
The arrival of Su Mu and 'Sorrowful Island Xingming' quickly attracted the attention of the people in the yard.

Everyone's eyes are looking over.

As a 'Zhu', I basically know the 'Sorrowful Island Xingming' who is also a 'Zhu', and most people's eyes are on Su Mu.

after all

This is a 'column meeting'.

Those who can participate are 'pillars'.

But now that 'Sorrowful Island Xingming' brought a strange young man out, everyone basically guessed.

Su Mu was not used to being stared at by these people like this, so he frowned slightly unconsciously.

'Yanzhu' and 'Sorrowful Islet Xingming' probably felt this, and they also took a step forward, and introduced to the other 'pillars': "This is Your Excellency Su Mu, who killed the Wu of Shangxian. The ghost of the pot. Yuhu mighty swordsman."

As a 'pillar', he naturally understands the information of the Ghost Slayer Squad.

Not long after 'Twelve Ghost Moons. On the Strings. Jade Pot' was killed 187 times, the news was deliberately spread throughout the ghost killing team by the 'Dangzhu'.

The swordsmen of the ghost killing team were all encouraged by hearing this.

Even as a 'Zhu', he was greatly shocked when he heard the news.

It is because of 'Zhu' that I understand the terror of the Twelve Ghost Moon and Shangxian evil ghosts. Over the years, there have been 'Zhu' who died in the hands of Shangxian evil ghosts, but there has never been a 'Zhu' who can kill the evil 'Shangxian'. ghost.

Now, after hearing the introduction of 'Sorrowful Island Xingming', I also understand that it was the person in front of me who killed the Twelve Ghost Moons.

And still such a young person, I feel shocked in my heart.

Even though Su Mu was thought to be too young, none of the "pillars" dared to underestimate him. After all, he was able to kill the "Shangxian Evil Ghost" and did what none of them could do.

"The waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead. It is true that each generation is stronger than the previous generation!"

An old man stroked his beard, feeling quite emotional: "Seeing Your Excellency Su Mu, I seem to have vaguely seen the hope of killing the evil spirits."

"This is 'Mingzhu' Sangshima Jigoro."

Next to it, 'Rock Pillar' mourning Yu Xingming introduced to Su Mu.

Su Mu also set his sights on 'Sangdao Ciwulang', an old man leaning on a walking stick, with a big scar on his face, his left leg was intact, but there seemed to be something wrong with his foot, which was replaced by a prosthetic.

Su Mu still has some impressions of 'Sangdao Ciwulang'. He knows that this is the master of 'My Wife Shanyi' and 'Yue Yue'. Because of his leg injury, he should be in a semi-reclusive state now, mostly as a The 'Cultivator' lives in Taoshan in seclusion, cultivating fresh blood for the Ghost Killing Squad.

However, the fate of this old man will not be good in the future. A disciple named "Yue Yue" taught by him became an evil spirit because of his depravity. And, as the 'pillar' of the Ghost Killing Squad, he must be responsible for it.In the end, he committed seppuku and died.

"This is 'Pillar of Flame' Purgatory Makijuro."

"Sorrowful Islet Xingming" introduced Su Mu to holding a jug, sitting in a lonely place, looking like a rather decadent uncle, perhaps because he hasn't taken care of his body for a long time, his beard is already extremely lush .

It has a similar appearance to Purgatory Xingjurou, the same sword eyebrows, and long yellow and red hair.

'Purgatory Makijuro' just glanced at Su Mu lightly, and then continued to drink the wine in the glass, as if he didn't care too much about Su Mu.

"This is 'Sound Column' Yu Mao Tianyuan."

"This is 'Feng Zhu' 'Unano Mano'"

"This is 'Soil Pillar' 'Saori Sakaguchi'"

"This is 'Golden Ju' 'Tamura Shion'"


'Sorrowful Islet Xingming' introduced Su Mu one by one, and Su Mu had never even heard of several 'pillars'.

Some of the 'pillars' that later became 'pillars' are not yet 'pillars'.

For example, the future "Flame Pillar" Purgatory Kyojuro, "Wind Pillar" "Immortal Kawa Minami", "Kasumi Pillar" Tokito Muichiro, "Snake Pillar" Iguro Kobane, none of these have yet become "Pillars" ', so, I am not eligible to participate in this meeting.

looking at the audience

Su Mu found that almost all the 'pillars' are old. Whether it is a few 'pillars' that you haven't heard of, or the 'pillars' you have seen, they are all very old.

For example, Shuizhu'Rintaki Zuojinji and'Naruzhu' Kuwashima Jigoro are basically in a semi-retired state.

The only ones who are relatively young are probably 'Yin Zhu' Yu Mao Tianyuan and 'Yan Zhu' mourning Yu Xingming.

It can be said that the current Ghost Killing Squad urgently needs an influx of fresh blood to become a new 'pillar'.

