"Sister, you're talking nonsense again."

Butterfly Kanae blushed shyly, and was talking nonsense when she saw her sister, and immediately wrapped her slender and tender arms around her head.

Before Butterfly Shinobu could react, the bodies of the two sank immediately and fell directly to the bottom of the hot spring.

The warm spring water buried the whole body.

Because suddenly, Butterfly Shinobu was still opening his mouth to speak, but at this moment, he could only close his mouth, and some bubbles spit out along the mouth, which can be said to be very cute.

Seeing her sister's cute appearance, Butterfly Kanae also smiled on her pretty face.

It's just that her sister's words always echoed in her mind inadvertently.


Soaking in hot springs is good, but soaking alone is not very interesting after all, so Su Mu only soaked for more than half an hour before walking out.

Putting on her clothes, she came to the living room, lay down slightly, and waited for the massage from the maid in the hot spring.

Although these maids are also very beautiful, but these days, seeing too many beauties, Su Mu's vision has long been spoiled.

I feel that these maids are too ordinary, just enjoying the massage with their eyes closed, without other movements.

On the contrary, this caused a wave of resentment in the eyes of the maid who massaged her. I have long heard that this person has booked the entire hot spring center. He is a big boss. In addition, this person is tall and handsome. , don't mind if something happens

But it's a pity that the concubine has a heart, but Lang has no intention.


Pressing the massage, waving his hand to let the reluctant maid go away, Su Mu was also lying on the chair slightly eating some pastries, while waiting for Sister Butterfly to come out of the bath.

About an hour later, after taking a bath, Sister Butterfly also came out of the bath after changing her clothes.

One tall and one short, holding hands with each other, their skin is soft and their faces are delicate.

Different temperaments show different charms, which makes people's eyes light up slightly.

"It's so beautiful!"

He couldn't help staring at the two of them, looking up and down at them, praising them at the same time.

"Look, Mister really likes you. If my sister takes the initiative a little bit, she won't be so fascinated by Mister."

Listening to Su Mu's words, Die Die stood on tiptoe and whispered in her sister's ear.

After being told by her sister's words, Butterfly Kanae's face was also slightly hot, and her little hand tapped heavily on her little head again.

Butterfly endured the pain, and immediately ran to Su Mu who was lying on the seat with small steps, and then grabbed Su Mu's arm like an innocent little girl: "Sir, is sister beautiful?"

"very beautiful."

Su Mu nodded.

"Sir, do you like my sister?"

Butterfly squinted her eyes slightly, and didn't forget to glance at her sister. Such words made Butterfly Kanae's face burn, and she wanted to come and grab her sister, but because her husband was beside her, it was difficult to catch her.

Seeing Die Die Ren's slightly overflowing smile, Su Mu leaned close to Die Die Ren's ear, and said softly, "Sir! Not only do I like my sister, but I also like my sister 'Nin'."

In a word, it sounded like a thunderbolt, making Butterfly Shinobu stunned on the spot, not even knowing when it was caught by sister Butterfly Kanae and knocked on the head.

"Okay, let's go, go to investigate the evil spirits, wait until 4.3 in the evening, you will leave here."

Su Mu also stood up and walked out of the hot spring.

Seeing her husband leave, Butterfly Kanae also breathed a sigh of relief. At the same time, she didn't forget to glance at the dazed Butterfly Ninja, and asked in a low voice, "Just now, what did you say to you?"

Die Die Ren seemed to come back to his senses at this time, seeing the curious inquiry in her sister's eyes, her heart was beating slightly fast.

"No... didn't say anything."

Butterfly lowered her head and said in a low voice.

Seeing her sister like this, Butterfly Kanae narrowed her beautiful eyes slightly: "Sister, is there something you are hiding from my sister?"

"Sister, let's go investigate the evil ghost, we can't delay."

Butterfly couldn't bear to look at her sister's eyes, and didn't dare to answer her sister's question, so she ran out in a hurry, but her heart was beating violently, and her heart was also very chaotic.



Chapter 160 Two: The Oiran Parades the Street, the Ghost of the Twins

During the day, several people shuttled through Yoshiwara Flower Street to investigate matters related to evil spirits.

But unfortunately

There aren't many clues.

Generally, the easiest way to investigate evil spirits is to investigate whether there are missing people around. This is the most direct clue to track down evil spirits.

After all, evil spirits are 'human-hungry', once in a state of hunger, they cannot bear the instinct of evil spirits' inner desire for human flesh and blood.

Therefore, if there are any missing humans in the vicinity, you can use this clue to find out the news of the evil spirits.

But unfortunately

Not found here.

"No news was found."

'Sorrowful Isle Xingming' folded his hands, his face was heavy. Several swordsmen who came to investigate the disappearance also disappeared suddenly at night. He went to investigate the missing place, and there was no sign of a fight nearby.

Obviously, the first scene is not in place.

Instead, they were drawn out, and then fought elsewhere and were killed by evil spirits. Or, the evil spirits that appeared were far more powerful than imagined. was killed.

"I just found out that there will be an oiran parade here recently."

Butterfly Ninja also told the news that he had detected.

