Perhaps, some girls are really hard to chase, but for those girls who have a crush on you, as long as the boys take the initiative, most of them are very easy.

Just like the 'Sanyashiki Nikka' at the moment.

Feeling the strength of the girl's fist hammering on his chest, Su Mu only exerted a little force, and hugged the girl in his arms.

The girl struggled slightly, but she couldn't move, so she simply put her head on the man's chest.

The girl's face was slightly flushed, and there was a faint joy in her heart.

If a girl doesn't like you, she will naturally resist, but if she has a good impression, Su Mu's attitude will only make 'Ubuyashiki Nikka' feel happy.

The hand caressed the small head of 'Ubuyashiki Nikka', and between the fingers was the girl's soft and smooth hair.

Between the nostrils, lingering is the seductive fragrance of the girl's body.

"This time, it was my mother who asked me to persuade Mu Jun to accept the task."

The girl's little head was buried in the man's arms, muttering in a low voice, and as the words came out, the girl's little head raised unconsciously, her beautiful and innocent eyes were a little worried.

Worrying that the person in front of you might be angry.

Sure enough, when he heard that 'Ubuyashiki Nikka' came here to persuade him to accept the mission, Su Mu's eyes immediately showed a look of sadness.

"I thought 'Nixiang' came here specially to find me."

There was a look of disappointment on his face.

It was this look of loss that caught the girl's heart, and she hurriedly explained in a low voice:

"Actually, 'Rixiang' really wants to come to see Mujun. I also received Mujun's letter last time. 'Rixiang' likes it very much..."

The girl said nonchalantly.

"Then 'Nixiang' wants me to accept the mission, or not to accept the mission?"

Su Mu let go of the hand that hugged 'Niyashiki Nikka', and turned his head away pretending to be angry.

Sure enough, with the emotions he showed, 'Ubuyashiki Nikka' immediately became nervous and immediately explained.

"Actually, I know that this 'task' is very dangerous, so I don't like Mu Jun's past in my heart."

The girl lowered her head and said in a low voice.

"Then I won't go.

Su Mu also showed a smile.

Hearing what Su Mu said, the beautiful eyes of 'Ubuyashiki Nikka' couldn't help but feel sad.

"Why, not happy."

Su Mu was keenly aware of the girl's emotions and couldn't help asking.

"No... no."

'Ubuyashiki Nikka' couldn't help lowering her head, but it seemed that she was not in a good mood.

"Is there something that 'Nixiang' is hiding from me? I don't think you are too happy because I refused the task, or is it that in 'Nixiang''s heart, you actually expect me to accept the 'mission'?"

"No... no."

'Sanyashiki Nikka' shook his head hastily, but Su Mu didn't quite believe it. After all, Mujun must have seen his disappointment and misunderstood him.

So, 'Niyaka' hurriedly explained in a low voice: "Actually, my mother told 'Nixiang' before she came, if 'Nixiang' can persuade Mu Jun to accept the task, she can betroth 'Nixiang' to Mu Jun .”

After Ai Ai in her teenage period finished speaking, her pretty face was already replaced by a flush of blush.

Those beautiful eyes couldn't help looking at the man's face.

"As long as I accept the 'task', will 'Rixiang' marry me?"

Su Mu put his hands on his chin, and looked at 'Niyashiki Nikka', and following his gaze, 'Niyayashiki Nikka' hurriedly lowered his head, all timidly, as if he was afraid that his thoughts would be overwhelmed. Seen through by the man in front of him.

"If I can get Miss 'Rixiang', even if there are some dangers in this mission, I am willing to accept it, but..."

Having said this, Su Mu paused slightly.

The girl's heart suddenly became tangled, she was not willing to let Mu Jun accept such a dangerous task, but she also expected Mu Jun to accept this task.

Because, as long as he accepts this task, then, according to his mother, he can be betrothed to Lord Mu.

Therefore, after Su Mu's words paused, 'Ubuyashiki Nikka' really wanted to know what Lord Mu would say later.

"Just what..."

'Ubuyashiki Nikka' asked hastily.

There was a hint of hesitation on Su Mu's face, and it seemed that after a few times of thinking, he opened his mouth and said: "Actually, your mother seems to hate me. If you are really willing to betroth 'Rixiang' to me, I am afraid that Madam should be with me." explain."

'Ubuyashiki Nikka' obviously didn't expect her mother to hate Mu-kun.

"Mother, how could you hate Mu Jun?"

'Ubuyashiki Nikka' doesn't understand. From 'Ubuyashiki Nikka''s point of view, Mu-kun is so good and outstanding, mother shouldn't hate her.

