"I'm not afraid of that."

Zaomen Kuizhi said softly: "I don't care about these gossips, I only care about what Mu Jun thinks of me."

"I am willing to do anything for Lord Mu."

"I am also willing to dedicate everything to Lord Mu."

"As long as Lord Mu likes it."


"It will be all right.".

Chapter 120: Twelve Ghost Moon Appears, 'Water Pillar' Is Coming

In the yard

Butterfly Kanae and Butterfly Shinobi continued to train seriously, and Su Mu would give guidance from time to time.

Qian: Xun'. First: Send "Small::Say'' Resource,, Source! Middle:'Turn". It's just that Su Mu discovered a very strange phenomenon today. Whenever he gets close to Butterfly Chana Hui, the other party It seems a little too tense.

At first Su Mu thought it was his own illusion, but after a few times, he realized that it was not, as if the other party was a little too vigilant about him.

This made Su Mu wonder why.

"There's something wrong with the way you hold the sword."

Su Mu walked up to Butterfly Chanahui again, stretched out his hand, and was about to guide the opponent's shortcomings.

It's just that he just made a move, and took a quick step back as if he was getting an electric shock.

It seemed that she also felt that her actions were a little too extreme, and Butterfly Chanel couldn't help lowering her head slightly.

Seeing this scene, Su Mu also looked thoughtful.

"Well, let me rehearse for you the movement of holding the sword just now."

Su Mu also picked up a sword.


Su Mu holds the sword, his hands are steady: "When holding the sword, the hand holding the sword must be strong, and there must be no slack..."

Su Mu demonstrated in person while explaining.

This time, Su Mu didn't personally guide Chana Hui for Butterfly.


"Sister, did you make a mistake at 16, sir, you shouldn't be that kind of person."

After training at noon, Butterfly Kanae whispered to her sister in her ear.

Die Die Ren was also a little puzzled at the moment, and also felt that he had misunderstood Mr.

"Let's wait and see. If Mr. is really that kind of person, with my sister being so beautiful, I'm sure I can't help it."

"Speak nonsense."

Butterfly Kanae tapped her sister's head angrily.


Unknowingly came again

Su Mu took the Sun Wheel Knife and walked out of the room.

After walking a few steps, Su Mu stopped, raised his head, and looked at a dark shadow somewhere.

Following his gaze, a young man wearing a standard Ghost Killing Squad uniform quickly walked out of the dark shadows.

"I've seen adults."

Seeing Su Mu's eyes looking over, he immediately kneeled on one knee and spoke respectfully.

"what's the matter?"

Su Mu looked up and looked at the other party.

"Master 'Pillar' is waiting for you."

The young swordsman spoke respectfully.

"Lead the way."

Su Mu nodded casually.

"Yes, my lord."

The young swordsman then raised his head and glanced at Su Mu, but his eyes were somewhat curious.

'Class A' swordsman, the Ghost Killing Team is definitely a high-level person, basically the person with the highest position except for 'Pillar'.

He had heard that the 'Master' had appointed a new 'Class A' swordsman, and wondered if it would be this person in front of him.

But regardless of whether it was true or not, the young swordsman felt that this person should be a capable person, not because he had seen Su Mu's strength, but because of his trust in the 'master'.

In the Ghost Killing Squad, the strength of the 'Master' is definitely not the strongest, but the prestige is the highest. Almost every swordsman in the Ghost Killing Team admires the 'Master' from the bottom of their hearts. The young The swordsman is naturally the same.

Led by the young swordsman, the two soon came to a dilapidated courtyard.


Su Mu pushed open the door.

At night, it was already dark, and because there were no lights on, the whole room looked even darker.


There was a strike of flint, and a candle was lit, and the flickering light slightly dispelled the darkness of some of the rooms.

Also revealed the tall figure of 'Rock Pillar' and 'Sorrowful Islet Xingming'.

The flickering lights reflected on the face of 'Sorrowful Island Xingming' with his eyes closed.


