Kuizhi from Zaomen looked up at Mujun, "I know how to be a slave to others."

When Su Mu heard this, he couldn't stop thinking about it. Instead, he said leisurely, "How can you be so happy if you don't practice it?"



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Chapter 170 Eight: Completely detached human beings are limited

Su Mu once again set his sights on his attribute panel

Name: Su Mu

Physique: 4.60 (Physique of a normal adult is 1.)

Dexterity: 4.50 (Normal adult Dexterity is 1.)

Strength: 4.50 (Normal adult strength is 1.)

Spirit: 4.50 (normal adult spirit is 1.)

Cultivation method: the breath of the sun

Attribute points obtained: 23.01.

Since the last time his own attribute broke through the limit of the human body, he has not added 'points' to his body. The reason for this is that when he added points to break through the limit of the human body, the pain was too unbearable. , still feeling a palpitation.

Now, after recuperating for so many days, looking at the attribute points I have obtained, I can no longer hold back the idea of ​​wanting to improve.

Just a little...hesitated.

Then start adding points.

Whether it's physique, agility, strength, or spirit, five points are added.

As the addition of points was in progress, Su Mu clearly felt a strong warm current hitting his limbs and bones.

At the same time, I can clearly hear the 'click' sound from my bones, and feel that there seems to be a mysterious power permeating my body.

Add the 3 acquired attribute points to the attribute, and add the remaining [-] acquired attribute points to the 'breath of the sun'.

Immediately, a lot of experience in practicing the 'breath of the sun' emerged in my mind.

At this moment, he seems to have reached a very high level in his understanding of the 'breath of the sun'.

Moreover, as the 'breath of the sun' broke through the '10' mark, Su Mu discovered that the power of 'breath of the sun', or in other words, the upper limit of each point of 'breathing' is far from being able to just move the human host Reach a physical fitness comparable to that of a ghost.

It seems that the 'breathing' method is able to reach greater heights.

This involuntarily reminded Su Mu of Ji Guo Yuan Yi.

This is a man who is known as a god and Buddha walking in the world. In the world of Ghost Slayer, he can even be said to be a ceiling-like character to some extent. Even if he is facing Ji Guo Yuanyi now, Su Mu feels , I am afraid that he will be killed by him in seconds.

After all, being able to slash [-] effective slashes in one second is no longer something humans can do.

The other party can do so

It can be predicted that the 'breath of the day' he practices is not simple.

However, this method of 'breathing' has its limitations after all, even if one achieves Jiguoyuan through the practice of 'breathing of the sun', it can kill [-] effective slashes in one second.

But in the end, there is no way to break through his own lifespan.

Perhaps, it can be coercive for a lifetime, but after all, the mortal body is only a hundred years old, no matter how powerful it is, it will just turn into a piece of loess.

But Su Mu feels a little different now. With the improvement of his physical attributes, he faintly feels that his life span should also be improved.

As for how much to increase, it is not very clear.

Of course, it is definitely not comparable to the lifespan of the evil ghost. Although the evil ghost has the fatal flaw of being afraid of sunlight, its lifespan is extremely long.


The attribute improvement this time was not as painful as breaking through the limits of the human body last time, but only felt a little discomfort, which made Su Mu feel a little relieved.

At this moment, Su Mu also set his sights on the attribute panel

Name: Su Mu

Physique: 9.60 (Physique of a normal adult is 1.)

Dexterity: 9.50 (Normal adult Dexterity is 1.)

Strength: 9.50 (Normal adult strength is 1.)

Spirit: 9.50 (normal adult spirit is 1.)

Cultivation method: the breath of the sun

Attribute points obtained: 0.01.

Up to now, his basic attributes have reached nearly ten times that of a normal adult.

Although it seems that ten times is nothing, but when you think about it carefully, it is very scary.

For example, a normal adult can jump 2.66 meters, then it is 26.6 meters to reach ten times the normal adult.

What is the concept of 26.6 meters? According to his original world, a two-story building is only six to seven meters high.This is already as high as four two-story buildings.

Moreover, this is not just an attribute, but ten times the overall attribute.

This is no longer 1+1 equals two strength improvements.

"Now, it shouldn't be so difficult to deal with those 'winding' evil spirits~々?"

Feeling the improvement of his own strength, Su Mu couldn't help being excited.

"I don't know, but how is it compared to Ghost Dance Tsuji Mumi?"

Su Mu couldn't help guessing in his heart, but he didn't face off against Gui Wu Tsuji, the specific situation was not clear, but since Gui Wu Tsuji could escape his life from Ji Guo Yuan Yi's hands, his own strength might not be as good as Ji Guo Yuan One, but presumably, also extremely strong.

Regarding the strength of Ji Guo Yuan Yi, even now, Su Mu thinks he is far inferior.

close your eyes slightly

With his hand on the Sun Wheel Saber, he sent out continuous slashes to the front.

"About 300 effective slashes can be made in one second."

Putting the knife back into its sheath, Su Mu murmured silently, compared to Ji Guoyuan who could make [-] effective slashes in that second, it was far, far worse.

Moreover, you must know that the number of effective slashes becomes more and more difficult at the end. For example, 490 effective slashes per second and [-] effective slashes per second are completely different. different concept.

Moreover, since Ji Guoyuan can slash [-] slashes in a second, the natural host of his body may have already exceeded the limit of the human body.

After all, such a high-intensity slash would not be able to support it without a strong body.

".ˇIt's far from being invincible in this world."

Su Mu murmured, and couldn't help but push open the door.

It's just that one didn't control his strength well, and the whole door was smashed to pieces with a 'bang'.

The sudden movement caused everyone who was training in the yard to look over.

Su Mu couldn't help touching his head with his hands:

"I didn't have much control over my strength."

As he said that, he took two steps forward, but he felt that his steps were light and light. He stepped out and reached a distance of 30 meters (definitely), and then hit the courtyard wall in front of him.

There was nothing wrong with the person, but the courtyard wall was knocked down by him with a 'bang'.

After a while of disgrace, Su Mu hurriedly let the people who came to check his situation leave.

He was afraid that if he couldn't control his own strength, he would hurt others.

Every time the strength improves, there will be such sequelae.

But this time

But surprisingly serious.

Although he tried his best to control it, he couldn't completely restrain his strength like before.

him at this time

It has completely surpassed the boundaries of human beings.

This made Su Mu's eyes cast a layer of haze.



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Chapter 170 Nine: Mrs. Kuizhi Likes Being Bullied

The improvement of strength, which has completely surpassed the boundaries of human beings, is a good thing, but this uncontrollable power makes him feel annoyed.

"Sir, what's the matter?"

Butterfly Chanae is a bit strange.

"The strength has improved a bit, but I still can't grasp it myself, and I'm afraid I will hurt you."

Su Mu explained briefly.

Hearing what my husband said, and thinking of the gate that my husband just smashed and the broken wall, Butterfly Kanae probably understood.

At the same time, I am also very puzzled.

Shouldn't the improvement of strength be easily grasped?

After all, like her or younger sister, no matter how much strength they increase, they can always fully control it, so there is no need to worry about it.

Naturally, Su Mu couldn't explain this to Butterfly Kanae, and there was no need to explain it.


After spending a few days, Su Mu also had a simple control over his own strength, but once a person is excited, his strength still cannot be completely controlled.

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