This made Zaomen Tanjuro harbor a sense of uneasiness and worry in his heart.

What worries me is my physical condition, and what worries me is my family.

If something unexpected happened to him, what should the remaining family members do? .

Chapter 8: Gentle Uncle

Zaomen Tanjuro was indeed a little worried about his physical condition, but it was only a little worried, and he didn't realize that he would die.

Kamado Tanjuro simply thought that something happened to his body, and he would be fine after a few days of recuperation.

While drinking water, Su Mu's eyes fell on Zaomen Tan Shilang's body, his eyes flickered slightly.

If memory is good, it won't be long before Zaomen Tanjuro will die, judging by the time, it will probably not take a year or two.

Now, the entire Zaomen family is basically supported by Zaomen Tanshilang. If Zaomen Tanshilang dies, the family will have a hard time.

For a moment, Su Mu couldn't help but think of Kuizhi Zaomen's graceful figure, that plump figure...


Taking a breath, Su Mu suppressed all the thoughts that came up in his heart. At the same time, he raised his head, looked at Tanjuro, and said with a smile: "I think Mr. Tanjuro's body is still very good. Such a heavy tree is easy to get rid of." It can be dragged away if it is me, I am afraid that even a tree girl can't hold it."

"I think Mr. Tanjuro is in good health, you think too much."

Hearing Su Mu's words, Zaomen Tan Shiro also wiped away a ray of worry that rose in his heart: "Mu Jun said the same thing, I was thinking too much."

After finishing speaking, Zaomen Tanjuro seemed to have thought of something, and couldn't help asking again: "I don't know what plans Mu Jun has next?"

"I'm going to visit the town."

Su Mu smiled.

"That's just right. I'm also going to the town to sell charcoal. By the way, there is also the big black bear that Lord Mu killed yesterday. What is Lord Mu going to do with it?"

Black bears are rare things, especially bear paws, but they are extremely valuable. Even if you sell a cart of charcoal, it may not match the price of a bear paw.

"Mr. Tanjuro was joking. I didn't kill that big black bear. If Tanjurou didn't do it, I'm afraid I would lose my life. That black bear naturally belongs to Tanjuro."

"Then thank you, Mu-jun."

Zaomen Tanjuro didn't refuse, he just said casually just now, after all, such a black bear is worth a lot of money.


After eating, Zaomen Tanjuro took out the family's ox cart, and with the family's farewell, the ox cart drove quickly to the town.

Sitting on the bullock cart, Su Mu's eyes first fell on Tan Shilang, who was driving the bullock cart. Looking at the face of the other party who had never panted even though he was walking, a hint of thought appeared in his eyes.

The opponent looks like this, it seems that he has practiced the 'breathing method' to a very high level.

He is a character that is not easy to mess with, even if he is the ancestor of ghosts, even if he is the ancestor of ghosts, Ghost Dance Tsuji will not be able to please him.


Zaomen Kuizhi stood in front of the door, watched the figure of the bullock cart gradually go away, and began to urge several children to enter the house.

"Mom, tell me, will uncle come over?"

Nezuko raised his head and asked.

"How do I know that?"

Zaomen Kuizhi shook his head, Su Mu was the guest that Tan Juro brought home last night, and he had never met him before, and he had never heard Tan Juro say that he had such a friend.

Therefore, if Kuizhi wants to come at Zaomen, the other party should come to spend the night as a passer-by. In the future, they should not see each other again, but these are not easy to tell children.

"It would be great if uncle could come here often."

Hearing what her mother said, Nezuko's beautiful eyes were a little disappointed.

Zaomen Kuizhi couldn't help looking at her daughter, stretched out her hand, and touched her head, with some doubts: "Why would Neidou think so?"

Nezuko did not answer her mother's words, but took out a toffee from her pocket.

Nezuko carefully opened the wrapping paper of the toffee, and a piece of toffee that was obviously half smaller appeared inside.

Zaomen Kuizhi's gaze unconsciously fell on the wrapping paper on the toffee, which had a pattern of a cow on it, as if it was real.

"Mom, try this."

Nezuko raised her little hand and passed the toffee cube to Zaomen Aoizhi's mouth.

The entrance of the toffee cubes is sweet, sweeter than any candy I have eaten, it is almost sweet to my heart.

Zaomen Kuizhi felt that he had never eaten such sweet candy

Closing her eyes unconsciously, her beautiful eyelashes fluttered slightly.

