"Don't be too polite."

'Yuzai Ubuyashiki' walked down with a smile, and helped each of the 'pillars' up one by one.

Quite the style of courteous and corporal.

All the 'pillars' looked moved, and even the 'flame pillar' Purgatory Makijuro, who had always looked decadent, even showed a hint of embarrassment at this moment, as if he was blaming himself for his past decadence.

Su Mu looked at this scene and knew it well.

As long as the 'leader' of the ghost killing team is still alive, basically, no one can shake his status.

His eyes also fell on the body of the 'master', 'Yaoya Miyayashiki', whose physical condition is not bad so far.

It's just that his face has become a little pale.

However, it has not reached the point of needing to make a wheelchair at all.


After supporting all the "pillars" one by one, "Yaoya Ubuyashiki" also set his eyes on Su Mu.

It wasn't until this time that everyone realized that Su Mu didn't salute the 'Lord'.

This made all the 'pillars' feel indignant, obviously they didn't like Su Mu's behavior.

On the contrary, it was 'Yaozai Ubuyashiki' who didn't seem to care about it, and even showed a gentle smile; "Mu-jun, we meet again, I didn't expect that after such a long time, Mu-jun gave me such a Big surprise."

"It's been too long since the Ghost Killing Team has heard such good news."

Saying that, 'Yaoya Shibuyashiki' even bent over slightly, bowed, and saluted Su Mu seriously: "'Yaoya Shiki' represents the ghost killing team, all the swordsmen, and myself, thank you Mujun For everything that has been done, if Lord Mu hadn't beheaded the 'Shangxian Wu', how many people would have died under these evil spirits..."

Seeing the protagonist 'Yaozai Ubuyashiki' personally bowing to Su Mu, the rest of the 'Pillars' were deeply shocked.

After bowing and saluting, 'Yaozai Miyayashiki' sighed slightly: "If there were more swordsmen like Lord Mu in the world, those evil spirits would not be so rampant."

Hearing the words of 'Yaoya Ubuyashiki', all the 'pillars' showed embarrassment.

They are 'pillars', but now they are no match for a 'Class A' swordsman.


Su Mu was very calm in the face of "Yaoya Ubuyashiki"'s polite and corporal attitude. Perhaps, other "pillars" might be very moved and even honored when faced with such a gesture of "Yaoya Ubuyashiki".

But for Su Mu

But it didn't make much sense.

He did not put himself in a lower position like other 'pillars', and he never felt that the so-called 'lord' would be nobler than him.

Seeing that Su Mu is not the same as the other 'pillars', 'Yoya Ubuyashiki' has a gentle face.

He reached out and patted Su Mu on the shoulder:

"Mr. Mu was able to kill the 'Shangxian' ghost, and his strength has also been proven, and it has given encouragement to all the swordsmen in the ghost killing team."

"'Mu Jun' is strong enough to serve as the 'pillar' of the Ghost Killing Team."

'Ubuyashiki Yoya' said while reaching out his hand, and soon, 'Ubuyashiki Nikka' came over with small steps, holding a token in both hands.

ask for flowers

"From today onwards, Lord Mu is the new 'pillar' of the Ghost Killing Squad."

"It also means that the Ghost Killing Squad has new blood."

"I'm happy and excited."

"Cough cough cough..."

As he spoke, 'Yuya Ubuyashiki' coughed involuntarily, and 'Tianne Ubuyashiki' saw her husband like this, and immediately stepped forward, patting 'Yoya Ubuyashiki' on the back.

'Ubayashiki Yoya' waved his hand, signaling for 'Ubayashiki Amane' to leave. Although 'Ubayashiki Amane' was worried about her husband's health, she would not disobey her husband's wishes.

"I'm very excited. With Lord Mu joining in, I feel that I finally see the day when I can exterminate evil spirits."

With that said, he walked out of the room, facing the sky with his hands

"I finally hope to see that in this world, there will never be a day when evil spirits ravage the world and wantonly take away human happiness, and there will never be a day when people are threatened by evil spirits..."

After hearing this, all the 'pillars' looked at the thin man in front of them with respect, as if the thin figure in front of them was not thin, but very tall.


After announcing that Su Mu became the new "Pillar", the meeting did not end. All the "Pillars" and "Yaoya Ubuyashiki" also began to discuss how to deal with evil spirits in the future.

And, how to find out Oni Wu Tsuji, and then kill Oni Wu Tsuji, so as to completely end this era of ghosts.


