Wait until the sound stops abruptly.

whole room

Except for the figure standing in the middle, there is no trace of life left.

Chapter 99: Beautiful wedding dress, white silk gloves

After killing people and returning home, Su Mu didn't use attribute points to increase his strength immediately, because once he used attribute points to increase his strength, he would be unable to control his own strength for a short period of time.

Under such circumstances, if he wants to do something, it will become very troublesome.

For example, things to do in a while.

You need to let off steam before you can continue to improve your strength.

Otherwise, if you have been patient, it will be very uncomfortable.


When they got home, the children had rested, even Tanjiro would not practice so late.

One must be particular about training, blindly practicing hard may not increase one's strength, and may even damage one's body.

A balance between work and rest, adequate nutrition, and reasonable training are the most important.

If he didn't have himself, Tanjiro would be exhausted for the sake of his family, and he wouldn't have time to think about it, let alone put all his attention on training without thinking about external things.

However, with his uncle here, Tanjiro is not lacking in nutrition. There is no need to worry about family expenses and money. You just need to concentrate on training. Compared with Tanjiro in the anime, Tanjiro at this time is undoubtedly Grow faster in strength.

However, Tanjiro may still be a little immature and immature in terms of mentality because he has not experienced family pressure and the horror scene where the whole family was killed by evil spirits.

Su Mu is also very optimistic about Tanjiro.

With sufficient nutrition and enough hard training, the opponent's strength improved very quickly.

Coupled with the fact that the other party has a good talent and a character that can endure hardships, in the future, as expected, at least becoming a "pillar" is the most basic.

As for whether Tanjiro can set foot on a higher height, it depends on Tanjiro himself.

Moreover, Su Mu is also at ease about Tanjiro's conduct.

And Tanjiro has a strong bond with his family.

As long as these are there, he doesn't have too much worry about Tanjiro, and he is also worried that he will raise a white-eyed wolf.

enter the room

Everything was cleaned very clean, and the house was neatly organized, which made him, the owner of the house, feel very happy when he came home.


There was still a cup of hot tea in the room, and the steam was rising, which showed that there were still people in the room.

Sure enough, on the bed in the room, a woman was leaning against the head of the bed.

It seems that because he is too sleepy, his eyes are slightly closed at this moment.

The woman's black hair is tied into a bun that represents a young woman. It's not that a woman must wear such hair at night, but because she knows that she likes to untie her tied hair, and the long black hair is splashed like ink down feeling.

Therefore, they are basically pulled into such a bun.

Su Mu did not disturb the sleepy Zaomen Kuizhi, but took a thin quilt and gently covered Zaomen Kuizhi's body.

After all, she is already her own woman, so she should still feel distressed.

As for himself, he came to the table with light steps, sipped tea slowly, and waited patiently.

While sipping tea, his eyes would occasionally fall on the woman who was leaning against the head of the bed and falling asleep.

Zaomen Kuizhi is wearing a white skirt today, and below her knees, she is not wearing black socks, but white socks.

However, compared to the white socks, it was obvious that the woman's skin was whiter, but the white socks became a kind of foil.

Ordinary women, if their legs are not good or their skin color is not good, wearing this kind of white socks will not make them more beautiful, but it will make them look more beautiful. Therefore, they need to wear long socks Cover the calf completely.

Zaomen Kuizhi is obviously excellent no matter the shape of the legs or the skin.

They are long and straight, and naturally this kind of white socks can set off the slender and powerful legs of the other party.

Perhaps because of the problem of leaning against the head of the bed, this way of reclining and resting for a long time will make people uncomfortable. Therefore, at this moment, the woman's beautiful brows are slightly raised, and her long eyelashes are drooping.

The upper body has been covered by him with a thin quilt, but it is hard to hide the woman's curvy figure.

Under normal circumstances, Zaomen Kuizhi dresses very conservatively in the house, and only in front of herself will she wear some obviously revealing clothes.

Especially today, with the stay of "Sorrowful Island Xingming", Zaomen Kuizhi dressed very conservatively, basically only showing a small face, and basically only stayed in her room, and would not mess around.

The reason why she is dressed like this now is because she is waiting for herself in her own room, otherwise, she would not be very good at wearing such clothes in her own room.

While sipping tea, Su Mu admired the sleeping posture of the sunflower branches at the stove door, looked at the beauties in the dim light, while sipping tea, it was quite special.

