"I know how to lie."

"I clearly promised Nezuko not to bully... my mother."

Nezuko couldn't say the latter words, because some things were hard to say.

"Well, it's uncle's fault."

"So, Nezuko, how do you plan to punish uncle?"

Su Mu smiled.

"you you you you……"

Nezuko originally thought that the uncle would quibble, but unexpectedly, she directly admitted her mistake. This made Nezuko, who had prepared a lot, feel as if she had hit cotton with a fist, and made her feel aggrieved. feel.

"Uncle, you...you are really too much."

Nezuko clenched her white and tender teeth angrily.

"Hey, you are still young, you don't understand many things."

Su Mu shook his head straight, and the fun in it was something that a little girl like Nezuko could understand.

Moreover, Zaomen Kuizhi is not necessarily being bullied.

"Okay, okay, it's late, go back and rest."

Seeing what Nezuko wanted to say, Su Mu stretched out his hand and patted Nezuko on the head.

Because of anger, Nezuko didn't want Su Mu to touch her head at all, so she shook her head violently.

The girl's combed twin ponytails hit the palm of her hand with a 'Puff'.

Seeing Nezuko frantically shaking his little head, Su Mu also laughed.

"Nezuko, are you going to use the twin tail whirlwind to bully uncle?"

"Bad uncle."

Seeing that the uncle didn't feel guilty for his actions, and made fun of himself, Nedouzi also gritted his teeth angrily, and in a fit of anger and anxiety, he immediately rushed towards Su Mu.

He hugged the uncle's arm directly, and bit Su Mu's arm with an 'ahhh'.

When biting it, Nezuko's eyes were round and round, and her delicate and immature face seemed to be filled with "I, Nezuko, I'm super fierce, I'll bite you to death." "

Just immediately, Nezuko's ferocious little face showed a trace of doubt, feeling that the teeth biting the uncle's arm didn't feel like biting the flesh.

On the contrary, it feels like biting into leather, and the teeth can't penetrate the leather at all.

Su Mu didn't feel much pain when his arm was bitten. With his current physical fitness three times that of a human being, this is not an injury at all.

On the contrary, when the small white teeth bit on the arm, there was a kind of itchiness.

Just like teasing a kitten at home, the feeling of the kitten biting gently.

"Bad uncle, I will bite you to death."

Seeing that the uncle seemed to be indifferent, Ne Douzi was even more impatient, puffing her cheeks, she was fighting Su Mu, and she had to ask the uncle to beg for mercy.

Looking at Nezuko who was puffing out his mouth and biting his arm angrily, Su Mu stretched out his other hand and pinched Nezuko's cheek: "Let go, Nezuko."

"No, just bite."

Nezuko didn't let go, and muttered while biting.

Seeing that Neidouzi could not be persuaded, Su Mu also threatened with force, and immediately hugged Neidouzi, and at the same time, whispered:

"If you don't let go, I'm going to kiss you."


Nezuko's beautiful eyelashes trembled uncontrollably, seeing the uncle's face getting closer, she panicked, and hurriedly let go of her white and tender teeth.

As soon as he let go, Nezuko said "Bah, bah, bah..."

"Uncle's skin is really thick."

When Su Mu heard it, he was also happy: "Obviously I should complain that you bit me painfully, but you still complain about my thick skin, really."

"obviously it is."

Nezuko glared at him fiercely.


In the next second, the girl's little head was tapped lightly.


Nezuko became even more angry, and went up to beat the uncle, and while beating the uncle with her small hand, she said angrily: "You bad uncle, it's okay to bully my mother, but I will also bully you, I will kill you, kill you. "

Su Mu also let Neidouzi's little hands hit him.

The little girl's body was delicate and her fists were soft, so it didn't hurt to hit her.

However, seeing that Nidouzi's aggrieved face was about to shed tears, Su Mu immediately pretended to be hurt, and pretended to beg for mercy.


