And hearing Su Mu's words, the pale eyes of 'Sad Mingyu Xingming' froze slightly.


Yoshiwara Yukaku's Kyogoku House

On the dressing table of a rather luxurious room, a delicate and beautiful woman is painting her eyebrows in front of the mirror.

The woman is plump and has a pretty face.


A sound of hurried footsteps came from outside.

Soon, an ugly man with disheveled hair and many black spots on his face walked in.

Looking at the younger sister who was drawing her eyebrows in the mirror, she said with a little worry: "The swordsman from the Ghost Killing Squad appeared again. Otherwise, my younger sister won't go to the oiran parade today."

The woman turned her head and glanced at her brother:

"So many people are looking forward to my sister's appearance, sister, how can I say no...not to go.".

Chapter 160 Three: The so-called oiran is just a rich man's plaything

Hearing his sister's words, the prostitute Taro felt a little helpless, but he had no choice but to agree to his sister's pampering.

"However, sister, you still have to be more careful today and pretend better. After all, there is a very powerful swordsman in the ghost killing team."

'Prostitute Taro' said in a deep voice.

"A very powerful swordsman, is it 'Pillar'?"

'Falling Princess' couldn't help covering her mouth and chuckling, the 'pillars' in the ghost killing team are really powerful, every year twelve ghost moons are killed by these 'pillars', but those dead ghosts are all 'last quarter moons' 'That's all.

In the past hundred years, it has never been heard that a "first quarter moon" died in the hands of these "pillars". On the contrary, many "pillars" died in the hands of these "first quarter moons".

It is also the month of the twelve ghosts, and the evil ghosts of the "winding string" and the evil ghosts of the "down stringing" are completely different concepts.

Even as the lowest "winding land", there are not no "pillars" that died in their hands.

In the view of 'Falling Ji', although the 'pillars' are a bit more difficult to deal with, it is still impossible to deal with them.

If you really want to kill them, you need at least three pillars to work together.

But does the Ghost Killing Squad really dare to send three 'pillars' to hunt them down at night?

From the point of view of 'Falling Princess', it is unlikely, after all, if all three 'pillars' are dead, it will be an absolute fatal blow to the Ghost Killing Team.

The general approach of the ghost killing team is to search for traces of these 'winded' evil spirits during the day, try to violently expose them to the sun, and rely on the sun to kill them.

If a hundred years ago, such a method would have worked, but now, before the day comes, these 'winding' evil spirits will already be hiding in enough concealment that it is impossible to be discovered.

Even if it is discovered, the hidden places are mostly impossible to be exposed to the sun, such as the caves in the mountains, and under the deep dark river. Even if they are discovered by the ghost killing team, they cannot be exposed to the sun. under.

"No, the strength of this young swordsman far exceeds that of 'Pillar'." 'Prostitute Taro' said in a deep voice, "'The Wu of the Wind, the Ghost of the Pot, and the Jade Pot have already died in the hands of this swordsman. "

Hearing her brother's words, 'Falling Ji''s expression froze, and the originally relaxed smile stopped abruptly.

"Is that ghost in Yuhu killed too~々?"

'Falling Concubine' couldn't believe it. You know, Yuhu is the 'Shangxian Wu', and its strength is far stronger than their 'Shangxian Lu'.

"Yeah, so, this time the oiran parade in Yoshiwara Flower Street, you must be careful."

'Prostitute Taro' spoke seriously.

"I know my brother."

'Falling Princess' also nodded.


"Mu-jun, why did you think that the oiran would be an evil ghost?"

'Sorrowful Islet Xingming' stared at Su Mu with pale eyes, a little puzzled, he really hadn't thought about it.

After all, as an oiran, everyone usually attracts attention, especially at night like this. How many people will stare at her. Who would have thought that such an oiran, who is so much attention, would be an evil ghost?

"I guessed too."

Su Mu smiled, and then pointed to a street lamp not far away: "Even under the light, there is still darkness."

"This is the so-called darkness under the lamp."

"Master Mu knows a lot."

'Sorrowful Islet Xingming' After listening to Su Mu's words, he couldn't help but sigh with emotion, and he couldn't help but look at Su Mu with a look of admiration.

"Whether it is an evil spirit or not, the master needs to confirm it when the oiran is parading through the streets."

Su Mu smiled and looked at 'Sorrowful Island Xingming': "What I said may not be correct, maybe the oiran is not a vampire.".

"I see."

'Sorrowful Islet Xingming' clasped his hands together and nodded seriously.


