The girl's name is 'Zui Ping Qin Ye' and she is a young mother.

She has no parents or brothers and sisters. After giving birth to the child, she suffered from violence from her husband and mother-in-law for a long time. Recently, because her husband disliked the child for being noisy and violently beat the child, 'Zui Pingqin Ye' was unwilling to endure her husband's roughness and bit her. The husband's arm was beaten again by her husband.

Today, taking advantage of her husband's inattention, she secretly took the infant child to the temple of the Bliss Sect, hoping to be sheltered, because, staying at home, she was afraid that the child would be brutally beaten to death by her husband. I can still endure violence from my husband and mother-in-law's making things difficult, but I can't bear the suffering of my own children.

As for why you want to come to the Bliss Teaching of the World.

Because, she also heard others say that people from the Bliss Sect will help people who suffer like her, and she also has expectations in her heart.


The gate of the temple opens.

One wears a hat that symbolizes the godfather, a black cloak, and a red jacket. The neck of the clothes is black and has hair color like white oak.

The irises of its eyes have a rainbow-like color, and in its hair, there is a place that looks like it has been drenched in blood. This place has black edges that spread out towards the surroundings.

Tong Mo looked at the woman kneeling at the gate of the temple with her child in her arms, and couldn't help licking the corner of her mouth.

"My lord, please, save me and the child..."

Seeing Tong Mo coming out, 'Zui Ping Qin Ye' kowtowed immediately, begging to those who came out of the temple.

Tong Mo looked at the woman praying to him in front of him, and felt that she was really stupid.

It would be foolish to ask for protection from a man-eating ghost, thinking that you could really be protected.

but it happens

There are always too many such extremely stupid people in this world.

They will always pin their hopes on the outside, on illusory gods.

Just like the believers of the Eternal Bliss Cult, the general will hope that he, the leader, will lead them to the world of bliss.

It's just that there is no Paradise of Ultimate Bliss in this world, and there are no so-called gods and Buddhas. This is just a story created by human delusions. Once a human dies, they will turn into nothingness and feel nothing. The heart stops, and the whole body will return to dust after decay. All living things will go through this process.

It's so stupid that these poor people don't understand anything about such a simple truth.

"However, wasn't I born into this world just to help these poor people achieve happiness?

Tong Mo murmured in his heart.

And the way he can redeem these people is very simple, only by eating up the flesh and blood of these people who prayed to him without any residue, so that he can live forever with himself, so that he can lead these poor people to obtain salvation , to reach the real world of eternal life, and experience the beauty of this eternal life together with yourself.

"What happened, let's talk slowly, the Bliss Cult will not give up any believer who prays to the Bliss Cult...~々..."

Tong Mo lifted the 'Zui Ping Qin Ye' who was kneeling on the ground, and looked at the woman with his eyes.

There is no doubt that this is a very beautiful woman with tender skin, and because she has not given birth to a child for a long time, her body still has a faint scent of milk.

"It must be delicious."

Tong Mo couldn't help thinking, but this woman's condition is not good now, her body is a little dirty, her hair is messy, and one eye is bruised.

It's not very good for a woman in this state to eat.

Tong Mo felt that it was still necessary to heal the other party's injuries, and then, bathe and burn incense, let him be in a very pious state, and let himself bring him into the world of bliss.

Presumably, the other party will like it very much, right?

'Zui Ping Qin Ye' was also very moved when he heard Tong Mo's words, coupled with the other party's calm words and the soft smile on his face, 'Zui Ping Qin Ye' felt a little more secure in his heart.

'Zui Ping Qin Ye' immediately told Tong Mo what happened to him.

Tong Mo listened with a smile, and at the same time comforted the poor woman with gentle words, and said that Wanshi Bliss Cult would definitely protect her and her child.

"I haven't asked you what the child's name is?"

Tong Mo asked casually.

'Zuiping Qinye' looked at his child full of love: "His name is Zuiping Inosuke."

Tong Mo came to the child and stroked the child's head: "This child looks really good, and he will be blessed by the Buddha."

'Zui Ping Qin Ye' heard it, and a smile appeared on his face.

But at this time, there were extremely hurried footsteps in the distance, followed by a big man and a woman with a sinister face came over, the big man and the woman couldn't help showing a smile on their faces when they saw 'Zui Ping Qin Ye' anger.

Especially that man, he even wanted to go up to 'Zui Ping Qin Ye' immediately, while the woman next to him was also chattering vicious words.

'Zui Ping Qin Ye' hugged the child and instinctively hid behind Tong Mo.

Tong Mo let 'Zui Ping Qin Ye' hide in the temple:

"Here, leave it to me, and you can just stay in the temple with peace of mind."

"Thank you sir, thank you sir."

