Nezuko heard this, but shook her head vigorously: "Uncle, this is different. I only accepted one and gave it to my uncle, but now, I took one and gave it to my uncle. In this way, it is We gave each other away."

Su Mu was taken aback for a moment, and it took him a long time to react. He stretched out his hand and patted Neidouzi on the head: "Nidouzi, you are really an arithmetic genius."

Feeling the warmth of a big hand brushing against her head, Nezuko couldn't help tilting her head and looking at the man in front of her:

"Uncle, how do you know my name?"

The girl blinked her slender eyelashes with a hint of doubt.

Chapter 6: Mighty Strength

"Uncle, how do you know my name?"

Nezuko raised her head, the beautiful eyes under the blinking eyelashes were full of doubts.

"I heard you shouting in the yard before, I heard it."

Su Mu explained casually.

Hearing Su Mu's words, Nezuko frowned unconsciously. Didn't brother Tanjiro seem to call him by his name just now?

And the younger siblings are still sleeping on the lazy bed and haven't gotten up yet.

"Could it be that I didn't hear my brother calling my name?" The girl thought unconsciously.

Of course, these thoughts just flashed through Nezuko's mind, and she didn't get too entangled that Su Mu knew her name. After all, it was just a name, and it was nothing.

"Hello, uncle."

But Tanjirou Kamado who was next to him shouted respectfully.

Just now, Tanjiro focused all his attention on his sister who was injured by his snowball. At this time, he noticed Su Mu who came over.


Su Mu nodded with a smile, and at the same time handed the toffee that Nezuko gave him just now to Tanjiro: "This is for you."

"Thank you uncle."

Tanjiro yelled happily.


Standing in the courtyard, looking at the carefree and happy Tanjirou brothers and sisters, thinking about the future experience of the brothers and sisters, Su Mu couldn't help but feel a burst of emotion in his heart. He didn't expect to see the innocent youth of these brothers and sisters.

In the anime, the experience of the brother and sister is quite rough.

In the future, within a few years, Zaomen Tanjiro will die early due to illness, losing the pillar of the family, and the entire Zaomen family will be in trouble at once. The family is orphaned and widowed, and life is in great difficulty.

At this time, as the eldest son and daughter, Tanjiro and Nezuko quickly became sensible. Tanjiro relied on inheriting the business of selling charcoal to maintain the family's livelihood, while his younger sister, Nezuko, helped take care of his younger brother and younger sister. , and help widowed mothers share housework.

With the concerted efforts of the family, although life is difficult, the family is still very happy when they are together.

But soon, these happiness were completely destroyed when the evil spirit came, accompanied by the smell of blood. Except for Zaomen Tanjiro who escaped being killed because he entered the town to sell charcoal, the Zaomen family, whether it was the mother Zaomen Kuizhi, his younger brothers Takeo, Mao, and Liutai were all brutally killed by evil spirits, and even Nezuko, who was still alive, became a man-eating evil spirit.

Thinking of what will happen to the family in the future, Su Mu couldn't help but sigh slightly.

"Da da da……"

There was a sound of crisp footsteps, but it was Kuizhi from the kitchen wearing an apron who came out of the kitchen. Seeing Su Mu standing in the yard, he couldn't help but lower his head slightly, put his hands on his lower abdomen, and covered most of his side with his docile hair Delicate face: "Master Mu, good morning."

The woman's voice was gentle.

"Good morning, Mrs. Kuizhi."

Su Mu also nodded, but his gaze unconsciously fell on Zaomen Kuizhi.

The clothes worn by Zaomen Kuizhi are not revealing, they are simple home clothes, but they cannot conceal the plump figure of the woman, and the skin that is slightly exposed outside is also fair, and the long and thick clothes wrap the slender legs Strictly.

Has long eyelashes like Nezuko.

It can be seen that Nezuko has inherited the advantages of her mother very well.

As expected, the future Nezuko will also be extremely beautiful.

The man who was brought back by Tanjuro stared at him, and Aoie Zaomen couldn't help lowering his head even lower.

From last night to today, the other party's eyes fell on her, making Zaomen Kuizhi feel like being pricked by a needle.

I always feel that the other party's eyes are very oppressive, as if I can't wait to eat myself from the inside out.

This made Zaomen Kuizhi feel flustered, and also made Zaomen Kuizhi feel a little afraid of the man in front of him.

Seeing the docile and timid look of Zaomen Kuizhi, Su Mu unconsciously felt a certain restlessness in his heart.

There is always a feeling in my heart that I want to bully each other.


Suppressing the strange emotions in his heart, Su Mu also raised his head. In the distance, under the early warm sun, Zaomen Tanjuro was dragging a huge tree almost two or three stories high with one hand, walking on the snowy ground. Walk over with a deep foot and a shallow foot.

