"If one day, I degenerate and become a demon..."

'Sorrowful Islet Xingming' closed his eyes slightly, and in his mind, he remembered that 'the Lord' took him to see the cemetery where a famous swordsman was buried, and looked at the sun wheel sword that lost its owner.

"If I degenerate and become an evil ghost, Lord Mu please cut off my head with his own hands."

'Sorrowful Islet Xingming' said calmly.

Su Mu couldn't help looking at 'Sorrowful Island Xingming' again.

'Sorrowful Islet Xingming' looked calm, obviously, very serious, and did not tell lies. .

"In order for those who were killed by these innocent people to rest in peace, and to prevent more people from being victimized, as swordsmen of the Ghost Killing Squad, we should chop at the neck of the ghost without hesitation."

'Sorrowful Islet Xingming' continued to speak, and then looked at Su Mu: "Master Mu, as a swordsman of the ghost killing team, he shouldn't have any mercy on ghosts."

"We all know that no matter what happened in the past, in order to prevent more people from being victimized, we must kill the evil spirits that cannibalize people."

Said, 'Sorrowful Island Xingming' clenched his fists:

"As long as ghosts eat humans, humans and ghosts will never coexist."

On the road of hunting ghosts, generations of ancestors have used their own flesh and blood as the cornerstone for the successors. After so many years, walking this road, I don’t know how much blood has been paved.

We will not forgive these evil spirits for their cannibalism just because of their sad past.

Because, as humans, we

Nor will it forgive.

brutally eaten

will not forgive.



Chapter 160 Eight: The Innocent Girl in the Greenhouse

Su Mu had some sympathy for 'Falling Girl' and 'Prostitute Taro', but he didn't hesitate to kill them.

These two are evil spirits after all, no matter how tragic their past is, they will always eat people.

"It's a pity that the beauty 'Luo Ji' is gone."

Feeling the gradually dissipating breath in the air, Su Mu couldn't help but feel a little pity.

Next to it, 'Sorrowful Island Xingming' couldn't help looking over: "Mr. Mu seems to be a little too obsessed with beauty."

Su Mu glanced at 'Sorrowful Island Xingming', then shook his head: "You are a monk, you don't understand."

'Sorrowful Island Xingming' couldn't help but froze, and opened his mouth, but he didn't say it after all.

"Let me pass the news of beheading 'Shangxian' back first."

'Sorrowful Island Xingming' shook his head, not thinking too much.

Su Mu nodded.

Accompanied by the flying of the 'Crow', the mission information was transmitted to the headquarters by the 'Sorrowful Island Xingming'.




Faint lights flickered.

A sleeping woman suddenly opened her scarlet eyes, which were full of violence.

"'Falling Princess' and 'Prostitute Taro' are dead."

Oni Wu Tsuji gritted his teeth, his exquisite face was full of distortions.

Slightly closing his eyes, Onimai Tsuji read the last scene of 'Fakuji' and 'Prostitute Taro' before they died.

Seeing the young swordsman holding up the Japanese sword and chopping off the heads of 'Fakuji' and 'Prostitute Taro', Onimai Tsuji couldn't help but clenched his fists hard.

"It's really...hateful!"

Oni Wu Tsuji clenched his fists tightly, his eyes were full of resentment, and two of the 'Shangxian' subordinates had died in each other's hands in a row, which had never happened in a hundred years.

"Damn, damn..."

Onimai Tsuji Mumi smashed the table in front of him with a punch.


quiet room

The two girls were sorting out the documents in their hands.

'Ubuyashiki Nikka' put down a piece of paper, but she was thinking about something in her heart, a little happy and a little sad.

These days, the situation of the Ghost Killing Squad seems to be getting better and better. Even the sisters are not as busy as before, and the smiles on the faces of the father and mother seem to be much more.

The sisters are very happy.

and also

She received a gift from a revered 'pillar'.

This is the first time she has received a gift from the opposite sex.

There is a very happy feeling inside.

