In this era, especially in this country, women are very constrained, especially women's chastity is very important.

Now, 'Ubuyashiki Nikka' has been handed over to me, which also means that even if 'Ubuyashiki Tianyin' wants to regret it, it is useless.

Unless, he is willing to let his daughter 'Niyashiki Nikka' die alone and be a widow for the rest of her life.


Feeling the smug look on Mu Jun's face, 'Ubuyashiki Nikka' couldn't help opening her white teeth, and bit his shoulder.

The tough little teeth bit on his shoulder, which brought a bit of pain, but with his current physical condition, it wasn't too painful, on the contrary, it felt a bit itchy.

For the innocent girl 'Ubuyashiki Nikka', Su Mu doted on her, but let her bite her shoulder.

If he really wants to resist, he only needs to contract his muscles a little, and the opponent's small teeth are biting on his arm, probably not on the flesh, but on a hard steel plate, and it may directly bite the opponent's teeth. Knock broken.

Holding 'Niyashiki Nikka' in his arms, the beautiful appearance of 'Niyashiki Amane' couldn't help but appear in Su Mu's mind. Compared to the immature 'Niyashiki Nikka', 'Niyashiki Amane' is really like a fairy woman.

"Mu-jun, doesn't it hurt?"

'Ubuyashiki Nikka' let go of the teeth biting on Su Mu's shoulder, looking at the clear teeth marks on the shoulder, feeling a little distressed.

"No matter how painful it is, it doesn't hurt like 'Rixiang'!"

Su Mu leaned over and pointed his head at the head of 'Rixiang', with two small heads, one big and one small, against each other.

Listening to Su Mu's words, 'Sanyashiki Nikka' blushed involuntarily, and even turned his head involuntarily, not daring to look into Mujun's eyes, only feeling that his face was burning.

"Also, what are these pains compared to?"

Su Mu sighed slightly; "Fighting evil spirits is the real danger. Even if you are not careful, you will die. The injuries you suffer are not comparable to this pain."

Hearing what Mujun said, 'Sanyashiki Nikka' couldn't help but tighten her heart, her little hand couldn't help but grasp Su Mu's arm, and looked at him with beautiful eyes: "Why don't you, Mujun, stop accepting that task."

Before that, 'Sanya Shiki Nikka' had some expectations in her heart, hoping that she could persuade Mu Jun to accept this task, so that her mother could betroth herself to Mu Jun.

But after handing himself over to Mu Jun, his mind suddenly changed. He didn't really want Mu Jun to accept this task, fearing that there would be some danger in this task.

After all, that is the 'Shangxian' evil spirit, a very terrifying existence, even though Mu Jun has already killed two 'Shangxian' evil spirits, it is still very dangerous.

After all, every year, an unknown number of swordsmen died on the way to hunt ghosts.

"If you don't accept the task, how will 'Rixiang' explain to Mrs. 'Tianyin'?"

Su Mu fondled the girl's head.

"Mu Jun, it doesn't matter, and if mother knows that I have become your person, maybe she won't make things difficult for me."

"No matter what, it's my mother. She won't let my daughter really... die alone..."

The girl bit her lip and lowered her head slightly.


Before she could speak, the girl was knocked on the head.

'Ubuyashiki Nikka' raised her head and looked at Mu Jun in a ignorant manner, not knowing what she did wrong, Mu Jun wanted to hit herself.

"No matter what, I have to give Mrs. 'Tianyin' an explanation."

As he said that, Su Mu fondled the girl's head: "It's just right, accept this task and behead the head of a 'Shangxian' evil spirit, as a dowry gift to marry Miss 'Rixiang'."

"In this way, will it be dangerous?"

'Niyashiki Nikka' said worriedly, if there was any danger, 'Niyashiki Nikka' would not be willing to accept this task from Lord Mu.

After handing herself over to Mujun, 'Sanyashiki Nikka' in her heart acquiesced to regard herself as the person of Mujun. Naturally, she considered for 'Mujun', but put her mother aside

"My strength is still very strong. Even if I can't kill the 'Shangxian' evil spirit, I still have no worries about protecting myself."

Su Mu said with a smile, and at the same time, stretched out his hand, and gently rubbed the small face of 'Nikka Ubuyashiki': "And, no matter what, I can't wrong my Miss 'Nikka'!"

"'Rixiang' is not afraid of grievances, and only hopes that Lord Mu can be well."

The girl lowered her head slightly, let out a coquettish moan meaninglessly, and unconsciously leaned her head on his shoulder.

Feeling that the girl is so dependent on him, Su Mu's heart is also slightly hot, and even wants to do something.

But feeling the fatigue between the girl's brows, she endured it.


There is ample time

Not in a hurry for momentary pleasure.



Su Mu took "Ubuyashiki Nikka" to meet the "master" "Ubuyashiki Yoya" again, and expressed his willingness to accept the task of investigating the appearance of the "winding" evil spirit in the Wanshi Bliss Sect.

Hearing that Su Mu was willing to accept this task, 'Yaoya Ubuyashiki' was also a little excited, even very excited.

