"Does 'Nixiang' also call each other 'Lord'?"

Su Mu looked at 'Nikka Ubuyashiki' in surprise: "If I remember correctly, 'The Master' should be the father of 'Nikka', right?"

"Privately, 'Nixiang' can call her father, but there are other people around, and I and the other sisters have to call her 'Lord'."

'Ubuyashiki Nikka' explained.

Hearing this, Su Mu couldn't help sighing: "This is too strict. You come from the 'Ubuyashiki' family. These years, your sisters must have had a hard time, right?"

Neither 'Ubuyashiki Nikka' nor 'Ubayashiki Hannai' spoke, but obviously, they also acquiesced to the strict tutoring of the 'Ubayashiki' family.

"If I were the father of 'Rixiang' and 'Hang Nai', I wouldn't let 'Ri Xiang' and 'Hang Nai' call me 'Lord' in front of outsiders, and I would definitely let you call me Dad."

"Calling 'Master' is really too strict."

Su Mu looked at 'Ubuyashiki Nikka' and 'Ubuyashiki Hanna' with pity.

Under his gaze, the two girls felt a sense of identity unconsciously in their hearts. Although it was an honor to be born into the glorious family of 'Ubuyashiki', it was also a kind of sadness.

Born into a wealthy family, it is never possible to worry about eating and drinking, but also, daughters of families like theirs have some things that they cannot control from birth.

Like marriage.


"Master Mu...it's time to go."

Seeing that Su Mu was still talking with the lord's two daughters, 'Sorrowful Island Xingming' couldn't help urging again.

Su Mu still wanted to chat with the two girls. After all, chatting with such innocent and ignorant girls is quite relaxing.

However, facing the constant urging of 'Sorrowful Island Xingming', he had no choice but to give up.

"I'm looking for two chats after I meet 'The Master'."

He smiled and said to the two of them.


Following "Sorrowful Islet Xingming", Su Mu once again met the "leader" of the Ghost Killing Squad, "Yaoya Ubuyashiki".

The other party's face was obviously a little ugly.

"My lord!"

Seeing 'Sanyashiki Yaozai', 'Sorrowful Islet Xingming' immediately bowed down and saluted.

"Don't be too polite."

'Yuzai Ubuyashiki' hurriedly helped 'Sorrowful Islet Xingming' up, and said gently, the other party's voice was as gentle as ever, light and light, just listening to the voice gave people a very comfortable feeling.

Although 'Bei Ming Yu Xing Ming' got up, he still lowered his head slightly, showing the respect that 'Bei Ming Yu Xing Ming' had for 'Yaoya Ubuyashiki' from the bottom of his heart.

This is also like most of the Ghost Killing Squad swordsmen.

"Saw 'The Lord'."

Su Mu just yelled flatly. He didn't have much respect for 'Ubuyashiki Yoya'. If he really respected him, he wouldn't be able to covet the beauty of 'Ubuyashiki Amane'.

Qian;, Xun,: the first "sent" small: said:, resource, source': middle: "turn? Qun" Miyashiki Yaozai's eyes fell on Su Mu, with a somewhat complicated look in his eyes Appreciation, expectation, and disgust.

"I don't know why the 'Master' came to me this time?"

He asked lightly.

"It's about the investigation of the Eternal Bliss Sect. There is a 'Shangxian' evil ghost. I am afraid that the only one who can deal with him is Mu Jun..."

Facing the words of 'Ubuyashiki Yaozai', Su Mu's performance was very flat, and his eyes were looking around, and it was a pity that he couldn't get a glimpse of 'Ubuyashiki Tianyin'.

He really wanted to have that woman known as the "Birch Fairy".

This time, the reason for agreeing to 'Sorrowful Islet Xingming' to see 'Yaoya Ubuyashiki' is actually more because he wants to see 'Tianyin Ubuyashiki'.

After all, the other party's graceful and luxurious temperament is really attractive.

Chapter 180 Three: It's all up to the daughter herself how to choose

"I hope Lord Mu can go to Tokyo to investigate the Eternal Bliss Sect and deal with the evil ghosts that exist there..."

'Yaozai Ubuyashiki' bent down and said his request to Su Mu.

Next to him, 'Sorrowful Island Xingming' also looked at him eagerly.

Facing the request of 'Sanya Shiki Yaozai', Su Mu did not answer immediately, but asked instead: "As far as I know, the last time the 'Master' sent three 'pillars' over, but the result was the 'wind column' '''Umino Asano' died, and the other two 'Pillars' were seriously injured."

"But after paying such a heavy price, they were not able to kill the 'Shangxian' evil ghost Tongmo."

"This is enough to show the strength of Tong Mo. The 'Master' thinks that if I go to perform this task, will there be any danger?"

"There are really serious risks."

'Yuya Ubuyashiki' nodded and did not deny:

"However, if the "evil ghost" on the string exists for one day, one more human being may die in the mouth of the evil ghost. In order to protect human beings and kill all the evil ghosts, I would like to invite Lord Mu... and, I believe, with the strength of Lord Mu, Even if he loses to the 'Shangxian II. Tongmo', there should be no problem in self-protection."

'Yuya Ubuyashiki' bent down and bowed, requesting respectfully.

Su Mu just chuckled: "I need to think about it, after all, this is too dangerous."