However, the hairpin was taken away by her mother. In the past few days, she tried to get it back from her mother, but failed.

This makes 'Sanya Shiki Nikka' a little sad.

Especially the news that I have heard recently made 'Ubuyashiki Nikka' even more worried.

Recently, a ghost named "Shangxian" appeared in a place called Yoshihara Flower Street, and his father sent him to investigate.

I don't know how it is now.

Although the lord is very powerful, and even killed the evil spirit "Shangxian" with his own hands, he still can't help worrying about the lord.

After all, the 'winding' evil spirit is extremely difficult to deal with.

I don't know how many swordsmen die every year at the hands of the 'winding' evil spirit.

"My lord is so powerful, there will be nothing wrong~々."

'Ubuyashiki Nikka' murmured involuntarily, but she still felt uneasy.

Before, 'Ubuyashiki Nikka' had never been so worried about a person, perhaps, it was because the other party was the first person of the opposite sex to give her a gift, and always hoped that the other party would be fine.

With her little hand resting on her chin, 'Ubuyashiki Nikka' couldn't help but look outside, expecting 'Crow' to come and bring back the news about that person.

Thinking of that person, 'Ubuyashiki Nikka' felt a little confused.

It was the time of innocence, the extremely strict tutoring, and the opposite sex that "Ubuyashiki Nikka" came into contact with were those who were extremely respectful. Most swordsmen, facing them, were old-fashioned.

But in such an environment, when he suddenly met a strange opposite sex, the other party's bold gaze and the gift that he gave suddenly but did not take back, made 'Ubuyashiki Nikka' feel agitated.

I always feel that it is not good to receive an important gift from the other party. Although I am very happy in my heart, I feel inappropriate after all, and I want to send some back.

I don't know what that person likes.

If the gift you give is something that the other party doesn't like, then it's too wrong.

And this time

'Ubuyashiki Nikka' realized that she didn't seem to know that person well.

Because I don't understand, I have more fantasies in my heart.

Thinking, thinking, the girl's heart became chaotic.

Only then did I realize that I didn't seem to have many files sorted out today, and more files were sorted out by my sister.

This discovery made 'Ubuyashiki Nikka' look at her sister like a frightened little rabbit, but she didn't seem to notice it. Perhaps, she just felt that there were a lot of documents today, and didn't think that it was her sister who was thinking about something. Causes of reduced work efficiency.


Suddenly, there was a sound of 'crow' from outside the window, and 'Rika Ubuyashiki' stood up hastily and went out of the window.

Sure enough, a 'crow' flapped its wings and flew over.

'Ubuyashiki Nikka' eagerly opened the envelope on '鎹鸿''s lap, and even wanted to take a look at it impatiently.

But due to the rules of the ghost killing team, it was not opened after all.

It's just that the little hand kept looking at the envelope, which recorded a message from Master Yanmingyu Xingming.

'Sanyashiki Nikka' knows that Mu Jun's action this time is with 'Bei Ming Yu Xing Ming', so, this action should record the other party's information.

Thinking of this, 'Sanyashiki Nikka' felt a little excited inside.

I don't know how much information about the other party is recorded in it.

I don't know if the other party beheaded the 'winding' evil spirit.



'Ubiyashiki Nikka' handed the obtained information to her mother 'Ubiyashiki Amane'.

Knowing that it was the information sent by 'Sorrowful Island Xingming', the tender body of 'Ubuyashiki Amane' also straightened up abruptly.

She naturally knew what 'Sorrowful Islet Xingming' and Su Mu's actions were this time.

That's information about the evil spirit 'Shangxian'.

'Ubuyashiki Amane' immediately opened the envelope, and seeing the information on it, her beautiful face showed excitement immediately.

"Another 'winding' evil spirit was beheaded."

'Ubuyashiki Amane' clenched (Deqian Zhao) into a fist, happy like a little girl.

"Mother, was Lord Mu beheaded?"

Seeing her mother so excited, 'Niyashiki Nikka' couldn't help asking urgently.

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