'Ubuyashiki Nikka' also said softly.

However, soon, 'Sanya Shiki Nikka' raised her head, and said in a low tone: "But, I know, Lord Mu doesn't just like me alone? Right?"

Su Mu couldn't help but froze, but he didn't expect 'Ubuyashiki Nikka' to say this.

Seeing Su Mu's slightly stiff face, the eyes of 'Ubuyashiki Nikka' became more and more resentful. Just now, she just said it worriedly, but judging by Mu Jun's expression, she might be telling the truth.

This made the girl feel a little angry inside.

But no girl wants to share her husband with other women, even if this is a polygamous world, there must be more than one capable man.

But it doesn't mean that a girl wants her husband to have a woman other than herself.

It's just that she is the daughter of a big family, probably, she has seen this kind of situation a lot, so she is tolerant enough after all.

"Then Mujun, will you like me the most?"

'Ubuyashiki Nikka' was very sensible and didn't worry about Su Mu having other women. Instead, she asked about this topic.

"Of course, I like Miss Rixiang the most."

Su Mu answered without hesitation.

"Hmph, I'm afraid the big villain has promised many women with such words."

'Ubuyashiki Nikka' snorted arrogantly, although the girl said so, but one could feel that the girl was in a very happy mood.

Even though I know it may be a lie, I still like to hear it.

Just like, some smokers, even if they know that smoking is harmful to their health, even if it is marked on the cigarette pack, they still smoke when they should.

"I only say it to Miss 'Nixiang'!"

Su Mu smiled and rubbed the girl's head.


'Ubuyashiki Nikka' had a 'hum' from her little nose, although she instinctively didn't believe it, but in her heart, she instinctively chose to believe it.

Perhaps, if you are willing to believe this, even if you know it is a lie, you are willing to believe it from the people you like.

She straightened Mu Jun's clothes with her small hands, and at the same time, muttered:

"A person as excellent as Mujun certainly has no shortage of girls to pursue, but Mujun also needs to be restrained, some women are bad women, and they are not clean, and Mujun is a big villain, I'm afraid they don't know how to refuse... ..."

The girl chattered, as if the little wife was giving instructions to her husband who was about to go out.

Su Mu listened quietly, feeling the tenderness of this young girl carefully.

in fact

It was only at this time that I realized that although the girl in front of me was innocent, she was not stupid.

That's right, how could a daughter raised by an excellent woman like 'Ubuyashiki Amane' be an idiot.

It's just that sometimes, even among smart people, there will always be times when they are stupid.

Su Mu gently hugged 'Sanyashiki Nikka' in his arms, leaned over, sniffed the fragrance of the girl's hair, and after a while, he said in a muffled voice: "'Rika', I thought about it, I still feel that I have something to tell you."

'Ubuyashiki Nikka''s delicate body couldn't help but tremble, a woman's natural sensitivity to emotions let her know that Mu Jun's next words must not be very good words.

Grasping his arm with a small white hand, he lowered his head slightly: "I'm listening, Mr. Mu."

"Actually, I already had a woman before Miss 'Rixiang'."

The girl's delicate body froze slightly, but soon, she raised her head again, stretched out her little hand, and then pinched Mu Jun's nose all at once:

"I just knew that the villain, Mu Jun, is a big villain, a big idiot, and a big idiot with a big heart, how can you tell 'Rixiang' about such a thing, you should keep it from me Yes, I will not expose you."

"Mu Jun, you are really a stupid and stupid idiot."



Chapter 180 Eight: Compared with Mrs., 'Nixiang' is still a little bit worse

Said that besides girls, if he was placed in the world he was in before.

If he dares to speak out, he will definitely make the girl explode, and make the girl turn against you.

but in this world

in this era

The end is different.

Here, polygamy is normal, as long as there are capable men, most of them have more than one woman.

For example, the 'Sound Pillar' of the Demon Slayer Team, Uro Tengen, has three wives, and these three wives are all pretty good.

Saying that she has other women besides 'Nikka' really made it difficult for 'Nikka Ubuyashiki' to accept, and even her delicate little face showed obvious sadness.

But obviously, 'Niyashiki Nikka' has already made preparations, or in other words, Mujun has other women, which have been taken into consideration by 'Niyashiki Nikka'.

Not unacceptable.

"Mu Jun, it's normal for such an outstanding girl to be liked by other girls."

'Ubuyashiki Nikka' lowered her head and said in a low voice.

