Su Mu smiled.

'Sorrowful Island Xingming' whitened eyes scanned the surrounding vigilantly.

Seeing the appearance of 'Bei Ming Yu Xing Ming', Su Mu also knew that 'Bei Ming Yu Xing Ming' had something important to tell himself.

"Come with me."

Su Mu nodded, and came to the room with 'Sorrowful Island Xingming'.

After confirming that there was really no one around, 'Sorrowful Island Xingming' put his hands together and said: "My lord wants to see you."

"See me again?"

Su Mu touched his nose.

"This time, Lord Mu personally beheaded the Twelve Ghost Moons, the Five of the Winds, the Ghost of the Pot, and the Yuhu. It has a great boosting effect and has given many swordsmen more confidence..."

'Sorrowful Islet Xingming' clasped his hands together and said seriously.

Hundreds of years ago, Onimai Tsuji Musai personally led a team to attack the headquarters of the Demon Slayer Squad, so that the Ghost Slayer Squad suffered heavy losses. Even now, they still haven't recovered.

Although there is a "lord" who is trying to turn the tide and gradually recover the strength of the ghost killing team, but the losses in the past cannot be quickly made up for.

Su Mu picked up the teacup by the table, took a sip, and then raised his head to look at 'Sorrowful Islet Xingming': "If it's just you, Lord Lord, who want to see me, then that's not necessarily the case."

The pale eyes of 'Sorrowful Islet Xingming' couldn't help but widen, and an unbelievable look seemed to appear on his face.

Every swordsman in the Ghost Killing Squad has extraordinary respect for the 'Lord'.

Thousands,; Looking for? First! Post..Small! "Say! Resource" source; Middle' turn: Even if it is him, "Sorrowful Islet Xingming", he still admires Lord "Lord" very much, and he can be summoned by Lord "Lord" , in the view of "Sorrowful Island Xingming", it is undoubtedly a very honorable thing.

But he didn't expect Mu Jun to refuse.

After a while, 'Sorrowful Islet Xingming' came back to his senses slightly, and suddenly remembered Su Mu's identity.

Unlike those tried and tested swordsmen of the Ghost Slayer Squad, Su Mu only joined the Ghost Slayer Squad for a short time, and he couldn't understand the value of the "Lord" to the Ghost Slayer Squad.

"Amitabha ~ 々."

'Sorrowful Islet Xingming' clasped his hands together, and said again: "Apart from the fact that Lord Master wants to see Lord Mu, he also has something to discuss with Lord Mu."

"That's it!"

Su Mu played with the teacup with his fingers, thinking for a while.

"I need to talk to my family before I can go with you."

"no problem."

'Sorrowful Islet Xingming' nodded: "I'm here waiting for Lord Mu to finish his explanation."

Su Mu looked up at 'Sorrowful Islet Xingming', and couldn't help laughing: "This time the master doesn't seem to prevent me from explaining?"

Last time, 'Sorrowful Island Xingming' took him to see the 'Master', but he was not even allowed to tell his family, for fear that he would reveal the location of the Lord, which would bring danger to the 'Master'.

"Soon, 'Master Mu' will become a 'pillar' like me. If even the 'pillar' is dangerous, then the Ghost Killing Squad will not be too far away from being destroyed."

'Sorrowful Islet Xingming' said calmly.

Su Mu raised his eyes slightly, obviously he didn't expect that calling himself this time would have something to do with becoming a 'pillar'.

The last time he traded 'Breath of the Sun' with 'Yuya Ubuyashiki', he really hoped to become the 'pillar' of the Demon Slayer Squad, but he was rejected, and only allowed himself to be a 'Class A' swordsman.

Now, he wants to make himself a 'pillar', and he doesn't know what the other party's mentality is at the moment.

Come to think of it, it's still kind of fun.


Su Mu met with Zaomen Kuizhi, told them the address of their new home, and asked them to move to their new home today.

After all, the newly bought house is bigger, the place is wider, there is also a place for training, and wisteria trees are planted around, so there is no need to fear evil spirits at night, it is very safe.


"Okay, let's go."

After the explanation, Su Mu saw 'Sorrowful Island Xingming' again.

