Although from the moment he became a swordsman of the Demon Slayer Squad, he had already realized that he was not afraid of dying in the hands of evil spirits, but he would not die meaninglessly. Even if all three of them stayed, the outcome would not be changed.

"Please take care of 'Fengzhu', I'm still waiting for you to come back and have a drink together."

'Soil Pillar' and 'Sakaguchi Saori' looked at 'Feng Pillar' sadly.

The 'Jin Zhu' next to him also cursed angrily: "You have to live well for me, don't let me die, otherwise, I will scold you to death."

'Golden Zhu' and 'Tamura Ziyuan' were full of reluctance.

The two 'pillars' didn't say anything more, and the figure retreated back and left quickly.

Tong Mo did not stop the two fleeing, but set his eyes on the 'wind column' 'Umino Mano' who stayed behind to stop it.

"Why bother? Is it really stupid to sacrifice your own life for the lives of others? Are you humans all such fools?"

'Feng Zhu' and 'Hino Mano' looked up and looked at Tong Mo indifferently: "What do you evil spirits know? How can you human-eating monsters understand human feelings?"

"Aha..., you are right, I really can't understand your human emotions, no matter when you are a human or a ghost, I have never been able to understand human emotions.

Whether he was a human or a ghost, he didn't have any emotional fluctuations, and naturally he didn't feel the slightest emotion.

I just feel that this so-called relationship is very illusory and even more stupid.

"Human beings are such a pity that there are so many hypocritical feelings."

Tong Mo was holding a golden folding fan, still smiling

'Feng Zhu' and 'Umino Mano' didn't respond, it's the saddest thing to discuss human feelings with an evil ghost.

Especially letting an evil spirit believe in so-called human feelings, that is the most pathetic.

Almost instantly, the body of the 'Wind Pillar' suddenly moved forward, and between the steps, there seemed to be a 'wind' lingering on him in the air.

As a 'Pillar of Wind', the speed of 'Umino Mano' is undoubtedly extremely fast, and only a trace of phantom can be seen vaguely.

"Breath of Wind. One Shape · Dust Whirlwind · Slash."

"Breath of the Wind. Two Types, Claw Claw, Kohu Wind."

"Breath of the Wind. Three Types, Seiran Wind Tree."


"Breath of the Wind. Eight Types. First Gale Wind Slash."

The sword style of the 'Breath of Wind' method is fully displayed in the hands of 'Umino Mano', countless wind blades emerge on the battlefield, even if it is the child mill of Twelve Ghost Moon, Winding Two, and Ice Ghost, it cannot completely block all attacks .

Even one arm was cut off.

Tong Mo picked up the severed arm and pressed it on it. Soon, the wound healed again.

"Don't do unnecessary things, because it doesn't work at all..."

The body has healed again, as if Tong Mo had never been injured, he quietly looked at the "Feng Zhu" and "Umino Mano" in front of him: "Why don't you join us evil spirits, with your strength, if you become an evil spirit, the minimum is also Twelve ghost moon-like existences."

'Feng Zhu' and 'Umino Mano' lowered their heads slightly, then raised their heads again.

"Breath of the Wind. Nine Shapes, Typhoon Weituotian"

In the next second, the figure of 'Umino Mano' stepped forward, accompanied by countless wind blades surrounding him.

These wind blades slashed at Tong Mo from all directions.

But '4.3 Umino Mano' held a knife and flew towards Tong Mo.

"Humans are really stupid existences."

Looking at 'Umino Mano' who was jumping forward, Tong Mo shook his head, at the same time, he waved the golden folding fan in his hand

"Blood Ghost Technique Frozen Cloud."

In the next second, countless frozen ice crystals waved out, spreading throughout the space like clouds.

All the incoming wind blades seemed to stagnate for an instant under the mist.

At the same moment, Tong Mo's figure also flashed, appearing behind 'Umino Mano'.

At this moment, in Tong Mo's hands, there is already a beating heart.

Obviously, the owner of the heart has moved away from him.

The Hilun Saber fell to the ground weakly, just like the unwilling eyes of 'Umino Mano', and finally, like the body, gradually became weak.

Tong Mo threw away the heart in his hand, turned his head, looked at the old man who was still standing with his sword even after death, and shook his head slightly

"It's really... incomprehensible, these so-called human emotions."


Chapter 170 Seven: How can it be so happy if you don't abuse others

Sun rise

The warm sun shines on the earth, and the ferocious ghost, at this moment, can only hide in the dark shadow and peek out unwillingly.

'Soil Pillar', 'Sakaguchi Saori', 'Golden Pillar' and 'Tamura Shion', once again came to the place where they fought Tong Mo yesterday.

All he saw was the body of 'Feng Zhu' 'Umino Mano' who had fallen on the ground, and the sun wheel sword that had lost its owner.

Seeing this scene, 'Tu Zhu', 'Saori Sakaguchi', 'Kin Zhu' and 'Tamura Shion' couldn't hide their inner sadness, knelt on the ground, speechless for a long time.

Yesterday, when the "Pillar of Wind" and "Mano Unino" chose to cut off the rear, they had already thought of this scene, but they did have certain expectations in their hearts. After all, as "Pillar of Wind" said, as a "Pillar of Wind", its speed is The fastest, maybe no chance to escape.

but apparently

Facing Twelve Ghost Moons, Winding II, Tong Mo of the Ice Ghost, there is no chance for 'Feng Zhu' and 'Umino Mano' to escape.

This also makes the 'Soil 16 Pillars', 'Sakaguchi Saori', 'Golden Pillars' and 'Tamura Shion', at this moment, seem to be much older all of a sudden.

