The man was tall and tall, with a blade hanging from his waist. At this moment, he was standing there quietly holding her child.

"It's the man I saw during the day."

'Zui Ping Qin Ye' recognized each other almost at first sight.

Su Mu held the child and walked in front of 'Zui Ping Qin Ye', stretched out his hand, and picked the woman's fair chin.

Under the moonlight, the woman is pretty and beautiful, which makes people forget.

"Ma'am, she is very beautiful, but if a woman takes care of the child, if there is any accident, she can't do without a man."

He smiled, and at the same time handed the cradle he was holding to the hand of 'Zui Ping Qin Ye'.

'Zui Ping Qin Ye' held the child tightly in his arms.

Su Mu glanced slightly at the slim figure of 'Zui Ping Qin Ye', then turned his head and looked at Tong Mo who was standing quietly not far away.



Chapter 190 Three: Beheading Tong Mo

Tong Mo, the second winding of the twelve ghost months, the ghost of ice.

Among the 'Shangxian' evil spirits, his strength is also at the forefront.

Has the hair color of white oak, colorful eyes, and blood on the head.

As in the usual state, at this moment, he is showing a carefree smile. If you don't know his true face, I'm afraid, you will really think that this is a very gentle person.

But unfortunately, this is a man-eating evil spirit.

"Are you the 'Zhu' who killed Yuhu, Luoji and the prostitute Taro?"

Tong Mo looked at the tall young swordsman in front of him, and shook his hand slightly, a golden folding fan appeared in his hand.

The whole body of the folding fan seemed to be made of gold and iron, and the edge of the fan was incomparably sharp. The slight moonlight fell on the edge of the fan, carrying a cold chill.

"Soon, you will be the next 'winding' evil spirit to be beheaded by me."

Su Mu spoke lightly.

When Tong Mo heard this, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "Over the years, there are still quite a few 'pillars' who have said that to me, but most of them are dead."

Su Mu smiled, but did not answer. Instead, he turned around and looked at the 'Zui Ping Qin Ye' who was still sluggishly holding the child:

"Still leaving?"

'Zui Ping Qin Ye' seemed to come back to his senses: "Really... Thank you... Thank you, my lord must take care."

"I will take care of myself. After all, I have saved Madam, but I haven't received Madam's thanks yet."

As he spoke, he looked up and down the woman's plump figure.

If it was before, 'Zui Ping Qin Ye' would definitely feel disgusted when faced with such a gaze, and no one would like to be looked at by such a gaze.

But at the most dangerous time, the most desperate time, a person appeared, brought her hope, saved her child, and saved her, so she didn't hate Su Mu's gaze.

What's more, such a look gave 'Zui Ping Qin Ye' a different sense of security in his heart.

"My lord, take care."

'Zui Ping Qin Ye' bent down, thanked him gratefully, and then quickly ran to the distance with the child in his arms.

Tong Mo wanted to pursue him.

It's just that when I saw Su Mu standing in front of me, I couldn't help grinding my teeth: "You guy, you are really annoying, I don't know, am I saving her~々?"


Su Mu looked at Tong Mo with a sneer: "The so-called redemption means eating people?"

"You stupid humans don't understand at all. I eat her just to let her integrate into my body, and achieve eternal life just like me."


Su Mu sneered: "A man-eating monster like you deserves eternal life."

While talking, he had already pulled out the Sun Wheel Knife from his waist. Although Su Mu was confident that he could deal with Tong Mo, he would not relax, but would treat it with vigilance.

"And it's up to you to test my current strength."

He smiled.

At the same moment, Tong Mo also moved, and with a slight wave of his fan, ice crystals began to fill the entire battlefield.

This is Tong Mo's unique way of fighting. He can turn his frozen blood into foggy 'ice crystals' and spread it out with a fan.

Once the human skin comes into contact with these ice crystals, it will be frozen. If the ice crystals are inhaled into the opponent's lungs, it can make it difficult for them to breathe, and then cause alveolar necrosis.

Even for 'Pillar', facing such a combat environment, it is still a headache.

The last time the three 'pillars' joined forces, it was also because of this fighting environment that they soon fell into an unfavorable situation.

