As for why his parents were angry, Su Mu also understood that it was probably because he rejected the ghost hunting mission of the ghost killing team.

of course

He didn't take it too seriously.

He chose to be the 'pillar' of the Ghost Slayer Squad not because he had the same firm belief as other Swordsman of the Ghost Slayer Squad.

Although, he also hates evil spirits in his heart, and when he encounters evil spirits, he will happily kill them in order to obtain more attribute points.

But it doesn't mean that he will choose to be a dog for the Ghost Killing Squad.

The reason why he joined the Demon Slayer Squad was simply because he thought that before long, the 'leader' of the Demon Slayer Squad, "Yuya Ubuyashiki", would be spotted by Onimai Tsuji and then killed by Onimai Tsuji.

After the death of the "master" "Yuya Ubayashiki", the Demon Slayer Squad fell into a very chaotic state, and the remaining young "Teriyaki Ubayashiki" and the beautiful widowed mother "Tianyin Ubayashiki" were somewhat difficult to hold on situation.

At this time, I, the strongest pillar, may be able to help this orphan and widow to control the Ghost Killing Squad.

After all, he still has a lot of experience in taking care of orphans and widowed mothers. After all, Zaomen Kuizhi has been taken care of very well by him now.

Especially thinking of the graceful and luxurious temperament of 'Ubuyashiki Amane', I can't help feeling a little impulsive.

Shaking his head, he got rid of the impulse in his mind, these are not in a hurry.

Now, he is thinking about how to reply to the lovely girl 'Ubuyashiki Nikka'.

Wei Wei hesitated for a moment, then also picked up the pen:

"Long time no see, I miss you very much."

The rainy early spring is always mixed with a lot of sadness, depression, excitement and hope.

I remember the scene when I saw you for the first time, and I liked it very much. At that time, I had no intention of participating in the "Zhu He Meeting", and your lovely figure always appeared in my mind.

In fact, I don't know whether I should reply to your letter, I always raise my pen and put it down again.

Qian. Xun"! First? Send? Small! Say "? Resource? Source";! Turn:: Skirt Today, I drank alcohol, and I finally dared to raise my pen because of my drunkenness.

Now, I also don't understand. I was not timid when I killed those terrifying evil spirits, but I was timid when I let a cute girl know how to believe it.

Is this a sign of weakness?

will you laugh at me

A man who can be a 'pillar' but is afraid of a little girl?

Today, I passed a pontoon bridge, which was very beautiful. There were green leaves and red flowers on the bridge, and there were people with flowing water under the bridge.

Standing by the bridge, looking at the surrounding scenery, in my mind, I can't help but think about what the scene would be like when you were there.

It must be more beautiful than the beauty here.

As for 'Nixiang' asking me what I like, in fact, I don't know what I like.

If you really want to ask me what I like now.

我 只 是 觉得

Maybe, I want to see what Miss 'Rixiang' looks like wearing the hairpin I gave you now?

I heard you say that you are very tired from work recently, you might as well take a break, make a cup of tea, sit quietly in front of the window, and take a look at the scenery outside, maybe your mood will be much better.

of course

If you can

I hope I can make a pot of warm tea for you who are tired. "


After writing the letter, Su Mu put down the paper, glanced at it again, and smiled slightly. Presumably, the other party would like the content of the letter.

Fold the letter paper, and then invite the 'Crow', watching the 'Crow' carry the letter paper away.

Just as he finished writing the letter and sent it away, there was already a sound of light footsteps outside the door.

It was Zaomen Kuizhi in cool clothes who came over with a cup of brewed hot tea.

Seeing the beautiful young woman's gradually swollen belly, Su Mu's mouth was slightly smug.

Zaomen Kuizhi didn't know what Mujun was proud of, but felt that Mujun was in a good mood today, and felt very happy in his heart.

Passed over the brewed hot tea, Su Mu also took it, and put it on his lips slightly.

The water temperature is very suitable, and the tea is also good tea. After a sip, it will leave a fragrance on the lips and teeth.

Zaomen Kuizhi did not leave after bringing the hot tea, but came behind him and massaged his head with his small hands.

Su Mu leaned his head back.

Zaomen Kuizhi's eyes drooped slightly, her beautiful eyelashes trembled slightly, but the movements of her fingertips were even more gentle.

