The so-called reproduction of human beings is just another helpless means for human beings to try to have a long life.

Where is it like evil spirits, with almost immortal life.


After all, they are just low-level beings.

And it, Oni Wu Tsuji Mumi, is the closest to perfect creature in this world.

It only needs to eat the blue Bianhua, and it can become the most perfect creature in the world.

At that time, even the sunlight could not kill it.

How could it be possible to care about the low-level interests of human reproduction.

And when various thoughts kept appearing in Guiwu Tsuji Wuyan's mind, Su Mu also walked in front of Guiwu Tsuji Wuyan.

This is a woman in a beautiful pink kimono, with cascading black hair falling from her shoulders to her hips.

Delicate and fair skin, like beautiful jade.

The woman lowered her head slightly, her hands folded in front of her chest, with a weak temperament.

The waist is so slender that it can be easily grasped.

Looking at the woman in front of him, Su Mu's eyes couldn't help showing a hint of greed. These days, I have seen many beauties, whether it is the mature and charming Zaomen sunflower branch, the lovely Nidouzi, or the pitiful chestnut blossom. Kanahu, or the gentle and quiet Butterfly Kanae, or Butterfly Ninja...

These days, he saw a lot of beautiful women, which made his eyesight unknowingly a lot higher, and it was difficult for ordinary women to catch his eyes.

But the woman in front of him is not inferior to any woman here.

"You are a weak woman. It is very dangerous to go out alone at night."

Su Mu stood in front of the woman, looking at her with some hesitation.

There is also a doubt in my heart.

Going out at such a night, and with such a beautiful woman, it's hard not to make people feel suspicious.

"Don't be a... evil ghost."

This thought couldn't help appearing in his mind, and as soon as this thought emerged, he looked at this woman with a touch of vigilance.

As he spoke, he took out the Sun Wheel Knife and pointed the tip at the woman in front of him.

As it pointed at the point of the knife, the woman seemed to be frightened and collapsed on the ground.

Seeing this scene, Su Mu frowned, not quite like a ghost.

Even so, he still used the sun wheel knife to lightly touch the skin of the woman's arm, creating a small scar.

The bright red blood flowed out along the cutting edge of the blade, and the sword of the Rilun Saber fell into the woman's skin, and the woman in front of her didn't respond in particular, but seemed to be more frightened and afraid of him.

"terribly sorry."

Su Mu put the knife back into its sheath.

The woman seemed so afraid of him that she didn't dare to look up at all.

"What's your name?"

He asked the woman in front of him again.

Seeing that the woman lowered her head and did not speak, he leaned over directly, stretched out his fingers, and lifted the woman's white chin.

The woman's chin is white, smooth and soft, with a hint of coldness, which is completely different from other women.

".ˇWhat's your name, tell me."

He spoke in a low voice.

As he raised his chin, the woman's pretty face was fully displayed in front of him, the long eyelashes trembling with breathing, the moist lips...

Nothing is perfect.

Coupled with the other party's weak and bullying temperament, it always gives people a very weird feeling.

"Onimai Tsuji."

Qian:? Search for the first, send "Small: Say;; Resource. Source! Middle' turn?? The girl in the skirt said in a low voice.

"Onimai Tsuji?"

Su Mu murmured, talking to himself: "It's a bit close to the name of the ancestor of the ghost, Gui Wu Tsuji Wumi."

Hearing Su Mu's murmur, Guiwu Tsuji's long eyelashes trembled slightly, especially when he felt that the young swordsman was picking his chin in an extremely shameful posture, which made Guiwu Tsuji's heart ache. Feeling extremely violent in his heart, he wished to smash the young swordsman in front of him to pieces on the spot.

But the scarlet cruelty in the depths of his eyes was only fleeting, and he was still cautious in the end without making a move.

"Are you someone nearby?"

"Yes, it is."

Onimai Tsuji spoke tremblingly.

 (Get Qian Zhao) "Where is home?"

" front..."

Onimai Tsuji pointed to a brightly lit building in front of him.

Su Mu also glanced at the direction that Oni Wu Tsuji pointed at. It was an obviously luxurious villa mansion.

"The road at night is dangerous. I'll take you back later."

"Yes... there is Mr. Lao."

Onimai Tsuji lowered his head, as if he was a little afraid of him.

"Sir, you are back."

At this time, Tanjiro also came over.

Looking at Tanjiro who was covered in scars, Su Mu also patted him on the shoulder: "Tanjiro, you did a good job."

At the same moment, Onimai Tsuji Mumi also raised his head and looked at Tanjiro.

almost at first sight

Onimai Tsuji's eyes fell on the sun ring earrings on Tanjirou's earlobe.

The moment he saw the earrings, Oni Wu Tsuji immediately lowered his head, and a deep violence flashed across his scarlet eyes.

How could Guiwu Tsuji Wumi not be clear about this sun wheel earrings.

Thousands of years ago, the earrings worn by Jiguo Yuanyi, who cut off the sword like the sun, were the same as those worn by the young man in front of him.

Chapter 140: Ghost Dance Tsuji, drink a cup of wisteria flower tea and warm up

Tanjiro was very happy to be praised by his husband, but he still felt afraid when he thought about what he had encountered today:

"If Mister hadn't appeared in time, I'm afraid..."

"Okay, don't talk about this, how about the others, is anyone injured?"

Su Mu also asked hastily.

This is what he is most worried about now, you know, Zaomen Kuizhi is still pregnant with his child.

"Mother, brother, and sister are all fine."

Tanjiro also answered quickly.

Hearing Tanjiro say this, Su Mu also breathed a sigh of relief: "It's fine, it's fine."

"Uncle, Tanjiro didn't really understand Mr.'s teaching until today. He also really understood why he must hold the right of life and death in his own hands."

Tanjiro also clenched his fist slightly: "In the future, I will definitely train harder."

"Good boy."

Su Mu patted Tanjiro on the shoulder.

At this time, Sister Butterfly, Nezuko also turned pale.

After using the 'breathing method', you will fall into a short period of weakness. Of course, if you use the 'breathing' properly, this period of weakness will not be too serious.

But in order to prolong the time of fighting the evil spirits, so that I have enough time to have the same physical strength as the evil spirits, Sister Butterfly and Nezuko are obviously overloaded, which makes the two of them appear very weak now.

"It's alright."

He looks at the three of them.

"Nothing, sir."

Sister Butterfly replied respectfully.

"I'm fine, uncle."

Nezuko also said in a low voice, and when she spoke, she lowered her head slightly.

Su Mu couldn't help but glanced at Neidouzi, always feeling that after the attack of the evil spirit this time, Neidouzi looked at him a little differently, as if 187 had a little more respect.

Shaking his head, Su Mu felt that he was overthinking.

After paying a little attention to the bodies of several people, and then visiting Zaomen Kuizhi and the children, and after confirming that everything was fine, Su Mu was completely relieved.

However, looking at the house in a mess, he felt a little guilty in his heart. If he could go home earlier tonight, perhaps he would not have encountered such danger.

It was also fortunate that he was able to come back earlier, otherwise, the Zaomen family would have been killed by evil spirits just like in the anime.

Thinking of these, Su Mu also felt a burst of fear in his heart.

of course

The reason why I came back late.

It was also during the day today, I drank too much wine in the newly bought house, and ended up getting drunk. When I woke up, it was already dark, so I hurried back with Lihualuo.

"Drinking really hurts people!"

Su Mu couldn't help murmuring, but also decided that even if he drank in the future, he couldn't get drunk.


After simply setting up the family members, Su Mu also set his sights on the woman 'Ghost Dance Tsuji'.

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