He couldn't help being amazed, and at the same time sighed with a bit of regret: "There is a knife, but there is a lack of things to sacrifice the knife."

'Sorrowful Isle Xingming' heard it but couldn't help but smiled: "Just in time, the nearby 'hermit' has investigated several places where evil spirits are suspected to be active. Mr. Mu, why don't you use the evil spirit to sacrifice the knife today?"

Su Mu raised his head, glanced at 'Sorrowful Island Xingming', and couldn't help laughing:

"Right on my mind."


Under the light of the moon, the two walked quickly.

"I heard from the 'hermit' that in the temple on the mountain in front, it seems that evil spirits often appear."

While running rapidly, 'Sorrowful Island Xingming' pointed to the front.

With the bright moon in the sky, Su Mu also saw a temple standing in the mountains in the distance. Although it was dark night, he could vaguely see it. It was a very tall building.

When I got closer, I realized that the buildings of this temple were already a little dilapidated, and some buildings were even a little crumbling.

The mottled stone bricks on the ground can still vaguely see traces of being burned by fire.

"In the past, this place was also a very famous temple nearby. Every year, many people came here to worship, but when a big fire came down, almost all the monks in the temple were burned to death, and some pilgrims were also buried in the sea of ​​fire. Since then, this place has become desolate. "

"Sorrowful Islet Xingming" introduced Su Mu.

Su Mu nodded, and through the tall buildings, he could vaguely see the lively scenes of the past.

It's a pity that the once bustling and lively place is no longer there as time goes by.

Su Mu stepped on top of a building, overlooking the entire temple, with the bright moon above his head, and the historical traces left by a fire below.

He took out a jug of wine from his bosom, took a sip and handed the jug to Beimingyu Xingming: "Master, do you want to have a sip?"

"Monks, don't drink alcohol."

'Sorrowful Islet Xingming' shook his head.

"I forgot, the master is a monk."

Su Mu laughed, took another sip, then shook his head and said:

"The wine is still not strong enough!"

"In life, drinking the strongest wine and riding the most beautiful woman is the most joyful."

Listening to Su Mu's words, 'Sorrowful Island Xingming' couldn't help shaking his head:

"People, you still have to restrain yourself and be self-disciplined, especially when you drink too much and feel dizzy when hunting evil spirits like this, I'm afraid something will happen."

"No matter how good the wine is, you must maintain self-discipline."

After hearing this, Su Mu couldn't help but glanced at 'Sorrowful Islet Xingming', and then said with a smile: "Master, I'm afraid you haven't had a bar?"

"I haven't drank."

'Sorrowful Islet Xingming' shook his head.

"Some people will become dizzy when they drink, and they will not be able to do things well, while some people will become more and more sober and full of energy after drinking. This person is different after all."

"Master, if you have time, why don't you have a taste of fine wine, maybe, drink a little, and you can forget the depression in your heart."

Su Mu took another sip, and then threw the bottle out: "However, the master is right. No matter how good the wine is, you should exercise restraint. It's a lesson learned."

After finishing speaking, Su Mu also looked at the darkness in the distance: "I seem to have seen some ghosts."

"In this way, it happens to be a sacrificial knife for Lord Mu."

'Sorrowful Islet Xingming' said with clasped hands.


The two walked in the night, and through the faint night, went deep into the interior of the ancient temple.

Apart from the sound of some insects chirping along the way, the silence was unusual, and there were no figures or fireworks to be seen.

"Ta Tata..."

Heavy footsteps sounded, and a man as strong as a giant bear appeared in the temple.

Every time its foot steps on the ground, it will make a very dull sound

"Night is coming..."

The evil ghost with a figure like a giant bear raised his head and looked at the bright moon in the night sky: "It's time for the evil ghost to hunt."

Thinking of those human delicacies, the evil ghost couldn't help drooling,

"Similarly, there are also ghost hunters who kill evil spirits and protect humans."

A leisurely voice came, but a monk in cassock came out, clasped his hands together, as if reciting scriptures.

"Ghost hunter, damn ghost hunter."

Seeing the appearance of 'Sorrowful Island Xingming', the evil ghost's muscles tensed immediately, and a pair of eyes stared fixedly at 'Sorrowful Island Xingming'.

As the old opponent of the evil ghost, how could the evil ghost not be familiar with the ghost killing team? It was the deadly enemy of the evil ghost, and it also felt a very strong sense of danger from this monk.

Obviously, the monk in front of him was extremely powerful.

"Just right, I also want to taste the flesh and blood of a ghost hunter."

The evil ghost grinned its teeth slightly, its eyes were ferocious, and its body was facing 'Bei Ming Yu Xing Ming', lying on the ground like a wild beast, as if it was about to attack 'Being Ming Yu Xing Ming' at any time.