I don't know how long it has passed, probably the hot tea in the cup has gradually cooled, and the beautiful eyelashes of the sunflower branch leaning on the stove door beside the bed blinked slightly.

Habitually and lazily stretched her waist, immediately revealing her perfect figure.

As the sunflower branch at the Zaomen stretched his waist, the thin quilt covering his body also fell off.

Kuizhi at the Zaomen also felt the falling quilt, and couldn't help turning her head hastily, looking at the man who was sitting on the chair, sipping cold tea, and smiling at her.

The little woman immediately stood up, her back slightly straightened, her hands on her lower abdomen, and her head lowered: "Master Mu."


Su Mu nodded, and with a wicked smile: "Let's change the name."

Zaomen Kuizhi's face flushed immediately, and she gave him a coquettish look in her eyes. Finally, biting her moist lips, she yelled in a low voice:


Hearing this, Su Mu was also happy in his heart. He stood up naturally, came to the side of Kuizhi Zaomen, stretched out his hand, and casually landed on the head of Kuizhi Zaomen, and casually removed the red satin rope tied around his hair. Suddenly, the black hair was splashed like ink.

The hair is very long, waist to hip, very beautiful.

He especially likes this feeling every time.

Kuizhi at the kitchen door bit her lips slightly, and looked at Mu Jun helplessly. In order to pull out such a young woman's temple hair, it takes a while to get it done every time, but Mu Jun only needs to untangle it easily. , It took half a day to take care of it and it became useless.

However, Mu Jun likes it, and she is willing to deal with it like this.

"Just now, I couldn't bear it anymore and fell asleep. I didn't notice that Lord Mu had returned."

Zaomen Kuizhi said in a low voice.

"It's ok."

Su Mu didn't care about these, he stroked the soft hair of Kuizhi Zaomen, feeling the hair slipping from the palm of his hand: "Actually, you don't have to wait for me for so long at all, I'm sleepy, just go back to your room and rest .”

"Kuizhi... also wants to wait for Lord Mu to come back."

Zaomen Kuizhi lowered her head slightly, as if she felt that her words were wrong, lowered her head again, and said softly:

"Wait for Master... to come back."

Seeing the delicate appearance of Zaomen Kuizhi really made him very fond of it.

The heart is also ready to move.

He patted Zaomen Kuizhi's head, and put his mouth close to the other's earlobe: "Hey, go take a bath."

Kuizhi at the Zaomen's face was slightly hot and flushed, Mujun still smelled of going out, and there was a faint smell of blood, obviously, he hadn't taken a bath.

As for her, she had already taken a bath, but now that Lord Mu asked her to take a bath again, she obediently went there again.

Su Mu put down his teacup, came to the bed, lay lazily on the already made quilt, watched the graceful figure of Kuizhi leaving at the stove door, smiled slightly, and moved his mouth lightly

Kuizhi had just left the room and was about to close the door. The slight sound of Kuizhi's whole body burning hot also reached her earlobe leisurely.

"Remember, bring the newly bought wedding dress for you, um, remember, wear white transparent silk gloves, and bring the collar you bought when you plan to raise a pet a few days ago, it's all useful."

Kuizhi at Zaomen heard this, her face became hot, and she ran away blushing.

Chapter 100: Nezuko's Twin Tail Whirlwind

The night was dark.

Like weeping like complaining.

Su Mu got up from the bed, his eyes fell on the messy house.

with dirty white silk gloves

Torn wedding dress...


I took a long breath when I felt comfortable, and felt a hearty feeling all over my body.


came to the courtyard

Only then did I realize that there were still people in the yard.

It was Nezuko.

Nezuko was sitting on the swing in the yard, her mouth was puffed up, and her immature face was full of resentment.

Su Mu stepped forward, and Nezuko turned her head angrily.

Obviously, the girl should have heard something before, but now she is very angry.

Looking at Nezuko who turned his head and was obviously angry with him, Su Mu smiled helplessly, but still walked to Nezuko's side.

He was standing beside him, swinging on the swing for Nezuko.

The girl was still angry and ignored him.

Su Mu didn't speak either.

For a moment, the entire courtyard seemed very quiet.

After all, the girl's patience is not as good as that of an adult. After a while, Nezuko finally couldn't bear it anymore, and stared at him angrily, showing the cute little canine teeth at the corners of her mouth, and clenched a pair of pink fists tightly.

"Uncle, words don't count."

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