While sipping tea, Su Mu enjoyed the soft fragrance, but he was very leisurely.

While massaging, Zaomen Kuizhi was also whispering, mostly talking about family matters.

Su Mu listened silently, carefully feeling the current dependence of this beautiful woman on him.

This feeling

He loves it.

Such a peaceful life is very good. Of course, if Nezuko grows up, then life should be even better.

Time is slowly passing by, but I am looking forward to the future more and more.

"Mrs. Aoizhi, Nezuko is cute, isn't she?"

Taking another sip of tea, he whispered while enjoying the massage of Zaomen sunflower branch on his head.

Zaomen Kuizhi's massaging hands trembled slightly.

Beautiful eyes slightly drooping

"It's good that Mr. Mu likes it."

Zaomen Kuizhi said in a low voice.

Su Mu chuckled, turned around, and quietly looked at the slightly embarrassed Zaomen Kuizhi.

"It seems that Mrs. Aoizhi still loves Nezuko very much!"

"However, that's right, she is my daughter after all."


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Chapter 170 Five: The Sword Is Not Old

After Tong Mo casually killed the two of them, he returned to the temple of the Bliss Sect.

The Eternal Bliss Sect existed when it was a child mill or a human being.

The entire teaching of the Pope is to let people live a happy life with a calm attitude, and there is no need to force yourself to do things that make people uncomfortable or painful.

Over the years, it has absorbed many devout believers.

But under the deliberate control of Tongmo, it only kept around 250 people.

It's not that Tong Mo is unwilling to expand the Pope's size, but because if he is too public, he will be reprimanded by Oni Wu Tsuji. Therefore, Wan Shi Bliss Sect has not recruited many believers, and its influence has only spread in a small area.

Entering the temple, all believers who saw Tong Mo had respectful eyes, as if they were looking at a god.

Tong Mo seems to be very immersed in this role, and whenever someone asks hello, he will respond with a smile.

Sometimes, Tong Mo will also ask some believers some questions, mostly about money, status or love~.

Human troubles are largely the same - because of the existence of these.

Also troubled by these existences.

Tong Mo thinks that the reason for being so troubled is only caused by his own desires.

If people had no desires, there would be no such troubles there.

Of course, as the patriarch of the Eternal Bliss Sect, it has money, status, and a nearly immortal body, which these believers cannot have, but for Tong Mo, he can't feel any special feeling.

If someone can give him some special feelings, he will like it very much.

For example, what he likes most is to play love games with some women in the Pope.

Then eat those who fell in love with him, and integrate their bodies into his body, so that they can always love him and become a part of its body forever.

As far as Tong Mo is concerned, he likes to eat women very much. The reason why he thinks this way is because Tong Mo thinks that women have a lot of nutrients. If not, why would they be able to conceive fetuses in their stomachs.

Therefore, Tong Mo felt that eating more women would make him stronger faster.

What annoyed Tong Mo the most was Yiwozuo, who was also the evil ghost of Shangxian, because not only did that person not eat women, but he also opposed his behavior very much.

Every time they meet, they will always have conflicts. Tong Mo really wants to kill Yiwozuo, but because of the characteristics of ghosts, it is not easy to kill each other. Can't get rid of Yiwozuo.

Back at his residence, Tong Mo looked at his table, and there was a jug on the table. At this moment, a woman's head was placed on the jug for decoration.

This woman was the last woman I fell in love with. Even though she had died a lot, the woman's head still didn't seem to have changed much, and those beautiful eyes were full of tenderness.

Tong Mo picked up the woman on the pot, because soon, the pot would be replaced with a new woman's head.

Open the cabinet in the room, inside, it is full of women's heads, and now, there is another one in the cabinet, which makes the cabinet look a little more crowded.

As for the pot on the table, there will always be only the most beautiful head on it.

This 'pot' is not simple, according to the same as the first quarter moon of the twelve ghost moons. Yuhu said, this 'pot' is a very perfect work of art, only the most beautiful things can be used to decorate its 'pot' '.

Of course, this 'pot' was also given to me by Shangxianzhiwu. Yuhu.

Among the evil spirits on the string, Tong Mo and Yuhu have the best relationship.

Seeing this 'pot', Tong Mo seemed to think of something, he couldn't help inserting his fingers into his head, and stirred it in his head. Ghost Moon, Winding Land, and Twin Ghosts were killed.

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