: Crumb Fox, Ghost Dance Tsuji Wumi

Seeing the killing of two of his subordinates, Oniwu Tsuji's eyes also showed a touch of violence. However, through the deaths of the Arrow-patterned Oni. The strength of the swordsman.

Although very strong

But it was far inferior to Ji Guo Yuan Yi back then.

For thousands of years, every night, every time I think of the sun-like sword that the other side slashed at me back then.

I still feel terrified in my heart, as if it is still in front of my eyes.

Thousands of years...

That sword was still hidden deep in its heart, making her feel terrified.

"It's time to leave..."

Guiwu Tsuji lowered his head, thinking silently, the human being in front of him is so powerful that he even doubts whether this person will grow into the person he fears in his heart in the future.

"Should I make a move now..."

Guiwu Tsuji whispered, hesitating for a long time, and finally chose to give up out of caution.

Thousands of years ago, Ji Guoyuan had never slashed that sun-like sword, and it might have made a move, but thousands of years ago, Ji Guoyuan slashed that sun-like sword, and it had already killed it. His courage was shattered.

Now, in the face of threats to her existence, she no longer has the guts to do so, no matter what she does, she tries to deal with it in the most cautious way.

However, just as she was about to leave, she suddenly felt as if she was being watched by something, and her delicate body couldn't help but tense slightly.

He raised his head involuntarily, and found that the young swordsman was looking at him, those eyes seemed to swallow him alive.

"Have you discovered my identity?"

"Or, this is a trap aimed at me. My appearance here has already been expected by the 'Ubuyashiki' family?"

"Impossible, impossible..."

Oni Wu Tsuji couldn't help shaking his head

"If the 'Ubuyashiki' family could have predicted my whereabouts, it would be impossible for me to hide for thousands of years without being found by the Ghost Slayer Squad. Back then, it was even more impossible for me to find the headquarters of the Ghost Slayer Squad. The Ghost Killing Squad was wiped out in one fell swoop."

Having fought against the Demon Slayer Squad for thousands of years, Kimai Tsuji is very familiar with the situation of the Demon Slayer Squad.

People of the 'Ubuyashiki' family blood, although they have the ability to predict the future, but very limited.

And... what can be predicted is also limited.

Even predicting these limited things requires paying the price of lifespan. Therefore, the lifespan of people in the "Ubuyashiki" family in the past dynasties is quite short.

Thinking about this, Oni Wu Tsuji felt a little more at ease.

But, right away, Oni Wu Tsuji felt puzzled again.

Since he didn't discover his identity, why, the other party looked at him with particularly strange eyes.

As a person who has survived for thousands of years, Guiwu Tsuji soon figured out the reason.

When it came out this time, the identity it assumed was that of a very beautiful woman nearby.


This young swordsman fell in love with... this beautiful woman.

"Damn miscellaneous repair~々."

Oni Wu Tsuji Wumai's face was flushed red with anger, although, thousands of years ago, before becoming a ghost, it was a frail and sickly girl.


After becoming a ghost, he is no longer the weak human being he once was.

With humans

are fundamentally different biological species.

For the low-level tastes of human beings, after becoming a ghost, they will only feel disgusted.

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