Seeing this scene and seeing her daughter who had been depressed all this time finally come out, Zaomen Kuizhi was also happy for her daughter.

After a while, Kuizhi from Zaomen let go of Nezuko.

As soon as Nezuko was let go by her mother, she was greeted by her younger brother and younger sister with cheers.

Seeing being surrounded by Hanako, Shigeru, and Takeo, laughing at Nezuko, and seeing the smiling faces of the children, Zaomen Kuizhi couldn't help feeling a sense of satisfaction in her heart.

"Master Mu."

Turning his head and looking at Su Mu, Kuizhi at the kitchen door lowered his head slightly, bowed his body slightly, and put his little hands on his lower abdomen: "Lunch is ready."

The woman spoke softly, with a soft voice, as if she was welcoming her husband home.

Su Mu's eyes fell on Zaomen Kuizhi. The woman was in her 30s and [-]s, when a woman was at her most plump.

It seemed that he hadn't waited for a long time for a response, and Kuizhi couldn't help but secretly raised his head, and immediately saw Mu Jun's burning eyes staring at him.

That look, as if he wanted to eat himself with his heart and soul.

Let Zaomen Kuizhi feel hot and tremble.

"Mu-jun, what are you looking at...?"

The sound of flapping wings, as light as mosquito wings, came from the lip bitten by Kuizhi at the kitchen door. If it weren't for the improvement in strength, the hearing has also improved a lot, and I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to hear it.

Staring at the gentle and extremely docile woman in front of him, Su Mu smiled and walked forward, and stopped about a foot away from the sunflower branch of the stove door.

Feeling Mujun's tall figure close at hand, the huge pressure made Zaomen Kuizhi feel her heart beating faster.

Su Mu leaned over slightly, with the corner of his mouth close to the earlobe of the sunflower branch at the stove door, and first blew a little breath of hot air, watching the woman's crystal earlobe turn red and hot instantly, and her deep eyes were filled with evil intentions:

"Mrs. Kuizhi, of see you."



PS: I remember that a person only has a dozen flowers every day?


Why can someone vote thousands or tens of thousands of flowers all at once?

Is this reasonable?

With so many flowers, how many chapters do I have to write?Can I get out of the little dark room?

want to cry.

Chapter 42: Where Are So Many Tender Words

"Mrs. Kuizhi, of course I'm looking at you."

Su Mu spoke.

Zaomen Kuizhi's tender body tensed up in an instant, and her breathing suddenly became rapid, causing Zaomen Kuizhi to lower her head unconsciously, and unconsciously clenched her small hands on her lower abdomen, feeling that her palms were It seems to be sweating.

There seems to be some expectations in my heart, and some worries...

Especially at this moment, Mu Jun was standing in front of him, the condescension brought by that tall figure made her feel oppressed.

And she

I also vaguely expect and even... like this feeling of being oppressed.

this is the past

never experienced.

After Su Mu finished speaking, his eyes fell on Kuizhi from Zaomen. Whether it was the face or the slender and fair neck under the face, they were all red and seductive at this moment.

this moment

Su Mu even felt that as long as he wanted to, he could shape the other party into any shape, and the other party would only say no, but would not resist meekly.

But this

In Su Mu's view, it is not enough.


After finishing speaking, Su Mu also smiled slightly, and patted Kuizhi's small hand on the stove door lightly.

Just touch and go.


It's as if it was wiped by accident.

But even so, Kui Zhi from the Zaomen felt like getting an electric shock, and his already tense body became even more tense.

It can be clearly felt that Zaomen Kuizhi seems to be breathing stagnantly at this moment, but there is no breathing inside the body, and the chest rises and falls.

After Kuizhi's legs and feet became weak at Zaomen and he came back to his senses, he realized that Su Mu had already left him.

Sneaking a peek at Mu Jun, at this moment, Mu Jun is hugging his youngest daughter Hanako, talking and laughing with Nezuko, Takeo, and Maozai.

warm look

Let Zaomen Kuizhi feel that his heart is going to be drunk.

At this moment, she was even looking forward to what Mu Jun could do to her, and even, extremely looking forward to Mu Jun becoming the head of the family and the man who took care of her.

The emergence of such a heart made Zaomen Kuizhi panic, and the whole person felt a sense of guilt.

Feeling sorry for the dead Tanjuro.

he died not long ago

I just...

"How can I be such a woman?"

Zaomen Kuizhi bit her lip unconsciously with her white and tender teeth, and a sense of guilt lingered around her whole body.

But a certain strong feeling in his heart makes Zaomen Kuizhi look forward to further progress in his relationship with Mujun.


Was bullied by him severely.

Those strong feelings in my heart crushed and tore those guilty feelings in my heart little by little.

These nights, when she went back to the house to sleep and rest, she somehow even forgot to close the door, and even left a gap on purpose, and even left her daughter in another room because of the faint and unconscious expectation in her heart.

But every night, on the warm bed, she was the only one resting alone.


It was as if the other party was a gentleman.

"What's wrong with me?"

Zaomen Kuizhi took a deep breath, only feeling that his mind was in a mess at the moment.

These days, the other party has obviously taken good care of her, and even... said some intimate words, so that every time she thinks that the other party will do something, the other party will leave just right.

Every time she said some gentle words, she would move to other topics when her heart was beating like a deer.

And when her attention fell on other topics, she started teasing her again.

Let her heart sometimes tense and sometimes relax, and the heartbeat also goes up and down for a while.

It was as if a playful fox lived in her heart, always scratching her heart with its little paws.

Let her heart fluctuate for a while, and be disappointed for a while.

Such emotional turmoil like a roller coaster has never been experienced by Zaomen Kuizhi.

In such a closed mountain village

in such an era

In the small world of sunflower branches at the kitchen door,

How can there be those gentle words that almost make people blush, and words that make people's heartbeat almost instantly speed up.

Qian';Xun'"First?Fa.Small"'say;resource?source,:middle"?Turn: how can there be a skirt like Mujun

gentle person.


Chapter 43: As if the uncle was the father

Su Mu hugged Hanako, took Nezuko's hand and walked into the house.

As for Zhuxiong, Mao, and Liutai, he didn't take care of them that much, he just let them follow behind him.

the reason for this

It's just because, deep down in his heart, he still prefers girls.

Especially the cutest Nezuko

Always let him put it down.

Of course, as Nezuko's younger sister, Hanako is actually very cute, but she is a little less cute than her older sister Nezuko.

When I entered the house, I saw that the table in the living room was full of food, which was very rich.


When she and Tanjiro went out to look for Nezuko, Zaomen Aoie was not idle, not only comforted the children very well, but also cooked a large table full of meals.


Su Mu stood at the stove door in the courtyard and took a look at Kuizhi.

Can't help but praise:

"What a virtuous and gentle woman."

Seemingly feeling Su Mu's gaze, Kui Zhi, who was at the stove door in the courtyard, turned his head in an inexplicable emotion, just in time to meet Su Mu's gaze.

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