'Zui Ping Qin Ye' said gratefully, but at the same time she was also a little worried. She knew how difficult her husband and mother-in-law were.

"Don't worry, our Bliss Cult has enough means to solve this kind of problem."

Tong Mo seemed to see the worry of 'Zui Ping Qin Ye', and said with a smile.

Hearing what Tong Mo said, 'Zui Ping Qin Ye' left the temple with peace of mind.

As 'Zui Ping Qin Ye' ran into the temple, the big man and the woman immediately chased after him, but they were stopped by Tong Mo.

"Release my wife, otherwise, I won't be able to beat you to death in a while."

The rough man stared at Tong Mo with a cold face

The woman next to her was also chattering violently.

If it weren't for the well-dressed people in front of them, men and women might start to attack Tong Mo.

It's just that although he didn't move his hands, his mouth kept talking.

Tong Mo looked at the two with a smile: ".You two, don't you think you are noisy?"


The man and the woman wanted to say something, but Tong Mo had already raised his head, the iridescent eyes were glowing with scarlet, and the words 'winding' and 'two' were engraved on the eyes respectively.

The hearts of the men and women jumped slightly.

But at this moment, Tong Mo stretched out his hand suddenly, extended both hands, grabbed the necks of the two of them at once, and lifted them up.

The two struggled vigorously, but the hand holding the arm was like iron tongs. No matter how much they struggled, they couldn't open it. In the end, with the sound of "click" from the neck, the two of them completely lost their voice.

Tong Mo casually dumped the bodies of the two in the nearby forest, looked up at the full moon in the sky, and there was a hint of coldness in his colorful iris eyes.


He felt that two of his most capable men had been killed.

This made Tong Mo very angry.

You know, the prostitutes Taro and Yuji are very sensible, and they don't know how many beautiful women they send to eat every year.

Moreover, the strength of the two of them is not weak, and they are the ghosts of Shangxian just like himself, and because of the existence of these two subordinates, he has always been in an extremely advantageous position among the evil ghosts of Shangxian, and he has always been able to get money. Zhao) tried to challenge his status as the "Shangxian No. [-]". Douzhigui and Yiwozuo suppressed him to death.

"It really made me feel a little bit annoyed."

Tong Mo murmured.

When he was a human being, he couldn't understand human emotions. He never had any emotional fluctuations since he was a child, and he didn't feel the slightest emotion.

He has always believed that human emotions are illusory.

When he was a human being, even if his mother killed his woman-obsessed father and then committed suicide by taking poison, he couldn't feel sadness and loneliness, and even felt that their blood stinks.

After becoming a ghost, he is even more unable to understand human feelings.

Emotions rarely fluctuate.


Feeling a trace of anger in his heart, Tong Mo had some vague expectations in his heart.


There was only a trace of...anger.

but this feeling

How long... I didn't realize it.

This made Tong Mo even want to see the human being who killed Luo Ji and the prostitute Taro, maybe, eat each other, integrate into his body, and make him immortal like himself, then, it must be very... not bad .

Chapter 170 Four: A Girl's Rippling Spring Heart

'The Crow' flapped its wings and landed on Su Mu's hand.

With some doubts, Su Mu untied the envelope tied to the foot of the 'Crow'.

The owner of the letter was written by a girl named 'Ubuyashiki Nikka'.

After Su Mu thought for a while, he suddenly realized that this was the girl who he just sent a hairpin to after the 'Zhu He Meeting' last time.

At that time, it was also a random move.

Unexpectedly, it seems to have achieved good results.

There wasn't much content on the 'Ubuya Shiki Nikka' letter paper, but she just expressed her thanks for the gift he gave him last time, and asked him if there was anything he liked, and she could also give him some gifts.

Of course, it also tells about a girl's daily thoughts, such as being very busy at work these days, and there is no time to complain.

Of course, at the end of the envelope, I also said that the father and mother seemed to be in a bad mood, did he do something that offended the father, and the mother became angry, because when talking about him, the father and mother would be very upset. angry.

After reading the contents of the letter, Su Mu could probably imagine the cute look of a girl holding her chin and writing the envelope.

Indistinctly, on the handwriting on the letter paper, one can vaguely see the appearance of a girl sprouting with youthfulness, and even a spring heart.

"Really 187 is a very naive girl."

Su Mu smiled slightly.

I didn't expect that a random gift from myself would really impress a girl.

It's really unintentional to plant flowers, but there is a lingering fragrance in my hands.

However, when I think about it, I feel that it is too normal. In a closed world, and at a time when girls are full of curiosity and expectations for the opposite sex, a man who is very different from the surrounding walks over, which will inevitably touch people's hearts.

After all, Sichun's age is always as old as Jiji's, and he meets some weird opposite sex in a closed environment. Once or once, he will always look forward to the next time.

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