"No matter what, my sister supports my sister."

Butterfly Chana Hui gently stroked her younger sister's head: "Sister, there is only my younger sister, and I can no longer be without my younger sister."

Butterfly resisted the trembling of her heart, raised her head, and looked at her sister: "

"However, I am afraid of losing my sister. I am not afraid of giving up my life, but I am afraid of not having my sister."

Butterfly Chana Hui gently stroked her younger sister's head: "My older sister is just like my younger sister, so neither of us can leave each other."

"It's the same even if you go down the road of hunting ghosts."

Butterfly Kanae and Butterfly Ninja looked at each other, their palms couldn't help but hold each other together: "Hand in hand, we will never be apart.".

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

After sending Butterfly Kanae and Butterfly Shinobi away, Su Mu also stopped by to buy some breakfast in a nearby street.

After all, Kuizhi from Zaomen was with me all the time last night, so I'm afraid I won't be able to get up to make breakfast in the morning.

After all, it's too much trouble.

Putting the bought breakfast on the table, Su Mu went to the door of Lihualuo. Chanahu's room and knocked on the door.

The door opens soon.

A girl with bare white feet stood in front of him.

Her long, docile hair was hanging loose, and she probably just got out of bed. She was dressed very coolly, and her exposed skin was as white as snow.

The only pity is that I am too thin. After all, I have experienced long-term malnutrition before, and it will take time to fully recuperate.

Su Mu touched Li Hualuo Chanahu's small head, and then tapped: "Since Kannai has also learned to sleep late.~"

Lihualuo. Chanahu raised her head, looking at him with pink and purple eyes, looking dumbfounded.

Su Mu shaved the bridge of the other's cute little nose, and then asked him to sit in front of the dressing table.

"Aunt Kuizhi couldn't get up this morning and couldn't comb your hair, so I'll do it for you."

Lihualuo. Chanel was sitting in front of the dressing table. When she heard Su Mu's words, she couldn't help but tilt her head, and looked at Su Mu with some doubts.

It seems a little strange why Aunt Kuizhi can't get up.

In the eyes of Lihualuo. Kanaihu, Aunt Kuizhi is the most hardworking. Normally, she wakes up very early. Occasionally, when she wakes up late, it seems...

Looking at the pink-purple eyes in the mirror and blinking slightly, Su Mu also patted the girl on the head: "Don't think about it."

The girl blinked her pink eyes.

After Su Mu tapped Chanahu's little head, he didn't say anything, and started to comb the girl's hair.

After recuperating these days, Chanel's hair quality has improved a lot, and it feels much softer when touched.

After picking up the comb and combing a pair of ponytails for Chanahu, Su Mu found the shoes for Chanahu, and urged Chanahu not to let her little feet be bare before taking Chanahu's hand to the living room.

In the living room, everyone was eating the breakfast he bought, and Nezuko was eating with a small spoon. When she saw the uncle leading Chanel out, her pretty little brows frowned slightly.

Ever since Lihualuo. Chanahu came to this family, the uncle has been doting on her more and more, but he is not as doting on her as before. This makes Nezuko have some small opinions in his heart.

However, it is impossible for her to be angry with Chanahu, after all, the other party is already very pitiful.

I can only bury everything in my heart.

This made Nezuko feel uncomfortable inside.

"Eat well."

Su Mu patted Li Hualuo Channaihu's head, and said softly.

Lihualuo. Kanaihu remained silent as usual, and Su Mu was used to it.

Su Mu also sat down on the seat next to him, and started to eat. After eating, he picked up another breakfast and went back to his room.

He didn't forget the Zaomen Kuizhi who hadn't gotten up in the morning.

As soon as Su Mu entered the room, Su Mu saw that Kuizhi by the kitchen door was tidying up the room, picking up all the torn wedding dresses one by one, and also putting away the dirty white silk gloves.

Seeing Kuizhi from Zaomen put away the gloves, Su Mu couldn't help frowning: "Next time, the gloves will be changed."

Kuizhi at the kitchen door couldn't help but looked up and glanced at Mu Jun, although he thought it was a waste, after all, the price of such white silk gloves was not bad, but since it was Mu Jun's opinion, he naturally had to obey.

Therefore, Zaomen Kuizhi nodded obediently.

Seeing this scene, Su Mu was also happy in his heart. What he admires the most is this kind of cuteness.

The feeling of treating him as the master.

When Kuizhi from the Zaomen had almost cleaned up the room, Su Mu also waved to Kuizhi from the Zaomen.


Zaomen Kuizhi immediately walked up to him obediently like a cat, with a pair of beautiful eyes twinkling.