Just when all the attention of the evil spirits fell on 'Sorrowful Islet Xingming'.


A blade glow like autumn water flashed across, a head flew out, and a large amount of blood sprayed from the lost head.


A tall figure walked out from behind the evil spirit, and the head of the flying evil spirit just rolled down at the feet of the tall figure, and was stepped on by him.

The evil ghost's scarlet eyes were wide open. At this moment, because of the strong vitality of the evil 4.3 ghost, he was not completely dead, and he almost gritted his teeth: "Despicable, shameless, sneak attack, child who doesn't talk about martial arts."

Su Mu couldn't help laughing when he heard this, and kicked the evil spirit's head away, and sneered at the same time:

"Since life and death are decided, don't care about being despicable or not."

With the death of the evil spirit, the mechanical voice also rang in the ear

"Ding, congratulations to the host, kill the evil spirits, and get 0.5 attribute points."

Accompanied by the death of the evil ghost, 'Sorrowful Island Xingming' also opened his eyes at this moment, with a smile on his face:

"Master Mu, you did a good job."

Su Mu shook his head and smiled wryly when he heard the words: "I never thought that the master who always thought he was simple and honest is also such a shameless person."

The sneak attack strategy was naturally formulated by 'Sorrowful Island Xingming'.

"Hunting and killing evil spirits, any method is not an exaggeration."

'Sorrowful Islet Xingming' clasped his hands together.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Su Mu still agrees with the words of "Sorrowful Islet Xingming", and no means are too much to deal with evil spirits.

In the anime, the scenes that may be seen are more at night, where the ghost hunters of the ghost killing team fight passionately to protect humans and evil spirits.

But in reality, the Ghost Killing Team does not advocate fighting evil spirits at night.

In most cases, the ghost killing team will find the place where the evil spirits are hiding, and then wait until daytime to encircle and suppress the evil spirits, exposing the evil spirits to the sun as much as possible, instead of using the sun wheel knife to attack the evil spirits. Kill the evil spirits.

However, with the passage of time, the evil spirits have become more and more cunning, and their hiding places at night have become more and more secretive, making it difficult for the ghost killing team to find them.

Therefore, ghost hunters are forced to go out at night to guard the evil spirits hunting at night.


Qian;. Search,? Head; Send "Small! Say?; Capital!: Source. Middle. Turn, Qun kills the evil spirits, Su Mu also strokes the blade.

The blade is slightly cold, with a faint gloomy glow.

"The knife that drank ghost blood, after all, has a different feeling."

Su Mu murmured.

'Sorrowful Islet Xingming' clasped his hands together and raised his eyes suddenly: "We seem to have fallen into the trap of evil spirits by mistake."


Su Mu was taken aback.

"Every night, when evil spirits haunt 'people', ghost hunters will always appear to kill evil spirits in order to protect human beings.

But there are also evil spirits who hide in the shadows and hunt the ghost hunters. "

'Sorrowful Islet Xingming' sighed softly.

At night, it is not the home game of the Ghost Killing Team. The home game of the Ghost Killing Team is really during the day.

Night is the paradise of evil spirits.

"It seems that this evil spirit's trip is designed to lure the swordsmen of the nearby ghost killing team to hunt evil spirits at night, and unfortunately we have become the targets of these evil spirits."

'Sorrowful Islet Xingming' clasped his hands together, smiling but not smiling.

If it is an ordinary ghost hunter, facing the hunting place carefully arranged by the evil spirits, it may be difficult to escape, and they can only become food in the mouth of the evil spirits.

But for 'Sorrowful Isle Xingming', the strongest 'pillar' of the ghost killing team, unless he is facing the first quarter moon of the twelve ghost moons, other ordinary evil spirits will not pose a threat to him, unless, Send out enough evil spirits.

But if there are too many evil ghosts, it will definitely attract the attention of the ghost killing team. Such a situation will basically not happen.

Of course, everything is uncertain until it happens.

Hundreds of years ago, no one expected that Onimai Tsuji, who had been hiding for a long time, would find the location of the headquarters of the Ghost Killing Squad, and then quietly gathered a large number of evil spirits to attack the headquarters of the Ghost Killing Squad.

That battle was the most tragic battle of the Ghost Slayer Squad. Almost [-]% of the top executives of the Ghost Slayer Squad were killed by evil spirits. Even all the swordsmen of the Ghost Slayer Squad who practiced the "breath of the sun" died. Regarding the "breath of the sun" 'The inheritance of practice is also cut off.

Su Mu smiled, stroking the Rilun Knife with his hand

"It's just right, I also want to test whether this day wheel knife is sharp enough, but unfortunately, there is no wine, otherwise, let's take a sip first..."

'Sorrowful Island Xingming' looked at Su Mu:

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