If it was in the past, with Nezuko's personality, I'm afraid he would have been very angry.

But when the danger came last night, I suddenly realized how important the uncle is to the family.

Last night, if the uncle hadn't appeared in time, Nezuko knew that her mother, elder brother, younger brother and younger sister would all die in the hands of the evil spirits and become the food of the evil spirits.

This was something that Nezuko was rarely aware of before.

Also suddenly understand what is the "pillar".

I also probably understand why my mother is willing to be bullied by the uncle.


Talking to his mother that day, the mother also told him that, in fact, it was not bullying.

Gradually, he became sensible.


Seeing Nezuko turning around and running towards the house, Su Mu immediately yelled.

Nezuko couldn't help but stop slightly.

Su Mu stepped forward and came behind Neidouzi: "When you see me, what are you running for?"

"I...where did I run away?"

Nezuko turned her head, her eyes were a little wandering, as if she didn't dare to look at him.

"Are you angry again?"

Su Mu put his hand on Nezuko's small shoulder.

"Why am I angry?"

Nezuko looked like she didn't understand.

"In the past, if I came out of Mrs. Kuizhi's room in the morning, you would have eaten me, but today you run away when you see me."

Su Mu squatted down and looked at Nezuko.

Nezuko lowered her head slightly, as if she didn't want to look at him.

"Head up."

He said lightly.

Nezuko gritted her teeth, and after a while, she raised her face with a bit of stubbornness.

Su Mu stretched out his hand, just about to touch that cute and immature face...

The girl's body trembled slightly, and she subconsciously stepped back.

Su Mu frowned

"Don't move."

Nezuko immediately stopped moving.

At this time, Su Mu's hand touched the girl's face.

And Nezuko also closed her eyes subconsciously.

Su Mu stretched out his hand, stroked Nedouzi's black hair to both sides, and then said with a smile, "Why, you are still separated from Uncle, because you are afraid that Uncle will fail?"

Nezuko lowered her head slightly and said nothing.

"I still like the former Nezuko, who always loses his temper at me when nothing happens."

He murmured:

"Nedouzi suddenly became sensible, which made me very uncomfortable, uncle."

Nezuko turned her head and said in a muffled voice, "Who knows whether what uncle is telling is the truth or a lie."


Su Mu patted Neidouzi on the head: "I'm telling the truth, or a lie, can't you feel it?"

Nezuko lowered her head slightly

"Don't think so much, I still hope that Nezuko can be more innocent and carefree, and don't think so much every day."

He patted Nezuko on the head

Nezuko raised her head and looked at the uncle.

Su Mu also looked at Neidouzi, and then showed a wicked smile: "Did you really not get angry just now?"

"What are you angry about?"

Nezuko blinked her big eyes, but didn't understand what the uncle meant.

"That's right, I bullied Mrs. Kuizhi, isn't Nezuko angry?"


Nezuko's beautiful eyes could not help but panic.

Su Mu also stretched out his hand, grinned at Nidouzi's cheeks, and gently pulled it out

Immediately, the girl's two cute little canine teeth were exposed.

"If you're angry, just be fierce, Nezuko, I bullied Mrs. Kuizhi, and Nezuko will also avenge her mother!"

"Asshole, uncle, I'll kill you."

Nezuko immediately stretched out his little hand to hit the uncle.

Su Mu chuckled, letting Nidouzi hit him, and then, also forcefully, hugged Nidouzi in his arms:

"Don't worry, Nezuko, no matter what Nezuko loses his temper, in fact, uncle doesn't care too much."

"I won't leave just because Nezuko loses his temper."

"After all, Nezuko is so cute, who would want to leave."

He smiled and rubbed Nezuko's head: "Go and wash up, I will also train well like Kanae, 'Shin', and Kanao in a while."

Nezuko stretched out her little hand again, gave him a light hammer, and then picked up the small washing basin to wash up.

Su Mu stood up, looking at the back of Nezuko

"Nezuko! Hurry up and grow up."

He murmured, with anticipation in his heart.

Speaking of which, in recent days, because of her nutrition, Nezuko has become more and more beautiful and juicy.

Thinking like this, Su Mu also went to Chanahu's room.

Knocking on the door, a delicate young girl opened the room. Compared with the thin figure she saw for the first time before, her face is much ruddy now.

At this moment, the girl was still holding a small comb in her hand, and when she saw him, she also handed over the small comb.

Su Mu couldn't help but smiled, took the girl to the dressing table, and began to comb her hair.

The girl in the mirror has picturesque features. It is conceivable that she will be extremely beautiful in the future.

In the anime, Kanao will eventually marry Tanjiro, but now, looking at such a beautiful girl, he is obviously reluctant.

While combing his hair, he said softly: "In the future, will Chanel stay by Uncle's side forever?"

Originally thought that in 4.3, Chanel would not respond, just like before, but unexpectedly, the pink and purple eyes in the mirror blinked slightly, and then nodded.

Su Mu, who was combing his hair, was slightly taken aback, but he didn't expect that Lihualuo. Chanel would have some reaction.

After all, for a long time, girls rarely express their opinions, even such simple body movements are the same.

"Let's comb a double ponytail for Chanel today."

He whispered.

Lihualuo. Kanaihu is very quiet, just sitting quietly, looking at herself in the mirror quietly, watching her scattered hair slowly become neat in the hands of her uncle, slowly, just like her own Same, into the shape that uncle likes.

At this moment, the girl's pink-purple eyes seemed to have a drop of water dripping in, causing waves of ripples.

A ray of sunlight ran along the window, reflecting in the girl's pink-purple eyes, which was unexpectedly beautiful.



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Chapter 150 II: 'Ghost Dance Tsuji' bathed in sunlight

Not long after Nezuko went to wash up, Tanjiro also got up.

"Hello, uncle."

When Tanjiro saw Su Mu, he immediately spoke respectfully.


Su Mu nodded, and saw Tanjiro standing there, hesitant to speak, and asked strangely:

"Is there anything Tanjirou wants to tell me?"

"There are some people who want to talk to uncle."

"Go ahead."

Su Mu said casually, but didn't care too much.

"Uncle, do you still remember the woman named 'Onimai Tsuji' that I sent home yesterday?"

Tanjiro asked.

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