"Bang, bang."

When he arrived in the courtyard, Zaomen Tanjuro put down the tree he was dragging, and the tree fell to the ground, making a loud noise, as if the ground was shaking.

It's hard to imagine that the opponent's thin body can drag such a heavy thing.

Thinking back to last night, it was this emaciated man who just slapped the black bear lightly, and the black bear, which looked like a beast, was slapped half to death by the other party's light palm, leaving only a dying breath breath.

Who would have thought that such a thin body of the other party would burst out with such a powerful force.

Zaomen Tanshiro put down the trees dragged to burn charcoal, and looked at Su Mu standing in the courtyard, a smile appeared on Zaomen Tanshilang's calm face:

"Master Mu, good morning."

Chapter 7: Kamado Tanjuro's Worries

"Master Mu, good morning."

Kamado Tanjuro greeted him with a smile.

Su Mu nodded, looking at the big tree that was easily put down by Zaomen Tanjuro, his heart skipped a beat.

This tree weighed at least four to five thousand catties, but Zaomen Tanshiro easily lifted it, and it seemed that the other party didn't use much effort, so one could imagine that the other party's strength was far more than that.

If you use all your strength, you don't know how heavy you can pick up.

Even if Zaomen Tanjuro is not a swordsman, his real strength is probably not small.

However, he is not too surprised that Zaomen Tanjuro has such a strong strength. After all, the Zaomen family is the inheritor of Ji Guoyuan's will, and the family has practiced the "God of Fire Kagura Dance" for generations.

What's more, Kado Tanjuro is the only ordinary person who has mastered the "transparent world" besides the Demon Slayer Squad.

And the so-called 'transparent world'

It is the world that becomes transparent and visible in the mind, and it is the 'highest realm' that can only be reached after one has to work hard and endure pain.

In this state, by concentrating and closing the redundant organs, the creature's body will look transparent. Whether it is its own action speed, the ability to predict and avoid attacks will be significantly improved, and it will even affect the lungs of the enemy. The vascular flow in the area can be clearly seen.

Moreover, the contraction of one's own muscles can also grasp faster. If there is fighting energy, it can also freely close the body's fighting energy, and can also perceive the opponent's actions.

"Mr. Tanjuro just came back from cutting trees in the forest?"

Su Mu asked with a smile.

"Well, yes, to make some charcoal."

Kamado Tanjuro smiled.

"Breakfast is ready."

Kui Zhi, who was standing by the kitchen door, spoke softly at this moment.

"Mu-jun, let's go eat together."

Zaomen Tanjuro also laughed.

"That's really a big thank you to Tanjuro for your hospitality."


In the living room, the food was already set on the table, and the aroma of the food was lingering.

Just by smelling it, one can tell that the breakfast is delicious.

It can be seen that Zaomen Kuizhi's cooking skills are also very good.

Good cooking, beautiful and gentle...

Thinking of this, Su Mu couldn't help looking at Tan Shilang at Zaomen, his complexion was yellow and thin, and there was an obvious scar on the left forehead, which gave people a feeling of ugly, and it was unexpected that such an ugly person would embrace a beauty.

"Where are Mrs. Kuizhi and the child, why don't you see them coming over for dinner?"

Su Mu sat down at the dining table, and seeing only himself and Zaomen Tanshiro, he couldn't help asking.

"The guests are here, how can we let a woman sit on the table?"

Zaomen Tan Shilang said, his eyes couldn't help falling on Su Mu: "It seems that Mr. Mu is not a local?"

Su Mu was taken aback for a moment, probably knowing that this should be some kind of rule or custom.

"I'm really not a local, I came from a far away place, and I encountered some things..."

Su Mu casually thought of a reason to explain.

Zaomen Tanjuro nodded, and didn't intend to ask too deeply.


At the dining table, the two chatted while eating.

The more we talked, the more we talked, the more we felt that Su Mu was an unusual person, and many of his insights and knowledge were beyond the reach of ordinary people.

"Cough cough..."

While chatting, Zaomen Tanjuro's complexion suddenly turned pale, and he coughed violently.

Su Mu hurriedly handed over a glass of water, Zaomen Tanshilang took a sip, and then felt a little better, and at the same time, said with a bit of helplessness: "I don't know what's wrong recently, my body always feels a little powerless, and there will always be no reason. cough."

Su Mu just listened quietly, his eyes flickering slightly.

Zaomen Tanjuro didn't care too much, but said to himself: "I have also seen some doctors, but the doctors didn't notice anything..."

When talking about this, Zaomen Tanshilang had a trace of unconcealable sadness on his brows, because he always felt that his health seemed to be getting worse.

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