Chapter 170: True wild rice and wild rabbit, the test of 'Teng Xishan'

Xia Wushan

Halfway up the mountain, several houses were built here.

'Water Column' Rinaki Zuo Kinji is sitting by the bonfire set up in the house. A small pot is hung on the bonfire with a tripod. As the bonfire burns on the hot pot, the steaming aroma blows out and surrounds the whole house. Full of fragrance.

'Rin Taki Zuo Kinji' took a sip from the spoon, put it near his mouth, and couldn't help but nodded slightly: "I think Mako and Sato will like it very much."

Both Sato and Mako are orphans adopted by him, and they are also the two most outstanding disciples he has taught in these years.

Although he doesn't have any blood relationship with Makoto and Saito, in the heart of 'Rintaki Zuo Kinji', he treats them as his own children.

For them, the heart is also full of expectations.

"Ta Tata..."

There were footsteps outside the house, and the young girl walked in, looking at the bonfire burning in the house and the small pot placed on the bonfire, she was also slightly taken aback.

"Master, did you cook something delicious today?"

Zhenmo walked up quickly, her little nose couldn't help sniffing lightly, and a pair of colored contact lenses couldn't help showing a hint of surprise.

"I made a hot pot."

Seeing the appearance of Mako, 'Rin Taki Zuo Kinji' couldn't help but smile.

"That must be delicious at 16."

Makoto said with a smile.

Hearing Mako's praise, 'Rin Taki Zuo Kinji' was also very happy in his heart. Mako is always so good at talking, just like his own daughter, she is a caring little padded jacket.

Satoshi next to him didn't say much, but looked at the steaming pot with a hint of thought in his eyes.


A lamp like a bean.

The three masters and apprentices ate hot pot around the bonfire. The atmosphere was harmonious, and the whole room was filled with a harmonious atmosphere.

Long time

'Rin Taki Zuo Kinji' put down the chopsticks in his hand.

And as 'Rin Taki Zuo Kinji' put down the chopsticks in his hand, Mako and Sato also stopped.

Both of them looked at their master.

I also know that the master has something to say to me.

"Another test of 'Teng Xishan' is about to begin."

'Rin Taki Zuo Kinji' said in a low voice, the tone was a little low, but with a hint of expectation, a little unwilling.

Hearing the master's words, no matter whether it was the rabbit or the real mushroom, they couldn't help clenching their fists slightly, and there was a touch of excitement in their eyes.

These years, they have been practicing hard these days, isn't that what they have done?

As a disciple of the master, how could he not understand the past of the master 'Rin Taki Sakonji',

In recent years, the disciples taught by the master are not only the two of them, but also the younger brother Yoshiyuki Tomioka who was recently accepted.

Before, there were still many brothers and sisters.

But these senior brothers and sisters have never returned since they participated in the Teng Xishan assessment.

Every year, they saw the master watching off the seniors with confidence, or the seniors went to 'Teng Xishan'.


All that was waiting was a short letter.

every letter

All with a bad news.

And every time after the 'Teng Xishan' assessment, the master would always stay on the top of the mountain silently for several days.

The previous master was always gentle and talkative.

but now

It has become more and more lonely.

As disciples, they can feel the sadness in the master's heart.

"This time, I hope to be able to participate in this assessment."

Sato placed his hand slightly on the handle of the knife around his waist, with a look of determination in his eyes. Not only did he want to successfully walk down from the 'Teng Xi Shan', but he also wanted to kill all the people who were detained in the 'Teng Xi Shan'. The evil spirit who tests the disciple proves to others that there is nothing wrong with the master's teaching.

"The test of 'Teng Xishan' is very dangerous, are you ready?"

'Rin Taki Zuo Kinji' raised his head, looked at the two of them, his voice was extremely hoarse.

"We are all prepared and will never let Master down."

Makoto and Saito spoke seriously.

"I also need to go."

At this moment, a black-haired boy suddenly barged in from the door. The boy's hair was so long that it almost covered most of his face.

It was Tomioka Yoshiyuki, a young disciple taken in by "Rintaki Zuo Konji", who was originally dependent on his sister, but on the day of her sister's wedding, an evil spirit attacked and killed her sister and all the people who came to marry.

Only Giyuu Tomioka survived when he was hidden in the vat by his sister.

In the place where he was hiding, Tomioka Yoshiyuki saw his dear sister being eaten by an evil spirit with his own eyes. At that time, he was completely shocked and didn't even dare to show his head.

And after reacting from the stunned state, my sister has been completely eaten by the evil spirit.

From then on, the boy's heart fell into infinite self-blame.

The passing 'Rin Taki Sakonji' rescued this disciple, but he didn't teach him directly, so he was not considered a real disciple, because Saito mainly taught Tomioka Yoshiyuki.

'Rin Taki Zuo Kinji' took a look at Tomioka Yoshiyuki, and then said lightly: "Your strength is not enough."

Tomioka Giyong's eyes couldn't help being slightly sad. Compared with his senior brother and senior sister, his strength is indeed far behind.

'Rin Taki Zuo Kinji' also stood up at this moment, and took out two masks that had been prepared from the box next to him.

One mask is a smiling fox mask with a blue flower pattern.

One mask is the disaster-dispelling fox face with a scar on the corner of the mouth.

"This is what I made for you. I hope this mask...can bless you."

'Rin Taki Zuo Kinji' handed over the masks in his hands to Mako and Saito respectively.

When handing over the mask to Makoto and Saito, the hands of 'Rintaki Sakonji' even trembled slightly. In the past, like today, he handed over the mask he made to his disciples, hoping that the disciples would wear this mask ,Always……


Eventually, all the masked people are gone.

Only the mask I made was left behind.

Every time, my full expectations were dashed.

He hoped that this time, these two masks could accompany Makoto and Sato all the way.


quiet house

Su Mu sat quietly.

Beside them are Ninja Butterfly and Kanae Butterfly.

"It won't be long before the test of 'Teng Attacking Mountain' will begin."

he said softly.

Butterfly Ninja and Butterfly Kanae both felt nervous.

"Is it the 'Teng Xishan' who has to stay in the environment where the evil 187 ghosts exist for seven days before they can get out?"

Butterfly asked.


Su Mu nodded.

"So, can you kill all the evil spirits there?"

Butterfly gritted her teeth and clenched her fist slightly, with deep hatred bursting out in her eyes.


Su Mu nodded: "However, there should be a very powerful evil spirit inside, you have to be careful, it is an evil spirit named 'Hand Ghost', its neck is very hard, ordinary swordsmen can't even use a sun wheel knife Can't break its neck."

As he spoke, he gave Butterfly Shinobi a meaningful look.

After hearing his words, Butterfly Ninja's face couldn't help but change slightly. The strength of 'Ninja' has always been very small. There are always fatal flaws in dealing with evil spirits.

"Then let me cut off the neck of that evil spirit."

Beside, Butterfly Kanae said softly while looking at her sister tenderly.



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Chapter 170 Three: Mouth Pingqin Ye, Another Young Woman

Late night

The doorway of the Bliss Sect.

A young woman knelt at the gate of the temple, holding her baby in her arms, begging for help.

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