Although Zaomen Kuizhi ran fast with her slender long legs, she was no match for Nezuko.

Su Mu was attracted by the figure of Kuizhi from Zaomen at first sight. Without him, running with the ball, the scenery is always the most beautiful.


Behind him, there was a sound, but Hanako's short legs didn't seem to be heard, and then, the whole small body fell down, and then I saw Takeo, Shigeru, and Liutai all running in front of me, Hanako He just sat on the ground and started crying.

Hearing the crying sound from behind, Kuizhi from Zaomen, who wanted to rush into Mujun's embrace, had no choice but to stop.

Because Neidouzi ran the fastest, she wanted to stabilize her figure and go back to check on her younger sister. As a result, one of them didn't stop, and her body almost fell forward, but Su Mu had quick eyesight and quick hands, and hugged Neidouzi's small body all at once. live.

The girl's body is soft and soft, as if a ball of warm jade is held in her arms.

At this time, Zhu Xiong, Mao, and Liu Tai also surrounded him, grabbed his clothes, and cheered.

Children's happiness is often very simple. It is always very pleasant to return relatives who have not seen each other for a few days.

Seeing the family's dependence on him, Su Mu felt a little warmth in his heart, and he was worthy of his care for Zaomen's family. Although he did have bad thoughts about Zaomen Kuizhi, these days, he He really took care of the Zaomen family.

However, this is not the time to play with a few children, and there is a Hanako who just fell down and is still crying there.

Su Mu put down Nezuko who was in his arms, and walked quickly to Hanako.

At this moment, Hanako is still sitting on the ground, touching her face with her small hands, and the tears in her eyes are spinning continuously.

Seeing Su Mu approaching, he immediately yelled aggrievedly


Su Mu hurried forward and hugged Huazi, her small body was not heavy.

"Does it hurt from the fall?"

he asked quietly.

The child pursed his mouth and shook his head, but his little nose couldn't help sucking, looking very aggrieved.

Obviously it must have hurt.

Su Mu checked Huazi's physical condition carefully, and also found that there was a small cut on Huazi's arm, and a little blood seeped out.

Although it was not a big injury, it was still very painful for a girl of this age.

"Go, go home, uncle will give you some medicine, and the pain will stop."


Hanako sniffed, and put her little head in his arms: "During the three days when Uncle was away, Hanako missed you so much, not only Hanako missed Uncle, but sister also missed Uncle, and Mom also missed Uncle."

"I don't want uncle."

Nezuko next to her tossed her hair aside.

Seeing Neidouzi's duplicity, Su Mu also found it funny, but he didn't try to expose Neidouzi.

"Master Mu, you're home."

Kuizhi from Zaomen also came to Su Mu, perhaps because she ran too fast just now, the beautiful woman was still panting slightly, her broad chest rose and fell, making Su Mu easy to aim for a while.

Faced with Mujun's gaze, Zaomen Kuizhi also blushed slightly, but instead of avoiding it, he puffed up his chest slightly.

"The rice is still hot, if Mu Jun hasn't eaten, now..." Kui Zhi whispered, and followed Mu Jun to the house.

"Kanahu, hurry up and follow into the house."

Su Mu greeted the girl who was standing there blankly. Just now, this Lihualuo. He is like a puppet.

Hearing Su Mu's greeting, as if the quiet puppet was suddenly given an order, Li Hualuo. Channai immediately followed behind him.

After entering the house, Su Mu found some healing potions and gently rubbed them on Hanako's injured white arm.


The potion fell on the small wound on the arm, and immediately made the little girl's beautiful eyelashes slightly mist.

"Wait for a while, it won't hurt."

Su Mu said softly.


Soon, the medicine was ready, and the girl looked at him pitifully with tears in her eyes.

Su Mu put his hand in his pocket, and soon, a beautiful butterfly hairpin appeared in his palm.

Seeing this hairpin, the girl's eyes lit up immediately.