"Specifically, I'm not too sure. If Mrs. 'Tianyin' really wants to betroth Miss 'Rixiang' to me, then she should tell me, not 'Rixiang'."

"Mother, it's really inappropriate."

'Ubuyashiki Nikka' couldn't help but pouted, turned around, and was about to go back to ask her mother for an explanation.

Su Mu hurriedly grabbed the little hand of 'Ubuyashiki Nikka'.

"Mu Jun, I'm going to tell my mother..."

'Ubuyashiki Nikka' thought Su Mu was worried about something, and said hastily.

Su Mu shook his head, and continued: "If you accept the task, you can let Mrs. 'Tianyin' marry 'Rixiang' to me. I am willing to accept the task, but I am afraid that I will finish it by then." Mission', Mrs. 'Tianyin' may go back on her word, and finally she won't betroth 'Rixiang' to me."

"No, no."

'Ubuyashiki Nikka' shook her head hastily, at the same time, clenched her small fists slightly, raised her head, blushed, and said in a soft but firm tone: "If...if mother disagrees in the end, Nikka will...just Elope with Lord Mu."

Saying 'elope', the girl's face instantly turned red like a ripe apple.

Su Mu couldn't help but smiled and shook his head when he heard this: "There's no need to elope, actually, I have a way to make Mrs. 'Tianyin' marry Miss 'Rixiang' to me, but Miss 'Rixiang' agrees. "

.. 0 0

"I will definitely agree."

Before Su Mu could finish speaking, 'Ubuyashiki Nikka' said hastily.

"I haven't said what it is specifically, why won't you hear what 'Nixiang' is?"

"Don't listen, 'Rika' will definitely agree."

'Ubuyashiki Nikka' said seriously with her fists clenched.

Su Mu listened, but his gaze was looking up and down at 'Ubuyashiki Nikka'. The girl was petite, but she was well developed. She was wearing a white skirt that reached straight to her ankles, revealing her fair and beautiful ankles.

The whole person is full of youthful vitality.

The girl's face is pretty, with a bit of immature feeling, which makes people like it very much.

Qian::Xun!? Head;, Send? Small; Say! Capital?; Source.' Zhong. Turn!! Qun Su Mu hugged him in his arms, lowered his head, and whispered in his ear: "' Hika' might as well listen to my method?


'Niyashiki Nikka''s earlobes trembled as Su Mu's words sounded in his ears, and a pair of beautiful eyes also lifted up, looking at the man with a bit of curiosity. Curious what Mujun's method is.

"That is, I cooked the raw rice with 'Rixiang' until the time came, even if Mrs. 'Tianyin' disagreed, there was nothing I could do. It would be best to let 'Rixiang' conceive my child. No matter how unwilling Madam is, she can only pinch her nose and agree."


After the girl heard this, her little face turned hot, and her body became even weaker. Obviously, she didn't expect that the way Mu Jun thought would be like this.

"Does 'Nixiang' really agree with this method?"

Su Mu lowered his head slightly, and looked at 'Ubuyashiki Nikka' with a deep voice, but deep in his eyes, there was a deep fiery heat.

Since 'Sanyashiki Tianyin' dared to send his 'Nixiang' over, he dared to eat 'Sanyashiki Nikka' and begged.

Chapter 180 Six: A 'father-in-law'

The cool wind blows at night.

But inexplicably, there is a bit of fiery breath.

The crickets outside the house made a pleasant sound.

in the room,

But they are two people who embrace each other passionately.


This night

Inexplicably long.

It seems that a rain has washed away the filth of the night sky, leaving only the round moon.

This night

Su Mu has matured a lot.

'Ubuyashiki Nikka' has grown a lot.

It seems that some kind of transformation in the sense of life has also been completed.


When the first ray of sunlight pierced the darkness in the morning, Su Mu also opened his eyes, looking at the 'Niyayashiki Nikka' who was lying on his side and hugging his waist tightly, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

'Ubuyashiki Nikka' was also awake at the moment, as if feeling Su Mu's gaze, his face was flushed red, but his eyes never opened.

Long time

Feeling that Mujun's eyes fell on him as soon as "Twenty Zero", 'Niyashiki Nikka' opened those beautiful eyes slightly, and glared at Su Mu with a bit of coquettishness

"This time, Mr. Mu, I'm satisfied."

Su Mu hugged the body of 'Ubuyashiki Nikka' tightly, sniffing at the girl's gentle hair, he laughed and said:

"Now, we can call Mrs. 'Tianyin' my mother-in-law, even if Mrs. 'Tianyin' refuses."

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