Su Mu caressed the black hair of the sunflower branch at the stove door, and gently pressed the opponent's head: "Hey, my pants seem to be a little dirty, please wipe them for me."

Zaomen Kuizhi gave her a slight look, then lowered her head obediently, and gently wiped the clothes on her trousers with her hands.


Su Mu breathed a sigh of relief, and after Zaomen Kuizhi cleaned his clothes, he let Zaomen Kuizhi eat the breakfast he brought.

At the same time, he took out a piece of silk cloth and gently wiped it clean on the lips of the sunflower branch at the stove door:

"Look, the mouth is a little dirty."

ask for flowers

At the same time, he gently wiped away the moving tears from the corners of Kuizhi's eyes with his hands.

"Master Mu knows how to bully me."

Zaomen Kuizhi lowered her head slightly, her face was flushed, and she felt her throat was a little sore.

"Of course I'm going to bully you."

Su Mu looked at Kuizhi Zaomen solemnly: "Moreover, I will bully you for the rest of my life."

Feeling Su Mu's serious eyes, listening to these words, Zaomen Kuizhi only felt warm in his heart.

"Master Mu, you will say some things that make the world uneasy."

Zaomen Kuizhi lowered his head, muttered softly, then sat at the table, and began to sip the breakfast he brought.

Su Mu was sitting next to him, stroking the waterfall-like jet-black hair of Kuizhi from the kitchen door with his hand, and suddenly remembered Nezuko's pair of ponytails.

While watching Kui Zhi sipping food at the stove door, Su Mu said indifferently, "Mrs. Kui Zhi, can you comb your hair into a double ponytail?"

Hearing Mujun's question, Zaomen Kuizhi paused for a moment, and then whispered: "My hair is a bit long, and I can't comb it into a double ponytail. In that case, it will only become two long braids."

Hearing this, Su Mu was slightly disappointed.

"Mu-jun, do you like double ponytails?"

As if sensing Mujun's emotions, Zaomen Kuizhi asked in a low voice: "Recently, I like the feeling of double ponytails."

Su Mu smiled.

Kuizhi from Zaomen listened, her head lowered slightly: "If Lord Mu likes it, I will cut off some of my long hair tomorrow and comb it into twin ponytails for Lord Mu."

Su Mu listened, but shook his head: "Although I like the hair with double ponytails, I also like the feeling of Mrs. Kuizhi's waist-length hair."

Hearing Mu Jun's words, Zaomen Kuizhi couldn't help raising her pretty eyebrows. Obviously, Mu Jun's request made her face a difficult situation.

"Mu Jun, why do you suddenly like double ponytails?"

Kuizhi of Zaomen showed doubts in his eyes.

Su Mu approached Kuizhi at the stove door, and whispered in his earlobe, "The main reason is that the way Nezuko combed into twin ponytails is so cute these days."

"I just thought, what would Mrs. Kuizhi look like with twin ponytails when she was a child?"

"Would it be the same as the pair of ponytails that Nezuko wears?"

"After all, Nezuko looks a lot like Mrs. Kuizhi." Beg.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

starry night

'Sorrowful Island Xingming' approached Su Mu, and handed over a long package wrapped in cloth strips:

"Master Mu, this is the sun wheel knife you want."

Su Mu, of course, he just asked 'Bei Ming Yu Xing Ming' to find him a sun wheel knife a few days ago, he didn't expect it to come so soon, he thought it would take some time.

Although because of the 'breath of the sun', he doesn't necessarily need to use the sun wheel knife when dealing with evil spirits.

But using the sun wheel knife is undoubtedly more convenient when killing evil spirits.


Su Mu nodded, followed the package, and at the same time, slowly opened the package.

As the package was opened, a bright knife light rippled out with the moonlight.

Just one glance and you know it's a good knife.

Take the knife out of the package.

The whole body of the knife is also exposed.

The blade is more than two feet and two inches long, the handle is seven inches long, the back of the knife is very wide, and the blade is very thick. There are two long and short blood grooves on both sides of the blade "one, two, three".

"This is specially made according to Mujun's requirements. The swordsmith over there also wrote to say that the requirements for such a sword are very different from those used by other swordsmen."

'Sorrowful Islet Xingming' said.

Su Mu smiled. Most of the Japanese swords used by the swordsmen of the Ghost Slayer Squad were similar to samurai swords, and the sword he wanted was more similar to the Xiuchun sword of the Ming Dynasty.

Su Mu brushed the blade lightly with his hand, feeling the coldness from the blade.

"Good knife."

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