This night, he was thinking about how to get Su Mu to accept this task, and he didn't have much thoughts, but he didn't expect the other party to agree so quickly.

However, soon, 'Yuya Ubuyashiki' discovered that something was wrong.

My daughter 'Niyashiki Nikka' really stood beside Su Mu with a shy face, and then recalled the walking posture of 'Niyashiki Nika' just now, 4.3 and the look on the eyebrows of 'Niyashiki' now.

The happy mood of 'Yuzai Ubuyashiki' seemed to be poured down by a pot of cold water in an instant.

His complexion suddenly became a little gloomy.

Compared with the slightly gloomy complexion of 'Yaoya Ubuyashiki', Su Mu was refreshed, and smiled at the 'Master' Yauya Ubuyashiki, and at the same time pulled 'Nikka Ubuyashiki' to his side:

"I'm already with 'Rixiang', I'm afraid, in the future, I will call 'Dangzhu' a father-in-law."

The 'Sanyashiki Nikka' next to her blushed, and although she didn't say anything, she silently stood by Su Mu's side.

this moment

The expression of 'Yuya Ubuyashiki' couldn't hold back anymore, and there was a gloomy black indistinctly.



Chapter 180 Seven: If I am a big idiot, wouldn't the child I give birth to be a little idiot

Facing the man called "father-in-law" by Su Mu, the expression of "Yaoya Ubuyashiki" suddenly became extremely gloomy.

For a moment, the room was eerily silent.

Sensing this state, 'Ubuyashiki Nikka' grabbed Su Mu's hand next to him nervously.

Su Mu just clenched the little hand of 'Rixiang', and at the same time, gave the other party a look that I am here and don't worry.

Su Mu can naturally feel the worry in the heart of 'Ubuyashiki Nikka'. After all, in this era, women's marriage has always been bound by the orders of their parents.

Especially in a large family like 'Ubuyashiki', as a family woman's marriage, she is often not independent.

If his father 'Yaoya Ubuyashiki' really disagreed with him being with Su Mu, 'Rika Ubuyashiki' felt that he might have to elope with Mr. Mu.

No matter what, as a daughter, 'Ubuyashiki Nikka' still hopes that her marriage can be blessed by her father, mother, and brothers and sisters.

As the 'leader' of the Ghost Killing Team, 'Yaoya Ubuyashiki' still has a very high reputation. Although Su Mu was annoyed by Su Mu's words at first, he quickly reacted and looked at his daughter 'Nika Ubuyashiki' silently. One glance, also close your eyes slightly

"As the father of 'Rixiang', I hope you can treat 'Rixiang' well as a post-16 generation."

"Father-in-law, please don't worry. I will definitely take good care of Miss Rixiang in the future. Hand over 'Rixiang' to me. Father-in-law doesn't need to worry."

Su Mu smiled and said.

'Yuya Ubuyashiki' didn't say anything, just took a deep look at him a few times, and then asked him to go down to Tokyo to carry out the task of investigating the Bliss Sect.


He left the room with 'Ubuyashiki Nikka' and came to the outside of the courtyard.

"Mu-jun, are you going to Tokyo?"

The girl held his hand tightly, with reluctance in her eyes.

It's the time when a girl is in love. Obviously, she doesn't want to leave the person she likes at all, and thinks about being tired of being by the person she likes all the time.


Su Mu nodded: "When I'm not around, 'Rixiang' has to take good care of herself and take good care of her body."

He gently pushed back the messy hair on the girl's forehead, and said softly.

"Then, Mujun must pay attention to safety when performing tasks."

"Well, I'll pay attention."

Su Mu nodded.

Su Mu hugged 'Ubuyashiki Nikka' again, and put his big hand behind the girl.


'Ubuyashiki Nikka''s delicate body trembled, her pretty face was flushed like the sunset, the girl's lips could not help but clenched, and she gave him a slightly angry and coquettish look.

"Bad... ass."

Even though he said that, he didn't push away Su Mu who was holding her tightly.

Su Mu kept a smile on his face, but exerted a little force on his hands.

"I'm your husband. From now on, I'm going to have a baby with 'Rixiang'. If I'm a villain, then from now on, wouldn't the baby I left with Miss 'Rixiang' be a little villain... ..."

"It is said that girls with big buttocks can give birth, and I feel... Miss Rixiang will definitely be able to..."

'Ubuyashiki Nikka' blushed, feeling both ashamed and happy in his heart, facing such rogue words from Su Mu, he really didn't know how to respond.

After all, it is a pure girl, where is Su Mu's scumbag opponent, the girl is so thin-skinned that she dare not respond to Su Mu's words.

He could only lower his head, and said angrily, "Jun Mu is a... big rascal."

Even though she said so, the girl stood on tiptoe and put her arms around the back of Su Mu's neck: "Mu Jun, do you really like 'Rixiang'?

"of course."

Su Mu said without hesitation that he was already very proficient in answering this aspect without hesitation at all.

"I also like Mr. Mu very much."

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