And at this time, the meteor hammer wielded by 'Sorrowful Isle Xingming' also hit over, directly hitting the back of 'Prostitute Taro', directly smashing 'Prostitute Taro' body forward, and his back was also rotten .

But apparently 'Prostitute Taro' didn't care about his injuries, as soon as he got close to 'Sorrowful Island Xingming', he exchanged injuries with 'Sorrowful Island Xingming'.

Although it seems that the injuries of 'Prostitute Taro' are more serious, obviously, this cannot be counted as such. After all, the powerful self-healing power of ghosts allows them to recover quickly.


Qian,, Xun:;First "Fa! Small"! Say? Resources;? Source:. Middle!" "Turn!" skirts are different for human beings

After all, human beings are flesh and blood, and they will suffer from pain and fatigue when they are injured.

If you are hit to the point, you will die.

Seeing that 'Prostitute Taro' gained power, he became unreasonable and merciless, playing with injuries for injuries everywhere, 'Sorrowful Island Xingming' stepped on the ground fiercely, enduring the severe pain in his body, and slammed towards 'Prostitute' As soon as Taro's body bumped, the 'prostitute Taro' was hit dizzily.

But the prostitute Taro has a lot of experience in fighting, so he threw away the bloody sickle in his hand, put his hands together, hugged 'Sorrowful Island Xingming', opened his cold teeth, and opened his mouth to bite the ear of 'Sorrowful Island Xingming'.

Ordinary people might not be able to deal with this move, but 'Sorrowful Islet Xingming' has rich combat experience, and the elbow of his left hand slammed into the face of 'Prostitute Taro'.


A muffled sound came out.

Blood mixed with sweat splashed, 'Sorrowful Islet Xingming''s elbow directly knocked off two teeth of 'Prostitute Taro', and at the same time, also knocked 'Prostitute Taro' to a standstill.

But at this time, 'Sorrowful Isle Xingming' clenched his hands tightly, his fists were smashed, and he greeted 'Prostitute Taro' fiercely.

After only a short while, the face of 'Hooker Taro' was beaten badly.

At the same moment, 'Sorrowful Isle Xingming' attacked continuously, chopping palms left and right, pulling body, hammering, elbowing, punching the brain

The series of attacks were completed in an instant, and in an instant, the 'Hooker Taro' who was close to him was beaten like a rag doll.


In the distance, Su Mu, who had just walked over by the hair of 'Falling Ji', saw the 4.3 series of moves by 'Sorrowful Island Xingming', and his eyes lit up.

'Sorrowful Islet Xingming' punched 'Prostitute Taro' to the ground like a tattered doll, before standing up with a little panting.

this moment

On his fist, blood was falling to the ground bit by bit along his fingers.

The monk's face was even more bloody, and it looked extremely cruel.

He looked at the 'Falling Concubine' who was dragged by Su Mu like a puddle of mud, and the corners of his eyes twitched slightly.

"Compared to Lord Mu, 'Xingming' is still much worse."

Su Mu laughed, and grabbed 'Falling Ji' by the hair and tossed it beside 'Prostitute Taro'.


The ghost body smashed the ground, making a dull sound.

He pulled out the sun wheel sword in his hand, and walked towards 'Prostitute Taro' and 'Falling Princess':

"Now, do you have anything else to say? Otherwise, on Huangquan Road, I'm afraid you won't be able to say anything.".

Chapter 160 Seven: What if one day I degenerate and become a demon

'Falling Princess' and 'Prostitute Taro' looked at each other, knowing that the two of them might die today, a hint of despair appeared in their eyes.

"Brother, I'm sorry, I'm all blaming me. If it wasn't for me holding my brother back, my brother wouldn't have died today."

"No, I failed to protect you."


Waiting for 'Prostitute Taro' and 'Falling Princess' to say the same thing, Su Mu didn't hesitate any longer, but also raised the sun wheel knife, and directly cut off the heads of the two.

With the simultaneous cutting off of the two heads, the so-called 'Ghost of the Twins' also died completely.

"Ding, congratulations to the host, kill an evil spirit and get 5 attribute points."

Accompanied by the death of the evil spirit, a familiar and emotionless voice rang in his ears.

And with the death of the evil ghost, the air began to be filled with an unpleasant stench and a feeling of sadness that was so strong that it was unbearable.

At the moment when the Japanese sword cut off the head, 'Fakuji' and 'Prostitute Taro' also recalled the past when they were human beings.


'Falling Hime' was called 'Mei' when she was a human being, and she and her elder brother 'Prostitute Taro' were born on the bottom of Yuguo's "Rashomon River Bank".

The birth of 'Mei' was a tragedy. After 'Mei' was born, her mother thought that Mei was an ominous thing based on her eyes and hair color. The mother who disliked Mei tried to strangle the baby 'Mei'. It was 'Prostitute Taro' who saved 'Mei'.

'Mei' adores her 16th brother 'Taro the whore' very much.

On the day when the mother violently confronted 'Mei' and cut off 'Mei's hair' with a razor, 'Taro the Prostitute' became furious and lost control, which changed the status of mother and child from then on. Mother was afraid of 'Taro the Prostitute' and began to fight with him keep distance.

