At this moment, it seems that he has not recovered from the fright just now, and he still lowers his head and shrinks his body in a corner.

Probably feeling the fear in 'Onimai Tsuji', Butterfly Kanae also poured a cup of hot water for 'Onimai Tsuji', and comforted him from the sidelines.

Perhaps it was the hot water in her hand, or the comfort of Butterfly Kanae, which made the woman 'Onimai Tsuji' seem less scared than she was at the beginning.

But whenever he raised his head, 'Ghost Dance Tsuji' looked at him still timidly.

The appearance of 'Ghost Dance Tsuji' dispelled Su Mu's original doubts about it a lot.

Originally, Su Mu was puzzled by the girl 'Ghost Dance Tsuji' who went out alone at night.

Even doubt each other.

After all, the ancestor of ghosts, Oni Wu Tsuji, has the ability to change his appearance. In the anime "Ghost Slayer", there are many images of the other party, sometimes male, sometimes female, sometimes adult, sometimes Toddler, whose body is unknown.

It cannot be simply regarded as a man or a woman.

It should be said that it is already different from human beings.


At the beginning, he was wary of the strange appearance of the girl 'Ghost Dance Tsuji'.

But from the beginning of the temptation to now, the other party is like an ordinary woman.


Su Mu also thought he had thought about it, after all, well done, why did Ghost Dance Tsuji Wumi come to it for no reason?

After all, he asked himself, compared to the other "pillars" of the Demon Slayer Team, he has not yet attracted the attention of Oni Wu Tsuji, except for killing the twelve ghosts. , showing some abilities.

Even if the attention of Guiwu Tsuji was attracted by beheading the jade pot, in Su Mu's mind, he shouldn't have attracted Guiwu Tsuji so quickly.

After all, with Onimu Tsuji's cautious character, if he doesn't investigate the matter clearly, he probably won't approach him easily.

Originally, Su Mu also let go of his guard against the girl 'Ghost Dance Tsuji', and thought that she was just an ordinary woman, but the state of Lihualuo Kanaihu aroused Su Mu's vigilance.

For a long time, Lihualuo. Chanahu has always been in a daze, like a puppet without the slightest emotion. However, whenever I walk into the girl of 'Ghost Dance Tsuji', Lihualuo. Chanahu's little hand will always pull Live in your own clothes.

Moreover, Lihualuo. Kanai seems to have a lot of hostility towards the girl 'Ghost Dance Tsuji'.

Su Mu is still very concerned about Lihualuo. Kanaihu, don't look at Lihualuo. Kanaihu seems to be very weak now, just a girl who doesn't work, but Lihualuo. Kanaihu has something that ordinary girls don't have Sharp vision.

This vision is almost innate, otherwise, at a very young age, it would be impossible for other brothers and sisters in the family to be tortured to death by cruel parents, but only Lihualuo. Chanahu could live alone.

It all depends on Lihualuo. Chanel's eyes.

At that time, I was so busy on my way that I didn't have time to pay attention to the surrounding situation. Perhaps, the chestnut flower falling on my shoulder at that time. Kanai discovered something that made her so hostile to the girl 'Ghost Dance Tsuji'.

It's just a pity that Lihualuo. Kanaihu can't finish talking, and can't express anything to herself.

However, it was enough to make Su Mu wary of the girl 'Ghost Dance Tsuji'.

of course

It is also impossible for him to kill the girl named 'Ghost Dance Tsuji' in front of him because of Lihualuo. Kanaihu's hostility.

However, necessary scrutiny still needs to be done.

So, after a little hesitation, Su Mu came to the house and walked to Kui Zhi at the stove door.

"Master Mu."

The Zaomen Kuizhi, who had been frightened for a long time, couldn't take it anymore and rushed into his arms.

Su Mu stretched out his hand and patted Kuizhi's back at the stove door, and when his mood was almost relieved, he also said, "Go and make me a cup of tea."

Hearing Mujun's order, Zaomen Kuizhi immediately went to make tea.

"Remember, make that wisteria flower tea."

He has an order.


Zaomen Kuizhi immediately went to work with her seductive buttocks swaying.


Soon, Zaomen Kuizhi brought over a cup of hot wisteria flower tea.

"Master Mu, here it is."

Zaomen Kuizhi handed over the brewed wisteria flower tea with a flattering face.

Su Mu took the wisteria scented tea, and glanced at the collar of Kuizhi at the stove door, which was deliberately relaxed in front of him. The slightly swaying whiteness made him narrow his eyes slightly.

He reached out his hand and scraped Kuizhi's little nose.

"So nice."

After getting his nose scratched like a child, Zaomen Kuizhi blushed for a while, and lowered his head unconsciously.

