"Mother, uncle, I'm going to continue training."

Tanjiro drank the water in the teacup in one gulp, and before the two could reply, he ran outside in a hurry, and at the same time, closed the door of the room.

Seeing Tanjiro leaving sensiblely, Su Mu was also relieved in his heart.

Just now, he was also tentative, but now it seems that Tanjiro has completely accepted his identity.

"It's a pity that it's not my own species."

He shook his head and spoke with a little regret.

After all, Tanjiro is a really good kid, and if it were his own kid, he would probably like it very much.

Zaomen Aoi, who was lowering her head shyly, also raised her head at this time, and looked at him blushing: "Tanjiro will definitely be very filial to Mu Jun in the future, and will treat Mu Jun as a father."

"I do believe that."

Su Mu stretched out his hand and pinched Kuizhi's face at the stove door: "Just now, if Tanjirou objected to our relationship, he wouldn't have closed the door when he went out."


Zaomen Kuizhi blushed, especially when she felt Mu Jun's gaze was still on her, she was even more ashamed.

"Speaking of which, Mrs. Kuizhi, you are really good at knitting sweaters. Could you teach me and do my homework for me?"

Su Mu looked at the sweater knit by Zaomen Kuizhi.

Not only has a very beautiful pattern, but also, the needlework and so on are handled very well.

"If Lord Mu likes it, Kui Zhi will naturally be willing to teach Lord Mu."

Zaomen Kuizhi nodded.

After hearing this, Su Mu couldn't help tugging at the neckline of his kendo uniform, and sat next to Zaomen Kuizhi, with his big hands around Zaomen Kuizhi's waist.

Zaomen Kuizhi has long been used to being hugged by Mu Jun like this, but even so, she still feels shy, but she still blushes and leans her little face in Mu Jun's arms: "Mu Jun told me about the sewing method. At that time, I began to think about it, it is actually very simple..."

Su Mu tried it.

Although he is very strong, it is obvious that he is not good at such tedious and highly manipulative tasks as needlework.

"Hey, I still can't do what Mrs. Kuizhi is like."

After trying a few more times, Su Mu couldn't help but put down the needle and thread, and at the same time praised: "Mrs. Kuizhi's little hands are not only beautiful, but also, these hands are really clever."

After being praised by Mujun, Zaomen Kuizhi felt as sweet as eating honey.

But soon, Mu Jun approached her ear again, and said a few words, causing Kui Zhi from Zaomen to lower her head: "They are all still outside..."

"I'll go and plug the door, there will be no one else."

Su Mu exhaled in Kuizhi's ear.

"Besides, these days, I've been bored for a long time."

With that said, Su Mu put his mouth close to Kuizhi's earlobe at the stove door: "Mrs. Kuizhi, you don't know how much I like you."

"I really want to hold you in my arms all the time."


Listening to the nasty love words, Zaomen Kuizhi felt that the whole person was crispy, and leaned her head against Mu Jun's arms:

"Kuizhi, I also like Mujun."

ask for flowers

Su Mu lowered his head, looked at Kuizhi's shy appearance, and couldn't help biting her white and round earlobe:

"We will be together forever, right? Mrs. Kuizhi will take care of me forever, right?"

Zaomen Kuizhi's face was as red as a ripe apple, and her heart seemed to have melted, but she hugged Mujun's request tightly:

"Kuizhi, I will serve Lord Mu well for the rest of my life."

"However, I have always said things I like to Kuizhi, but Kuizhi never responds, and rarely takes the initiative."

"I thought Kuizhi didn't like me."

"How could you not like Mr. Mu?"

Zaomen Kuizhi hurriedly shook his head.

"I like Mujun, I like Mujun very much, and I am willing to do anything for Mujun."

.. 0 0


"of course."

Zaomen Kuizhi said firmly, her beautiful eyes looked at the man in front of her, full of tenderness.

"Then, Mrs. Kuizhi, take the initiative to kiss me."

Su Mu leaned his profile closer.


Kuizhi's face turned red.

"Okay, if Kui Zhi doesn't want to, forget it."

Su Mu looked disappointed.

Seeing Mujun like this, Zaomen Kuizhi felt very distressed, not caring about her inner shyness, and immediately left a fine hickey mark on Su Mu's side face.

Sensing this, Su Mu couldn't help but smile, and raised his head again, looking at Kuizhi shyly bowing his head.

Su Mu's eyes were also full of complacency.

"Now, Mr. Mu is happy."

Kuizhi at the kitchen door muttered softly.

"Of course I'm happy, and I'm very proud."

Su Mu smiled and took the small hand of Kuizhi from the stove door.

"I am very proud of being able to make such a beautiful woman as Mrs. Kuizhi completely devoted to me."

Zaomen Kuizhi felt ashamed and angry.

Mu Jun always said these embarrassing and indignant words that made her feel ashamed, so that she couldn't even lift her head, but she was very happy in her heart.

"Kuizhi will be crushed and rounded by Mu Jun in this lifetime."

Zaomen Kuizhi said with a bit of embarrassment.

Hearing this, Su Mu couldn't help laughing, and lightly lifted Kuizhi's white chin at the stove door: "Mrs. Kuizhi, you can't escape my palm in this life."

"From the moment I saw you..."

"I just... miss you." Beg.

Chapter 180: You are here, I am very happy and very happy.

The next day


Su Mu is practicing calligraphy with a pen in hand, mainly to exercise his control over his own strength.

Beside him, Zaomen Kuizhi with a plump figure was sitting lazily beside her.

The woman's forehead is full of spring.

The whole body seemed to be limp and unable to move.

Su Mu looked at it, smiled knowingly, then calmed down and started writing.

When the last stroke was made, a piece of white paper was densely covered with handwriting. The handwriting on the front was scrawled like a dog crawling, but the handwriting became more and more neat as it went backwards, which also meant that Su Mu had a great deal of respect for Su Mu. One's own strength has been controlled to a sufficient level.


Looking at the last handwriting on the white paper, Su Mu couldn't help showing a smile.

At this time, he also raised his head, outside the door, 'Yanzhu' mourned Yu Xingming, and came to the door again.

Seeing the other party coming to the door, Su Mu was also slightly surprised.

Based on his understanding of 'Yuya Ubuyashiki', he shouldn't come to "[-]" so urgently.

After all, he was a man of considerable wealth, and he couldn't be easily manipulated by him.

"Kuizhi, you rest indoors."

Su Mu said warmly to Kuizhi at the stove door next to him, since he mastered his own strength, the first thing he did was to find Mrs. Kuizhi.

During this period, tossing is naturally indispensable.

Moreover, with his current physical strength, if he wanted to have a good time, he would have to exhaust Zaomen Kuizhi and use all kinds of means to be completely comfortable.

"Mu-jun, let's go, don't worry about sunflower branches."

Zaomen Kuizhi just raised her beautiful eyes lazily, but she didn't have any strength in her body.

Su Mu gently kissed Kuizhi on the forehead of the kitchen door before walking out of the room.


"Master Mu."

Seeing him, 'Sorrowful Island Xingming' put his hands together immediately.

Although there wasn't much emotion on the face of 'Bei Ming Yu Xing Ming', Su Mu still vaguely felt a sense of sadness on 'Bei Ming Yu Xing Ming'.

If these were in the past, he would not be aware of them.

But since his strength improved, he saw things around him more and more clearly. Although he was still far from reaching the highest level of 'transparent world', he became more sensitive to his surroundings.

"I have seen the master."

Su Mu also nodded slightly, and at the same time asked curiously: "I don't know if the master is here today for something?"

"My lord wants to see you."

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