Hearing what my sister said, 'Ubuyashiki Nikka' looked at her helplessly. She probably read too many novels recently.

In fact, this feeling is already very good in 'Sanyashiki Nikka'.

"I don't know what Mu-jun is doing now, whether I have warm clothes, whether I have eaten well, whether I have slept well last night, and the most important thing is that I am not by my side, do I... miss 'Rixiang'... ..."

The heart of the young woman who had just become a woman fell completely on her own man at this moment.

"Sister, just now, I saw a 'crow' falling, it seems to be the 'crow' that belongs to Lord Mu.


'Ubuyashiki Nikka' also showed excitement on his face, and he stood up straight away.

"I'm going to help my sister and ask."

Looking at the excited older sister, 'Kanna Ubuyashiki' said with a smile, and at the same time, walked towards the mother's place.

Seeing the back of her sister leaving, 'Yao Rixiang' could not help clenching her small hands slightly, praying in her heart that Lord Mu would be safe in this mission.

Although she is very confident in Mu Jun's strength, she is still very worried in her heart.

Soon, 'Hanna Ubuyashiki' ran back excitedly, looked at his sister looking forward to him, and said excitedly: "The task is completed, I killed one 'winding' the devil."

Speaking of this, 'Ubuyashiki Hanna' couldn't help clenching his fists, full of excitement.

That's the 'winding' evil spirit.

My sister's future husband is really powerful, if only my future husband is as powerful as my sister's husband.

Hearing her sister's words, the delicate body of 'Sanya Shiki Nikka' tensed up first, then relaxed slightly, standing up straight with her legs together, and clasped her hands in front of her chest: "It's mine, my mighty Mujun. .”

At this moment, a strong sense of pride subconsciously surged in the woman's heart.

Such a formidable swordsman who can kill the evil spirit 'Shangxian' is her husband.

It belongs to her shepherd lord.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

In the quiet room, the smell of various medicinal herbs is blowing in your face.

Butterfly Kanae came in with a bowl of boiled porridge, and looked at her sister who was standing at the workbench, studying pharmacology and making potions, and felt distressed in her heart.

Butterfly Ninja put all her heart and soul into researching pharmacology, and didn't notice her sister's arrival. For Butterfly Shinobi, the most important thing is to develop a toxin that can kill evil spirits.

If a toxin that can kill evil spirits can be researched, it will definitely be able to kill more evil~ghosts.

Butterfly Shinobu felt his blood throbbing at the thought of killing more evil spirits.

"'Shin' eat something."

Butterfly Kanae stood quietly by the side, taking advantage of the time when Butterfly Ninja had just put down a test tube, she said suddenly.

Putting down the test tube, still frowning and thinking, Die Die, who was thinking about something, turned her head hastily when she heard her sister's voice.

Seeing her sister, Die Die could not help showing a smile on her pretty face.

Especially when I saw my sister holding the steaming porridge in her hand, I suddenly felt hungry.

Immediately placed the test tubes in his hands, cleaned his hands, and then walked down from the workbench, came to his sister, and took the small bowl handed by her sister.

Congee is the taste that 'Shin' likes. Butterfly Ninja likes to drink it very much. While eating, the girl also raised her head, looked at her sister, her purple eyes were full of attachment: "It's nice to have a sister..."

Butterfly Chana Hui rubbed her sister's head dotingly: "Sister, don't work so hard."


Butterfly nodded.

Seeing her sister like this, Butterfly Kanae couldn't help but sigh slightly, knowing that her sister didn't listen at all.

The hatred for evil spirits has long been integrated into the bones and blood of my sister.

For the younger sister, the most important thing is to kill the evil spirits and avenge her dead parents.

Although she also hates the parents who took away her parents, she hates them very much, but it is impossible for the lost parents to come back. What Butterfly Kanae hopes most now is that her sister can live a normal life.

But obviously, it's impossible.

The younger sister is still unable to get over the grief of losing her parents, nor can she let go of her inner hatred for ghosts.

However, as an older sister, Butterfly Kanae still hopes that her younger sister can find her own happiness.

"Speaking of which, sister, sir hasn't come back for a long time."

Butterfly swallowed the porridge and muttered softly.

"It's been about 33 days. I heard from Mrs. Kuizhi that she is on a mission. It may take some time."

"33 days."

Butterfly repeated a sentence, then raised his head involuntarily, and looked at Butterfly Kanae: "Sister, I remember it really well."

Hearing her sister's incomprehensible words, Butterfly Kanae's pretty face couldn't help but blush slightly, especially the younger sister's eyes, which made Butterfly Kanae feel a little flustered.