Qian; Xun "First. Send" Xiao?: Said;? Capital, "Source?! Zhong:: Turn! The skirt also has a deeper understanding of the horror of the winding ghost.

I understand better how powerful the young swordsman who can kill two 'winding' evil spirits in a row is.


These "pillars" of the older generation are completely old.


Knowing the situation of 'Tuzhu', 'Sakaguchi Saori', 'Kinzhu' and 'Tamura Shion', the 'leader' of the Demon Slayer Squad, 'Yuya Ubuyashiki' rushed over to visit immediately.

Seeing the pale faces of 'Dojo' and 'Golden Joo', who were even slightly out of breath when walking, 'Yoya Ubuyashiki' couldn't help being slightly silent.

Although, this time, the Tong Mo that the three "pillars" are facing is the "Shangxian No. [-]" in the Twelve Ghost Moons, which is far more than the "Pot Ghost. Yuhu" and "Shangxian Zhilu" of the Shangxian Wu. .Ghosts of the Twins' Fallen Princess and the prostitute Taro are stronger.

But the achievements of the three 'pillars' are still far from that of the young swordsman.

The three 'Pillars' worked together, not only failed to kill Tong Mo in 'Shangxian No. [-]', but let the 'Fengzhu' 'Umino Mano' die. Although the other two 'Pillars' escaped, they were also attacked by Tong Mo. Blood ghost technique, the body is injured.

Although "Yuya Ubuyashiki" immediately arranged for the top physician of the Demon Killing Team to treat "Golden Joo" and "Tuzhu", but the result was not optimistic. The ghost technique caused necrosis, and it was no longer possible to continue strenuous exercise.

Also means

This time, not only the 'Fengzhu' and 'Umino Mano' died, but also the two 'Pillars' completely lost their combat power.

This is undoubtedly a very serious blow to the Ghost Killing Team.

Although there are still other pillars in the ghost killing team.

But the situation is not good.

For example, 'Shuizhu' Zuo Jinci, who is already old, has already entered a semi-retirement state, basically only responsible for training a few of his disciples.

There is also 'Naruju' Kuwashima Jigoro, whose situation is even worse than that of 'Shuizhu' Lintakizuo. One of his legs was injured in the last battle with the evil spirits, so he can only rely on prosthetic limbs, and he is basically in the semi-retired state.

There is also the 'flame pillar' Purgatory Makijuro, after the death of his wife, he has already been in a state of decadence, and he no longer has the style of the former 'flame pillar'.

At present, the only ones that the entire ghost killing team can rely on are 'Yan Zhu' Bei Ming Yu Xing Ming and 'Yin Zhu' Yu Mao Tian Yuan who can still take on the big responsibilities.

Thinking of this, the mood of "The Master" and "Yaoya Ubuyashiki" became more and more heavy.

Originally, because Su Mu beheaded two "Shangxian" evil spirits in a row, he also had expectations for the three "Pillars" to join forces.

But at this moment, the heavy reality undoubtedly dealt him a heavy blow.

"My lord, that Lord Mu is so powerful that we can't match it. I'm afraid we can't deal with this 'winding' evil ghost without him."

'Soil pillar' 'Saori Sakaguchi' said to the 'master' who came to visit him.

"Before, I was also dissatisfied with this little swordsman. I thought that I would not pay attention to others by beheading the two 'Shangxian'. Now it seems that it is normal for a capable person to be a little arrogant."

'Golden Zhu' and 'Tamura Ziyuan' also said with a slight sigh.

The words of the two of them caused a haze to appear in the heart of the "master" and "Yaozai Ubuyashiki". In his mind, the young swordsman couldn't help but see the undisguised greed of the young swordsman looking at his beautiful temperament. hostility.

As the 'leader' of the Ghost Killing Team, how can he be so accommodating to the Ghost Killing Team, no matter how immeasurable or disrespectful this young swordsman is to him, 'Yaoya Ubuyashiki' felt that he might not be able to bear it.

But unfortunately, this person...

"I understand, I will properly handle the relationship with Mu Jun."

'Yuzai Ubuyashiki' nodded, and at the same time told the two 'Zhu' to rest well and recover from their injuries. In the future, the Demon Slayer Squad will still need them.

Facing the words of 'the master', 'Tu Zhu' 'Saori Sakaguchi' and 'Kin Zhu' 'Tamura Shion' shook their heads: "Now, we have recognized ourselves, we are all old, now, It's the age of young people, let us deal with ordinary evil spirits, even if we deal with the "lower string" evil spirits in the twelve ghost months, we can still be useful, but against the "upward string" evil spirits..."

Thinking of the situation where the three of them joined forces to fight against 'Shangxian No. [-]' Tongmo, 'Tuzhu', 'Sakaguchi Saori' and 'Kinzhu' 'Tamura Shion' were slightly silent, and did not say the words of frustration afterwards.

200 But everything is self-evident.


Compared with the heavy heart on the side of "The Master" and "Yaoya Ubuyashiki", Su Mu at this moment is a little more comfortable.

Holding the book in his hand, he casually looked at the pictures of various 'postures' painted on it.

Unexpectedly, in this era, such novels with "illustrations" have already appeared, which makes him enjoy reading.

rise occasionally

I will also pull the blushing Zaomen Kuizhi next to me to study together.

Let Zaomen Kuizhi's face become slightly hot.

"Hiss... I don't think the tricks of these illustrations are so tricky. It's really unexpected, but you can try it."

Su Mu flipped through another page of the book. Looking at the illustrations on it, he couldn't help but move slightly in his heart, and murmured while stroking the waterfall-like temples of sunflower branches by the stove door.

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