Su Mu nodded, and at the same time walked over on his own, and continued with dissatisfaction; "If there is anything, just go to the place where I live to find me, and bring me here so mysteriously, but what's the matter?" ?"

'Sorrowful Islet Xingming' didn't speak, but instead looked him up and down with pale eyes.

"what happened?"

The movement of 'Sorrowful Islet Xingming' made Su Mu feel very uncomfortable, and his brows furrowed unconsciously.

"Recently, there have been Twelve Ghost Moons, and the winding ghosts have been haunting them."

'Sorrowful Islet Xingming' looked at Su Mu for a long time before saying it in a muffled voice.

"It's just a ghost, if you come and go, it will come and go..."

Su Mu said something casually, but immediately realized that something was wrong, staring at 'Sorrowful Island Xingming', his face was a little ugly: "Are you doubting me?"

'Sorrowful Island Xingming' shook his head: "No, it's just a necessary vigilance."

"Personally, I am willing to believe in Lord Mu, but not long after my lord met with Lord Mu, the evil ghosts of the upper string in the twelve ghost months began to appear, and it seems that they are also coming to this city, which makes us suspicious. "

'Sorrowful Island Xingming' did not hide anything, and reported the information recently obtained by the ghost killing team.

Recently, the Twelve Ghost Moons, the online team, the ghost of the pot. The jade pot is suspected to be approaching the city we live in now, and, these days, two teams of the ghost killing team have been killed by it.

Hearing this, Su Mu looked a little better.

After all, not long after he met the 'Dangzhu', there were twelve ghost moons approaching here, it was hard not to make people feel puzzled.

If it were him, I'm afraid he would also whisper in his heart.

Moreover, just like the Ghost Killing Team wanted to kill Onimai Tsuji.

Guiwu Tsuji Wumi was also very tired of the ghost killing team, the unkillable bug.

It's just because the organization of the Ghost Killing Squad is too tenacious, and the swordsmen are scattered all over the place, unlike ordinary organizations that have fixed bases, it is difficult to kill all of them in one fell swoop, otherwise, how could the Ghost Slaying Squad be allowed to survive to this day.

If Onimai Tsuji knew the position of the 'master' of the ghost killing team, he would definitely not mind sending the twelve ghost moon generals to kill the 'master'.

As long as the "master" who is in charge of the ghost killing team is killed, the remaining swordsmen of the ghost killing team will be like limbs that have lost their minds, and it won't be long before they jump around.


It is normal for 'Rock Pillar' and 'Sorrowful Island Xingming' to have such doubts.

But Su Mu still felt uncomfortable.

He thought that his contact with 'Sorrowful Island Xingming' these days was not bad, but he was still suspected like this...

"My lord's safety is very important, 'Xing Ming' has to be treated with caution, and I will forgive you to Lord Mu."

'Sorrowful Island Xingming' said again in a low voice.

"I see."

Su Mu nodded, although he was still a little uncomfortable, but since the 'Sorrowful Islet Xingming' has already been discussed, he will not be too entangled in this aspect.

At the same time, I once again lamented the position of the 'master' Yoyashiki Ubuyashiki in the ghost killing team. If he didn't care about the safety of the 'master' very much and put his safety first, 'Sorrowful Island Xingming' probably wouldn't Doubt yourself so much.

"Master, looking for me so late, I'm afraid you didn't just tell 140 me these things?"

Su Mu spoke again.

"Of course, it's not all about that."

'Sorrowful Islet Xingming' also shook his head:

"In addition to confirming that Lord Mu has no connection with the evil spirits, it is also the jade pot that invites Lord Mu to kill the Twelve Ghost Moon. The Wu on the Line. The Ghost of the Pot."

"Just the two of us?"

Su Mu frowned.

The last quarter of the twelve ghost months, 'Sorrowful Islet Xingming' may be able to deal with it easily.

But the evil ghost of 'First Quarter Moon', even 'Sorrowful Island Xingming', I'm afraid it's not so easy to deal with.

Although they are both in the month of twelve ghosts, the evil spirits of "upper string" and "lower string" are not the same concept at all.

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