In fact, when "Sorrowful Island Xingming" talked about Yoshihara Flower Street, Su Mu thought of an evil ghost.

Especially today when Die Die could not bear to mention the oiran parading the streets, Su Mu locked the identity of this ghost.

If the guess is correct, the Shangxian evil spirit that appeared in Yoshiwara Flower Street is the ghost of the twins.

The so-called twin ghosts are not one ghost, but two ghosts.

One named 'Falling Princess'

One is named Taro the prostitute.

This is a pair of brothers and sisters. In the time of human beings, "Falling Princess" was called "Mei", and her elder brother "Prostitute Taro" depended on each other. However, when she was completely burned, was about to die, and had nowhere to go, she met Tong. grind.

In the end, both of them were turned into ghosts by Tong Mo.

After becoming a ghost, 'Mei' was renamed as 'Falling Princess'.

In the anime, after the two became evil spirits, they have been active in the vicinity of Yoshihara Flower Street.


As the night deepens.

The oirans recommended by each store also appear on the stage.

among them

The most famous one is Yuguo Yoshihara, the 'Falling Princess' of Kyogokuya.

Qian!, Xun!, the first "Fa; Xiao!" said: Zi!; Yuan; Zhong,. Turn! As soon as the skirt "Falling Ji" appeared, the crowd rushed towards it like crazy.

Sitting on a sedan chair carried by more than a dozen people, 'Falling Princess' held a small fan and covered half of her face, revealing an infinitely glamorous face.

'Falling Princess' is not exposed, it is an out-and-out kimono, but even so, its beauty is still better than other oirans in cool clothes.

The girl stepped on wooden clogs about [-] to [-] centimeters high, and walked around on the sedan chair. Sometimes, she also took some flowers and fruits from the hand of the maid next to her, and then sprinkled them down.

Immediately, countless people looted frantically for it.

There are also many people who keep shouting the name of the oiran 'Falling Princess'.

Sometimes, 'Falling Princess' stood on the sedan chair, her eyes sometimes fell on the cheering crowd, and sometimes she covered her mouth and smiled lightly, and some men who couldn't stand it would even faint.

It is rumored that if the 'Falling Princess' blows air at the corner of a man's mouth, the man will even lose control due to excitement.


Su Mu looked at the frenzied crowd around the sedan chair, and was also a little speechless. The behavior of these people reminded him of those star chasers in his previous life.

Let him be somewhat speechless.

In his view, the so-called 'Oiran' is just a more advanced diva.

Although viewed from a distance, the woman named "Falling Ji" is indeed extremely beautiful, even, she is no less than a sunflower branch.

But to be so crazy for a high-level singer, in Su Mu's view, it is somewhat irrational.

And at this time, the 'Sorrowful Island Xingming' next to him also closed his eyes, as if he was feeling something.

It took a while for 'Sorrowful Isle Xingming' to open his eyes suddenly, staring at 'Falling Ji' with his white pupils, and even wanted to take out the Sun Wheel Knife wrapped in cloth on his back.

".Master, are you going to kill ghosts now?"

Seeing that 'Sorrowful Island Xingming' couldn't wait to take out the Sun Wheel Knife, Su Mu couldn't help but speak.

"(Get Qian Zhao) Since you have discovered the evil spirit, you must kill this evil spirit."

'Sorrowful Islet Xingming' looked serious.

"Master, look at the situation around you. What do you think will happen if the other party hides in the crowd?"

Su Mu pointed to the crowd surrounded by sedan chairs.

'Sorrowful Islet Xingming' could not help but slightly frowned.

"If Grandmaster makes a move now, I am afraid that those people are trying to be the flower protectors, and they are probably going to be enemies of Grandmaster."

Su Mu said quietly.

"Sorrowful Islet Xingming" Hearing that, and then looking at those people frantically crowding around in the sedan chair, I felt a slight chill in my heart.

Of course he is not afraid of these people, but it is not easy to fight with these people. If he is surrounded by these people, it will be difficult for him to escape.

After all, there are too many.

"so what should I do now?"

'Sorrowful Islet Xingming' couldn't help asking.

"The so-called diva and the so-called oiran are just the playthings of the rich and powerful, and only this evil ghost will take the oiran's parade in the streets as a display of his charm."

Su Mu sneered slightly.

Chapter 160: Mr. Mu, should you drink tea first or... use me first?

In a luxurious room, the 'Dragon Princess' wearing a kimono sits kneeling at a low table alone.

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