"It is also necessary to grasp the surge in strength immediately."

Su Mu murmured in a low voice, habitually looking at the attribute panel.

Physique: 3.99 (Physique of a normal adult is 1.)

Dexterity: 3.99 (Normal adult Dexterity is 1.)

Strength: 3.99 (Normal adult strength is 1.)

Spirit: 3.99 (normal adult spirit is 1.)

Cultivation method: the breath of the sun

Attribute points obtained: 0.05.

Looking at the attribute panel, Su Mu was also slightly stunned.

This is not the same as the template he expected. After all, after adding 2.5 attribute points to the 'breath of the sun', the feedback should be that all the basic qualities of the whole body have increased by 1.25. Based on his own physical attributes , all attributes should have exceeded '4' long ago.

But now, all attribute points are only stuck at 3.99.

This made Su Mu a little puzzled. According to the previous rule of adding points, it shouldn't be like this.

"No, we have to figure out the situation."

Su Mu's eyes drooped slightly, and he murmured in a low voice. In the next second, he left the house directly. He remembered that there was still a villain nearby.

Soon, come to this villain's family.


Kicked over the door of the opponent's room and broke in.

The villain is a very fat man, who is sleeping soundly at the moment, before he wakes up, Su Mu has already stepped forward, and killed the opponent's woman together.

"Ding, congratulations to the host, kill a human and get 0.1 attribute points."

"Ding, congratulations to the host, kill a human and get 0.1 attribute points."

A familiar mechanical sound rang in my ears.

Without any hesitation, he immediately added this 0.2 point of familiarity to 'Breath of the Sun'.

With the '0.2' attribute point added to the 'breath of the sun', some experience of practicing 'breath of the sun' suddenly flooded into my mind.

Su Mu didn't care about feeling these at the moment, but set his eyes on the panel.

I saw that when 0.2 attribute points were added to the 'breath of the sun', the 3.99 attribute points in terms of physique, agility, strength and spirit all flickered slightly, but it seemed that they encountered some obstacles and could not break through. '4'.

"How is this going?"

Standing in place, Su Mu's face was a little gloomy. It can be said that this attribute panel is his greatest reliance.


standing still for a long time

I can't think of a specific reason

However, he probably had some guesses in his heart, perhaps because of the relationship between 'people' themselves.

after all

After all, people have limits, which are caused by innate structure.

"Is it because I have reached the limit of my body now? So, relying on 'Breath of the Sun' obviously can't let me break through the limit of my body?"

Su Mu raised his head and murmured slightly.

That is to say, it will not work if I want to increase my physical fitness by adding some 'breath of the sun'.

"Since adding some 'breath of the sun' to improve the physical fitness is not feasible, then, can it be possible to directly improve the physical fitness?"

You know, when he didn't practice 'Sun's Breath' before, he directly added some physical fitness, but it was only because it was more cost-effective to add 'Sun's Breath', so he added it to 'Sun's Breath'.

"However, in this case, we still need to kill a villain for the experiment."

Su Mu looked up at the sky, and it was already bright, so it was hard to make another move.

"Wait for the evening."

He murmured softly, and his body instantly disappeared in place.


Not long after the sun peeked out, Tanjiro walked out of the house, looked at his uncle who was training in the yard, and thought 'ashamed' in his heart.

In Tanjiro's view, his uncle's talent is much better than him, and his progress is much faster than him. Now, he is working harder than him, which makes Tanjiro feel a sense of urgency

"You have to work harder."

Tanjiro clenched his fists and said through gritted teeth.


After practicing in the yard for a while, Su Mu also gradually gained some grasp of his own strength. At this moment, when he saw Tanjirou coming out, he also stopped, and said with some emotion: "Tanjiro, you got up so early to train."

"Compared to Uncle, Tanjirou is still far behind."

Tanjiro lowered his head slightly, and then raised his head again: "Uncle is so strong and works so hard, Tanjiro should learn from Uncle."