Holding the wisteria flower tea brewed from Zaomen Kuizhi, Su Mu came to the girl 'Ghost Dance Tsuji' again.

Onimai Tsuji seemed to be a little afraid of him, holding the hot water cup Butterfly Chanae gave her just now, and backed away involuntarily.

"Your glass of water is a bit cold, drink some wisteria tea."

he said softly.

Kuizhi Zaomen, who was still immersed in a shy state, saw Mu Jun handing the tea she had made to other women, and couldn't help but feel a little bit of a taste in her heart, especially when she saw Guiwu Tsuji's delicate and beautiful face. A little sour, a sense of urgency rose in my heart, and I was very afraid that these wild foxes outside had seduced Mu Jun away.

Seeing that 'Ghost Dance Tsuji' did not take his teacup for a long time, Su Mu couldn't help but frown, and a smoldering aura emerged from the depths of his eyes.

He overturned the hot water cup in Onimai Tsuji's hand, and then handed the wisteria flower tea in front of it.

"Give me a drink..."

When he said that, his eyes fixed on the woman named 'Kimai Tsuji' in front of him.

He knows that all evil spirits are extremely disgusted with wisteria flowers, because wisteria flowers contain toxins that can destroy the body structure of evil spirits, and are extremely harmful to evil spirits.

The future Butterfly Ninja specially extracted the 'wisteria toxin' that kills ghosts from the 'wisteria flower'.

If the woman named 'Onimai Tsuji' in front of her was really an evil ghost, she would never drink this cup of wisteria flower tea.

As long as she doesn't drink.


no matter how disguised

Su Mu would think that the other party was an evil spirit, and would cut off the other party's head with the sun wheel knife without hesitation.



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Chapter 150: Mrs. Kuizhi...I will take good care of you

Su Mu handed the wisteria tea to the face of 'Ghost Dance Tsuji' and stared at him with burning eyes. If the other party was really a ghost, he obviously couldn't drink this cup of wisteria tea.


As he handed the cup to 'Ghost Dance Tsuji', the woman from 'Ghost Dance Tsuji' showed obvious resistance to the wisteria tea he handed over.

Su Mu's vigilance towards the 'Ghost Dance Tsuji' in front of him is getting higher and higher~.

Just when Su Mu couldn't help but want to do something to the woman in front of him, the woman named 'Ghost Dance Tsuji' picked up the cup tremblingly, as if she was still afraid of him, and then sipped the cup The purple vine flower tea drank it.

Every time he took a sip, the other party's pretty brows frowned slightly, as if he didn't like drinking tea very much.

Seeing that 'Ghost Dance Tsuji' drank the wisteria flower tea in a small sip, Su Mu could not help frowning.

"Did I guess wrong?"

Su Mu couldn't help thinking, and looked at the girl 'Ghost Dance Tsuji' again, but still didn't see anything from her.

"I've run out of wisteria tea, so I'll take you home."

His voice also softened slightly. If the other party was really not an evil ghost, his attitude just now seemed a bit rough.

The girl 'Ghost Mai Tsuji' seemed to be very afraid of her, she just let out a soft 'hmm', and then lowered her head.

"You go ahead and I will follow behind."

He opened his mouth.


Led by the girl 'Onimai Tsuji', the two walked along the street.

The slightly cold wind blows slightly

Let the night temperature drop a bit.

Although the girl 'Ghost Dance Tsuji' drank the wisteria flower tea, his doubts about 'Ghost Dance Tsuji' dropped a lot, but he still has doubts.

And at the same moment

Oni Wu Tsuji Mumi, who was walking in front, also lowered his head slightly, his scarlet eyes were full of violence, and the idea of ​​killing the young swordsman behind him appeared in his heart several times.

However, in the end, out of caution, he finally suppressed the idea of ​​making a move.

"I have an almost endless life. No matter how talented this young swordsman is, it is only a short moment of a hundred years. Why should I risk my life? In fact, I am so close today that I have completely lost my life." It shouldn't be..."

With her head down, Gui Wu Tsuji thought silently, but there was a burning pain in her chest, which made her wish to find a place to vomit immediately.

Even as the ancestor of ghosts.As the creature closest to infinite perfection in this world, he can't restrain his heart and body's aversion to wisteria.

Not to mention drinking tea made from wisteria flowers.

Although her chest was uncomfortable and her nausea made her want to vomit, but feeling the faint gaze of the young swordsman behind her, Oni Wu Tsuji finally suppressed this uncomfortable feeling forcibly.



A group of luxurious villas appeared in front of them. The lights in front of the door were brilliant, and it could be seen that this was an extremely wealthy family.

"Sir, I'm home."

'Ghost Dance Tsuji' stopped, raised his head, and looked at Su Mu timidly, his voice was as small as a mosquito flapping its wings.

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