"That uncle gave it to me, gave me a piece, and gave my brother another piece."

"If that uncle comes back in the future, maybe he will bring us candies in the future."

Saying that, Nezuko had a look of anticipation in his eyes.

After hearing this, Zaomen Kuizhi couldn't help squatting down and knocking on her daughter's head: "What a glutton."

"Then mother said, will uncle come over?"

Seeing the anticipation in her daughter's eyes, Zaomen Kuizhi couldn't help scratching Nezuko's little nose, coaxing: "Of course, I will definitely see my lovely Nezuko."

"After all, someone as gentle as uncle will definitely like a cute girl like Nezuko very much.".

Chapter 9: Gaining Attribute Points

When he arrived in the town, accompanied by Zaomen Tan Shiro, Su Mu came to a place similar to a pawn shop in the town, pawned the watch he was wearing, and got a large sum of money.

Originally, the owner of the pawn shop saw that Su Mu was a newcomer and wanted to make a fortune, but after seeing Zaomen Tan Shilang, he gave up this idea.

The pawn boss is still aware of Zaomen Tan Shilang's force and dare not easily offend him.


"If you have time, you can often come to my house as a guest."

At the entrance of the inn, Zaomen Tanjuro, who was about to leave, said to Su Mu.


Su Mu fully agreed, and watched Zaomen Tanshilang leave, while he himself returned to the market in the small town.

On the way back, Su Mu had two more chickens and one duck in his hands.

After choosing a slightly remote place and confirming that there were no people around, Su Mu also put down the tied chickens and ducks.

Taking out a small knife bought in the market from his arms, his eyes fell on the chickens and ducks on the ground, and a trace of expectation flashed in his eyes.

He clearly remembered that the last time he killed the black bear with an axe, there was a flash of white light from the black bear and fell on him, and then he gained 0.1 attribute points.

"Since you can get attribute points by killing black bears, what about killing chickens and ducks?"



Without any hesitation, he raised the knife and fell, and soon, two chickens and one duck were killed by him.

Accompanied by the beheading of the chicken and duck, three faint rays of light flashed across the chicken and duck's corpse.

Then, a cold, emotionless mechanical voice came from beside my ears.

"Ding, congratulations to the host, you have obtained 0.001 attribute points."

"Ding, congratulations to the host, you have obtained 0.001 attribute points."

"Ding, congratulations to the host, you have obtained 0.001 attribute points."

Three consecutive voices rang in Su Mu's ears, making Su Mu look slightly happy, but soon, his brows frowned unconsciously.

Because, the attribute points obtained by killing chickens and ducks are really too small, even only one percent of what they got from killing black bears.

"It seems that the acquisition of this attribute point is also related to the strength of the species killed."

Su Mu couldn't help murmuring.

In order to gain attribute points, Su Mu doesn't mind getting tired and killing more chickens and ducks.

However, the price of the chicken and duck is still very expensive, and with the little money he has, he can't afford to spend it.

"Find a specialized slaughterhouse here."


five days later

Led by a butcher, Su Mu came to a farmer's house.

Soon, a big fat pig was held down, and the butcher handed a machete to Su Mu.

Without any hesitation, Su Mu grabbed the machete and slashed at the pig's head.

The pig was not killed by the first knife, the big fat pig struggled for a while, and then the person who pressed the pig made a fuss.


Su Mu took a deep breath, raised the knife, and slashed again.

Blood splashed, the huge pig's head fell, and at the same time, an imperceptible white light flashed from the fat pig's body.

At the same time, a familiar mechanical voice came from Su Mu's ear.

"Ding, congratulations to the host, you have obtained 0.03 attribute points."

Hearing the sound, Su Mu couldn't help showing a look of joy on his face. Killing pigs can gain a lot more attribute points than killing chickens and ducks.

Basically killing the three big fat pigs is almost equivalent to killing the big black bear back then.

In the past few days, he originally wanted to find a slaughterhouse to slaughter livestock to obtain attribute points, but unfortunately, there was no dedicated livestock farm. Su Mu had no choice but to find butchers in the town. After giving these butchers some money , these butchers promised to find him if there were animals to be slaughtered.

These days, following the butcher in the town, slaughtering pigs, sheep, and occasionally a cow, the attribute points gained are slowly increasing.

Involuntarily, Su Mu's eyes fell on the system template in his mind

Name: Su Mu

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