Generally speaking, when an evil spirit is decapitated by a sun wheel knife and dies, he will recall his past as a human being. At this time, he will regret what he did when he became an evil spirit.

But for Tong Mo, it has been unable to understand human emotions since childhood, and it does not have the joys, sorrows, sorrows and joys of normal people. Therefore, recalling the memory of being a human being will naturally not have too many emotions, and there will be no regrets mood.

At the moment when the neck was cut off by the Japanese sword, Tong Mo just had a thought in his mind, even if his head was cut off by the Japanese sword, he would not die, just like the ancestor of the ghost, Guiwu Tsuji, broke through the limit of ghosts ', even if the head is cut off by the sun wheel knife, it will not die.

But in the end, Tong Mo couldn't do it.

Even though it was decapitated by the Rilun Knife, Tong Mo found that it still had no fear of death and could not have that strong desire to survive.

Naturally, there is not enough motivation to break through the 'limit' of being a ghost.

"I'll be waiting for you in hell."

There was the faint voice of Tong Mo in the air.


Su Mu raised his head and looked at Tong Mo's dissipated body. The so-called hell is your place of return.

And he

But not afraid.

After beheading Tong Mo, Su Mu also recruited the 'Crow' to pass the news of killing Twelve Ghost Moon.

I don't even know what kind of expression "Yuya Ubuyashiki" will have when he received the message.

However, presumably the news of beheading the evil spirit 'Umami' has spread, and as the 'leader' of the demon slaying team, 'Yuya Ubuyashiki' must be very happy.


The long night has long been used to for 'Ghost Dance Tsuji Wumi'.

She stood on the window sill, looking at the full moon in the sky, with a hint of longing in her scarlet eyes.

Longing for that full moon to become the sun.

And she

Ghost Dance Tsuji Mumi was able to bask in the sun.

However, all of this was a dream after all, since she became a demon, she could no longer bathe in the warm sunshine.


Kibu Tsuji let out a long sigh.

"I don't know when I will be able to really find the blue Bana flowers."

Oni Wu Tsuji Wuyan's charming eyes narrowed into two slits, and between those slits was a deep longing.


seems to feel something

Oni Wu Tsuji's charming long eyes opened suddenly, and the eyes also became scarlet.

Bai Yu's hand pressing on the window sill also exerted a little force

That Qianqian's little hand landed on the window sill, looking light and weak, but the entire window seemed to have encountered some terrible force, and it shattered directly.

"Tong Mo, he's dead."

Kibu Tsuji gritted his teeth.

"Damn it, damn it, it's that nasty swordsman again."

Although she doesn't like Tong Mo, an evil ghost, and even hates it a little, but there is no doubt that the other party can become the "Second String", and he is still very powerful.

Even "Shangxian No. [-]" was beheaded, how powerful is that young swordsman.

"Another... Ji Guoyuan?"

Oni Wu Tsuji clenched his fists slightly, and a hint of unwillingness flashed in his charming eyes, but he still gave the order to summon Twelve Ghost Moons.


After beheading Tong Mo, Su Mu also left the place and found the escaped 'Zui Ping Qin Ye'.

Sensing the movement from behind, 'Zui Ping Qin Ye''s face was extremely pale, and he couldn't help recalling the tall figure of the demon who stopped him for himself.

"Could it be that it died?"

Thinking of this, I couldn't help feeling guilty in my heart. After all, the other party died because of me, but soon, these guilts were replaced by greater panic.

If that lord can't stop that terrifying demon, then, his own ending...

this moment

'Zui Ping Qin Ye''s body was trembling. At this time, she didn't care about her own death, but was worried about her child.

"Stupid woman, why are you running with the baby in your arms?"

Behind him, a man's rude and dissatisfied voice came.

'Zui Ping Qin Ye' turned her head abruptly, seeing the tall figure slowly walking out under the moonlight, she also breathed a sigh of relief.

"My lord, I am not dead."

'Zui Ping Qin Ye' couldn't help but said, feeling a lot more relieved, but after the words were spoken, 'Zui Ping Qin Ye' regretted a little, such words, it was as if she wanted the man in front of her to die.

"Why, do you want me to die?"

Su Mu came over, and a pair of dark eyes fell on 'Zui Ping Qin Ye'.

", I...I didn't mean that."

'Zui Ping Qin Ye' hurriedly explained.

Seeing the beautiful young woman explaining in a panic, Su Mu also put his hand on his chin and looked at the woman: "Besides, I haven't received any payment yet, so how could I die so easily."

Feeling the adult's gaze fixed on him, 'Zui Ping Qin Ye' couldn't help lowering his head slightly.

Suddenly, as if thinking of something, 'Zui Ping Qin Ye' couldn't help asking in a low voice: "Where is that... the devil?"

Su Mu pointed behind the woman:

"Of course, behind you."

'Zui Ping Qin Ye' heard it, his face turned pale in a 'shua', and he turned his head hastily.

But behind him, there was nothing but the shadow of that evil ghost.

"My lord... behind me... there is no such demon."

The woman turned her head and replied with a pale face.

"Of course I lied to you."

Seeing the woman's trembling face, Su Mu laughed.

"My lord...but it scared me to death."

'Zui Ping Qin Ye' couldn't help patting her plump chest with her hands.

Just now, I was really scared to death by Su Mu's words.

"Ma'am, you seem very timid?"

Su Mu walked up to 'Zui Ping Qin Ye', his tall figure looked down at the woman in front of him.

'Zui Ping Qin Ye' raised his head, only to feel that the breath of oppression came to his face.

"Speaking of which, Madam hasn't paid me for saving you yet. You know, it took me a lot of effort to kill that evil spirit."

"But, I... I don't have any money, and I don't have anything valuable on me."

'Zui Ping Qin Ye' lowered his head with a guilty expression.

"No, madam still has something very valuable."

"Precious things?"

'Zui Ping Qin Ye' was taken aback for a moment, then seemed to think of something, and hugged the child tightly: "Son, no matter what, I can't give it to you."

"No, not a child."

Su Mu shook his head: "The precious things I'm talking about are not children."

Hearing that he didn't want his own child, 'Zui Ping Qin Ye' also relaxed a little, but at the same time, he was also a little confused

"What other precious things does 'Qin Ye' have?"

Su Mu stretched out his hand, gently pinched the woman's chin, and looked at the woman with a pair of eyes: "For example, madam, it is very precious."

The delicate body of 'Zui Ping Qin Ye' also tensed up all of a sudden.



Chapter 190 Five: If there is such a man to take care of it, it should be... very good

'Zui Ping Qin Ye''s delicate body was tense, obviously did not expect that the person who saved her would want to....

This caused a slight sense of despair to emerge in the woman's heart.

With her strength, if the man in front of her forced her, she would have no possibility of resisting at all.

Su Mu's body moved closer and closer to the young woman's side.

And as he approached, 'Zui Ping Qin Ye' couldn't help but backed away.

It wasn't until he retreated to a big tree that the cold tree clings to his warm back, at this moment, 'Zui Ping Qin Ye' realized that he had no way to retreat.

"My... my lord, don't... don't do this."

'Zui Ping Qin Ye' held the child tightly, panic and despair in his heart, and at the same time, he also felt sadness in his heart, so he escaped from the hands of evil spirits, but fell into the hands of others.

Just like her humble life, it was always full of suffering.

Su Mu propped his left and right hands on the tree, blocking the left and right escape routes of 'Zui Ping Qin Ye'.

It was almost a perfect tree dong, cutting off any retreat for women.

Su Mu approached slowly, fixed his eyes on the woman in front of him, and moved his head closer.

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