My good friend, Shangxianzhiwu. Yuhu was also killed.

And it was the same young swordsman who killed them.

"Why, kill them?"

Tong Mo squinted his irises with seven colors, a touch of scarlet appeared in his eyes.

As far as Tong Mo is concerned, he doesn't like to eat men very much, it only likes to eat women.

but now

Tong Mo felt that he might make an exception for this young swordsman.

Also taste the body of this young swordsman.

While Tong Mo was thinking, there was a melodious singing sound from the temple.

The singing voice was very sweet and pleasant to hear, and Tong Mo's agitated heart seemed to feel a lot more relaxed at this moment.

Leave the door and follow the singing.

Outside a room door, Tong Mo stood still slightly.

It was he who planned to be the next target to put his head on the 'pot'. At this moment, he was sitting in the room, softly 'singing'. Obviously, that soothing singing voice came from the other party's mouth. Passed out.

'Zui Ping Qin Ye' didn't know that Tong Mo had come to the door, but just lowered his head, looking at the baby who was still in swaddling clothes, the woman's eyes were gentle, and her delicate little hand was on the child's hand: "Inosuke, mother will I will always be with you until I see you grow up."

The gentle words are full of motherhood. For "Kuhira Kotoha", the child is everything to her, and she will protect Inosuke even if she bets her own life.

"The singing is beautiful."

A steady voice came over.

'Zui Ping Qin Ye' couldn't help turning his head, and seeing that it was Tong Mo, 'Zui Ping Qin Ye' immediately stood up.

"Hello, Patriarch."

Tong Mo nodded slightly, and his eyes fell on the face of 'Zui Ping Qin Ye'. Before, because of the disheveled hair and the swollen corners of the eyes, he didn't quite see clearly. Now, after tidying up, he found that the other party's face is much prettier. Even more seductive: "The singing was very nice just now, can you sing for a while?"

"Since the leader likes it, then 'Qin Ye' will sing another song."

'Zui Ping Qin Ye' said happily.

Before, Tong Mo helped her get rid of her husband and mother-in-law, which made 'Zui Ping Qin Ye' very grateful and immediately began to sing.

As the singing sounded, it seemed as if you were in the floating rice field all of a sudden, and you could smell the fragrance and soil in your nose. The moving melody seemed to form a gorgeous sunset at this moment, and the cheerful notes seemed to transform into little birds. , flew to the distance, and then flew back, perched in the heart nest.

ask for flowers

After a long time, after the song was over, Tong Mo finally recalled the song.

Never before has such a beautiful singing voice made it feel so comfortable, and it even wants to keep the other party, and it can hear such a beautiful singing voice every day.

"You have a beautiful singing voice."

Tong Mo couldn't help admiring.

Hearing Tong Mo's words, 'Zui Ping Qin Ye' blushed pretty, and said in a low voice, "It's all random singing, it's Qin Ye's honor to make the leader like it."

Zui Pingqinye was already grateful to the leader for saving her. If she could do something for the leader and the Bliss Cult, she would be very willing.

Tong Mo was about to say something, but suddenly he felt something, his head lowered slightly, and a flash of scarlet flashed across.

"I forgot that I still have some things to deal with, so go out first."

"It's okay, Master."

'Zui Ping Qin Ye' said hastily, although there are still some things she wants to say, for example, can she help or do something in Wanshi Bliss Cult, after all, she always hopes to give The other party has something in return.

But Tong Mo has something to do now, and he doesn't want to bother him.


Tong Mo left from 'Zui Ping Qin Ye', and the three figures quickly followed.

In a forest, Tong Mo stopped in his tracks, turned his head, and saw the colorful irises looking at the darkness hidden deep in the dense forest.

"Since the ghost hunters of the ghost killing team are here, there is no need to hide anymore."

"Shh! Shh! Shh!"

As the sound fell, three figures formed a triangular position and surrounded Tong Mo.


'Wind Pillar' 'Unano Asano'

'Soil Pillar' 'Saori Sakaguchi'

'Golden Pillar' 'Aster Tamura'

It was the three "pillars" who were sent by the "master" to investigate the suspected appearance of the winding ghost in Tokyo.

Originally, the three of them didn't intend to act immediately, but planned to act again when it was almost dawn. At that time, the odds of winning were the safest.

But he didn't expect to be discovered by this evil spirit before he got too close.

Especially at this moment, seeing the words 'winding' and 'two' engraved on the colorful irises of Tong Mo's eyes made the three 'Zhu' feel a little nervous.