Instead, he began to comfort Su Mu.

Su Mu was taken aback for a moment, but he didn't expect the other party to explain it for him, and he didn't understand the strange psychology of girls.


But he reacted quickly, and couldn't help stroking the girl's soft hair with his hand, and said softly: "'Nixiang' is so good."

Hearing Su Mu's praise, 'Sanyashiki Nikka' felt a little better, but when a pair of beautiful eyes looked at Su Mu, there was a bit of resentment.

However, even so, Su Mu still wants to explain to 'Sanya Shiki Nikka'

"'Rika', you also know that as a swordsman of the Demon Slayer Squad, he hunts and kills evil spirits in order to protect human beings. He often walks on the edge of life and death, and the pressure is very high."

"If the pressure continues to accumulate, people will go crazy."

Su Mu said softly, with a hint of frustration.

It seems that everything I do is involuntary.

Hearing what Su Mu said, 'Niyashiki Nikka' instinctively stood at Su Mu's side to consider the issue, and she agreed with what Su Mu said.

As a swordsman of the ghost killing team, he walks on the edge of life and death all year round. If the mission fails, he will be devoured by evil spirits.

Most of the swordsmen of the ghost killing team are under a lot of pressure. Some swordsmen will always look for divas when they have no mission.

Or, many swordsmen are very good at wine.

After all, women and wine are often the best way to relieve physical stress.

"Mu-jun, I understand~々."

The girl wrapped her hands around Mu Jun's waist, and pressed her small face into the man's arms, the soreness in her heart was relieved a lot at this moment.

On the contrary, I feel that Mu Jun's life is not easy.

After all, to be able to reach the current level of strength must have endured a lot of hardships, and experienced a lot of life and death honed to have the strength to kill the 'Shangxian' evil spirit.

This is the process that almost every 'pillar' goes through.

No swordsman from the Ghost Slayer Squad would become a 'pillar' so easily.

It must have been a lot of pressure for Mr. Mu to become a "pillar" at such an age, and to be a "pillar" capable of beheading the "shangxian" evil spirit.

Thinking of how he could not accompany Mu Jun when he was under such a great pressure, and did not relieve Mu Jun of these pressures, 'Ubuyashiki Nikka' felt a little self-blame unconsciously in his heart.

However, 'Ubuyashiki Nikka' didn't know that Su Mu's strength was not obtained through painful training, and he never experienced the test of life and death when killing evil spirits.

The previous behaviors of hunting evil spirits were all due to his strength far crushing evil spirits, so there was not much danger.

There is no such pressure as 'Niyashiki Nikka' thought.

While Su Mu silently pretended to be involuntary, he silently enjoyed the comfort of "Miyashiki Day Thoughts".

At the same time, I was also thinking about how to arrange for 'Sanyashiki Nikka' to meet with Zaomen Aoi in the future.

Regarding the fact that he has a woman outside, the woman at the Zaomen Kuizhi is very sensible and obedient, so there is no need to worry about what emotions the Zaomen Kuizhi will have.

Now it seems that if two people are arranged to get along, there is no problem.

However, when two people are together, how to treat them becomes a problem.

After all, the other person will always have an opinion about whom to treat better.

The only thing to worry about is Nezuko's side.

Originally, Nezuko had a problem with herself and her often bullying Kuizhi Zaomen, and if she saw herself, she would take the woman back.

Or take the woman back when Zaomen Kuizhi was pregnant.

I'm afraid it will explode directly.

Thinking of this, Su Mu frowned.

While Su Mu was thinking, he suddenly felt that the atmosphere seemed a little too quiet.

I couldn't help lowering my head, only to realize that 'Ubuyashiki Nikka' was really looking at me quietly.

"Sorry, I was thinking about this mission just now, so..."

Su Mu casually found a reason to explain.

'Ubuyashiki Nikka' really thinks that Su Mu is considering this mission, so naturally he won't blame the man he likes in his heart.

She just stood on her tiptoes and kissed him lightly on the face: "'Rixiang' doesn't have much ability, the only thing she can do is to silently support Mr. Mu."

"I won't make Mu Jun worry about Mu Jun's woman."

When Su Mu heard this, he couldn't help but feel a little bit of self-blame in his heart. After all, it was somewhat immoral to deceive a girl like this.

But this self-blame is just a flash in my heart.

From the moment you want to have it, it is already immoral.


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