The girl lowered her head, her voice trembling slightly.

'Ubuyashiki Amane' narrowed her pretty eyes slightly, looking at her daughter who lowered her head slightly, not daring to look into her own eyes, and wanted to say some words of reprimand, but she never tolerated it.

Born in the family of "Ubuyashiki", since birth, he has had a very high status, but because of this, he has received more rules than others.

Because as the 'Ubuyashiki' family, every move has a great influence on the Demon Slayer Squad.

When night falls, countless ghost hunters rush to various places to fight against evil spirits. Some of them succeed in killing evil spirits and protecting human beings, but there are many others, but no news comes from them anymore. Buried in the belly of ghosts.

Every time news about the casualties of the Ghost Killing Squad came, it made people feel heavy pressure.

I am extremely worried about the future of the Ghost Slayer Squad.

How can I allow my daughter to mess around.

However, she was her own daughter after all, so she couldn't bear to scold her too much.

"Go down."

'Ubuyashiki Amane' said coldly.

'Ubuyashiki Nikka' retreated carefully, but stopped again at the door, could not help mustering courage, and whispered: "Mother, that...that hairpin..."

'Ubuyashiki Amane' came back and looked at her daughter with a cold face.

Seeing her mother's stern eyes, 'Niyayashiki Nikka' immediately lowered her head in fright, and naturally did not dare to say the following words, and backed out cautiously.


When 'Ubuyashiki Nikka' left, 'Ubuyashiki Tianyin' also held the hairpin in his hand, looked at the slightly fluorescent hairpin, his eyes drooped slightly, his beautiful eyelashes flickered slightly, he didn't know what he was thinking .

"Ta Tata..."

The sound of footsteps came, and 'Ubuyashiki Amane', who was looking down, also opened his eyes, looked at 'Ubuyashiki Yoya' who walked in, and couldn't help but softly shouted: "Husband."


'Yuzai Ubuyashiki' nodded, his eyes fell on the hairpin in the lady's hand.

"The swordsman gave it to his daughter, and I took it away."

'Ubuyashiki Amane' explained in a low voice.

'Yuzai Miyayashiki' came to the desk, took a serious look at the information compiled by his wife, and frowned unconsciously

"Evil ghosts... are becoming more and more rampant."


'Ubuyashiki Amane' also smiled wryly: "Too many swordsmen have sacrificed their lives on the road of hunting ghosts. Now, in the ghost killing team, the new generation of swordsmen has not yet grown up, while the old generation of swordsmen Getting old..."

'Yuzai Ubuyashiki' listened carefully, frowning tightly, his face was full of worry.

In recent years, there are not many outstanding young swordsmen.

However, a few good swordsmen have emerged recently.

For example, "Purgatory Xingshoulang" from the Purgatory family, and Immortal Kawa Minya...

Of course, compared to these people, what "Yaoya Ubuyashiki" values ​​most is Su Mu who killed "Shangxianzhiwu. Pot Ghost. Yuhu". It was the hope of beheading Onimai Tsuji.


This young swordsman is obviously different from other swordsmen of the Ghost Killing Squad, he does not have the same belief as other Swordsmen of the Ghost Killing Squad.

"The 'hairpin' was given to 'Rixiang' by him?"

After a while, 'Yuya Ubuyashiki' asked.


'Ubuyashiki Amane' nodded.

"Is he... has taken a fancy to 'Rixiang'?"

Yuya Ubuyashiki raised his head.

"I'm afraid she has intentions for my daughter."

After a little thought, 'Ubuyashiki Amane' nodded.

'Yuya Ubuyashiki' tapped his fingers on the table unconsciously.

"Da da da……"

As the fingers tapped on the table, there was a slight noise in the room. After a while, 'San 187 Yashiki Yoya' closed his eyes slightly: "From this swordsman, I saw that the swordsman who killed the demon dance Tsuji no miserably hope."

'Ubayashiki Amane' couldn't help but clenched her lips, she naturally understood what her husband meant, the 'Ubayashiki' family, the highest goal of the 'Ubayashiki' family has always been to kill Oni Mai Tsuji, but for thousands of years, this goal has never been Not done.

