I completely felt the cruelty of a ghost.

Su Mu's eyes also fell in front of this villa, and then he led 'Ghost Dance Tsuji' into it without saying a word.

Notified a guard standing at the door, and soon, a man who looked like a butler walked out quickly.

The moment he saw 'Ghost Dance Tsuji', the butler walked up quickly: "Miss, you can count yourself back. You came back so late, but the master and wife are worried to death."


'Ghost Mai Tsuji' lowered his head, as if he blamed himself for his actions.

The housekeeper said a few more words to 'Ghost Dance Tsuji', and then asked two maids to take 'Ghost Dance Tsuji' home. During this time, 'Ghost Dance Tsuji''s parents also came over and complained about 'Ghost Dance Tsuji' again.

Su Mu stood where he was, looking at all this with squinted eyes, and the doubts in his heart gradually disappeared.

If this 'Ghost Dance Tsuji' is really an evil ghost, obviously, it is impossible for this family to bring it home.

Moreover, looking at the state of this family's treatment of 'Ghost Dance Tsuji', it is indeed the state of parents' concern for their daughter.

Neither the butler, the guard, or the maid showed any signs of inappropriateness.

"It seems that I think too much."

He murmured softly.

"These gentlemen, I really thank you for escorting my daughter home. Just now, 'Ghost Dance Tsuji' told me that if it weren't for the sir to escort her home, I'm afraid it would be dangerous..."

A man came over, probably the father of 'Ghost Mai Tsuji', and thanked him gratefully.

"It's just a small matter, no one who sees such a beautiful woman in danger will not let her fall into danger."

Su Mu shook his head.

The man was still talking about something, but Su Mu waved his hand and left gracefully.


The man watched Su Mu's back leave completely, and then he turned his head and stared at 'Ghost Dance Tsuji' angrily: "It's so late, it's very dangerous to go out in disorder, fortunately, I met a good person today, if you really go out What is it, dad, what can mom do..."

'Ghost Dance Tsuji' lowered his head and kept apologizing.

Next to him, a woman couldn't stand it any longer, and glared at the man: "My daughter knows she's wrong, why are you so fierce, if you scare 'Ghost Dance Tsuji'..."


Not far away, hiding in the darkness, Su Mu, who had never gone far away, saw this scene, and the only doubt left in his heart was completely dispelled.

Without stopping, the figure quickly disappeared into the night.

And as Su Mu's figure disappeared, 'Ghost Dance Tsuji' who had been lowering his head suddenly raised his head, revealing a pair of scarlet eyes.

The pair of scarlet eyes fell on the man and woman who were arguing, and a daze appeared in the eyes of the two of them.

'Ghost Dance Tsuji' was about to do something, but suddenly he covered his stomach, feeling an overwhelming pain in his stomach.

ask for flowers

He came to the flower bed almost without hesitation, and began to vomit for a while.

"Greet vomit..."

The wisteria flower tea that he just drank was almost all spit out by Onimai Tsuji.

"Damn miscellaneous cultivator."

"They let me drink wisteria tea."

"Damn... miscellaneous cultivator."

As he vomited, Guiwu Tsuji Wuchan cursed, for thousands of years, he had never been wronged like this.


Su Mu came home

The whole family has almost settled down, and Sister Butterfly also chose to say goodbye to him, and is going back to rest.

Although nothing happened today, the haunted experience also made the night unsafe.

After appeasing the whole family and letting them go back to rest, Su Mu also relaxed a little.



He and Zaomen Kuizhi were the only ones left in the room.

"Today, if Lord Mu hadn't made a move, I'm afraid..."

Zaomen Kuizhi buried her head in Mujun's arms, thinking of what happened tonight, she was also afraid for a while.

Fortunately, Lord Mu is here, otherwise...

Thinking like this, leaning against Mu Jun's arms, he couldn't help feeling an extremely strong sense of security in his heart.

But, involuntarily, I thought that Mujun gave the wisteria tea that I personally brewed for him to other women, and there was a sense of resentment in my heart, especially when I thought of that woman's beautiful little face, I felt pitiful. , It made Zaomen Kuizhi feel a huge sense of crisis in his heart.

