"It's okay, I also benefited a lot from talking with the master."

Su Mu shook his head. We talked a lot that night, and the other party also revealed some information about ghosts, which gave him a better understanding of evil ghosts.

This is also very useful for Su Mu.

"I haven't asked where the master is currently living?"

Su Mu asked.

If there is something to look for the other party, he can find the other party immediately. After all, he beheaded an evil ghost yesterday.

Of course, the dead ghosts don't make Su Mu care about anything. What Su Mu really cares about is whether Guiwu Tsuji Wuyou will see these.

After all, as the ancestor of ghosts, Oni Wu Tsuji has empathy with all evil spirits. As long as there are evil ghosts dying, Oni Wu Tsuji can sense some of them, and even, if he wants, he can also see the evil spirits before they die. screen.

Of course, because a large number of evil spirits are killed every year, if it is not necessary, Oni Wu Tsuji will not specifically spy on the scenes of evil spirits before they die.

What's more, the evil spirit he beheaded yesterday was just a very ordinary evil spirit, and it wasn't worth Guiwu Tsuji's energy to spy on something.

Even though he thought this way, Su Mu still had to consider these things. Now, with 'Sorrowful Islet Xingming' here, he would naturally not let it go.

Although 'Sorrowful Isle Xingming' is not the opponent of Guiwu Tsuji, but I have to say that 'Sorrowful Islet Xingming' is still very strong. If Guiwu Tsuji comes, 'Sorrowful Islet Xingming' can definitely delay enough long time.

"There is no fixed residence yet."

'Sorrowful Isle Xingming' shook his head slightly, because most of the swordsmen lived in unfixed places because of killing evil spirits all the year round.

"If you don't mind, you can go to my house to rest temporarily."

Su Mu smiled.

"Isn't it nice to bother you?"

'Sorrowful Islet Xingming' frowned slightly.

"Just right, I also want to ask the master for some skills. It will be more convenient if the adult lives in my house."

Su Mu smiled.

".If that's the case, I'll trouble Mr. Mu."

'Sorrowful Islet Xingming' nodded in agreement.


After returning home with 'Sorrowful Island Xingming', I saw Tanjiro training in the courtyard as soon as I opened the door.


Seeing Su Mu come back, Tanjiro also stopped training, and shouted respectfully, at the same time, he looked at 'Sorrowful Island Xingming' with some doubts.

"This is the master of 'Sorrowful Island Xingming'."

Su Mu introduced to Tanjiro.

"Master 'Sorrowful Islet Xingming' is good."

Tanjiro immediately responded respectfully.

"it is good."

'Sorrowful Islet Xingming' reluctantly replied.

At this time, other children in the room also came over, such as Zhuxiong, Mao, and Liutai.

Seeing the guests, the children are very welcome.


Facing the welcome of the child, 'Sorrowful Islet Xingming' did not look very good, and he kept fiddling with the rosary in his hand, seeming a little irritable.

Once, he was a person who loved children very much.


Don't know when to start

He began to be bored with children, and felt that children were very annoying.

(Okay) So, 'Sorrowful Islet' doesn't feel good when there are so many kids coming up.

Su Mu obviously saw this too, and waved his hands to let the children play elsewhere.


a room

'Sorrowful Island Xingming' sat opposite Su Mu, and Su Mu made a cup of tea for him.

"Mr. 'Sorrowful Island Xingming' hates child servants?"

Su Mu couldn't help asking.

'Sorrowful Islet Xingming' clasped his palms together, fiddling with the rosary beads in his hands with five fingers.

"Can you tell me? I see that the master should be a very gentle person. It shouldn't be like this. I'm afraid, what have you experienced?"

Su Mu spoke gently

'Sorrowful Islet Xingming' fiddled with the rosary in his hand faster and faster.

After hesitating for a long time, feeling that Su Mu was still ready to listen, he couldn't help sighing silently: "Everything... can't go back."

The pale eyes were slightly closed, and a few tears fell down.


