So, I just feel that my husband is a little too..., but I don't think that the other party has a big problem, but blames Zaomen Kuizhi more severely.

"Mr. Be careful!"

Seeing that her sister didn't understand what she meant, Die Die Ren was also anxious.

Butterfly Chanahui also recovered from the shock at this time, and she was shocked when she heard her sister's words: "Sister, don't talk nonsense, how could Mr. be such a person."

"Hmph, even Mrs. Kuizhi next to me can eat it, so how could she let my sister go."

Butterfly endured but didn't believe it.

"Freeze said."

Butterfly Chanae was a little anxious.

"I didn't talk nonsense."

Butterfly murmured, thinking about the scene that he experienced during the training during the day, he suddenly got a little pissed: "Could it be that my sister didn't notice it during training? Mister always treats you..."

"Freeze said."

Butterfly Kanae hurriedly covered her sister's mouth.

How could such a thing be said casually, and, as a woman who had never been out of court, how could she talk about such a thing.

"I'm not talking nonsense. My sister is the most talented beauty in the town. Whether it's the zither, flower arrangement, or tea ceremony, my sister is so good at it. Plus, my sister is so gentle and beautiful. No man will be tempted."

"I don't believe that Mr. is blind and deaf. He didn't even let Mrs. Kuizhi go. How could he let his sister go."

"Sister, let's have some snacks." Begging.

Chapter 120: As long as Mr. Mu likes it, anything is fine

The smooth and black hair was scattered on the bed like a waterfall.

The woman's soft and slender hands seemed to have lost all strength, and they were placed on the bedding casually.

Ruddy complexion

The slightly blurred eyes seemed to hear the movement, and opened slightly.

Seeing Mujun who put on his clothes and left, Zaomen Kuizhi closed his eyes slightly again.


Su Mu walked out of the room and bought some food at restaurants in nearby streets as usual.

Because of the frequent purchases, the owner of the restaurant is also quite familiar with him. While packing up the meals to be bought, he did not forget to chat with him.

Su Mu also said a few simple words, with a gentle expression.

"My lord, it's not me who said a few gossips. Although a woman is sensible, she doesn't match your status as an adult."

Before leaving, the owner of the restaurant whispered something.

Su Mu stopped, frowning slightly.

After all, the nearby neighbors were not very familiar when they first moved here, but after a long time, they have a general understanding of the situation of the Zaomen family, and they also understand that Zaomen Kuizhi is a widow who lost her husband. lady.

And Su Mu is not the husband of the other party.

And since the two of them walked so close, there would naturally be no shortage of gossip.

Su Mu didn't care much about these gossips, it's fine if he didn't hear it, but if he heard it, it would inevitably make people feel embarrassed.

A few days ago, a neighbor in the neighborhood didn't know if it was because of his drunkenness, but asked him face to face how Mrs. Kuizhi's skills were, and whether she was very slutty.

On the spot, Su Mu beat the man half to death, probably still lying on the bed.

Therefore, few people dare to discuss him recently.

But what is certain is that there are absolutely many people who discuss him behind his back.

Su Mu didn't care about these, but he had to care about Zaomen Kuizhi's feelings when he heard this.

In the end, it was his own woman. Apart from bullying him as much as he wanted in certain aspects, he still felt very distressed in other aspects.

I was also worried that Zaomen Kuizhi would feel bad when she heard it.

Especially in this era, women still value these things very much.


Returning home full of thoughts, Tanjiro, Nezuko, Kuri Hanaro, and Kano woke up early to start routine training.

Recently, I saw Lihualuo. Kanai started to study, and Nezuko was not to be outdone, and also started training.


Seeing Su Mu enter the house, Tanjiro immediately stopped training.


Nezuko also yelled.

Lihualuo. Kanaihu didn't speak, but just looked at him quietly with a pair of pink and purple eyes.


Su Mu nodded, and at the same time pointed to the meal in his hand:

"Madam Kuizhi won't be able to get up in the morning, so I bought some food outside, wash my hands later, and come over to eat."

Hearing what Su Mu said, Tanjiro nodded and wanted to say something, but in the end he didn't speak, he seemed hesitant to speak.

As for Nezuko, she turned her head directly, as if she was a little angry.

Su Mu just glanced at it and didn't care about it. As the relationship with Zaomen Kuizhi became public in the future, there would be more mornings when Zaomen Kuizhi couldn't get out of bed, and he had to get used to it.

Could it be that he can bear it when he needs it?