Those ice crystals that were waved by Tong Mo with a fan and filled the entire venue quickly touched Su Mu's skin.

If it was an ordinary swordsman, facing such a cold 'ice crystal', his skin would have already been frozen, and even the 'pillar' would feel stiff all over.

But these 'ice crystals' fell into Su Mu's skin, as if nothing had happened, and did not cause any discomfort to Su Mu at all.

Seeing this scene, Tong Mo Qicai's eyes couldn't help shrinking.

You must know that although ordinary 'pillars' can resist such ice crystals, they will always fall into discomfort.

But Su Mu, as if he didn't notice it at all, just like a breeze blowing on his face, without any discomfort.

Physical fitness has reached a level nearly ten times that of normal human beings, which is already inhuman.

At the same moment, Su Mu also moved, and as the blade was unsheathed, Su Mu's forehead also disappeared in a flash.

The gloomy moonlight, a fiery red blade, flashed in the 'huhu' wind.

Shine like a shooting star.

All of a sudden, it moved towards Tong Mo's neck.

This sword was almost at its peak.

It seems that at this moment, there is only this light left in the whole world.

Tong Mo's colorful eyes also shrank sharply, and without hesitation, he put his palms together and shouted sharply: "Blood Ghost Art·Mist Ice·Water Lily Bodhisattva."

Almost as soon as Tong Mo's voice fell, a huge iceman appeared in front of Tong Mo.

This iceman looks like a Bodhisattva with folded hands.

The ice man had appeared, and immediately opened his mouth and spit out, a large number of ice crystals were spit out by the ice man, overwhelming towards Su Mu who was cutting towards Su Mu with a sword.

However, as soon as the overwhelming ice crystals encountered the meteor-like knife light, they dissipated in just an instant, as if ice and snow melted.

The light of the sword disappeared in a flash, and then there was a crisp 'click' sound, and the Iceman that was summoned just now was cut off with a single blow.

At the same moment, the blade continued to slash towards Tong Mo.

However, with the barrier of the Iceman, Tong Mo also reacted, turning his body to the side.

Although Tong Mo tried his best to dodge, but the knife was too fast, and it was impossible to completely dodge it.


Accompanied by the sound of the knife cutting into the bone, blood splashed, and an arm that lost its owner fell off.

Tong Mo's figure fell not far away, looking at the young swordsman holding a sword, his colorful pupils suddenly shrank.

This person's strength is so powerful that it faintly feels a touch of fear.

This has been a feeling I have never felt for many years.

Almost without hesitation, Tong Mo turned around and ran away.

At this moment, Tong Mo probably understood why the previous Yuhu, Luo Ji and prostitute Taro died, and finally understood what a powerful enemy they faced.

"Can you run away?"

Su Mu looked at the figure flying in the distance and sneered. In the next second, the feathers flew up, and Su Mu's figure had disappeared from the spot.

There was a 'hum' sound of swords in the air, Tong Mo just turned his head, his eyes were already filled with the fiery red light of the sword.

Qian'? Search;.First. Send!;Small.;Speak,?Capital;?Source,.Center'transfer: "The skirt has not had time to resist in the future

The light of a knife has already scratched the neck

Blood splatter.

The (dead) skull was thrown out, eyes still showing a bit of astonishment, and finally, it fell to the ground.

The headless corpse continued to run several steps forward.


It seemed to be in a stalemate all of a sudden, stopped, and finally fell to the ground.

Su Mu put the knife back into its sheath, and the flying feathers also fell, calmly looking at the evil spirit whose head had been beheaded by him, with a calm expression, neither sad nor happy.

"Ding, congratulations to the host, kill an evil spirit and get 5 attribute points."

A familiar voice rang in my ears.

Before he knew it, even Tong Mo of Twelve Ghost Moon, Winding Two, and Ice Ghost was no longer his opponent.

Unknowingly, it was already strong enough.

In this world, there are not many who can threaten him.

Perhaps, the ancestor of ghosts, Ghost Dance Tsuji Wumi, is still possible, but with his cautious character, he is afraid that he will not appear in front of him.



Chapter 190 Four: Madam still has something very precious

After beheading Tong Mo, the air began to be filled with an unpleasant stench, but there was not much sadness.

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