Too many ancestors died on this road.

"Yaoya Ubuyashiki" said this, which undoubtedly showed Su Mu's value to the Demon Slayer Squad.

"When my daughter grows up, if that swordsman has a heart, I don't mind that swordsman marrying 'Rixiang', it's just..."

"Just... what?"

Obstetrician Shiki Yoya raised his head and looked at his wife.

"It's just that I'm afraid that the swordsman is not only interested in his daughter."

When 'Ubuyashiki Amane' said this, there was a touch of shame and resentment on his face.

'Ubuyashiki Yaozai' unconsciously lowered his eyes. These days, he also has some understanding of Su Mu's information.

He wasn't the Zaomen Tanshiro who lived deep in the mountains who only saw Su Mu's peeping in his heart before he died.

He has seen the wolf ambition hidden in that person's heart.

"However, in my view of his style, he is quite principled. With me around, he should not do anything out of the ordinary."

'Yuya Ubuyashiki' said

Ubuyashiki Amane gritted her teeth and fell silent.

"Let's take a look first."

Yoya Ubuyashiki sighed slightly, but he didn't expect that the swordsman he thought he saw could kill Onimai Tsuji Wumai hope, there was also a scene that made him hate it.

Let 'Yaoya Ubuyashiki' have complicated inner emotions, and it is extremely difficult to deal with this matter.



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Chapter 150: The meal is hot, the tea is warm, and the bed is...

When Su Mu went back, Zaomen's family had already moved into a new room.

The warm wind is blowing, and the wisteria flowers and leaves are swaying with the wind.

If it is the flowering season, the petals blown by the wind will be quite beautiful.


In the room, a large table of meals

The Zaomen family gathered around the table to eat, but they didn't move their chopsticks.

The owner's seat was vacant, and Kuizhi sat at the side of the kitchen door, looking at the child who hadn't moved his chopsticks, and said softly, "Eat them all."

"Yes, mother."

Tanjiro and the others nodded and ate silently.

"Uncle, why haven't you come home yet?"

A soft voice sounded, but it was Hanako who said, "I haven't been home for three days, I miss my uncle so much."

Nezuko lowered her head, ate a mouthful of rice, and remained silent. She was not used to the days when there was no uncle at home. She always felt that something was missing, and she couldn't help raising her head to look at her mother. At this moment, her mother's eyes always looked towards Looking at the door, I probably hope that my uncle will come back soon.

"Maybe, Uncle has something important to delay. Maybe, Uncle will come back tonight."

Tanjiro said to Hanako.

"Is that so..."

Hanako opened her eyes wide, and then looked at her sister Nezuko: "Sister, do you miss Uncle?"

"Uncle hasn't come home for three days."

"I don't want that annoying uncle."

Nezuko turned her head away and muttered, but the girl's expression completely betrayed her.

"What about mom?"

Hanako looked at Kwai Zhi again.

Looking at the serious and ignorant Hanako, the corners of Zaomen Kuizhi's eyes also crooked: "Mom misses Uncle as much as Hanako, but Uncle must have important things to do outside, so it may be delayed."

And at this moment, Tanjiro who was eating Fa suddenly sniffled: "I seem to... smell uncle."


Before Tanjiro raised his head and conjectured that his uncle might come back, his mother, younger sister, Kanao, and younger brothers all left their seats and ran outside.

Qian'xun! Shou". Send "Xiao'" and say? Resource.? Source.'中,; turn. Skirt Seeing this scene, Tanjiro couldn't help touching his nose, only to realize that, unconsciously, his uncle was very concerned about the kitchen door Home has become more and more important.


Su Mu has not yet reached the door of the villa

the door opens

Aoi Zaomen, Nezuko, Hanako, Takeo and other children are looking around.

Until he saw him walking slowly, he immediately trotted over.


Hanako ran the slowest with her short legs.

Although Nezuko still has short legs, she runs the fastest.

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