After standing still, Su Mu respectfully said, "Su Mu, please give me your advice."

"'Sorrowful Island Xingming', please give me more advice."

'Sorrowful Islet Xingming' clasped his hands together and recited the Buddha's name.

Then, the two stood at each other without making a move first.

Su Mu waited for a while, and saw that 'Sorrowful Islet Xingming' was still standing there calmly, without any intention of making the first move, so he finally couldn't wait and made the first move.

His physical fitness has already reached three times the level of ordinary people, and when he makes a move, he is extremely fierce.

If you are facing an ordinary person, you can take down the opponent with almost one move.

But unfortunately

'Sorrowful Island Xingming' is not an ordinary person. As the "pillar" of the ghost killing team, even the strongest "pillar", its strength has already reached an extremely strong level, even if Su Mu's quality is three times that of the human body, but In the "Sorrowful Islet Xingming" is still at a disadvantage.

With a palm strike, it was easily blocked by 'Bei Ming Yu Xing Ming'. Su Mu was not annoyed, and his moves became more and more fierce. Under his offensive, 'Being Ming Yu Xing Ming' was like a flat boat deep in the vast sea, as if In the next second, it will be overturned by the surging waves.

But every time a bit will overthrow it, it will always reappear in good condition.

It seems to be in danger, but it is always as stable as Mount Tai.

It seems that there are flaws everywhere, but every time he wants to attack, it gives people a feeling of being unable to start.

The more he fought, the more frightened Su Mu became.

He punched three times in a row, and was easily dodged by 'Sorrowful Island Xingming'. Su Mu also put away his fists, and sighed slightly: "I lost."

He stepped back slightly and said with a wry smile.

Continuing is also a way of losing, so there is no need to continue to persist.

"Compared to the master's strength, I still have too much gap."

Su Mu sighed slightly.

"Master Mu, you are too humble."

'Being Mingyu Xingming' shook his head, but he didn't think so. After a short fight, 'Being Mingyu Xingming' could find that Su Mu had little experience in dealing with the enemy, his attack methods were immature, and he couldn't grasp the timing well.

But all of these can be trained slowly, and will eventually become more proficient and stronger as time accumulates.

What shocked 'Sorrowful Island Xingming' was Su Mu's physical fitness. His physical fitness was simply terrifying. Even his 'Pillar' felt frightened when he confronted him.

I even felt that what I was facing was not a person, but... an evil ghost.

It's really hard to imagine how the other party tempered his body to such an extent. You know, he was able to temper his body to the current level. Apart from his own talent, he didn't know how much tempering he had gone through.

Although the other party is not as good as him now, but how old is the other party, in the future, as expected, it is only a matter of time before he surpasses him.

Thinking of this, 'Sorrowful Island Xingming' couldn't help but move.

If it can really be introduced to the top of the Ghost Killing Team, it may not be a blessing for the Ghost Killing Team. With its strength, it will become the mainstay of the Ghost Killing Team in a short time.

It seems that it is necessary to explain it to the 'Dangzhu'.

Chapter 95: Nezuko and Mrs. Aoizhi, Different Flavors

Su Mu also benefited a lot after discussing with "Bei Ming Yu Xing Ming" and receiving some guidance from "Being Ming Islet Xing Ming".

Because they hadn't slept all night, the two of them were a little sluggish after the discussion. It just so happened that Kuizhi at the Zaomen had prepared a vacant room at this time, so Su Mu asked 'Sorrowful Island Xingming' to rest here.

'Sorrowful Islet Xingming' didn't refuse either, just said 'Excuse me', and went to the arranged house to rest.

"Mu Jun, why do you have a friend who is a monk?"

When 'Sorrowful Island Xingming' left, Zaomen Kuizhi ran over at some point and looked at him nervously.

At first, Su Mu didn't think much about it, but seeing the nervousness of Zaomen Kuizhi, he probably understood Zaomen Kuizhi's worry.

Obviously, Zaomen Kuizhi was worried that he would become a monk because of the influence of the bald donkey.

He stretched out his hand and gently scraped Zaomen Kuizhi's white nose. At the same time, he held Zaomen Kuizhi in his arms and put his mouth against Zaomen Kuizhi's white and round earlobe. With a seductive little elf like Mrs. Zhi, how could I become a monk."

As soon as she heard that Su Mu would not become a monk, most of the worries in Kuizhi Zaomen's heart disappeared. However, when she heard that Mujun called her a little fairy, her face was also flushed~.

"Where am I a goblin?"

The woman lowered her head, blushed, and argued in a low voice.

"Speaking of which, I haven't eaten well in the morning, and I'm still a little hungry-yet."