Even if the three 'pillars' work together to face a 'winding string', they don't have much confidence in their hearts.

However, after finally finding a winding evil spirit, a war is inevitable.

If he could kill the opponent, it would also greatly weaken the power of the evil spirits. After all, the appearance of that young swordsman completely compares them to the demeanor of the "pillars" of the older generation.

If he could kill the opponent, he would also be able to let the young swordsman who was so young and aggressive, who dared to refuse the mission of the lord, take a look.

There is not only one swordsman in the Ghost Killing Squad.

These old 'pillars'

But still...

The sword is not old.

There is no room for a junior to be so presumptuous.



Chapter 170 Six: Incomprehensible Human Feelings

The three 'pillars' can fight against the evil spirit of 'Shangxian' together, but they can only fight against the evil spirit of 'Shangxian', not be able to kill the evil spirit of 'Shangxian'.

What's more, there are still three old 'pillars'.

In addition, Tong Mo is not an ordinary 'winding' evil ghost.

It's 'Second Winding'.

Even in "Shangxian", the strength is also in the forefront.

Among the Twelve Ghost Moons, the only one who can beat Tong Mo is 'Ghost of the Sword. Black Death Mou'.

In the beginning, 'Feng Zhu', 'Unano Mano', 'Soil Zhu', 'Sakaguchi Saori', 'Kin Zhu' and 'Tamura Shion' relied on their tacit cooperation to fight back and forth with Tong Mo.

But as time went by, especially after Tong Mo performed the vampire technique, the disadvantages of the three 'pillars' became more obvious.

Tong Mo's blood ghost technique is a kind of ice crystal powder that can be made by freezing his own blood, and spreads through the fan during the battle.

During this process, once the enemy inhales ice crystals, these ice crystals will enter the body, and the alveoli will be necrotic, eventually reaching the point of death.

As the battle time progressed "[-]", the power of this blood ghost technique became stronger.

The three 'pillars' had rich combat experience and were able to hold their 'breath' in the beginning, but as the battle progressed fiercely, they couldn't keep holding their 'breath'.

In addition, the "breathing method" is a method of absorbing a large amount of oxygen in a short period of time through "breathing", thereby greatly improving the body's ability, and thus having a "breathing" with physical fitness equivalent to that of a ghost.

It can be said that swordsmen who use the 'breathing method' are naturally at a disadvantage when facing Tong Mo.

As time went by, the situation of the three 'pillars' became more and more unfavorable. In addition, it was still far away from dark at this moment, so it was impossible to persist until dawn.

If the fight continues, all three of them may be here.

The three 'pillars' were obviously aware of this situation, and they also understood that no matter what, Tong Mo couldn't be killed today. On the contrary, if they continued, the three 'pillars' might break here.

"You guys go first, I'll hold it back."

'Feng Zhu' and 'Umino Mano' spoke to the other two 'Zhu'.

"No, it's up to me to cut it off."

"Hmph, you two don't underestimate me, I am not afraid of death."

But 'Tuzhu' and 'Sakaguchi Saori', 'Golden Zhu' and 'Tamura Shion' spoke one after another.

"It's an amazing feeling."

Holding a golden iron fan in his hand, Tong Mo looked at the three 'pillars' who were reluctant to part, with a warm smile on his face:

"Since you are so reluctant, let's stay together."

As he said that, holding the golden folding fan in his hand for a while, a large amount of powder like ice crystals filled the surrounding air.

Once these tiny ice crystal powders are inhaled, they will enter the body along the nose, destroying everything in the body.

Up to now, the three 'pillars' can no longer hold their 'breath' completely.

"I've even heard the gurgling sound of the ice crystals entering your boiling blood. Presumably, you must be enduring unimaginable pain right now? But, don't worry, I will chop your heads off soon It's just a pity to come down, you are too old, I guess the meat is not very tasty, even if it is 'zhu', I probably won't eat you."

While launching a fatal attack on the three 'pillars', Tong Mo whispered, his voice was very gentle, but what he said was palpitatingly cold.


As the battle continued, the more ice crystal powder the three 'pillars' absorbed, the more their internal organs began to rot, and they were already at a disadvantage.

If we continue to fight, I'm afraid it will be true as what Tong Mo said, the three 'pillars' will stay here today.

"You go first. If you want me to stay, I am the fastest. If you leave, I still have room to escape. If you stay, you will die."

'Feng Zhu' 'Unano Mano' stared at the other two 'Zhu' angrily: "Don't drag me down."

"Tuzhu' and 'Golden Zhu' looked at each other, and they also understood that at this moment, a decision must be made.

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