"I also hope that Lord Mu will think it through earlier. One more day the evil spirits exist, one more human will be killed. In the ghost killing team, only Lord Mu can deal with the 'winding' evil spirits."


'Yuzai Ubuyashiki' talked a lot again, with soft words, combined with his light and light voice, which made people feel very happy when they heard it, and the very happy voice made people want to agree to the other party's request involuntarily.

But unfortunately

Su Mu didn't agree.

Of course, there was no rejection.

Just saying something to consider.


After Su Mu and 'Sorrowful Island Xingming' left, a tall, mature woman wearing a kimono came out of the room, with white hair hanging down her waist, and her brows were a bit graceful and luxurious.

"The other party, refused?"

'Ubuyashiki Amane' couldn't help asking.

"I didn't refuse, but I didn't agree either."

'Yuzai Ubuyashiki' shook his head.

"Then what does the other party think?" 'Ubuyashiki Amane' frowned slightly, apparently in a bad mood.

"I'm afraid I want to see my wife~々."

'Sanyashiki Yaoya' couldn't help clenching his fist slightly, even if he thought he was broad-minded, it would be hard to bear facing the person who coveted his wife.

'Ubuyashiki Amane' also vaguely felt the anger rising in her husband's heart.

But at their current level, especially the responsibilities they shoulder, many things no longer allow them to act on their own will.

If Su Mu is just an ordinary 'zhu', don't care about the other party.

But the other side is obviously not an ordinary 'pillar'.

A 'Zhu' that can kill the 'Shangxian' evil spirits, especially killing two 'Shangxian' evil spirits in succession, is difficult for a 'Zhu' to do.

It can even be expected that its strength will increase to the point where it can kill Onimui Tsuji alone.

There is a swordsman who has the ability to kill Onimai Tsuji alone. In the history of the Demon Slayer Squad, there is one and only one swordsman named Ji Guoyuanyi.

Although the opponent is far from reaching the level of Ji Guo Yuan Yi, but after all, he is still young and has a lot of room for improvement, and his strength may not be able to catch up with Ji Guo Yuan Yi.

If the ghost killing team could guard a swordsman who was as powerful as Onimai Tsuji, then the ghost killing team would not have to hide like they do now.

Although these years, it has been the Ghost Killing Squad that has been hunting the evil spirits, but the real situation is not the case. In fact, it is the Ghost Slaughter Squad that has been hiding.

'Ubuyashiki Yoya' has been worried about being found by Onimai Tsuji, and then, he will directly take over this ghost killing team.

In order to prevent this situation, the Ghost Killing Squad even invented a special contact bird called the 'Crow', in order to prevent the Ghost Slaying Squad's location from being found.

The reason for this is not because there is a lack of strong enough swordsmen in the ghost killing team.

If there is a powerful swordsman, why would the ghost killing team be afraid of those evil spirits.

There is no need to be so cautious, for fear of being found by Guiwu Tsuji Wuyou.

"I'm afraid I still need some persuasion from my wife."

'Yuya Ubuyashiki' turned his head and looked at his wife with a little apology.

After being silent for a while, 'Ubuyashiki Amane' lowered his head slightly and sighed slightly: "I understand."

However, as if sensing her husband's worry, 'Sanyashiki Tianyin' couldn't help but raised her head, and said with a smile on the corner of her mouth: "Don't worry, my husband. With the method of 'Tianyin', you don't have to worry about being attacked by a little lecherous sword." Taxi took advantage."

Hearing what Madam said, 'Yaoya Miyashiki' also relaxed a little. He was still very confident in Madam's ability.


After meeting the person she wanted to see, 'Ubuyashiki Nikka' became uneasy and wanted to spend more time with her.

But as the daughter of the 'Ubuyashiki' family, many things are not up to her to decide.

After returning, 'Ubuyashiki Nikka' was called by her mother to deal with the backlog of thick information.

These intelligence messages filled the entire chopping board, and what 'Niyayashiki Nikka' had to do was to process all these information together with her mother.

In the past, 'Sanya Shiki Nikka' would have been able to hold back her temper, but today, after hearing that Mu Jun did not leave after seeing her father, the girl's mind was not very quiet, just like a girl who is in class, her mind has already flown to went elsewhere.

So much so that he felt that the calf pressed by the buttocks was a little numb, like being scratched by ants, which made him a little unable to kneel and sit still.

Beside him, 'Ubuya Shiki Amane' who was handling the pages of the book in a kneeling position like 'Ubuya Fukika' looked up and glanced at her daughter: "Are you tired?"

"No, no."

'Niyashiki Nikka' lowered her head, not daring to look at her majestic mother. In 'Niyaka''s heart, she was always somewhat afraid of her mother, and this fear even surpassed that of her father.

Because, the mother can always see her mind clearly, in front of the mother, she seems to have no clothes on, and she has no secrets at all.

"You want to meet the swordsman who came today?"

'Ubuyashiki Tianyin' didn't care about her daughter's hesitation at the moment, she still maintained a dignified kneeling posture, picked up a page of information in her white hands, and while classifying, said to herself: "That young The swordsman is quite capable, although he is much bigger than 'Nixiang', but his strength is very good, and now he has become a 'Pillar', so he is worthy of 'Nixiang'."

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