Each 'Pillar' can kill the 'Last Quarter Moon' of the Twelve Ghost Moons, but for the 'First Quarter Moon' of the Twelve Ghost Moons, even for the low 'Last Quarter Moon' ghosts, at least three are needed 'column' to deal with.

"Of course not."

'Sorrowful Island Xingming' shook his head:

"In addition to several 'Class A' swordsmen like Mu Jun, Mr. Lin Taki, the 'Water Pillar', will also be coming."

"If it weren't for time constraints, the other 'pillars' would have their own important matters, and it is estimated that a few more 'pillars' will be contacted."

'Sorrowful Island Xingming' said seriously:

"Evil ghosts are not easy to deal with, especially the 'winding' evil ghosts in the Twelve Ghost Months. No matter how cautious you are, you can't be too cautious."

It was also the first time that Su Mu saw the cautious attitude of the ghost killing team in dealing with evil spirits.



PS: Thanks to the readers for the monthly pass presented by the "Official Certification-Esdes Husband" "Battle Robe", thank you for your support.

Chapter 120 Three: Purgatory Xingshoulang,

While Su Mu and 'Sorrowful Island Xingming' were talking in the room, there was a slight sound from outside.

"It should be other 'Class A' swordsmen coming over."

'Sorrowful Islet Xingming' heard the movement and couldn't help but said:

"Let's go out, just to meet and get to know each other. If we hunt down evil spirits in the future, Lord Mu may cooperate with these few."

Su Mu nodded, and followed 'Sorrowful Island Xingming' and walked out.

A total of four 'Class A' Demon Slayer Swordsmen appeared outside the door.

A 'Grade A' swordsman's face looked a little old, and the skin on his body was also wrinkled. Obviously, he was an old man.

Two of the 'Class A' swordsmen are middle-aged, one tall and thin, the other short and fat, with very personal characteristics.

The remaining one is like Su Mu, also a young man.

The most noticeable thing about this young man is the other party's golden hair, even in the dark night, it is very obvious, especially the bright red at the end of the hair that seems to be on fire.

"Is that you, recently appointed as a 'Class A' swordsman by the 'Lord' personally?"

The young man looked at him with a blunt tone, but even so, he would not be disgusting, but felt that this person was extremely cheerful.

"'Class A' swordsman Purgatory Xing Shoulang, I have met Your Excellency, but have you asked for your name?"

After the young man finished speaking, he asked unceremoniously and looked at him with burning eyes.

There was a cheerful smile on his face, and his dark eyebrows seemed to be divided like a knife blade.

give a person a very sunny

Very passionate feeling.

Su Mu also looked at the young man in front of him in surprise. Obviously, he did not expect to meet him.

What's more, he didn't expect that the other party hadn't become a 'pillar' yet.

But thinking about it carefully, it doesn't seem strange.

It is impossible for Su Mu to be unfamiliar with this person. After all, the other party is too famous in the anime "Demon Slayer: Blade", and his popularity is no less than that of the protagonist Tanjiro.

"Su Mu, I have seen Purgatory Xing Shou Lang."

Su Mu raised his head and spoke as well.


Purgatory Xingshourou also showed a hearty smile, and walked forward along the way, putting his arms around his shoulders:

"Did you bring anything to eat? I'm a little hungry."

Feeling that Purgatory Xingshoulang was embracing his arm so familiarly, Su Mu was somewhat uncomfortable.


He shook his head. When he came out, he didn't bring any food.

"However, I brought a jug of wine, would Xing Shoulang have a drink?"

He took the flagon he carried with him from his pocket.

Seeing the wine, Lian Ji Xing Shou Lang's distinctive eyebrows frowned all of a sudden, and his happy smile froze a bit.

"Sorry, I don't drink."

Purgatory Xingshoulang shook his head, and suddenly thought of his father. Since his mother passed away, his father has been drinking to relieve his sorrows all day long. He has completely lost his fighting spirit in the past, and he is not optimistic about him and his younger brother. Shou Lang was very unconvinced, and wanted to prove himself to his father even more.

Because of his father's state of being drunk all day, he has a natural aversion to alcohol.

"That's a pity."

Su Mu shook his head:

"This wine is a good thing. Men should drink the strongest wine, and women should sleep the most beautifully."