"I heard from people here that whenever it's night when the oirans are parading the streets, it will be very lively. There will be a large number of people coming here, and even some foreigners will come here."

Butterfly Chanae also reported the news.

When talking about this, Butterfly couldn't help but raised her head and looked at Mr.: "What is an oiran? Is it because beautiful women are called oirans? But, why do they come out to parade?"

Su Mu glanced at Die Die Ren, and also explained: "The so-called oiran is engaged in a transaction of selling their bodies to obtain men's money. Generally, those who are engaged in this kind of occupation will call them divas, and they also have ugly names. called whores."

Hearing Mr.'s explanation, Butterfly Ninja blushed, apparently not expecting the so-called oiran parade to be such an activity.

I also don't understand how such a thing can be so publicized.

"However, those singers are just the simplest physical transactions with men. When it comes to oirans, they are somewhat different from ordinary singers. These women are not only beautiful in appearance, but also have outstanding talents in chess, calligraphy and painting. Proficiency is no longer just a simple physical transaction, but more, it is spiritual..."

Su Mu explained for Butterfly Ren again.

Hearing Su Mu's explanation, Die Die Ren was stunned, and at the same time, he was a little puzzled: "Since the oiran is so powerful and has so many talents, why would he do such a thing as parading in the street? After all, it is too detrimental to a woman fame."

In Die Die Ren's view, a girl should keep herself clean and be sought after by so many boys. Afterwards, if she marries her future husband, the husband will be very jealous of her.

"Although the oiran is considered a very talented person, he is not free himself, because he has paid a lot to train these girls to become an oiran, and ordinary oirans can't repay these. They can only earn more money by parading the oirans..."

Su Mu explained briefly.

Although Hua Kui is different from ordinary divas, in the final analysis, there is not much difference from divas who entertain people with their bodies, but they are more noble.

"Then they are quite pitiful."

Butterfly can't help feeling a little sympathetic. Although she has many talents, she can't control herself. Even, she can't choose who to commit herself to in the future. In Butterfly's view, she is just a puppet at the mercy of others.


The sun goes down unconsciously

When night falls, it is time for evil spirits to haunt.

Su Mu also sent Butterfly Kanae and Butterfly Ninja back home. After all, it is very dangerous that there is a suspected ghost in Yoshiwara Flower Street. Butterfly Kanae and Butterfly Shinobu.

Although Die Die was unwilling, she knew the severity and returned full of resentment.


At night, Su Mu and 'Sorrowful Island Xingming' walked on the streets of Huajie.

The Yoshiwara Flower Street at night is even more lively than during the day, but most of them are men, but the shopkeepers on the street are all women, and some women in cool clothes try their best to attract passing men.

However, most of the men did not go there at this moment. Obviously, they had to wait until the oiran paraded through the streets to see the beauty of the oiran.

Because 'Bei Ming Yu Xing Ming' is a monk, it is quite eye-catching to appear here, and many people have strange eyes. People are going to say something.

After all, for a monk to appear in Huajie, it does seem a bit nondescript.

"The master should wear a felt hat. It is so eye-catching. Even if the evil spirits come out, they will not dare to show up when they see the master."

Su Mu smiled from the side.

'Sorrowful Islet Xingming' clasped his hands together, silently recited 'Amitabha', and continued to speak: "There are so many people here, it may be difficult to find the evil spirits, it might be better to startle the snakes, maybe there will be unexpected gains."

Su Mu couldn't help but glanced at 'Sorrowful Islet Xingming' in surprise, but he didn't expect the other party to think like this, but after thinking about it, it makes sense.

"Because of my blindness, I am practicing a kind of Buddhist mind-eye clairvoyance. Through the 'mind-eye clairvoyance', I can feel some people's emotions. If evil spirits appear, and seeing our ghost killing team, my mood will definitely be ups and downs. In this way, I can The identity of the evil spirit has been locked."

'Sorrowful Islet Xingming' explained again.

Su Mu couldn't help but understand that there are various ways to track evil spirits in the ghost killing team. For example, the later "Snake Pillar" Yihei Xiaobanei can use his own white snake to track evil spirits, such as " Mizutaki's Rin Taki Zuo Kinji, like Tanjiro, can smell the smell of evil spirits through his sensitive nose.

Apparently, the Ghost Killing Squad dispatched 'Sorrowful Island Xingming' to Yoshiwara Flower Street to look for evil spirits. It should have considered the method of 'Sorrowful Islet Xingming' to find evil spirits.

"It's just that the sea of ​​people is so vast, I'm afraid it will not be easy for 187 to find the evil spirits."

'Sorrowful Islet Xingming' sighed softly.

"I don't know where the evil spirits are hiding?"

Speaking of this, 'Sorrowful Island Xingming' also looked at Su Mu: "I don't know what kind of thoughts Mu Jun has."

"I was thinking, if I were an evil spirit, where would I be now? And why have I been here for so long, but haven't been discovered yet?"

'Sorrowful Island Xingming' heard the words, could not help but slightly frowned, but couldn't think too much.

"Tell me, will the evil spirit change into the appearance of an oiran? If so, I'm afraid no one would have thought of it, right?"

He pretended to speak meaninglessly.

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