At the meeting, most of Su Mu were very silent, did not express too many opinions, and listened more.

However, 'Yaoya Ubuyashiki' will not choose to ignore Su Mu's silence because of Su Mu's silence. When discussing some issues, he will also ask for his opinion.

It can be seen that this is indeed a very capable leader.

It has both leadership qualities and a broad mind

Speak calmly and gently, treat people very politely.

In addition, his voice and movement rhythm can make other people feel at ease, no matter how much people who hate each other, after getting along for a long time, I am afraid that they will be convinced by him.

Such a person is undoubtedly extremely terrifying.

Qian "Xun? Head?; Fa;; Small!, Said, Resource" Source: Middle; "Zhuan": Qun Even if Su Mu's strength far surpasses this person, if he is an enemy, he may not have peace of mind.

of course

He is not the enemy of 'Yuya Ubuyashiki'.


The most important thing is that 'Yoya Ubuyashiki' is not in good health.

Chapter 150 Six: Important things are of course given to important people

The 'Zhu He Meeting' lasted for three days. During these three days, Su Mu was unable to enter and leave this place.

All 'columns' are not allowed to leave.

Except for Su Mu and the 'Yan Zhu' Purgatory Makijuro, all the other 'Zhu' are very serious about this 'Zhu He Meeting'.

No matter what questions 'Yuya Ubuyashiki' raises, or what problems arise in the Demon Slayer Squad, even if it is a question of the lowest level swordsman, they will discuss it carefully and come up with specific solutions.

Looking at all this before him, Su Mu probably also understands why the Ghost Killing Squad has survived for so long despite occasional decline since its establishment, and the reason why it has been able to survive resolutely even if it encounters danger many times.

However, he is not very interested in these.


After the 'column meeting' was over, basically all the 'pillars' rushed to the four directions, and each was responsible for handling the affairs of the area.

Unless necessary, we will not gather with each other again. "One Eighty Seven"

Su Mu also chose to leave, after all, staying here for three days also made him a little bored.

on the way out of the mountains

Su Mu stopped in his tracks.

A girl in a pink kimono is carrying a large stack of book pages up the mountain.

Su Mu had seen this girl before, but he couldn't tell who it was.

After all, the four daughters of 'Ubuyashiki Amane' have almost the same face, and it is difficult to distinguish each other.

"grown ups."

Seeing Su Mu stop, the girl stopped immediately, bowed respectfully, and stepped aside, waiting for Su Mu to leave first.


Su Mu nodded, looked at the girl in front of him, and asked suspiciously, "What's your name?"

"My lord, my name is Ubuyashiki Hika."

"Oh! It was you."

Su Mu nodded: "You sisters look so much alike, it's really hard to tell each other apart."

Ubuyashiki lowered her head slightly, and said in a low voice: "You can distinguish by smell. 'Hana' likes the scent of wisteria, 'Hinay' likes the scent of roses, and 'Kakata' likes the scent of plum blossoms...because I like different scents. , so, our sisters will have some different tastes."

Su Mu couldn't help touching his nose: "I'm afraid my nose is not that good, and it may be difficult to tell the difference."

'Ubuyashiki Nikka' also lowered her head slightly, and said in a low voice: "Your Excellency, there is no need to distinguish between our sisters."


"How do you say that?"

He came interested.

"Adults are noble 'pillars', and they will do great things in the future, just like the sun in the sky, which will shine brightly, but we are just fireflies at night. What we can do is only a little bit of small things, just like adults. You don’t need to stop for trivial things like distinguishing our sisters’ names.”

'Ubuyashiki Nikka' said seriously while holding the book.

"The light of fireflies is also light, and the light of the sun is still light. There is no difference in essence. Little things are not unimportant, and big things are not necessarily important."

Su Mu smiled.

"'Adult' said too profoundly, 'Nixiang' couldn't understand."

'Sanyashiki Nikka' shook her head.

Su Mu smiled, but didn't continue talking. He rummaged through his pockets, as if looking for something.

At this time, 'Sanya Shiki Nikka' also raised her head, seeing that Su Mu seemed to be looking for something, she couldn't help asking: "What are you looking for, Nikka, and I can help you find it."

"I remember I was carrying a hairpin and I didn't know where it went."

"The hairpin, is it important?"

'Ubuyashiki Nikka' asked in a low voice.

"Of course it matters."

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