And later, the mother of 'Prostitute Taro' also died of 'syphilis'.

'Syphilis' is a disease, and it is also the reason why 'Mei''s mother hates 'Mei' because she was infected with this disease not long after she was born, so it is unknown to be 'Mei' all the time .

Later, as 'Mei' gradually grew up, she became more and more beautiful and beautiful. Occasionally, when she was walking on the road, she would be approached by the road. Gift.

Knowing the advantages brought by her beauty, 'Mei' began to use her appearance to gain benefits, and asked those who pursued her to give her money and food, because she no longer had to let her brother worry about food.

As for 'Prostitute Taro', he has been involved in debt collection work since he was a child. As a marginal figure in society, 'Prostitute Taro' used to have low self-esteem, but because of the existence of his younger sister 'Mei', this inferiority complex gradually dissipated.

Life does not seem to be difficult because of the loss of mother, but with the efforts of the brothers and sisters, it begins to develop in a good direction.

But fate is always such a trick. When 'Mei' was 13 years old, a passing samurai insulted 'Prostitute Taro', so, as the younger sister, 'Mei' stabbed a samurai guest blind with a hairpin. In the left eye, the samurai tied up Mei and set her on fire for a while in revenge.

When the older brother 'Taro' came back from work, 'Mei' had already been burnt beyond recognition.

The prostitute Taro hugged Mei's body and cried bitterly, and then the samurai hacked the prostitute Taro under the identification of Mei's proprietress.

The prostitute Taro took his sickle and hacked to death the proprietress behind the samurai, and then the prostitute Taro also hacked to death the samurai.

The prostitute Taro kept walking with his younger sister who was burned beyond recognition, but no one was willing to lend a helping hand to them. This was the same as their daily life, and no one ever helped them at any time.

And Tong Mo, who was in the Twelve Ghost Moon at that time, met the prostitutes Taro and Mei, and gave them blood, making them ghosts.


These are the sad past of 'Mei' and 'Prostitute Taro' when they were human beings.


"Do you regret being a ghost?"

Seeing the gradually dissipating breath in the air, Su Mu raised his head and murmured slightly.

'Prostitute Taro' has long since died, but the sad breath in the air has not dissipated. Indistinctly, those sad breaths seem to form the outline of 'Prostitute Taro' and 'Falling Princess'.

In front of the two of them, there seemed to be a fork in the road.

One side leads to the dark jungle

On the other side is the sunny road.

"Mei, you shouldn't live the same life as me. If it wasn't for me, you would be a real courtesan."

"If you were born in an ordinary family, you can live an ordinary girl."

"If you were born into a wealthy family, you will definitely become an elegant young lady."

In the air, the vaguely sad breath seems to convey this.

The outline of 'Mei' quietly looked at his brother 'Prostitute Taro': "It has always been 'Mei' who dragged my brother back. If it wasn't for 'Mei', my brother wouldn't have worked so hard. If it wasn't for 'Mei' 's reason……"

A pair of brother and sister, looking at each other.

Presented in front of the siblings are two roads, one leading to darkness and the other leading to light.

But the two brothers and sisters did not choose the road to light, but went to hell together, to the road to darkness.

They have never regretted becoming evil spirits.

Even when recalling their past as humans, the siblings have never regretted becoming a 'human-hungry' evil ghost.

After all, they were never accepted as human beings.



'Sorrowful Islet Xingming' sensed the aura exuded by the pair of brothers and sisters before they left, and couldn't help 'putting hands together', reciting Buddhist scriptures, with an indifferent expression.

Su Mu was slightly silent, and couldn't help but think of Tanjiro and Nezuko in the anime "Demon Slayer".

The two of them went on the opposite path to "Prostitute Taro" and "Falling Princess". Even Nezuko, who became a demon, has always kept her identity as a human being and walked hard all the way. Perhaps, there was once At that moment, together become the future of ghosts.

If, in the anime, Tanjiro went to sell charcoal in the city, but was not stayed by 'Grandpa Saburo', but returned home directly, what would be the ending?

He will die like his mother and younger siblings, and then Nezuko will become a ghost, attacking humans indiscriminately, and then be beheaded by a ghost hunter, or Tanjiro and Nezuko will become ghosts together...and then be killed by other hunters The ghost beheaded.

But it's different from the 'Falling Ji' brothers and sisters.

Tanjiro and Nezuko went the other way.

And 'Prostitute Taro' stepped into the darkness together with 'Falling Princess'.


"Master, it seems that he doesn't feel too much sadness."

When Su Mu beheaded the brothers and sisters, he couldn't help but feel unbearable.

I also feel that I am too cruel.


'Sorrowful Island Xingming' clasped his hands together, and looked at Su Mu with pale eyes: "Humans and ghosts are two paths that go in opposite directions."

"The positions are opposite, there is only life and death."

"If, how many evil spirits do I have to kill to relieve the sadness in my heart, I think, as long as the touch of my fist hitting the evil spirits is still there, I will keep hunting."

'Sorrowful Islet Xingming' spoke calmly, at this moment, there was no trace of the compassion of a monk, nor the slightest tenderness of the past.

"What if, one day, the master also becomes an evil ghost?"

Su 187 raised his head and looked at 'Sorrowful Islet Xingming'.

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