"Give it to Hanako."

Su Mu handed the hairpin to Hanako.

"Thank you uncle."

Hanako happily took the hairpin.

Beside, Kuizhi from Zaomen watched all this quietly, her brows were full of tenderness, at the same time, her hands were also busy, and she quickly poured a cup of hot tea for Mu Jun and put it beside her.

The fragrance of tea is dense and exudes a thin mist.

Su Mu picked up the teacup and took a sip. The tea was just right.

"Uncle, I'm going to sleep with my uncle in my arms at night."

Huazi circled around Su (Deqian Zhao) Mu happily.

Su Mu couldn't help but glanced at Kui Zhi at the stove door.

"Hanako is no longer young, she wants to sleep alone."

Kuizhi from Zaomen taught beside him.

"Then why does uncle always sleep in mother's room? Mother is not young anymore, why doesn't she sleep alone?"

Hanako stared at Kuizhi Zaomen with big, ignorant eyes.

Zaomen Kuizhi's face was also embarrassed, his face was hot and red at this moment.

"Kid, talk nonsense."

Zaomen Kuizhi glared at her daughter in a panic.

Su Mu was on the side, watching with joy, and couldn't help looking at Kuizhi at the Zaomen.

I haven't seen you for three days, but I really miss him.

Being stared at by Mu Jun's eyes, Zaomen Kuizhi also felt a little hot, and hurriedly whispered: "I'll go back to the room first."

Watching the slender figure of the sunflower branch at the stove door leave, Su Mu drank the water in the teacup in a 'gulp', and the slightly hot water poured on his heart.

Let his heart be on fire.



Chapter 150 Nine: Warm Sun and Knee Pillow, Girl and Uncle

The slightly warm sunlight shines on people's faces through the windows, and falls on the spacious and warm beds.

Falls on a woman's long lashes.

Pretty eyelashes flutter.

Before opening his eyes, the corner of his mouth let out a "uh..." sound.

a while.

The woman opened her eyes, her limbs were sore and limp, and she could no longer move.

Most of the long jet-black hair was scattered on the bed, and some fell on the face, covering the woman's beautiful face.

Zaomen Kuizhi opened her eyes slightly, perhaps because the sun was too glaring, she narrowed her eyes unconsciously.

Reluctantly got up, lowered his head, looking at the imprints and bite marks on his chest, his face was slightly hot.


There was a sound from the door, and Kui Zhi hurriedly put the blanket on her body.

Su Mu walked in with breakfast.

Su Mu put the rice bowl on the table beside the bed, and said with a smile, "Mrs. Kuizhi, the sun is going to shine on your butt, so don't get up yet."

Kuizhi at the Zaomen gave Mu Jun a white look, and a shyness appeared in the corner of his eyes.

"Hurry up and eat."

Su Mu brought a bowl of porridge in front of Zaomen Kuizhi, then scooped up a spoonful and put it on Zaomen Kuizhi's lips.

The woman opened her lips lightly, and swallowed it in small mouthfuls. The white rice porridge made the woman seem to think of something bad, and her pretty eyebrows couldn't help but raise.

"Why, isn't it delicious?"

Su Mu asked suspiciously.

187 "No."

Zaomen Kuizhi's face flushed slightly.

Su Mu looked at the porridge in the bowl, probably thought of something, and couldn't help laughing.


Kuizhi from Zaomen stretched out his small hand and hit Mu Jun, but it was not very forceful, but the nature of coquettishness was more serious.

"After eating, take good care of it and sleep a little longer."

Su Mu Ren Youzaomen Kuizhi pressed his chest with his small hand and continued to feed the porridge.Said on the side.


Probably after feeding the Zaomen Kuizhi breakfast and wishing the Zaomen Kuizhi a good rest, he left the room.

As soon as he left the room, he saw Nezuko who was going out. He also stood at the door without moving, looking up and down at Nezuko.

"Uncle Big Bad."

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