Put the purchased food on the table in the living room, looked at the narrow living room, frowned slightly, when I moved to this city before, because of the money, the house I bought was just average, but it could accommodate the stove door One family lives, but as the number of people increases, it will definitely not work.

Especially for training, there are also certain requirements for the venue. Before, only Tanjiro trained alone, and the courtyard was quite spacious, but with the Butterfly sisters, Nezuko, and Kano coming to train together, the yard's venue is not good enough.

After all, breathing training involves a lot of exercise, and the venue is too small to perform it at all.

"I need to change to a bigger house when I find time, the yard needs to be bigger, and the surroundings are the best..."

Su Mu muttered, thinking, and walked towards Kuizhi's room with a piece of food.

When he got to the door, he didn't knock on the door, but just pushed open the door.

At this moment, Kui Zhi from Zaomen was still lying on the bed, following the movement of the door, she also opened her eyes, seeing that it was Lord Mu, she relaxed slightly.

Su Mu closed the door smoothly, put the food on the table of the bed, came to the side of the bed, and unpacked the food.

Zaomen Aoizhi struggles to get up


As soon as he left, he couldn't help but take a breath.

"I'll just feed you, don't move around."

Su Mu turned his head, looked at Kuizhi of Zaomen with pretty brows, and said jokingly.

Kuizhi looked up at the kitchen door, and saw Mu Jun's slightly teasing eyes at first glance, his face turned red, and he blamed:

"It's all your fault."

Su Mu smiled, did not refute, and began to pick up a spoon to fill a spoonful of porridge and handed it to Kuizhi's mouth.

The sunflower branch at the kitchen door swallowed it in small mouthfuls, looked up at Mujun's gentle movements, and all the little resentment in his heart dissipated.

I just feel that if Mujun can like it, it doesn't matter anything, besides, in fact, she also... likes it in her heart.

It's just that Mujun is sometimes too domineering, which makes her a little...

However, sometimes Mujun becomes gentle, which makes her very fond of it.


While feeding Zaomen sunflower branches for breakfast, Su Mu said indifferently, "When I went shopping today, I heard a lot of gossip."

"What did Mr. Mu hear?"

Kuizhi's slender hands hugged Mujun's waist tightly, swallowed the food that Mujun handed to his mouth from the spoon, and asked curiously

"It was some gossip about my wife."

Su Mu said softly.

Hearing this, Zaomen Kuizhi's ruddy face immediately turned pale, her little hands clenched the bedding tightly, her head was lowered, her white and tender teeth clenched her lips, perhaps because of too much Too much force, the lips were bitten, and the bright red blood flowed from the lips, making the bright red lips of Zaomen Kuizhi even more apparent.

"Mr. Mu... how do you think of me? Do you... also think that Kui Zhi is a... a... uncouth... slut... just like those people said."

When he said this, Kuizhi at the Zaomen raised his head, and looked at Mujun nervously, his little hands tightly clenched on the quilt turned white.

Obviously, at this moment, Zaomen Kuizhi felt unspeakable tension in his heart.

Although, no matter what Mu Jun said, she would never regret her choice, but deep down, she still looked forward to...

Su Mu stretched out his hand, and gently grasped the warm little hand of Kuizhi at the stove door.

Then, he touched his heart with his little hand: "My heart for Mrs. Kuizhi, can't Mrs. Kuizhi see it? If Mrs. Kuizhi doesn't believe it, you can throw away my heart and give it to Mrs. Kuizhi Let's see if there is Mrs. Kuizhi in this heart."

Kuizhi at Zaomen has never heard such words. For a woman who is stuck in the kitchen and is only busy with housework all day long, she has never seen much of the world. But it was not as direct as this sentence, which directly made her heart feel like it was on fire, burning that feeling into flames.

"Then Mu Jun told me what to do?"

Zaomen Kuizhi hugged Su Mu's waist tightly with both hands, and pressed her head tightly in his arms. At this moment, she only felt that there was indescribable happiness in her heart.

How could she not have heard the gossip about the 4.3 neighbors outside.

If it is said that there is not much thought in the heart, how is it possible? Sometimes, the heart is extremely depressed.

"I'm just worried that these gossips will affect Mrs. Kuizhi."

Su Mu stretched out his hand and raised the white chin of Kuizhi from the kitchen door, revealing his delicate face in front of him, stretched out his hand, and gently brushed away the soft black hair scattered on his forehead:

"I'm afraid of my wife, I feel bad."

Zaomen Kuizhi felt warm in his heart, at this moment of intuition, he was willing to do something for Mu Jun, no matter what it was, even if it was to let her die right now, he would not hesitate at all.

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