"it is good."

'Sorrowful Island Xingming' nodded, and left here with Su Mu.


All the way.

Soon, 'Sorrowful Island Xingming' took Su Mu inside a big mountain.

There are a lot of wisteria trees planted here, and the wisteria trees sway with the breeze.

If it's the wisteria flowering season, I'm afraid it will be fragrant.

Before reaching the mountainside, I saw two little girls waiting on the road, wearing the same exquisite kimono, each carrying a lantern, with exactly the same face.

The only difference is probably only the hair.

One has black hair and the other has white hair.

Su Mu also met these two last time, but he didn't know their names.

"I have seen Lord 'Pillar'."

"I've seen it, Lord Mu."

Seeing Su Mu and 'Sorrowful Island Xingming', the two girls held their dresses almost at the same time and bowed down to salute.


'Sorrowful Islet Xingming' clasped his hands together as a response.


Su Mu also looked at the two with a smile. Their petite faces and almost identical faces made it almost impossible to tell them apart.

"I still don't know the names of the two?"

He looked at the two of them with a smile, but he was not in a hurry to continue walking.

"My name is Ubuyashiki Hika."

"My name is Ubuyashiki Haruna."

Facing Su Mu's question, the two girls immediately answered respectfully.

"It was called 'Rixiang' and 'Hangnai'."

Su Mu nodded, looked up and down the two of them and said, "Then you, who is the older sister and who is the younger sister?"

'Ubuyashiki Nikka' lowered her head slightly: ".ˇI'm my older sister."

"I'm my sister."

Next to 'Ubuyashiki Hannai' also whispered.

Then, the two girls couldn't help raising their heads, and looked at Su Mu carefully. Usually, they greeted these swordsmen instead of their fathers, and there were very few swordsmen who would talk to them, and they were the first swordsmen who talked so much.

"'Master' is still waiting for you."

The older sister reminded in a low voice.

Su Mu suddenly realized, and glanced at the two girls again: "You two are really beautiful, I think they will look even better when they grow up."

Seeing Su Mu stop, he chatted up with the maid next to the lord, and the 'Sorrowful Island Xingming' next to him could only put his hands together and recite scriptures continuously.

"Mu-jun, let's go quickly."

Finally, seeing that 'Mu Jun' continued to talk to the two girls, 'Sorrowful Island Xingming' couldn't stand it anymore, and began to urge.

Su Mu raised his head, looked at 'Sorrowful Island Xingming' helplessly, and then smiled at the two girls: "Please lead the way."

Immediately the two girls walked ahead with lanterns.

Su Mu followed behind the two of them, looking at (De Qian Zhao) their backs from time to time.

'Sorrowful Islet Xingming' followed, and seeing Su Mu's attitude, he finally couldn't bear it. After all, this is the maid of the 'Lord', and Mu Jun's attitude is really a bit rude.

After hesitating for a long time, 'Sorrowful Islet Xingming' reminded in a low voice: "Master Mu, please be more careful."

"Pay attention to what?"

Su Mu turned his head and looked at 'Sorrowful Islet Xingming' in confusion.

"They...are the lord's maids after all."

'Sorrowful Islet Xingming' whispered reminder.

Su Mu looked up and down at 'Sorrowful Islet Xingming'; "What skills are you thinking about?"

When asked back by Su Mu, "Sorrowful Islet Xingming" was also slightly taken aback, and suddenly his face was shocked, and he immediately folded his hands together and recited "Amitabha".



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Chapter 150 Four: Madam, Madam Amano

In the empty courtyard, before Su Mu and 'Bei Ming Yu Xing Ming' arrived, many people had already come, and most of them were waiting quietly.

Su Mu couldn't help looking over.

What attracts your attention the most is naturally the "water column" "Rin Taki Zuo Kinji".

After all, only one of them was wearing a tengu mask in the audience.

There are a few more standing with 'Rin Taki Zuo Kinji'.

These people stood together with the 'Water Column', probably like 'Rin Taki Zuo Kinji', they were all 'Pillars'.

Otherwise, we will not stand together.

after all

In this country, the status of the ladder is very strict, even for the Ghost Killing Squad.

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