Su Mu hastily stretched out his hand and held Nidouzi, only to avoid the fate of Nidouzi being thrown down.

"I'll go behind your back."

Su Mu said softly.

"Uncle, no need, I'll be able to walk after I rest for a while."

Neidouzi said in a low voice, but Su Mu already bent slightly with his back to Neidouzi.

"Come up."

he urged.

Nezuko hesitated slightly, and finally, stretched out her little hand and wrapped it around the uncle's neck.

Su Mu didn't get up until after Nezuko held her firmly.

Walking on the road in the mountains, the cold wind was blowing, which made the person's cheek hurt, and Nezuko instinctively leaned her cheek on the uncle's back.

A slight warmth spread from the back to the cheeks, making the cold face seem warm.

"Father used to carry me like uncle."

Nezuko said softly.

Su Mu didn't speak.

Nezuko was also silent for a while after saying this, but she pressed her face deeper into the uncle's back, and tears dripped from the corners of her eyes and landed on her back, moist, representing the girl's sad feelings .

"Being carried by uncle like this is the same as being carried by father."

Nezuko said softly.

"Then Nezuko will treat me as a father."

Su Mu said softly.

"No, uncle."

Su Mu smiled, but didn't care.



"Ask you a question."


"Is uncle so gentle to every girl?"

"There will be fierce times."

He put on a savage look.

"It's not fierce at all, uncle."

Nezuko twitched the corner of his mouth, muttered, and then wrapped his hands tightly around Su Mu's neck:

"In the future, it would be great if Nezuko could find a gentle husband like Uncle."



PS: I just woke up

I want to sleep in for a while

but swiped the phone

see background data

rubbed his eyes

Immediately broke out in a cold sweat

Where dare to sleep.

I dare not sleep any more.




I just went back to the little black room and tried my best to write out the chapter of adding more as soon as possible.

Before writing the chapters that have been updated.

I will not watch dramas, travel, or get sick. I will not play games. I will change code words. Life and death are like this.

i will be the keyboard in the dark

Guardians of the Great Wall

against the cold flames

light at dawn

I dedicate my life and glory to codewords.

so tonight

Every night.

(Sisters, brothers, wait for me for a while, when I finish writing this chapter, we are out of this small black room, we are playing games, let’s play again, and go to have fun again.).

Chapter 41: Mrs. Kuizhi, of course I’m looking at you

"From now on, it would be great if Nezuko's husband is as gentle as uncle."

Nezuko put her hands around Su Mu's neck, full of anticipation.

"How old is the brat, that's all I'm thinking about!"

Su Mu spoke angrily.


Perhaps it was because of the release just now that Nezuko's mood improved a lot. At this moment, her mouth puffed up unconsciously, revealing the cuteness and cuteness that this girl should have.

"By the way, uncle, do you have someone you like?"

The girl pressed against the man's ear and asked curiously.

"you guess."

Su Mu didn't answer.

Nezuko didn't guess either, but closed her eyes slightly, her eyebrows curved: "Uncle, do you know what it's like to like someone?"

"do not know."

"What a stupid uncle."

"Then you know?"

"Nezuko has never liked anyone before, so who knows what it's like to like someone."

"Then Nezuko is also a stupid girl."

"I'm not a stupid girl."

Nezuko pouted, and tapped the uncle's head with his small hand: "Uncle, he is much older than Nezuko, why don't you find someone you like? When Nezuko is as old as Uncle, there will definitely be someone you like. When the time comes, Nezuko will tell Uncle what it's like to like someone."

"When Nedouzi is the same age as me, she will be an old girl. Only then will there be someone she likes, and no one will want her."

Su Mu smiled.

"It's so annoying not to talk to uncle."

Nezuko knocked Dashu's head a few times angrily.


Soon, the houses standing in the mountains appeared in front of us.

And as Su Mu appeared with Neidouzi, Zaomen Kuizhi immediately ran out of the house quickly, hugging Neidouzi in his arms.

"Sister is back, sister is back."

Hanako, Takeo, and Shigeru also came out of the house at some point, cheering happily.

Being hugged by her mother's warm embrace, Nezuko closed her eyes slightly, feeling the warmth of her mother, feeling her care for her, and also understood that her sudden disappearance made her family worry.


Nezuko lowered her head, unconsciously feeling guilty in her heart.

At this moment, it seems that I suddenly understood what the uncle said just now.

Everyone grows old and fades to death

Human life is short and small.

But precisely because people will grow old, die, and be sad, people will gather together more, be happy together, and share sorrow together.

It is precisely because of passing away that people are so lovely and noble.


Looking at her daughter who was hugging her quietly, Zaomen Kuizhi originally wanted to say something to blame, blame Nezuko for leaving without saying goodbye, making her family worry, blame, Nezuko for doing this...

It's just that, feeling the strength of her daughter holding her arm tightly, these words of blame were not uttered after all, but gently patted her on the head: "Next time, don't do this."

"I see, mother."

Nezuko nodded, suddenly, she seemed to think of something, she couldn't help raising her head: "By the way, where did brother go?"

"I went to find you, you don't know how worried your family is by your sudden disappearance"

Zaomen Aoi angrily tapped Nezuko on the head with her finger.

Nezuko stuck out her tongue guiltily.

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