"what happened?"

"I always feel that woman seems weird. I'm not saying bad things about that woman, because when I smell the other party's breath, it always seems to give people a very violent feeling, which is similar to the soft breath shown by the other party. Not quite the same."

"That is to say, the breath you smell is different?"

Su Mu raised his head abruptly and looked at Tanjiro, with horror flashing in his eyes.

"I feel that the breath is a little different. At that time, I thought it was emitted by those dead ghosts, but what remained after those ghosts died was only sadness. On the contrary, some seemed to be..."

"I can't even describe that feeling."

Tanjiro touched his nose.

"I have always had a good nose at 16, and I can always smell something different. Yesterday, when those evil spirits died, I seemed to be able to smell the sad past of those evil spirits. I don't know if I have hallucinations. , especially the evil spirit who used the handball..."

Tanjiro muttered.

The more he talked, the more solemn Su Mu's face became. He remembered the woman named 'Ghost Dance Tsuji' again yesterday, and felt more and more suspicious about her.

How could it be all right, when the evil spirit attacked, the other party just happened to appear nearby.


He had some doubts. He was also a little wary of 'Ghost Dance Tsuji' at the beginning, and even tested him with a sun wheel knife and wisteria flower tea.

But there doesn't seem to be any particular reaction.


I also followed the other party home yesterday, and there is indeed this person...

"I don't understand, I don't understand..."

Su Mu scratched his head with his hands, thinking for a long time, but couldn't figure out why.

"Could it be that the other party is not afraid of the Sun Wheel Knife and the Wisteria Flower?"

This idea came to mind unconsciously.

And the emergence of this idea made him immediately think of Gui Wu Tsuji Wu Mi.

If that woman is Oni Wu Tsuji Mumi, then it is possible.

As the ancestor of ghosts, the strongest ghost, the most perfect creature in the world, the other party may be able to overcome the characteristics of ghosts for a short time, be able to endure the effects of the sun wheel knife across the skin, and be able to drink wisteria flower tea for a short time.

"I have something to do, let's go out."

Thinking of this, Su Mu couldn't sit still anymore, patted Tanjiro on the shoulder, and ran out immediately.


luxury villa

Su Mu once again came to the home where he sent 'Ghost Dance Tsuji' off yesterday.


There were still two guards standing there.

"Can you inform your lady, just say that I want to see her."

Su Mu came to the door and said to the guard.

One of the guards probably recognized Su Mu as the one who sent the lady back last night, and immediately smiled and said, "Wait a minute, I'll report to the lady right away."

Su Mu stood at the door, watching the back of the guard leaving, feeling more and more puzzled.

Could it be that the girl named 'Ghost Dance Tsuji' is not an evil ghost?

Not long after the guard's notification

A girl came out of the house with a timid air. When she saw him, her eyes instinctively revealed a look of fear.

Su Mu raised his head and looked at the girl named 'Ghost Dance Tsuji' in front of him, then raised his head again and looked at the sky.

The sun was high in the sky, and the warm sunlight fell on the body of 'Ghost Mai Tsuji'.

"Not a ghost."

Su Mu murmured.

You know, ghosts can't bask in the sun at all, even the ancestor of ghosts, Gui Wu Tsuji Wumi, can't bask in the sun either.

"Sir, please come in."

Although he was afraid of Su Mu, 'Ghost Dance Tsuji' still came to Su Mu, lowered his head slightly, and put his small hands on his lower abdomen, very respectful.

Su Mu hesitated for a moment, but walked into the room anyway.


When he arrived at the room, 'Ghost Mai Tsuji' arranged for him to sit on the seat, and then made a cup of hot tea in front of him, then asked in a low voice: "I don't know what you want to do with me this morning?"


Su Mu's expression froze slightly. After all, the reason why he came here was because he suspected that 'Oni Wu Tsuji' was an evil ghost, but just now, seeing that the other party was able to bathe in the sun, he felt that he must have made a mistake in his judgment.

After all, ghosts cannot bask in sunlight.

Therefore, being asked by 'Ghost Dance Tsuji', it was unavoidably a little embarrassing, so I had to pick up the teacup, take a sip, and then said with a smile: "Miss, please don't tell the outside about what happened yesterday."

"Is it about ghosts?"

'Ghost Dance Tsuji' looked up and gave him a careful look.


Su Mu nodded: "After all, ghosts are very scary things. If it gets out, it will inevitably cause some panic."

"I understand, I won't spread the word."

'Ghost Dance Tsuji' lowered his head and whispered.

"It's the best. I'm here to tell you about it. Now, I'm leaving too."

As he said that, he also stood up, since he confirmed that 'Ghost Dance Tsuji' was not a ghost, there was no need for him to stay here.

"Sir escorted me back yesterday, I haven't thanked you enough yet."

'Ghost Mai Tsuji' whispered.

"A beautiful woman like Miss Escort is also what I want, so you don't need to thank her."

Su Mu said quite gentlemanly, it seemed completely different from the domineering performance yesterday, and his eyes were fixed on 'Ghost Dance Tsuji'.

In this country, women are generally short in height, but this woman looks about 1.7 meters, which is very tall.

Seemingly not used to being stared at by strangers, 'Onimai Tsuji' kept staring at his head, looking a little shy.

Su Mu smiled, said hello to him, and left without saying anything.

"Welcome to be a guest at home next time, sir."

'Ghost Dance Tsuji' stood at the door, bent down, and bowed to Su Mu who was leaving.

After the figure completely disappeared, Onimai Tsuji walked slowly to the basement of the house.

187 In the dark basement, a woman sat there quietly.

the room is dark

without any lights

A pair of scarlet eyes exuded a little strangeness in the dark environment.


'Ghost Mai Tsuji' immediately knelt down.

The sitting woman stood up slowly and appeared in front of 'Ghost Dance Tsuji', her face was exactly the same as the kneeling 'Ghost Dance Tsuji'.

The woman stretched out her finger and lifted the chin of 'Ghost Dance Tsuji', looked at this charming face, and said with a smile:

"It's really a very good human skin!"

"If it weren't for the existence of a human skin like you, I'm afraid that vigilant young swordsman would be really hard to fool."

"However, now, the other party will not doubt me."

She murmured, thinking of the wisteria flower tea she had swallowed yesterday, a gloomy look flashed across her scarlet eyes, and her breath began to rise and fall, and along with that, her chest also rose and fell, and there was a wave of waves.

'Ghost Dance Tsuji' knelt on the ground with his head firmly on the ground, not daring to move at all.

Don't look, this person seems to have the same appearance as her, but she has seen with her own eyes that several people who disobeyed each other have their heads crushed by it.

For the woman in front of me who looks like her

She was deeply afraid and terrified.


There is also a touch of expectation.

Looking forward to being one of the other.

also become a

Never grow old, always keep a beautiful face, never die... Evil ghost.

Chapter 150 Three: Meeting the 'Lord' again, the soon-to-be 'Pillar'

After seeing 'Ghost Dance Tsuji' and confirming that 'Ghost Dance Tsuji' is not an evil ghost, Su Mu also rushed home.

When I got home, I realized that there were guests in the house.

It is the 'rock pillar' that mourns Islet Xingming.


Seeing the other party, Su Mu also stopped.

"Xing Ming met Mu Jun."

'Sorrowful Islet Xingming' nodded with a smile.

"I don't know if the master is coming, but what's the matter?"

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