'Yanzhu' Beimingyu Xingming didn't hide anything, and directly stated the purpose of coming this time.

Su Mu was also slightly surprised.

"I don't know why the 'Lord' wants to see me?"

He smiled, his expression still gentle.

"It's because the last time I mentioned going to investigate the Bliss Sect, this time, the lord wants to discuss it with Lord Mu personally."

"So it happened last time!"

Su Mu couldn't help but nodded, and then showed a somewhat strange expression:

"I remember, about the possibility of 'winding' evil ghosts appearing in the Bliss Sect of the World, this task should be taken by other 'pillars', right?"

Hearing what Su Mu said, 'Yanzhu' lamented that Yu Xingming put his hands together again, and a trace of sadness appeared on his face.

"Regarding the Bliss Cult, the lord did send three 'pillars' there, but the results were not optimistic. There, indeed, the evil ghost 'Shangxian' was found, and it was the ice ghost of the second 'Shangxian' in the Twelve Ghost Months .Tong Mo, the three 'Pillars' were also attacked by Tong Mo, among which 'Feng Zhu' and 'Umino Mano' were sacrificed directly. After a hard battle, he also suffered extremely serious injuries..."

A 'pillar' actually died?

Su Mu was also slightly surprised. You must know that the "Pillar" is already the strongest combat force of the Ghost Killing Team. Although there are indeed differences in the strength of different "Pillars", being able to become a "Pillar" is not bad in terms of strength. .

However, thinking that what he was facing was Tong Mo, he was not surprised.


Su Mu couldn't help but sigh slightly:

"I didn't expect that 'Feng Zhu' and 'Umino Mano' would die because of this. I remember talking to him the last time I saw him. He was a very kind old man..."

Of course, Su Mu only showed sadness on the surface, but he didn't feel any sadness in his heart.

He has no impression of 'Feng Zhu' and 'Umino Mano' at all.

"Let's go, take me to meet the 'Lord'."

Su Mu nodded.


'Sorrowful Islet Xingming' clasped his hands together.


"Sister, why are you so happy today? The smile on your face has never stopped."

A girl with a pretty face looked up and looked at another girl who looked almost exactly like her.

'Ubuyashiki Nikka' couldn't help touching her face: "Am I happy?"

"Yeah, sister, but is there anything happy about it? You might as well tell my sister, and make her happy too.", 'Kangnai Ubuyashiki' asked with a smile

"Nothing, just thought of something interesting from the past."

'Usuya Shiki Nikka' explained perfunctorily.

'Ubuyashiki Hanna' couldn't help but look at her sister's face several times.

'Ubuyashiki Nikka' was a little guilty when she was watched by her younger sister, but she was happy inside.

She and her sister arranged to pick up the young swordsman today.

This made 'Ubuyashiki Nikka' extremely happy, almost after eating, she called her sister and came here to wait

"My sister is looking forward to meeting that young swordsman, right?"

'Kana Ubuyashiki' said suddenly, holding a lantern and squinting his pretty eyes.

"No way."

'Sanya Shiki Nikka' was confused and hurriedly denied it.

But the expression on the girl's face clearly expressed the girl's thoughts.

"That is indeed a very powerful swordsman, but recently, he has offended his mother and father very much. My sister should be careful when touching each other." "Kana Nai Uyashiki" reminded him in a low voice.

Hearing that Mujun made her father and mother angry, 'Niyayashiki Nikka' pouted her mouth: "It's clearly the fault of those three 'pillars', how can I blame Mujun."

"Sister, you still need to be careful."

'Ubuyashiki Hanna' suddenly opened his mouth, although they are father's daughters, they still have to be careful with their language when discussing 'Pillar'.

It's totally wrong to say something like my sister.

You know, these "pillars" are respectable people who fight ghosts to protect human beings.

If my father and mother knew that my sister said such things, I'm afraid they would have to be taught a lesson.

'Ubuyashiki Nikka' also knew that she had said something wrong, so she couldn't help sticking out her cute little tongue, but she still defended, "It's not Mu Jun's fault."

"I see, my sister was taken away by that Mu Jun, and her heart is full of others."

'Ubuyashiki Hannai' muttered, with a bit of complaint.

'Ubuyashiki Nikka' blushed pretty, and turned her head away unnaturally: "Sister, don't talk nonsense, it will be bad if Lord Mu hears about it."