"Sister, don't think about it."

Butterfly Chana Hui said hastily, and at the same time explained; "Sir, but there is a wife."

"Hmph, ma'am..."

Butterfly suppressed a hint of disdain at the corner of her pretty mouth; "Men are all lustful, and my husband is no exception. I think my husband looks at my sister differently...I'm afraid he has no good intentions for my sister, let alone Mrs. Kuizhi."

Butterfly Ren didn't say anything about the latter, and didn't really want to say bad things about Mrs. Kuizhi.

Speaking of this, Butterfly Shinobi seemed to think of something, a pair of purple eyes fell on her sister's well-developed figure: "Speaking of which, if my father and mother are still here, my sister has reached the age to get married."

"Actually, although my husband is a bit more lustful, except for this shortcoming, everything else is actually quite good. Look at Mrs. Kuizhi, she lives a very nourishing life every day. The husband loves his woman very much."

"Don't mess around with Mr. Be careful, Mr. Be careful to come back and break the leg of 'Shin'."

Butterfly Kanae glared at her sister.

Butterfly listened, but didn't care, and groaned at the corner of her mouth, "I'm afraid it's the master who is reluctant. With the courage of the master, I am afraid that not only will he set his mind on my sister, but as a younger sister, I am afraid that I will not let it go." , who would be willing to break my sister's leg."

The two of them were originally ice-snow smart. Perhaps, they would be deceived by Su Mu's disguise at first, but gradually, they could see it better.

Especially before the husband said some incomprehensible words to the sisters, so I still don't understand what the husband is thinking.

"Speaking of which, it would be good if my sister married my husband."

Butterfly reluctantly opened her mouth.

"Stop talking about that."

Butterfly Chanae tapped her sister's head, these words were only spoken between them.

"Actually, sir, he didn't do anything to apologize to us."

ask for flowers

Butterfly Kanae rubbed her sister's head.

"My sister is always defending my husband, and I haven't been given this by my husband, and I have already spoken for my husband."

Butterfly Ninja's little nose couldn't help but 'hum' slightly.

Although I understand that my husband is playing with their sisters, I don't hate my husband.

On the contrary, there is a feeling of joy in my heart.

After all, being disliked, or even having someone you like in your heart make up your mind, is not an annoyed thing, but something that makes people excited, and even has a little pride in their hearts.

After all, Mr. is so good.

If it really has no shortcomings, it will give people an unreal feeling.



.. 0 0

"Not far ahead is my home."

A carriage was galloping on the road, the curtain was lifted, and Su Mu pointed to the distance and said.

The beautiful woman holding the child looked in the direction of the man's finger.

It was a building that looked very tall, obviously, it was a very luxurious area.

This made the woman hold the child tightly in her arms. After all, she has been living in the lower area, and the best place she has come into contact with is the place where the Bliss Cult lives. Compared with these luxurious residences, she has a feeling of shame. a feeling of.

"What does Madam 'Qin Ye' seem to be worried about?"

Su Mu turned his head and looked at the beautiful woman holding the child.

"I'm just afraid that I won't be able to take good care of your wife, and I'm afraid that I will be clumsy and make your wife angry."

'Zui Ping Qin Ye' lowered his head and said in a low voice.

Hearing this, Su Mu couldn't help shaking his head: "Kuizhi is still very talkative, but her daughter is not very talkative, but she's just a little girl, you just need to make room for her a little bit."


'Zui Ping Qin Ye' was slightly taken aback. Didn't he say that the wife who took care of her was pregnant? Isn't the wife's daughter the adult's daughter?Why do adults call her 'his daughter'.

"It's the daughter of my brother Tanjuro, called Nezuko, a very cute little girl."

Su Mu smiled and said: "Actually, Nezuko is very kind and gentle, but she is too protective of her mother. As long as she bullies Kuizhi a little, Nezuko will always stand up..."

'Zui Ping Qin Ye' looked up slightly, looking at the man begging with a somewhat weird look.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Master Mu, you're back."

As soon as Su Mu got home, sunflower branches from the kitchen door poured into his arms like swallows returning to their nests.

He caressed Zaomen Kuizhi's jet-black and smooth hair like a waterfall, feeling the warmth of the woman's embrace. After not seeing him for a month, Zaomen Kuizhi's figure seemed to be getting plump.

Because of the pregnancy, the belly is also a little swollen, which is already quite obvious.

Leaning his head against Kuizhi's belly at the kitchen door, he patted his stomach lightly with his hands, muttering, "Why didn't you hear the sound?"

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