After speaking, he took a sip by himself.

Seeing Su Mu drinking, Purgatory Xing Shoulang frowned unconsciously, opened his mouth, and finally said dullly: "Alcohol is not a good thing."

Su Mu shook his head, and passed the jug over: "If you don't try it, how do you know that this wine is not a good thing?"

Facing the wine that Su Mu handed over, Purgatory Xing Shoulang shook his head and refused: "Sorry, Mu-jun, I don't drink at all."

"That's really boring."

Su Mu smiled.

Purgatory Xingshoulang raised his eyebrows, but hesitated to speak.

"In Xiagao Village and Xia, I met Lord Mu."

"It's Shinya Hashimoto, I've met Mu-kun."

"In Shitahara Chuantao, I met Lord Mu."

At this time, the other three also came to introduce themselves, 'Gaocunhexia' is the older, older-looking first-class swordsman.

'Hashimoto Maya' and 'Tawara Chuanmo' are two middle-aged 'Class A' swordsmen, tall and thin and short and fat respectively.

After meeting each other, there was no one who dissatisfied or even came to provoke him because he was appointed as a "Class A" swordsman by the "master" Ubuyashiki Yoya.

They are very kind to each other.

This surprised Su Mu slightly.

He originally thought that someone on the other side would be dissatisfied seeing him becoming a 'Class A' swordsman and come to trouble him.

It now appears that such a thing did not happen.

However, he probably figured it out soon, and then, in the process of dealing with the evil spirits, everyone will be companions.

Companions with a good relationship can even hand over their backs to each other with confidence.

Even if the companions are not friendly to each other, they are absolutely unwilling to have enmity with each other. After all, in the process of hunting ghosts, not only evil spirits but also companions must be considered. This is obviously not what a swordsman would like to see.

Of course, it is unavoidable that these 'Class A' swordsmen trust the 'Master'.

After meeting each other, talking a few words, and getting acquainted for a while, a figure ran towards the eaves in the distance, and soon, the figure landed on the eaves closest to them.

The visitor is wearing a tengu mask, clothes decorated with blue wavy cloud patterns, and a sun wheel knife hanging from his waist.

The breeze blew, blowing the other party's white hair.

The silver moon hangs in the sky, and the visitor also falls from the sky, and the feathers on his body dance as he falls.

Landing on the ground, he also nodded slightly to the crowd.

".The last time Lintaki left, I have seen you all."

Under the Tengu mask, came a very gentle voice.

"South Amitabha."

'Sorrowful Islet Xingming' clasped his hands together: "'Xingming' hasn't seen 'Lintaki' for a long time, the last time we met was at the 'Zhuhe' meeting."


The last time Rinaki Zuo was also slightly emotional:

"Now that I'm old, 'Xing Ming' is at its peak, 'Xing Ming', the burden on your shoulders is heavy!"

"'Lin Taki' is not old. I heard that 'Lin Taki' has taught two extremely outstanding disciples (of Dema) recently."

Hearing the mention of two disciples by 'Sorrowful Islet Xingming', Zuo Zuo subconsciously raised his head slightly for the first time: "They are two incompetent disciples, one day, I will bring 'Xingming' to meet, so I can treat them guide."

When talking about the two disciples, Lin Taki Zuo Jinci had obvious pride on his face.

'Lintaki Zuo Jinci' and 'Beiming Yu Xingming' briefly chatted a few words, then 'Beiming Yu Xingming' turned sideways and said simply: "These 'Class A' swordsmen will cooperate with the two of us to fight Slaying the Twelve Ghost Moons. The five on the line. The ghost of the pot. The jade pot."

"Next, Gaocun and Xia, have met Master 'Shuizhu'."

"I met Miya Hashimoto, Momo Tahara, and Kyojuro Purgatory, and I met Lord 'Water Column'."

"Under Su Mu, I met Mr. Lintaki."

Except for Su Mu, the four of them bowed slightly with respectful expressions.

Su Mu was still very calm.

Rinaki Zuo nodded slightly to everyone recently:

"This trip, I have to trouble everyone."

Chapter 120 Four: In the Dark Night, Fierce Battle Begins

dark night

A figure is moving forward in the woods. It was still in place one second, and appeared in another place the next second.

The speed is so fast that it is shocking.

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