Thinking of this, Su Mu's eyes also showed thoughtfulness.

Just as everyone in the courtyard looked at Su Mu curiously, and while Su Mu was thinking silently, two more girls walked in.

These two girls have similar appearances to the 'Ubuyashiki Nikka' and 'Ubuyashiki Hanna' who went out to greet them earlier, but they are obviously not them.

Then, Su Mu probably guessed the identities of these two people, probably 'Ubuyashiki Hina' and 'Ubuyashiki Kakata'.

They are the daughters of 'Ubuyashiki Amane' like the previous 'Ubashiki Nikka' and 'Ubashiki Hanna'.

"Ma'am, I invite you 'Zhu' into the house."

When the two girls arrived, they immediately said respectfully to all the 'pillars'.

"It's work."

'Water Column' Rinaki Zuojin nodded his head for the first time and walked in the front.

The rest of the 'pillars' also followed in turn.

Su Mu glanced at the two 'Ubuyashiki Kakata' and 'Ubuyashiki Hina', and followed everyone into the house.

The inside of the house is very simple, without too many luxurious decorations, except for the large space, there is nothing special about it.

Perhaps because the wisteria incense candle was lit, the room was filled with the scent of wisteria flowers.

Su Mu's eyes just swept across the room, and then fell in front of him.

In the open space of the house in front, there is a low desk.

A woman was kneeling and sitting on one side of the desk. Her tall and mature figure was wrapped in a purple kimono. Her jet-black hair hung down from her back to her buttocks. When she saw all the 'pillars' coming in, the woman immediately got up and bent over. waist, slightly bowed.

"Tianyin, I have seen you 'pillars'."

All the 'Pillars' didn't dare to be negligent, they all had serious faces, even the 'Flame Pillar' Purgatory Makijuro, who had been holding the flagon all the time and was very decadent, still had a serious look on his face.

"I have seen Mrs."

All 'pillars' are bowed.

Su Mu didn't have the habit of many 'pillars', he just looked at each other.

This is undoubtedly an extremely beautiful woman, who was later called "Birch Fairy" by "Xiazhu" Shitouichiro.

As if feeling a certain gaze, the pair of eyes of 'Ubuyashiki Amane' also looked towards Su Mu.

It happened to meet Su Mu's eyes.

Compared with the respectful eyes of other 'pillars', this young swordsman's eyes are even more naked.

This made her heart skip a beat.


Probably also Ming Wu, this swordsman is probably the powerful swordsman who killed 'Twelve Ghost Moons.

It is also the protagonist of the 'column meeting' held this time.


It seems that this young swordsman is not only powerful.


Quite rebellious.

It seemed to hit her mind.

Thinking of this, she pursed the corners of her lips with a half-smile, which was rather funny.

After all, this proves that even with the passage of time, his face is still there. On the other hand, he also feels that the young swordsman is too young, and he is just hot-blooded.

However, 'Ubuyashiki Amane' didn't care too much about this, after all, she was still very confident in her husband's 'Ubuyashiki Yoya' ability.

I'm afraid it won't be long before this rebellious swordsman in front of me will soon become the most loyal supporter of my husband.

Chapter 150 Five: Ending This Era of Ghosts

"My lord is here."

A crisp voice sounded.

Then, the twin girls 'Ubayashiki Nikka' and 'Ubayashiki Kana' came out holding a lantern each.

Following the two girls, there was a figure of a man holding a boy.

The man is naturally the 'master' Yoya Yashiki of the Demon Slayer Squad.

As for the child who is led by the 'master', it is his child - 'Keriyaki Yurizai'.

Although he is a boy, 'Ubuyashiki Teriya' is not wearing boy's clothes, but girls' clothes.

The reason for this is also related to the tradition of the 'Ubuyashiki' family, because most of the boys in the 'Ubuyashiki' family are born with weaker bodies, and they are basically raised as girls before they reach adulthood.

'Yuzai Ubuyashiki' brought his son, obviously intending to let his son get acquainted with 'Pillar'~.

After all, as the young master of the 'Ubuyashiki' family, in the future, he is destined to inherit the position of 'leader' of the Demon Slayer Squad.

And these "pillars" are the "pillars" of the Ghost Killing Team, and they are also the future reliance.


And with the arrival of the 'Lord', 'Yoya Ubuyashiki', all the 'pillars' knelt on the ground on one knee.

Every 'pillar' has a look of awe on its face.

This shows the prestige of 'Yuya Ubuyashiki' in the Demon Slayer Squad.


Su Mu did not kneel down on one knee to welcome the arrival of 'Yaoya Ubuyashiki' like other 'pillars', but still stood there calmly, but his gaze stopped looking at 'Tianyin Ubuyashiki'.

After all, 'Obstetrician Shiki Yoya' is here, and it's not good for him to stare at the other woman.

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