The strongest "pillar" of the ghost killing team once had his own happiness, but was destroyed by evil spirits accompanied by the smell of blood.

Chapter 94: People, after all, have to look forward

'Sorrowful Island Xingming' was not a ghost hunter of the Ghost Slaying Squad, and he has nothing to do with the Ghost Slaying Squad. He is just a monk in a temple, and he likes to take in some lonely and helpless children. He treats these children as The family generally treats it.

He likes to watch those children play around, innocently.

I like the simplicity of children

I like the innocent look of children.

At that time, he felt happy taking care of these children.

but all this

It was destroyed one night, and no one knew who extinguished the incense of wisteria flowers he had lit in the temple to protect the children, attracting evil spirits.

In order to protect the child, he fought hand-to-hand with the evil spirit, blasting the evil spirit's body and hammering the evil spirit's head time and time again.

But neither worked.

The evil ghost will still be resurrected quickly, and the limbs of the ghosts torn apart by him not only did not lose their vitality because they were separated from their bodies, but even these limbs began to kill the children one by one.

But he could only watch all this powerlessly and indignantly, and in the end he could only protect the last child named 'Shadai' beside him.

In order to protect the last child, he almost gave up his life. In the end, he waited for the sun to rise, until the evil spirit turned into dust and disappeared under the sun, everything was over.

However, when the adult arrived, the 123 child who was protected by him did not thank him, but accused him of being a murderer.

He almost gave up his life in exchange for being accused of being a murderer.

He could hardly believe it all.

Also from that moment when 'Shadai' accused him of being a murderer in front of adults, he began to be completely disappointed in children and people's hearts.

in his eyes

The child is not cute, but cruel, and also weak and pathetic.


After listening to the words of "Sorrowful Island Xingming", Su Mu couldn't help being slightly silent. This sad past has been accompanied by "Sorrowful Island Xingming" until now.

Even now, I can't let go of the past.

Su Mu didn't know what comforting words to say, because all of this required 'Sorrowful Island Xingming' to come out by himself, and other people's persuasion was useless.

Just like "Sorrowful Islet Xingming"

Almost every swordsman who joins the Ghost Killing Squad has his own sad past.

Perhaps, it is precisely because there are so many people who have been hurt by ghosts that the swordsmen of these ghost killing teams can fight against evil ghosts at the expense of life and death.


"I made you laugh."

After talking about everything that happened, 'Sorrowful Islet Xingming' couldn't help but wry smile.

"It's my honor to be able to say this to me, the master. Everything in the past has passed, and the sorrow that happened in the past can no longer be redeemed. People, after all, still have to look forward, and the master still has to look forward."

Su Mu shook his head.


'Sorrowful Islet Xingming' clasped his hands together, and recited a Buddha's name: "It's me, after reading scriptures for so many years, I'm not as open-minded as Mu Jun, but I can't see through these things."

"It's not that I'm open-minded, but that I'm not in it, so I can say this from an outsider. I haven't felt the same way, how can I understand the feelings of people in it? In the end, it's just some empty words, but It’s Master, don’t pay too much attention to it.”

'Sorrowful Island Xingming' listened, with a thoughtful look in his eyes:

"Master Mu's words contain a lot of Buddhist principles."

Su Mu smiled, but his eyes fell on 'Sorrowful Island Xingming': "Before, although there was a short fight, it was just a taste. Now, I would like to ask the master's skills, and I hope the master will not hesitate to teach me."

Su Mu is naturally clear about his own strength, which is far inferior to that of 'Sorrowful Island Xingming' at present.

Therefore, it is also used to describe it as asking for advice.

'Sorrowful Islet Xingming' listened and nodded: "It's okay."


The two came to the yard and began to prepare for the competition.

And when they heard that their uncle was about to compete with the newly brought monk, the children all came to watch by coincidence.

For the children who came, 'Sorrowful Island Xingming' instinctively frowned slightly, but didn't say much, just stood there.

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