Su Mu was taken aback for a moment, but he understood that Tanjirou had misunderstood him, but he didn't need to explain, since Tanjirou is willing to work hard, let's work hard.

After all, there is nothing wrong with working hard in itself, and it will make yourself stronger and stronger.

In this world of ghosts, mastering strength is very important.

After encouraging Tanjiro a little bit, Su Mu also began to practice on his own. After all, he still couldn't fully grasp his growing strength.

After practicing for about half an hour, a tall man in cassock also came in, it was 'Sorrowful Island Xingming'.

Su Mu's eyes lit up when he saw 'Sorrowful Islet Xingming'. After he broke through, he just had a chance to try it. Moreover, actual combat can also allow him to grasp his own strength faster.


Su Mu said.

'Sorrowful Islet Xingming' couldn't help but stopped, and looked at Su Mu: "Master Mu, what's the matter?"

"I have gained a little today, and I want to ask the master for advice."

He clasped his fists lightly and opened his mouth.

'Sorrowful Islet Xingming' nodded and smiled at the same time: "It seems that the scene last night touched Mu Jun a lot. 4.3"

Su Mu smiled, and did not refute, but raised his hand slightly.


The next moment, Su Mu's figure flashed, and he was already in front of 'Bei Ming Yu Xing Ming', and slapped 'Bei Ming Yu Xing Ming'.

Having fought against Su Mu last time, 'Sorrowful Island Xingming' has a general understanding of Su Mu's strength.

Although "Sorrowful Islet Xingming" felt that Su Mu's palm was much stronger than the previous competition, he didn't care, and extended a palm at the same time, and greeted him.


The two palms collided violently in the air.



PS: Thank you readers for the monthly pass presented by 'Yakumo Purple: Darling', and thank you for your support.

Thanks to the readers who are still following here, thank you for your support, I will work hard to write well, and I will live up to my follow-up.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------


The two palms collided in the air, making a dull sound, and the strong wind generated by the collision of the two palms spread to the surroundings centered on the two of them.

Tanjiro, who was in the courtyard, was hurt by the strong wind, and even closed his eyes involuntarily.

'Sorrowful Islet Xingming' who didn't use all his strength, only felt a powerful force coming, and suddenly felt a slight numbness in his palm, and he couldn't help but staggered back several steps before stabilizing his figure, and a slight expression appeared on his face Unusual flushing.

Standing in place, 'Sorrowful Islet Xingming' looked at Su Mu in disbelief.

In the last fight, he also had a good understanding of Su Mu's strength, which was far from being as strong as it is now.

One must know that after honing his physical body over the years, his physical strength has already reached the limit that a human being can achieve. Even evil spirits, many of them cannot compare with him.

But just now, in the palm facing Su Mu, his strength was actually weaker than that of the opponent, although this was also related to his not using his full strength.

But even if he exerted all his strength, it was only equal to the opponent's strength.

"Come again."

'Sorrowful Islet Xingming' raised his head, his white eyes also showed seriousness.

In the next second, the figure of 'Sorrowful Island Xingming' also approached Su Mu instantly, and struck him with a palm.

16 "That's exactly what it means."

Su Mu also laughed, and also stepped forward to attack.

Neither of them held a weapon, and both fought hand-to-hand.

Su Mu knew the strength of 'Sorrowful Island Xingming', so he didn't have any reservations about his moves, and he went all out.

Every blow is extremely sharp.

For a moment, the entire courtyard was billowing with smoke and dust. From time to time, the two of them would fall on their hands and feet, and every time they landed, they could step on the ground to create potholes.

Outside the arena, Tanjiro couldn't help but clenched his hands tightly, watching the fight with his eyes tightly. At first, he could still see the fight between the two, but soon, as the fight between the two became faster and faster, he couldn't keep up. The speed of the two fighting against each other has increased.

"So strong."

Tanjiro couldn't help sighing with admiration on his face.

It wasn't until this time that he understood his uncle's strength.

At the same time, I also sighed for the monk who played against my uncle, the opponent's strength is obviously stronger.


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