"At this time, where can I hear the sound."

Kuizhi at the Zaomen could not help covering her mouth and laughing, feeling that Mujun is like a child.

But seeing that Mu Jun seems to like the child in his stomach very much, there is a feeling of happiness wandering in Wei Wei's heart.


Su Mu scratched his head, and then grabbed Kuizhi's warm little hand at the stove door: "I haven't seen you in a month, and Kuizhi's belly is getting bigger and bigger."

The man's words are full of pride.

Let Zaomen Kuizhi look at "[-]" with a blank look, feeling somewhat shy in his heart, probably knowing why Mu Jun is so proud at this moment.

"By the way, Kui Zhi, this is 'Zui Ping Qin Ye', I saved him from killing the evil spirit this time, and I plan to hire him to be our housekeeper..."

Su Mu briefly introduced 'Zui Ping Qin Ye' to Zaomen Kuizhi, and expressed his thoughts.

Regarding Su Mu's opinion, he would naturally not express any objection to the Zaomen Kuizhi who had already regarded him as the head of the family.

However, when seeing the beauty of the woman, Zaomen Kuizhi frowned slightly subconsciously.

Because, the other party is so beautiful.

"This child is..."

Zaomen Kuizhi looked at 'Zui Pingqin Ye' holding the child tightly with some doubts, and there was a hint of vigilance in his eyes.

Although I think it is unlikely, I am still a little worried.

"It's my child, called 'Zuihei Inosuke'."

'Zui Ping Qin Ye' said hastily, his eyes were gentle when looking at the child.

"Son, it's so cute."

Zaomen Kuizhi couldn't help but praised, and when he spoke, he unconsciously caressed his swollen belly: "I don't know if my future child will be so cute."

Although she has given birth to several children, she has never had expectations for this child.

It was the crystallization of mutual love between himself and Mu Jun.

"Madam is so beautiful, the child she gave birth to will definitely be very cute."

'Zui Ping Qin Ye' also said with a smile, these words are indeed sincere, almost at first glance, 'Zui Ping Qin Ye' was amazed by Zao Men Kui Zhi's beautiful appearance, no wonder the adults know that the other party has In the case of a child, let the other party be his wife.

really beautiful.

"Since Mr. Mu asked Mrs. 'Qin Ye' to come to our Su family to be the housekeeper, I will trouble Mrs. 'Qin Ye' from now on."

Kuizhi at the kitchen door stretched out his hand.

'Zui Ping Qin Ye' also hastily stretched out his hand and held it together with Kui Zhi from the kitchen door.

Feeling the cocoons in the hands of 'Zui Ping Qin Ye', Zao Men Kui Zhi knew in her heart that this woman is not the kind of lazy, or a lady.

The cocoon layer in the other party's little hands is just like the previous self, and the little hands will become very rough every day because of the hard work of a few children.

But now, her hands are well maintained.

After all, Mu Jun likes soft little hands, and also likes...

Feeling the tenderness of the small hands of Kuizhi at the kitchen door, 'Zui Ping Qin Ye' knew in his eyes that the woman in front of him was probably well taken care of by adults.

Moreover, seeing the happy smile on Mrs. Kuizhi's face, 'Zuiping Qinye' also knew that Mrs. Kuizhi should be treated very well.

Otherwise, a woman would not have this expression.

Because I had an unfortunate marriage, I am very afraid of my own marriage, but it does not hinder 'Zui Pingqin Ye''s longing for marriage and family happiness, and I know how much a man can love his woman. It's not easy, probably because I've been hurt before, so I desire it even more.

Su Mu introduced 'Zui Ping Qin Ye' to other people.

'Zuiping Kotoha' quickly recognized Tanjiro, Kuri Hanara, Kanao, Nezuko....

Sure enough, as the adults said, when introducing Nezuko, Nezuko kept looking at her with obvious scrutiny.

However, Nezuko just looked at it, then looked away, and didn't say anything, which made 'Zuiping Qinye' slightly relaxed.

I was also worried that this delicate and lovely girl like a doll would embarrass myself.

Su Mu introduced 'Zui Ping Qin Ye' to everyone, talked to a few children, and then went back to the house to rest.

This bumpy road made me somewhat tired, but I wanted to take a rest.

Zaomen Kuizhi is in charge of arranging the accommodation of 'Zui Ping Qin Ye'. As the hostess of the family, Su Mu doesn't care much about family affairs most of the time.

And Zaomen Kuizhi always organizes the things at home very well, and has a very virtuous character.

When a man marries a wife, he must marry a virtuous man. He would rather his wife be ugly than have a virtuous temperament. This is the reason. If the wife has a bad character, no matter how good the family is, it will be messed up.

However, Zaomen Kuizhi is not only virtuous, but also more beautiful.

Although Zaomen Kuizhi had doubts in her heart about the intentions of the woman brought home by Mujun, she still arranged the 'Zui Ping Qin Ye' very well.

However, the woman felt a bit of resentment in her heart. She brought back a woman after she went out this time. If she went out a few more times, she didn't know how much she would bring home.


After placing the 'Zui Ping Qin Ye', Kui Zhi couldn't wait to find Mu Jun.

Gently opened Mu Jun's room.

Only then did he realize that Mu Jun had already taken off his clothes and was resting on the bed.

"It seems that Mu Jun is very tired after going out this time."

Zaomen Kuizhi thought silently in her heart, and then buried her whole body in Mujun's arms.

Su Mu opened his eyes and felt the sunflower branch buried in his arms, and then closed his eyes slightly, and raised his hand slightly, stroking the soft hair of the woman.

"Mu Jun, I smell other women on you."

In his arms, a woman's muffled voice soon came.

"Are all women dog noses?"

Su Mu opened his eyes and muttered, "You can smell this."

Then, he felt his arm being pinched, and Su Mu could only smile awkwardly, and honestly explained the going out this time.

Knowing that there was an extra girl named "Nakari Rui", Zaomen Kuizhi was visibly unhappy, and gave him a hard look with her pretty eyes, with obvious complaints.

Su Mu could only smile embarrassingly.

"I don't know how to hide it from me. Even if you hide in the golden house outside, you are not afraid that I will find out and make me angry."

"It's because I like Mrs. Kuizhi so much that I dare not hide it from you."

"You rely on me to depend on you in everything, that's why you are like this."

Zaomen Kuizhi hammered the man's chest with his small fist angrily.

Su Mu hugged the Zaomen sunflower branch tightly in his arms, sniffed the fragrance of the woman's hair, felt the faint grievance in the woman's heart, and then said softly in her earlobe: "Favorite, forever It's all Mrs. Kuizhi. 4.3"

"He would say some deceitful words, who would have known that Lord Mu had said such words to several women."

"Only told Mrs. Kuizhi."

Su Mu looked directly into Kuizhi's eyes.

Although he told a lie, his expression remained unchanged.

Sure enough, hearing what Mu Jun said, the woman who was still a bit sour immediately felt better, buried her head in the man's arms, and asked softly: "When will that little sister named 'Zhongli Rui' meet?" come over."

"Ask these for what?"

Kuizhi from the Zaomen caressed her growing belly with her small hand:

"Now that Kuizhi is in this state, I can't serve Mu Jun well. I don't want to call the wild fox outside to serve you."

The woman said with a bit of sarcasm and a bit of doting towards her man.



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