"I'm still late. If I had come back earlier, I'm afraid such a thing would not have happened."

Hearing what Zaomen Kuizhi said, Su Mu was also afraid for a while.

"Tomorrow, we will move to a new house. There are wisteria trees planted nearby. Even at night, no evil spirits will come back. In this way, we don't have to worry about the danger of evil spirits attacking us at night."

Su Mu also patted the soft back of the sunflower branch at the stove door.


Kuizhi put her hands around Mujun's waist, raised her head, and looked at Mujun with a somewhat dignified and charming face: "All listen to Mujun."

The fragrance of the woman's body fell into the breath unconsciously with the wind, and looking at the woman's eyes that seemed to be flooded with water, it was unbearable.

However, considering that Zaomen Kuizhi was still pregnant, she could bear it.

"Mu-jun, stay in my room tonight."

"Will it be bad?"

"It's okay, Nezuko, I won't let her in the house."


Saying that, Zaomen Kuizhi already took his hand

"Mrs. Kuizhi said that, then I will definitely... take care of you."

He gritted his teeth slightly, and said the word 'care' very emphatically.



Chapter 150: Nezuko, grow up quickly

Su Mu entered the room, sat on the bed, and waited silently.


A woman's light footsteps could be heard outside the door, faintly carrying the unique fragrance of a woman's body.

Wearing thin clothes, the graceful figure of Zaomen Kuizhi walked in, holding a steaming wooden basin in his hand.

Ever since Kuizhi entered the room at the kitchen door, Su Mu's gaze has been focused on the other party.

And following his gaze, the face of Kuizhi Zaomen was also slightly rosy, as if the apple had already been ripe, and it had an indescribably attractive taste.

With his head down, Kuizhi from the kitchen door came to Mu Jun with a hot face: "This night, I must be exhausted, let's soak my feet first to keep them warm..."

Kuizhi at the Zaomen blushed, probably knowing what Mu Jun was proud of, but silently lowered his head, picked up Mu Jun's feet, took off his socks, and then soaked in the hot water of the footbath.

Thousands of "Xun"! First, send: small; say:? capital; "source,! middle"! Turn. The water temperature of the skirt washbasin is just right, warm, slightly hot, plus the stove door Kui Zhi kneaded her feet with her small hands, which felt very comfortable.

Su Mu looked at Kuizhi at the stove door

Even if it's just washing feet, women still wash while kneeling and sitting.

At this moment, let's look at the sunflower branch at the stove door.

The woman knelt and "[-]" washed her feet seriously.

The upper body is slightly straight, and the sideburns have already been removed by him, and the black hair hangs down behind him, and then reaches his buttocks.

Pure black socks wrapped her slender feet and fair legs.

After washing his feet, Zaomen Kuizhi held his feet in his arms with a dry towel, and wiped them carefully with the towel.

Su Mu closed his eyes slightly and stopped talking.

After the Zaomen Kuizhi had washed his feet, Su Mu opened his eyes, stretched out his index finger, and lifted the Zaomen Kuizhi's jaw: "Mrs. Kuizhi, it's getting late, but I have to rest."


I don't know when the night gradually passed.

The sleeping Su Mu opened his eyes, looked at the delicate body limp on his body, and smiled slightly.

Get up slowly, try not to wake up the other party, and when you leave, you also cover him with a quilt, so as not to be too cold in the morning wind and freeze your body.


In the morning, the warm wind blowing in early spring was very comfortable, which made Su Mu full of energy. He couldn't help stretching himself, feeling refreshed.


just came out for a while

Nezuko got up too.

The girl in the pink dress has an immature face, and the whole person is full of the posture of a young girl. It is completely different from the maturity and charm of her mother, but she has a different sense of beauty.

Especially that cute and immature face, making Su Mu look at it, he couldn't help squinting his eyes slightly, and he could still vaguely see traces of the young girl's immature face with the appearance of a sunflower branch.

Just after waking up, Nezuko was about to wash up, when she looked up, she saw the uncle staring at her.

Thinking of the faint movement from last night, Nezuko turned around hastily, and wanted to go back to the house.

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