Su Mu raised his eyebrows slightly, looked at the plump and round sunflower branches on the forehead, and said in an unclear tone.

"Then I'll cook for Mu Jun."

As soon as Zaomen Kuizhi heard that Mujun was hungry, the attributes of a good wife and loving mother were immediately revealed, and immediately went to get an apron to cook for Mujun himself.

Su Mu didn't stop him, and watched Kuizhi, who was wearing an apron, walk into the kitchen.

When the sunflower branch from the stove door entered the kitchen, Su Mu looked at the other people in the room.

Lihualuo. Chanel habitually sat on the swing in the yard. Following his gaze, the girl's pink and purple eyes also looked over, and Su Mu nodded slightly.

Tanjiro also started exercising in the yard.

Hanako, Takeo, Shigeru, and Rokuta were playing around, and Nezuko was helping to take care of them.

Everything is so peaceful.

Su Mu smiled slightly, walked into the kitchen, and closed the kitchen door smoothly.

And as the kitchen door closed, one could feel the delicate body of Kwai Zhi, who was wearing an apron and preparing to cook, shivered slightly.

Su Mu walked behind Kuizhi at the kitchen door, gently wrapped his arms around the opponent's slender waist, and hugged him tightly.

"Mu-jun, hold me like this... I can't cook for Mu-jun anymore."

Kuizhi at the Zaomen blushed, and his voice was as low as a mosquito flapping its wings. If it weren't for Su Mu's clear eyes and ears, he might not have heard it.

Su Mu smiled, and raised the hand surrounding the sunflower branch of the stove door, and put it in front of his chest, and then let go of the palm.

A white crystal ring lay quietly on Su Mu's palm.

Seeing the ring, Zaomen Kuizhi's beautiful eyes shone slightly.

"This is……"

Kuizhi at Zaomen blushed and asked in a low voice, although he had probably guessed that this was a gift Su Mu wanted to give him.


Deep down in my heart, I still look forward to the moment when Mu Jun speaks.


Su Mu bit the round earlobe of the sunflower branch at the kitchen door, and said softly: "This is something that symbolizes blessing and love, and it means being united forever."

Hearing what Mujun said, Zaomen Kuizhi felt as if a warm current was rushing through her heart, lingering a wave of happiness.

Ever since she followed Mu Jun, Mu Jun always gave some surprises inadvertently, and sometimes, she would do some exciting things that made her legs go weak...

In short, her life is no longer an ordinary life as if you can see the head at a glance, but suddenly becomes colorful.

Every day, there is something to look forward to.

This kind of day was never had before, and it also made Zaomen Kuizhi obsessed and crazy.

"Hold out your hand, and I'll put it on for you."

Su Mu said softly.

The gentle words came close to the earlobe with warm air, making Zaomen Kuizhi's heart feel hot, and her delicate face was flushed with a hint of drunkenness, making her look extraordinarily attractive.


A low "hmm" sound came from the tip of the nose, Kui Zhi of Zaomen stretched out her hand obediently, watching Mu Jun gently put the ring on her ring finger.

The warm sunlight through the window fell between the woman's fair five fingers, and also fell on the shiny ring, exuding a faint light.

Su Mu picked up the white chin of Kuizhi Zaomen with his fingers, and gently opened his earlobe: "Put on my ring, and from now on, it will belong to me."


Kuizhi at the kitchen door whispered, eyes with hazy mist under the long trembling eyelashes.

Seeing the delicate appearance of Zaomen Kuizhi, Su Mu's heart trembled slightly.

He just likes to see the docile look of Zaomen Kuizhi

Let him have a very strong feeling of conquest.


"I'm a little hungry, what does Mrs. Kuizhi plan to give me?"

ask for flowers

Su Mu smiled and looked at the Zaomen Kuizhi wearing an apron.

"Mu Jun, whatever you want to eat, sunflower branches will make for Mu Jun, no matter what you can do it."

Zaomen Kuizhi bit her lip and said softly.

Su Mu stood up straight

Hands slightly caressing the black hair of the sunflower branch at the stove door like a waterfall.

"I'm a little thirsty, let me drink the juice from two coconuts first."

He whispered softly.

"Well, you make a sausage first, the taste of the sausage you make is amazing..."

He continued talking about what to eat.

Kuizhi at the kitchen door raised his head slightly, glanced at Mujun, and nodded:

"Duyi... Lord Mu."

As he spoke, he lowered his head, wore an apron, and began to get busy.


Perhaps because of the gift of the ring, the rice cooked by Zaomen Kuizhi is very delicious today.

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