After a while, Nezuko stopped, put her hands on her hips, her beautiful eyelashes trembled slightly with the girl's breathing, and her small breasts that had begun to develop also fluctuated for a while.

ask for flowers

The big eyes are wide open, and a pair of small canine teeth are also exposed. Under the sun, they emit a slight white light, and they look very threatening.

But looking at Nezuko's appearance, it seems that she is really tired.

However, seeing the uncle begging for mercy, Nedouzi's small face also raised high, like a little hen that has won a fight, and snorted heavily: "In the future, do you still dare to bully mother?"

Seeing Neidouzi's small appearance, Su Mu followed his will and immediately begged for mercy, saying, "Don't dare, don't dare."

When Nezuko heard it, she became even more proud, and gave a heavy 'hum': "I will beat you even if I bully my mother in the future."

After finishing speaking, he gestured to the uncle with a pair of pink fists.

Seeing this scene, Su Mu also suppressed the smile in his heart, pretending to be scared, and then Ni Douzi went back to rest satisfied.


Looking at the petite back of Nezuko leaving, Su Mu couldn't help but shook his head, he was still a child after all.

However, a girl of this age is still youthful and cute, and she has completely different feelings from Mrs. Kuizhi.

Smiling and looking at the rippling double ponytails of the girl's back, Su Mu felt that one night, let Mrs. Kuizhi try wearing a double ponytail.

Thinking of it this way, I couldn't help but feel a wave in my heart.

For a moment, the figure of Kuizhi from Zaomen could not help appearing in his mind.

Thinking of the experience not long ago, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.


Shaking his head, Su Mu raised his arm, and the tooth marks where Nedouzi had just bitten his arm had completely healed at this moment.

"Such a healing ability is really powerful."

Su Mu sighed.

Smiling yes, Su Mu is not thinking about these, but immerses his mind in his attribute panel.

Before, he didn't immediately add points to the obtained attribute points to increase his strength, but because after adding points to increase his strength, he would be unable to control his own strength for a short period of time, and he still wanted to vent his general energy, so he didn't do it.

Now that the energy has been vented, there is no need to endure anything for a short time, and it will not be so uncomfortable. Instead, it needs to improve its strength.

Thinking about it this way, my eyes also fell on the property panel

Name: Su Mu

Physique: 3.25 (Physique of a normal adult is 1.)

Dexterity: 3.25 (Normal adult Dexterity is 1.)

Strength: 3.25 (Normal adult strength is 1.)

Spirit: 3.45 (normal adult spirit is 1.)

Cultivation method: the breath of the sun

Obtained attribute points: 2.55 beg.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Name: Su Mu

Physique: 3.25 (Physique of a normal adult is 1.)

Dexterity: 3.25 (Normal adult Dexterity is 1.)

Strength: 3.25 (Normal adult strength is 1.)

Spirit: 3.45 (normal adult spirit is 1.)

Cultivation method: the breath of the sun

Attribute points obtained: 2.55.

Looking at his attribute panel, Su Mu didn't hesitate, and directly added the acquired attributes of 2.5 to Sun's Breath.

And with the addition of 2.5 attribute points to the 'breath of the day', a large number of memories and perceptions of practicing the breath of the day flooded into my mind.

This flood of practice memories suddenly flooded into Su Mu's mind, making Su Mu feel as if his head was about to explode, with a pain like a needle prick.

However, along with the pain, he received a lot of experience in practicing the 'breath of the sun'.

It was also at this moment that he had a deeper "one, two, three" understanding of the 'breath of the sun', as if he had been studying the 'breath of the sun' for decades.


Withdrawing from the pain of the needle prick, Su Mu also felt an explosive force all over his body.

It seems that I can blow up a boss with a single punch now.

Qian. Xun "First.? Send.'Small!! Say,; Resource?! Source "Middle?" Turn!: Qun Su Mu is very familiar with this situation, this is a sudden increase in strength because he still has I haven't adapted to it, so I have an illusion.

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