"I'm afraid it's my sister who wants to be heard."

'Department House 4.3 Shikhang Nai' complained.

Being told by her sister, 'Ubuyashiki Nikka' blushed hotly, but surprisingly, she didn't refute anymore, just looking into the distance with her toes on her mind.

at this moment

'Ubuyashiki Nikka' has been thinking about how to speak for a while.

It's a word of greeting first.

I still thank him for the gift he sent last time.

Or say very delicately, why did you come here until now.

Or push the younger sister out without saying anything.

All kinds of thoughts accompanied the girl's heart, and I don't know how many times they turned in the girl's heart.

It's just that when you see that figure walking in

'Ubuyashiki Nikka' was just like her sister, holding a lantern and lowering her head slightly: "Master Mu, are you tired after walking so far?"



Chapter 180 Two: If you really respect the other party, you won't covet the beauty of the other party's wife

The moment he saw Su Mu's figure walking towards 'Sorrowful Island Xingming', 'Ubuyashiki Nikka' felt unspeakable joy in his heart, and felt that he had a lot to say to the other party.

For example, she received all the letters from the other party last time, and liked the contents of the letters very much.

Another example, in fact, I still haven't figured out what gift to give back to the other party, because I always feel that those gifts are not very good, and I always think that there will be better gifts for the other party.

But when the other party really came to her, 'Ubuyashiki Nikka' felt a little shy, and suddenly didn't know how to speak.

In the end, he just said: "Mu Jun, are you tired after walking so far?"

"Not very tired."

Su Mu, who was with 'Sorrowful Islet Xingming', replied with a smile: "As 'Zhu', our physical condition is very good. These journeys are hard for me."

"Sister, but I'm waiting here to see Lord Mu, I'm so hopeless."

Beside, 'Ubuyashiki Hannai' couldn't help interjecting.

"is it?"

Su Mu couldn't help but set his eyes on the pretty face of 'Ubuyashiki Nikka'.

'Ubuyashiki Nikka' blushed 'shua', and hurriedly waved her hands and said, "Mu-jun, don't listen to my sister's nonsense."

"Is that so..."

Su Mu sighed slightly: "Actually, I've been looking forward to seeing 'Rixiang'."

'Sanyashiki Nikka' heard this, my heart pounded like a deer, I just felt that the whole person was in a daze.

Su Mu walked over with a smile, and stretched out his hand: "Do you mind if I carry the lantern for you?"

'Ubuyashiki Nikka' was dizzy, hesitated for a moment, then handed over the lantern she was carrying.

When taking over the lantern he was carrying, Su Mu gently touched the girl's little hand, and it felt smooth to the touch.

Like beautiful jade, with a bit of warmth.

Obviously, 'Ubuyashiki Nikka' never thought that Su Mu would make such a rude move, and her petite body couldn't help trembling slightly.

Su Mu didn't care about this, he just touched the other person's little hand slightly and looked at the girl next to 'Niyashiki Nikka', a girl who was almost identical to 'Niyashiki Nikka'.

"Is this 'Rika''s...sister?"

He was somewhat hesitant, after all, the sisters of 'Ubuyashiki Nikka' all looked the same, it was really hard to tell them apart.

Of course, the last time 'Sanya Shiki Nikka' mentioned to him the method of distinguishing their sisters, which is to distinguish according to the fragrance of the human body.

But unfortunately, he is not very sensitive to fragrance.

"My name is 'Ubuyashiki Hanna', and I'm the younger sister of 'Nikka'."

'Kangnai Ubuyashiki' spoke hastily.

"It turned out to be Miss Hang Nai."

Su Mu couldn't help but nodded.

"Mu Jun, we have to hurry to see Lord 'Lord'."

Next to him, 'Sorrowful Island Xingming' urged helplessly, he felt that if it continued, Mu Jun might be able to talk to the two girls for a long time.

Hearing the urging of 'Sorrowful Island Xingming', Su Mu looked at the other party helplessly. This monk is really a bit puzzled.

See the so-called 'be the master' where there is the pleasure of chatting with two beautiful girls.

"Mu-jun, you still have to meet the 'lord' first, otherwise, the 'lord' will be angry with Mu-jun."

'Ubuyashiki Nikka' reminded in a low voice.

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